Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Well, What Did You Unlearn Today?" LETTERSL to the EDITOR em IN DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN n Opinilons Are Free, -utb Will Prevall" 'Absurd Cartoon litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. RSDAY, APRIL 12, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK HALLORAN Civil Rights Program Positive Step Forward 'HE EISENHOWER ADMINISTRATION has at last recognized its responsibility in the vil rights area. Attorney General Herbert. ownell presented to Congress a program iich would at the very least lend consider- le support to the country's claims that it is ncerely interested in civil rights on an indi- lual basis. The Administration program >uld put teeth into Constitutional amend- ents which presently receive little more than service from the elected representatives of' 'e United States, professed leader in demo- ,atic government. The most important recommendations made r Mr. Brownell deal with increased judicial wers and remedies. in cases where a citi- n's rights have been denied. Complaints of nial of rights could be registered in a Fed- al court before all local or state remedies e exhausted. This would prevent the pre- lent stalling on the part of state authori- s who are desirous of preventing litigation favor of the aggrieved individlual. PEEDIER ACTION would also be made pos- sible under the recommendation for allow- g the Department of Justice to go into court r Federal injunctions against defendants in ses of deprived rights. As Mr. Brownell says, . . Civil proceedings to forestall denials of e right way may often be far more Ieffective the long run than harsh criminal proceed- gs to punish after the event." It matters. tle to the Negro in Mississippi that the per- ,n who has denied him the right to vote is* verely chided five years later. What he is terested in is the assurance that his vote n't be taken away in the first place., Other recommendations would allow Federal osecution of private persons as well as state id .local officials for denying votes in Fed- al election, permit the Department of Jus- e to initiate civil suits in such cases as Ku ux Klan "scare rides" and establish a full- time civil rights division within the Department of Justice, headed by an assistant attorney general. 1 Mr. Brownell also submitted detailed recom- mendations for a bipartisan administrative-in- vestigative committee in addition to the ad- vised judicial improvements. The committee, composed of three members of each party, would have authority to conduct public hear- ings, investigate governmental civil rights pro- cesses, supoena witnesses, require official testi- mony and request information on civil rights from any branch of the Executive. THE NECESSITY for a bipartisan, represen- tative committee was stressed by the At- torney General. "Civil rights are of primary concern to all our people. To this end the commission's membership may be truly bipar- tisan and -geographically representative." The cooperative approach to the civil rights'issue is emphasized over the hypocritical Northern brick-wall approach. The activities of a bi- partisan, representative group would provoke less criticism that the government is attempt- ing to legislate change in social custom with no knowledge of the South's problems. The% Administration's plan is sorely needed during the present rash sof civil rights contro- versy and ill-feeling. It is no panacea. Its announcement comes at a politically oppor-, tune time for the Republican Party. But this should not cause Congress to miss the forest for the trees. The program has in its favor the fact that it is something absolute to re- place nothing .concrete. It also presents for the first time since the Civil War a potentially successful program for restoring long-deprived rights granted to individuals 100 years ago. Whether or not the proposal is being pre- sented by "leap-year liberals" as Senator Hum- phrey claims, the point is that it represents a step toward restoring rights practically to those who long ago won them Constitutionally. -DICK SNYDER WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Kefauver on Running-Mate By DREW PEARSON , To the Editor: T HE ABSURDITY of the politi- cal cartoons reprinted in the Daily was pointed out again Tues- day. Just below a cartoon saying that Eisenhower is doing nothing on civil rights, we read the headilne "Do Little Congress Predicted." And on page one you run a feature article on Ike's request for a fed- eral civil rights commission. The article points out that he first asked for the commission more than three months ago, but whe- ther the (Democratic controlled) Cpngress will do anything about the request remains in question. -Charles VanArman,'56 BAd. More on Middle East.. To The Editor: AER NINE