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April 10, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-10

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Postal Increase;
Luxuries or Necessities?
See Page 4

Latest headline in the State

:43 a t149.




Commitee cuts
Capital Outlays'
$500,000 Mental Health Building
Deleted; Bill Goes To Conference
The University's capital outlay appropriations, already far be-
low estimated needs, were tentatively deleted Thursday by more
than $650,000 by the House Ways and Means Committee.
Refusing to approve the Senate Finance Committee bill, the
house group chopped off the $500,000 appropriation for a mental
health research center and $180,000 in planning money for a School
of Music.
Conference Committee To Get Bill

The bill now moves to a
Six Colleges
In Censures
special'To The Daily
ST. LOUIS-Six colleges a
universities have been added
the censure list by the Americ
Association of University Profe
Meeting over the weekend, t
AAUP censured the administr
tibns of six schools for dismissi
professors without granting the
adequate hearings or without gi
ing proper cause for the disnissa
Schools concerned in the acti
were University of California, Oh
State University, Rutgers Unive
sity, Temple University, Universi
-of Oklahoma and Jefferson Med
";cal College.
University of California's a
ministration was censured for di.
missal of teachers who refusedt
sign the school's non-Communi
Fifth Amendment Firings
Ohio State and Rutgers we
censured for the firing of pr
fessors who invoked the Fif
Amendment before Congression
k committees. According to AAU
principles, this is not groun
enough for dismissal.
At Temple, University, a pr
fessor was discharged for "ir
properly" invoking the Fif
Amendment, a charge of which
was later acquitted in court.
The other two schools met ce
sure by the AAUP for firing pr
fessors on purely political ground
Little Action Taken
Although the AAUP has mai
tamed these same principles f
f six years, little action has ev
been taken. Last year, in order
reduce the backlog of cases, th
were referred to a special co
mittee for investigation.
The University of Michigan
dismissal in 1954 of Prof. Ma
Nickerson of the pharmacolo
department and Prof. H. Chandl
Davis of the mathematics depar
ment is one of these cases awaiti
full investigation by the AAUP.
Also placed on the AAP censu
list for cases not involving t]
anti-Communist issue, were Sai
Louis University and North Dako
Agricultural College.
Boy Drowns
In Local River
A three - and - a - half-year - o
' boy drowned1 in the Huron Riv
The watersoaked body of Lar
Mitchell, of 1761 Charlton, Willo
Run, was dragged from the Isla
Drive area of the river at 5:20 p.
Thomas Mitchell, the boy's fat]
er, reported his son missinga
3:07 p.m.
He said that Larry was wearn
blue jeans and a gray overcoat a
had one shoe missing.
The father, who was washi
his car near the river, told A
Arbor police, he last saw his s.
standing near the river edge.
At 3:40, the police departmeri
called the sheriff's, office for u
of a boat to drag the river.
River dragging commenced a
Sgt. Herbert Kapp and Ptl.Rol
ert O'Dell found the boy's body
5:05, about 100 feet from shor
They reported a.swift current.
The body was recovered at 5:2
and was taken to Lucille's Funer
Home in Ypsilanti.

Bicycle Auction
To Be Held Soon

House-Senate conference committee
--)which must produce an acceptable
compromise before the Legisla-
ture reconvenes May 10.
Informed observers claim the
move was political in nature.
A pension plan pushed by the
Ways and Means Committee was
killed by the Senate Finance Com-
mittee shortly before the Ways
and Means Committee shopped up
the senate capital outlay bill.
University Vice-President and
nd Dean of Facilities Marvin L. Nie-
to huss expressed disappointment
an yesterday over the house action.
s- "We have been requesting the
planning money for a School of
he Music for a long time and we were
a- disappointed to lose it after the
ng Senate Finance Committee had
m appropriated it," he said.
ls. Part May Be Restored
on There is still a good chance,
io however, that at least a portion of
r- the money will be restored either
ty by the conference committee or
I- the Legislature itself.
dSen. Elmer R. Porter, chairman
d-of the "Senate Finance 'Comrmittee
to and a member of the conference
st group, said it was "anybody's
guess" what would happen to the
deleted funds.
re The conference committee is
o slated to meet May 1.
th Although he didn't want to com-
ial mit himself Sen. Porter indicated
Jp the House action may well have
ds been a retaliatory move.
Original money appropriated by
o- the Senate Finance Committee
n- left the University short of much-
th needed planning money to con-
he tinue North Campus development.
o- U Operating
Budget Given
er State Approval
:ey Final appropriations for the
n- University's operating budget, ap-
proved by the State' Legislature
I'S Saturday, total $28,075,000.
rk The figure is close to -what had
gY been requested and substantially
er more than the $23,729,000 approp-
ngriated last year.
ng Originally the University had re-
requested $27,730,000 for- operating
he expenses and an additional $1,000,-
nt 000 for establishment of a re-
ta search project in human resources.
Michigan State University will
receive $23,675,000 for next year's
After first deleting the research
project in human resourses alto-
gether, the Legislature, acting on
a last minute recommendation
from the Senate Appropriations
ld Committee, alotted $300,000 for
er the work.
g For the University's F l i n t
ry branch, the Legislature alotted
)w $275,000, only $2,000 short of what
nd had been asked for.