YEARS of con- tinuous conflict, the United Nations reached an ultimate de- cision . . . to send forces to the. boiling Mid-East to assist the na- tion subjected to an aggression They have decided to decrease the boiling state by adding more heat. Let us keep our fingers crossed. One might ask what are the motivations behind such a strong issue? One of the many would be to. restore peace to the Holy Lands and to prevent further vio- lations of the UN sponsored ar- mistice. A second motive could be safely formulated with the aid of a pene- trating look on the background of the present situation. Some might arrive at this conclusion because of England's loose grip on the Mid-East on which her materialis- tic civilization, and that of her neighbors, the Western European countries, rests. Since she is los- ing her grip, her position has been in grave danger, and she demand- ed drastic action for what she created by the UN before it gets much too late. This drastic action might put America in the same wagon with Britain. This will pave the way for the Russian intervention to function more iffectively and re- sistantly, which would simultane- ously lead to a larger scale war. And what would America gain out of it? Exactly what she gained in Korea. Add to this that they will blow up in their own hands the bridge to the Far East. -Waleed Karachy, '59 Grateful to Noehren ... To the Editor: RECENTLY ANOTHER delight- fully refreshing series of con- certs played on the Hill Auditor- iun organ by Mr. Robert Noehren, the University's outstanding or- ganist,. came to an end. The organ, which has just undergone an extensive modernization pro- gram directed by Mr. Noehren, is now even more adaptable to the melodies of Johann Sebastian Bach. Happily, Mr. Noehren once again chose to devote the entire series exclusively to the wonderful works of this talented composer. It is with eager anticipation that we await the day when our versa- tile organist will once again take his accustomed place to begin yet another series. Who can doubt that another hallowed Michigan tradi- tion is evolving? We are copfident that should we, as aging alumni, return to Ann Arbor anytime in the years to come, we will need sonly to open the doors of Hill Auditorium to thrill once again to the sensitive interpretations by our University organist of the works of this ever popular composer. May we say, in concluding, that we are grateful that Mr. Noehren has chosen contaminate the atmosphere of Hill Auditorium with the meager efforts of lesser composers. --Bob Bacon --Tom Travis TODAY AND TOMORROW: WHILE NOTHING, gotten better, it i er what is the funds policy which will :haA don and Washington. and how they will re Soviet Union is now in the international a This question1 is as is the. somewhat sin East, that of the re Both in China and question is how policy the hard and unpleas ly great power is now traditionally a friend is this unansweredq root of thehesitatio: London and in Wasb The reason that thl decisions being taken volves the question o will do about it. We lomatic contact with the Middle East. We able to do without he her. LAST WEEK thet important moves of them was to go toi Security Council instr work on the improver mistice. This move of the Soviet Union its veto, and in thei obtained. Almost si under pressure from Mr. Loy Henderson,E to the coming meetin Baghdad Pact. Thi Edito DAVE BAAD MURRY FRYMER Editorial Director DEBRA DURCHSLAG ... DAVID KAPLAN ........ JANE HOWARD - .... LOUISE TYOR....... PHIL DOUGLIS....... ALAN EISENBERG ...... JACK HORWITZ. MARY HELLTHALER . ELAINE EDMONDS ..... TOHN HIRTZEL....... Busin DICK ALSTROM ........ Maddle Eastern Dilemma, By WALTER LIPPMANN in the Middle East has blessed but not joined, does not recognize the is, I think, becoming clear- Soviet presence in the Middle East. It is in amental question of high fact designed to exclude the Soviet Union's e to be answered in Lon- participation in the affairs of the Middle East. The question is whether Here then we have two different lines of cognize the fact that the policy being followed at the same time. One present as a great power aims to induce the- Soviet Union to concur in affairs of the Middle East. the maintenance of peace and eventually in s. painful and difficult as the arrangement of a settlement. This, one iilar question in the Far may say, is the line that the Eisenhower ad- ecognition; of Red China, ministration would like to. follow. The other in the Middle East the line, that of the Baghdad Pact and also of y is to come to terms with the 1950 Tripartite Declaration about Palestine, ant fact that an unfriend- would not recognize the Soviet Union in deal- present in what has been ing with the Palestine conflicts or with the ly sphere of influence. It strategic and economic problems of the Middle question which is at the East. ns and the differences in We have to ask ourselves how long we can, hington. continue on these two incompatible lines of ere are no clear and firm policy. There exists today a Moscow-Cairp is that every decision in- axis which rests on. the fact that both the f what the Soviet Union Soviet Union and Egypthave a common inter- are not genuinely in dip- est. They both wish to overturn the policy the Soviet Union about of the. Baghdad Pact and of the Tripartite do not know what we are Declaration--the policy of excluding the Sovi- er, in spite of her-, or with et Union and of claiming for the West the ulti- mate responsibility for the whole area.' Can we expect to succeed both in the U.N. United States made two and at Baghdad? Can we have collaboration in the Middle East. One at the U.N. and non-recognition and exclusion the U.N. and ask that the outside the U.N.? Is it not evident that the ruct Mr. Hammarskjold to attempt to follow both. lines simultaneously ment of the Palestine ar- must lead to the frustrations we are experi- required the concurrence encing and to the equivocations and indeci- , which could have used sions which everyone is complaining about? end the concurrence )was muitaneously Washington, IT IS, OF COURSE, easier to see the dilemma London, decided to send of our incompatible policies than it is to a high diplomatic officer, see how the dilemma can be resOlved. For we ng of the members of the do not know whether the Soviet Union would, is pact, which we have if invited, be willing to collaborate. At the U.N. meeting in New York last week Mr. Sobolev, the Soviet representative, drew a sharp line between stabilizing the Arab-Israeli armistice and attempting to make a settle- ment. Presumably then, Moscow does not now want war but neither does it want peace. The ~rial Staff present situation, with its fierce passions and , Managing Editor its 'high tensions, seems to suit Moscow. Why? JIM DYGERT Presumably again, because it is an anti-Israel City Editor coalition that the Arab states are the most ..............Magazine Editor united and at the same time the most depend ........... Feature Editor ent upon the Soviet Union. ...........Assciate Editor Egypt, which is the prime mover among the ............ . AssociateEditorArabs, depends upon the Soviet Union for some- ...... Sports Editor thing more than arms. It depends on the ..... Associate Sports Editor. h U N d Associate Sports Editor Soviet Union for its veto in the U.N. and above *. Associate Sports Editor all for its capacity to interpose military power .............. Women's Editor if Britain and the United States were to re- .Chief Photographer sort to force to maintain the status quo. Col. Nasser, one might say, depends on Moscow to uess Staff keep the green light burning for his advances. S.Business ManagerThe Soviet Union is acting as a protector of . Bn Egypt and of Saudi-Arabia in their campaign HIS WEEK in New Jersey, the Vice-Presidential shoe was on the other foot for Estes Kefauv- er. Hitherto he has been asked whether he would run for Vice President: But at a press con- ference in Trenton, with Governor Meyner of New Jersey standing somewhat embarrassed beside him, Kefauver was quizzed: "Will you take Governor Mey- ner as your Vice-Presidential run- ning-mate, Senator?" "He's a fine man," parried Ke- fauver, "and I certainly would take him. But we have a lot of fine leaders in the party, and I think the final choice should be left to the convention." Just six months ago, mutual friends of Kefauver and Stevenson sounded Adlai, out as to whether he would take Kefauver as his running-mate. Stevenson said that he would make no commitment, that there were many fine Demo- crats who would make good Vice- Presidents, that the matter must be left to the Chicago, convention. He added that if Kefauver ran against him in the primaries and made him go to the expense and trouble of stumping the different states, then he would never take Kefauver for Vice-President. * * * REASON FOR Prime Minister Eden's personal query to President Eisenhower wanting to know ex- actly how far the United States would go in blocking war in the Near East is the tremendous build- up of Egyptian-Arab forces along the Israeli border. Both U.S. and British Intelli- gence have warned their govern- ments that on the basis of this troop concentration, war is likely to explode almost any minute. They even warned; some 60 days ago, that the war deadline was likely to be in April. Here are the details of the Egyp- tian-Arab buildup: 1. Egyptian armed forces be- gan massing in January in the Si- nai, south of Israeli's Negev bor- der. 2. By the end of March, nearly three divisions, fully equipped, were along the border. Stockpil- ing of munitions started before this to make these divisions inde- pendent of Egyptian bases in the Suez. 3. The armored units include Sherman tanks, Russian tanks, British centurian tanks and Rus- sian artillery. 