Ike Seeks
Civil Rights
Administration Asks
New Law Changes
hower' Administration formally
asked Congress yesterday to create
a federal civil rights commission.
It asked also that a civil rights
division be created in the Justice
Department, partly because of an
expected flow of lawsuits over ra-
cial integration.
It called, too, for a new law to
"prevent anyone from threatening,
intimidating, or coercing an indi-
vidual in the exercise of his right
to vote."
Seek Authority
Further, the Administration
sought authority for the Attorney
General to bring action in the
courts on behalf of any aggrieved
It proposed that Congress throw
out the present requirement that
administrative and judicial rem-
edies in the states must be ex-
hausted before a civil rights case
can be taken to federal court.
Whether Congress will do any-
thing about the requests, submitted
by Attorney General Herbert
Brownell with the approval of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
remained in question.
The president first asked for the
commission more than three
months ago. He proposed then
that it look into charges that
Negroes are being deprived of the
right to vote in some localities
and are "being subjected to un-
warranted economic pressures."
*Questions Passage."
Sen. Walter George (D-Ga.),
said thast while he hadn't studied
Brownell's proposals closely, "I
would question that they would
pass in this session of Congress."
President Eisenhower said on
March 31 that he hoped Congress
would act on his proposals but that
if it declined to do so, he would
consider calling conferences of one
type or another to consider racial
The question of civil rights pri-
marily involves complaints that
Negroes are being deprived of their
rights in Southern states.
It is always a hot political ques-
tion and is hotter than usual this
year because of disputes over the
Supreme Court decision against
segregation in schools.- Also, the
Negro vote in the North is a grow-
ing factor.,
One big obstacle facing the
Brownell proposals is the fact- that
they would go before the Senate
Judiciary Committee headed by
Sen. James O. Eastland (D-Miss.).
Sen. Eastland has opposed previous
Administration actions in the ra-
cial field.
Retired Physics
Professor Dies
Prof. William W. .Sleator, who
retired from the physics depart-
ment of the University in 1952,
died April 1 after a long illness.
Prof. Sleater, who was on the
University staff-for 35 years, made
contributions in the field of col-
lege physics' teaching and con-
ducted research in molecular struc-
He was raised in Michigan and
received degrees from the Uni-
versity in 1909, 1911 and 1917. He
is survived by his wife and three



To Star

Coed Dormitory

.., Executive Veep .. . Will head Union



To Resign
Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch, head
of the Children's Service of the
Neuropsychiatric Institute who
will resign his post on July 1, re-
cently announced "about 20" mem-
hers' of the Hospital's staff are
also planning to resign.
The psychiatrist said the 'team
approach' treatment at the hos-
pital made it understandable" that
many members of the team should
wish to stay together to continue
both treatment and research."
University Director-of Pudlic Re-
lations Arthur L. Brandon, said
it was not unusual for the number
of resignations to increase at this
time of year or for the resignations
of staff members to follow that of
a department head.
As yet most of the names of
those members planning to resign
have not been disclosed.
However, Dr. Rabinovitch's wife,
Dr. Sara Dubo, an assistant pro-
fessor of psychiatry will resign
with her husband, and the resig-
nation of Dr. Winifred Ingram,
supervising psychologist in the
Children's Service, has also been
made public.,
The Rabinovitches have inform-
ed University officials that they,
will either accept posts as direc-
tors of the Hawthorne Center be-
ing constructed at Northville or
will leave state service.
Acceptance of the Hawthorne
past hinges on whether or not the
State Legislature will appropriate
money to make improvements sug-
gested by Dr. Rabinovitch.
Dr. Rabinovitch has insisted
that changes be made in order to
make the program at Hawthorne
"feasible and safe." The estimated
cost of such imnprovements is $60,-
Charges that the Children's
Hospital staff is being raided have
been denied by Dr. Rabinovitch. He
pointed out that resignations by
his fellow workers preceeded his
consideration of Hawthorne.