4. Russian artillery has been installed along the Gaza strip. 5. Egyptian and Saudi Arabian forces have now been almost com- pletely unified. The new British jets which Egypt "sold" to Saudi Arabia will be flown by Egyptian pilots. 6. A pincers movement from Egypt on one side and Saudi Ara- bia on the other would catch, Is- rael in between. King Saud re- cently stated that Saudi Arabia, Syria and Egypt had worked out plans to rescue "bleeding Pales- tine." *. * * TODAY BEING the anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt's death, it's. interesting to note the attitude of current Washington officials re- garding adprized memento of the late President which was offered by his son James to the Navy fore the Midshipmen at Annapolis- namely, FD's old sailing sloop. However, Secretary of the Navy Charles Thomas ruled that he didn't want FDR's sloop at the Naval Academy or anywhere else. The sloop was then offered to the Smithsonian Institution. A sign at the entrance of the Smith- sonian reads: "The historical col- lections of the Smithsonian illus- trate the lives and times of Ameri- can historical personages and the material circumstances of the periods during which they lived. However, the Smithsonian turn- ed FDR's sloop down-for reasons of space. * * * FOLLOWING THIS, I happened to be at the Smithsonian, actually not to check on its space, but be- cause my grandsons wanted to see. all its relics." Among the assortment of tro- phies I noted: Eight Eskimo kay- aks, about the same size as the Roosevelt sloop; fourteen dugout canoes; a lengthy model of the SS Mauretania, which is British; of the SS Statendam, which is Dutch; of the SS Empress of Russia, which is Canadian. But the payoff was a model of the SS Pilsudski of the Polish Gdynia-American line, now Com- munist. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) New Books at Library Shaw, Wilbur-Gentlemen, Start Your Engines. New York, Coward- McCann, 1955. Mauriac, Francois-The Lamb; N.Y., Farrar, Strauss, 1956. Merson, Martin - The Private Diary of a Public Servant; N.Y., Macmillan, 1955. Nalasz, Nicholas-Captain Drey- fus; N.Y., Simon & Schuster, 1955. Newell, H. M.-The Hardhats; Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1956. Cary, Joyce-A House of Child- ren; N.Y., Harper & Bros., 1956. Cronin, Vincent--The Wise Man from the West; N.Y., E. P. Dutton, 1956. Kirst, Hans Hellmut-The Re- volt of Gunner Asch; Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1956. THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication:Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 43 General Notices Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from April 9 through April 20, for new appli cations, and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to enroll or change their coverage to in clude surgical and medical services should make such changes in the Per- sonnel Office, Room 3012 Administration Building. New applications and changes will be effective June 5, with the first payroll deduction on May 31. After April 20, no new appcations or changes can be accepted until Oct. 1956. The persons listed below will please pick up their May Festival Usher tickets at the Hill Auditorium box offce(n Thurs., April 12 between 5, and 6 pm.: Judith Anderson, Janice Anspach, Charles van Atta, Jerry Awais, Anne Becker, Astrid Beigel, Caroline erlo- witz, Joseph Berman, Priscilla Bckford, Lois Anne Blum, Caroline Bradshaw, Mary Jane Briggs, Alfred Brothers, Bar- bara Brothers, Louis J. Brown, Elaine Burr, Alice Burton; Betty virginia Carlson, Cynthia Con- way, Charles H. Croninger, Ronald De Bouver, Ruth Dickstein, Caroline Die- terle, Erma Donner Sonya Doglas, Joan Dudd, Miriam Dufresne, Arline Dryfuss; James Edmonds, Mary Elmore, Ilona Engle, Irving N. Ennis, Joseph Faris, June Feenstra, Dr. L. Feenstra, Evalyn Fink, W.n Flenniken, Shirley. Forrest, Emerson Foster, Morton Fox, Stephen Fox; Eleanor Ganger, Zina Gefter, Kathy Gemuenden, Anna Gonda, Roger Halley, Lewis Hamburger, Harold F. Heatwole, Richard J. Heiman, Llewellya WIlls, Teresa Holtrop, Agnes Ius, Lee Irish; Carl D. Johnson, Nina Katz, Eugenia Kivok, Alice Kretzschmar, Kirke Lewis, Tamara Lewis, Kathy Lindsay, Wesley E. Loos, Kathryn c. Lucas, Roger Lutt- man; Sherwin Malkin, Arthur C. Marken. dorf, Barbara Marriott, Ruth Martin, Winnie Martin, Fred McCluskey, J. D. McFayden, Keith A. More, Mary E. Moreland, Jeanne Nagle, Brewster R. Peabody, William Price, Mrs. Willami Price; Patricia J. Ray, Betty Jo Richter, Donald- Ridley, Dr. A. v..Rodriguez,. Anna Rodriguez, Fred Sansome, Arthur Schwartz, Elaine Schwartz, Leonard Scott, Donald Seitz, Dorothy Sodrgen, Roy Steinberg, Francis Steinon, Thomas R. Stengle, Priscilla Stockwell, Karen Stokstad, Marilyn Stokstad;. Mila Underhill, John C. an der Vede, Marilyn Van der Velde, Fred Von sach, Hans Wagner, Donald West, Marlies West, Arthur C. Wolfe, Shirley P. Wolfe, Eugene Baitzeff, Norman Zilber, Ronal4 Zollar. May Festival Tickets for single eon- certs, are gn sale at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton .Memorial Tower at $3.50, $3,00, $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 each. Fresh Air Camp Tag Days are April 12 and 13. Will University personnel please make their contributions in the buckets. There will be no mail solicita- tion this year except for a few major donors. The following student sponsored social events are' approved for the 'miming weekend, Social chairmen are. reminded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not iater than 12:00 noon on the Tuesday prior to the event. April 13: Alpha Delta P, Collegiate Sorosis, Couzens Hall, Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Theta Phi, Martha Cook, Mosher, Phi Delta Phi. April 14: Allen RunIsey,. Alpha 'Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Chi Phi, Cooley House, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Hawaii Club, Kelsey House, "M" Club, Michigan House, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Kappa, Reev esHouse, Scott House, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sig- ma Chi and Beta Theta Pi, Tau Delta Phi, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Trigon, van Tyne, Wenley House. April 15: Phi Delta Phi. Lectures Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute. Wilson P. Tanner, Jr., of the Engineering Research Institute, will speak on "The Human Use of Information," Thurs., April. 12, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Conference Room, Child- ren's Psychiatric Hospital. Political -Science Round Tablf will meet at 8:00 p.m., Thursday,- April 12, In the Rackham Assembly Hall. Prof. Kenneth Wheare., All Soul's College,, Oxford University, England, will speak on "The Decline of the Legislature." All interested persons invited. University Lecture in Psychology. "Ex- perimentally Induced Paralysis and Theories of Behavior." Prof. Richard. L. Solomon, Harvard University. Fri., April 13, 4:15 p.m., Angel, Aud. B. Academic Notices Medical College Admission Test. Ap- plication blanks for the May 5 adminis- tration of the Medical College Admis- sion Test are now available at 122 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than April 21, 1956. If you expect to enter medical school in the fall of 1957, you are urged to take the test on May 5, 1956. Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business: Candidates taking the Ad- mission Test for Graduate Study in Business on April 14 are requested to a i I r 4 IC J .4 3.. I TALK WITH SEN. POTTER: State GOP Will Run Ford or Cobo for Governor. By JIM ELSMAN Daily Staff Writer W ASHINGTON, D.C. strutted some scenic cherry blossoms and 70 degree-plus temperatures for the thousands that walked her humid tourist route last week. But those sight-seers hoping to watch the Congress hammer out the farm bill or other legislation were disappointed. Both Houses were taking their own Easter va- cation. Some, like this state's Demo- cratic Senator Patrick V. McNa- mara, were jumping the Novem- ber deadline by mending or build- ing partisan fences back home. Others, like Representative George Meader of Ann Arbor just "weren't around." would respond to a draft move- ment and said that he was "able enough and enough of a vote-get- ter to beat Governor Williams." . * * THE REPUBLICANS' Sunday- punch in Michigan this Novem- ber, according to the Senator, will be an attack on the integrity of the Democrat-run State adminis- tration. "Governor Williams' Secretary of State, James Hare, and his At- torney General, Thomas Kava- naugh, haven't given credence to good public service: the institu- tion of a 10% kick-back for em- ployes of the Secretary of State's office is one case; the other is that Atty. Gen. Kavanaugh, a weak man, has had his own ticket fixed on five or six traffic viola- tions." Corrupt Practices Act," warned the Senator. "Peace and Prosperity," thought Potter, will be two potent claims for the GOP in the presidential contest, but he conceeded that both were subject to bad fortune and thus to the detriment of the Republicans. The Senator thinks the farm issue will receive attention in this state as well as in the corn belt. "Most farmers that have contact- ed me thus far favor flexible price supports," he reported. * * * WHEN TOLD that many on this campus were concerned about the shortcomings and short-sighted- ness of our foreign policy, Sen. Potter sympathized, acknowledged the desirability of long-range for- eign aid, but added that there -Daily-John Hirtzel SEN. CHARTES E POTTER