Lave, Trost, Karzen
Picked For Union Posts
Roy Lave, '57E, was yesterday named the 52nd President of the
Also named by the selectionb committee of the Union Board of
Directors were Fred Trost, '57, Executive Vice-President and Herb
Karzen, '57, Administrative Vice-President.
The latter two jobs were established recently when a third senior
officer was added to the Union staff by an all-male campus refer-
endum. The three officers will replace President Todd Lief, '56, and
Executive Secretary Bob Blossey, '56BAd.
Lave, a 20-year-old industrial engineering major from Homewood,
Ill., has served on the Union staff for three years, most recently as

'U' Renovation
Of AA High
To Begin Soon
Ann Arbor High School's old
building will be taken over by the
University Monday, it was re-
cently announced.
Remodeling of the building and
construction of an addition will
begin this summer. The portion of
Thayer Street which borders the
school will be closed to provide
space for the addition.
The University purchased the
school building for $1,400,000, and
just last fall received approval of
plans to close the adjoining street
after a long controversy.
Classes began today in the new
Ann Arbor High School location
on Stadium. Blvd.
Renovation of the high school
has long been considered by the
The cost of remodeling and con-
structing an addition to the high
school will be more than $2,000,000.
The building will probably be
ready for use by the fall semester
next year.
The building, which will house
social science and language classes,
will be named the Henry S. Frieze
Building in honor of the former
professor and acting President of
the University.

*chairman of the Union Relations
committee. He has been an offi-
cer of Theta Xi and is a member
of Triangles Honorary, apd the
Engineering Honor Council and is
a pledge of Tau Beta Pi, engineer-
ing scholastic honorary.
A 20-year old religion major
from Rochester, N.Y., Trost has
been chairman of the Union's
Public Relations Committee. He
has also served as an officer of
Sigma Chi, publicity co-chairman
of Spring Weekend and a member
of Sphinx Honorary.
Karzen is 20 years old and an
economics major from Chicago. He
has been chairman of the Union's
Campus Affairs Committee, an of-
ficer in Zeta Beta Tau and a mem-
ber of Sphinx Honorary. His oth-
er activities include Junior IFC
and Spring Weekend.
The three men were named after
several hours of interviewing and
deliberations by a seven-man com-
mittee of the Union Board, chaired
by Dean of Men Walter B. Rea.

-Daily-Bill van Osterhout
... Administrative Veep
New Election.
Plans Set
For Seniors*
Action will start this week for
next year's senior class officer
elections. .
Candidates for undergraduate
schools and colleges may pick up
petitions from Thursday, April 16
to Friday, April 20.
Literary, Business Administra-
tion and Engineering school 'can-
didates may get petitions at 1020
Administration Bldg. and educa-
tion school juniors will find peti-
tions in the school lounge.
Potential officers from other
colleges may get information about
other elections from this year's
officers. Each school will elect a
president, vice-president, secretary
and treasurer to the Senior Board,
according to Bill Gardner, '56, cur-
rent Senior Class President.
Elections for all schools and col-
leges will be held May 1 and 2,
Gardner added. The new Senior
Board will begin operations short-
ly after the elections.
Faculty Recital,
In a faculty recital under the
auspices of the School of Music,
Prof. Helen Titus and Prof. Gilbert
Ross will perform at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Miss Titus will perform on piano
with Prof. Ross on the violin.
The concert is open to the pub-
lic without charge.

2,000 Students
will Be Housed
The University'sfirst coed dor-
Itory, a $9,000,000 structure, will
be completed on North Campus
within two or three years accord-
ing to Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis.
The Vice-President said it was
likely construction would start
within the year, much sooner than
had been expected when the pro-
ject was first concieved.
Approval of a resolution auth-
orizing $18,500,000 of self-liquidat-
ing University projects by the
State Legislature last Tuesday
has spurred planning.
Although no plans have been
drawn yet, it is estimated the
dormitory will be the largest and
most costly in University history.
To House 2,000
It is expected to house2,000 stU
dents with men and women sha -
ing central dining and library
Elero Saarinen, in charge ot,
North Campus development, has
been appointed official University
architect for the dormitory.
Preliminary planning will be
done by,a student committee of 10
men and eight women. The coin-
mittee will work with Saarinen.
. Lewis pointed out this is the
first time a large coed studen%
committee has assisted with pre
liminary planning of housing.
Student To Help Plan
He also said there would be a
student representative on the com-
mittee of University administra-
tors and housing personnel that
will plan specific details of the
new residence hall.
First concrete plans for a coed
dormitory emerged in a Residence
Halls Board of Governor's meet.
ings last tall.
When discussing plans for the
recently approved women's dromi-
tory, the Board considered making
it a coed structure but finally de-
ferred the coed dorm until later.
At the time it was thought, that
construction of a large North Cam-
pus unit was a project for the
Also included in the $18,500,000;-
resolution for self-liquidatingpro-
jects is $6,000,000 for the new
women's dormitory (capacity 1,200
women, to be located behind the
School of Public Health), $3,000,-
000 for additional married stu-
dents apartments on North Cam-
pus and $500,000 for a parking
MSU Spending Okayed
Michigan State University was
authorized to start $11,500,000 for
self-liquidating projects in the
same resolution.
Self-liquidating' projects are
financed by bonds paid off with
fees revenue. The only cost to the
general taxpayer is for utilities.
A year ago the appropriations
committees of the State Legisla-
ture called a halt on self-liquidat-
ing projects that had not received
Legislative approval.
The 18 member coed dorm stu-
Mohrig, '57, Don MacLennan, '58,
James Bauch, '57 Eng., Tom Bleha

'56, Ralph McCormick, '57E, Chuck
Straayer, '57, Peter Knoblock, '56
Ed., Nelson S. Howe, '57, Jim
Childs, '57, and Garry Rechnitz,
Female members are Jeannette
Grimm, '56, Meridith Tigel, '56Ed.,
Elinor Plimack, Anne Cohn, Alice
Basford, '56, Elaine Nash,, '58,
Evelyn Gabai, '58, and Arlene De
Cook, '58.
Two Students Die
During Vacation
Two University students lost
their lives last week.

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M' Nine To Open Home
Season This Afternoon
Back from the annual warm-up trip through the South, base-
ball coach Ray Fisher is not overly optimistic about what he saw.
Scheduled to play Central Michigan in the first home game at
Ferry Field at 3 p.m. today, weather permitting, the Wolverines
will give local fans a chance to judge for themselves.
Central Michigan has already beaten Indiana, 10-5.
"We, won four, lost one, and gave away two," said Fisher in
summing up the seven southern

World News Roundup
$y The Associated Press
J1USALEM-Israel charged today that roving Arab suicide
squads under Egyptian army orders inflicted a third straight- "night
of terror" on Israeli settlers yesterday.
Border clashes between Israeli and Egyptian forces along the
Gaza strip were reported continuing. These began last Wednesday.
The charge of continuing terrorism was made as the Middle East
and world capitals gravely awaited the opening later in the day of
the top-level United Nations effort to arrange a long-range peace
between Arabs and Israelis.
The United States moved again yesterday to back Hammarskjold's
In Augusta, Ga., President Eisenhower said the United States is
"determined to support and assist" any Middle East nation subjected
to aggression.
WASHINGTON-Republican leaders in Congress ordered a fresh
fight for administration farm programs yesterday after President
Dwight D.Eisenhower told them a proposed compromise measure does

Incumbents Elected; Police Fired

While University students whiled
away the all-too-short days of
spring vacation, the City of Ann
Arbor saw some noteworthy
In the annual election, Republi-
can incumbents Wendell B. For-
sythe and Russell J. Burns were
reelected to the City Council. De-
feating Democratic candidates
Dean W. Coston and Albert J.
Logan, the Republicans will serve

Patrolman Frank Brewster and
Joseph Goupill were discharged
from the force, Brewster for mis-
treating a prisoner and Goupill for
sleeping on duty.
Patrolman Raymond Winters
and Eugene Kuhl resigned from
the department.
Ann Arbor's police force will con-
tinue, Chief Casper M. Enkemann
said, on its present 12-hour a day
schedule. This ~hasben in effec.

will be "devoted to specialized
motion picture entertainment"
such as is now being presented by
the Orpheum on Main Street.
* * *
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.,
has announced that the city's
parking lot on South Forest, will
be enlarged through the purchase
of a house at 626 South Forest for
$30,000. After removal of this
building, the lot will give the park-

In their initial appearance in
the annual Dixie Classic, the Wol-
verines finished second to defend-
ing NCAA champ, Wake Forest,
losing 8-5 in the finals.
To get to the final round, Michi-
gan defeated Colgate, 13-6, and
North Carolina, 4-2.
Face Good Pitcher
"We faced the best pitcher we
saw against Wake Forest," said
Fisher. "He was a little guy but
he threw everything right by us."
He felt this game should have
benwon hv the Wolverines. "They

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