14,1956 THE MCMGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE 14. 1956T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FiVE campus Organizations Announce Spring_ Petitioning for Women Coeds Will Fill League Positions Freslimen, sophomore, and jun- ior coeds may petition this semes- ter for League positions, including membership on the Frosh Week- end, Junior Girls Play, and Soph Scandals central committees. Petitioning for Senior positions opens tomorrow and will close at 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 27. Heading the list of positions open for seniors are the offices of the League which include presi- dent, first vice-president, second vice-president, secretary, treasurer and parliamentarian. The president is coordinator of x all womans activities and first vice president will be kept busy meet- ing with various League commit- tees. Office of the second vice-presi- dent is also open to sophomores and juniors as well as senior coeds. The list of positions continues with chairman and secretary of the Interviewing and Nominating committee. Women's Judic Women's Judiciary Council will need a chairman and a vice-chair- man from the prospective senior class, and League House Judiciary , Council will require a chairman, secretaryand member-at-large. Dance class positions will include dance captains, chairman of fi- nance, and teaching assistants. Concluding the senior positions available are the chairmen and members oi Merit Tutorial, Inter- national, Special Projects, Social, Public Relations, House, Commun- ity Service and Orientation com- mittees. Sophomore Positions More than 50 positions will be open to sophomore coeds'as they petition later this month for jun- ior positions. Petitions will be due at 5 p.m. Monday, March 5. Office of second vice-president of the League is open to juniors, as are three memberships on Inter- viewing and Nominating and three menberships on Interviewing and Nominating and three on Women's Judiciary. League House Judiciary Council positions of chairman, secretary, and member-at-large may be fill- ed by junior women as well as by seniors. The same is true of the Dance Class officers which include dance captains, chairman of fi- nance, and teaching assistants. Junior Places The junior class will also be expected to provide some of the members of the Merit Tutorial, the Special Projeots, the Interna- tional, Social, Public Relations, House, Community Service, and Orientation committees. Thirty positions for Junior Girls' Play are also open for petitioning. General chairman, assistant gen- eral chairman, director, assistant director, secretary, treasurer, and script chairman lead the list. JGP will also require the follow- ing chairmen: assistant costume, dance, assistant dance, make up, assistant make up, publicity, as- sistant in charge of Daily publicity, assistant in charge of posters and assistant in charge of stunts. A music chairman, assistant composer and arranger chairman, and assistant choral director are positions on JGP that will require some musical talent. Concluding the list are chairmen of programs, properties, assistant properties, scenery, tickets, and, the ushering, asrwell as stage and assistant stage managers. Petitions for the following sophomore positions are due at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 14: sec- ond vice-president of the League, three sophomore members of In- tervieWing and Nominating, two sophomore members on Women's Judiciary, and chairman, secretary and member-at-large of League House Judiciary Council. Freshmen Members -Members on the following com- mittees will also be selected in part from the present freshmen class: Merit Tutorial, International, Special Projects, Social, Public Relations, House, Community Service, and Orientation. Frosh Weekend petitioning is open now and will close Friday. Positions on the central committee include chairmen and assistant chairmen of various committees for both Blue and Maize teams. Information about particular po- sitions can be found by using President's Reports and old peti- tions in the League library. Open houses will be held by the mittee from 9:30 a.m. to noon, Interviewing and Nominating comL Sat., Feb. 25 and Sat., March 10. W AA Announces Posts For Executive Board Petitioning for managerial and executive positions on the Wom- Additional positions open to en's Athletic Association Board both men and women are the co- will begin tomorrow, for all scho- managers of the co-recreational lastically eligible students. badminton, ballet, ice skating, Petitions, which are due Wed- modern dance and r!mng clubs. nesday, Feb. 29 in Jaylee Duke's Otecodpsinspnar bosda theegue UndBrgraru the managerial offces for the bas- Office, may be obtained in Bar- ketball, camp counselors, fencing, bour Gymnasium. Interviewing field hockey, golf, Michifish, rifle, will begin Thursday, March 1. tennis, softball and bowling clubs. All women petitioning for the These officers are in charge of office of president must be juniors organizing and planning their who have served at least one year clubs' actviities for the year. . on the Board. Newly - chosen managers will Presidential Duties help the present officers of the In addition to working as the clubs until the end of the school head of the Board on its special year. projects, the president is a mem- Board members are initiated in- ber of League Council, presides at to the organization at a formal WAA meetings, and appoints com- ceremony, which is attended by mittees. new and old Board members and Two vice-presidents, one in instructors in the Women's De- charge of special projects and the partment of Physical Education. other of student relations, also assist the president. The project vice-president auto- matically assumes the position of general co-chairman of Michigras, along with a representative from the Union who serves as the other co-chairman. The coed who .is vice-president of student relations is also chair- man of the house athletic man- agers, who are in charge of sched- uled athletic events in the various women's residences. Co-Rec Manager Co-recreational manager of the WAA heads the board composed of men and women, who are co- managers of the co-recreational clubs. This coed is also in charge of the weekly co-recreational nights. Job of the secretary of the Board is to take minutes of the meetings while the treasurer han- dles all finances and supplies re- quisition blanks to Board members. Another post open is that of the American Federation of College Women representative, who keeps Board members informed about proceedings and publications of the AFCW by corresponding with national and state organizations. Tournament Head The co-recreational tournament manager directs tournaments of the various sports offered for both men and women. Sorority, league house and dormitory man- agers assist the vice-president of student relations with the organi- zation of WAA activities in stu- dent residences. Part of the job of the public re- lations manager consists of han- dling the annual football clinic held in the fall and helping with the WAA bulletin boards. The Daily publicity manager is responsible for publicizing WAA activities by writing articles for The Daily. Panhel Op Petitioning for affiliate women for Panhellenic Association posi- tions will be held shortly 'before spring vacation. Petitions for the position of Junior Panhel President are due between today and Monday in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Any member of a pledge class who has a 2.0 scholastic average may turn in a petition and sign up for an interview to be held next week. Election will be on Monday, Feb. 27. Panhellenic positions open to junior women who will become seniors next fall are the offices of president, two vice-presidents, treasurer and chairman of rush- ing chairmen. Women who will be either jun- iors or seniors may petition for secretary and chairman of public relations. The job of chairman of rushing counselors will be available to junior coeds. It will be the duty of this office to head the group ens Annual Petitioning of women who will temporarily do not include membership on the disaffiliate themselves from their Panhellenic executive council are sororities to advise rushees. are chairman of international re- Other positions which will be lations, chairman of housing and open for petitioning, but which chairman of Panhel Ball. Auditions of JGP Cast Scheduled For Junior Coeds Throughout Week Junior Girls Play will get under way this second semester with cast tryouts from 3 to 5 p.m. and from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., today through Friday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday and from 3 to 5 p.m. on Monday. Tryouts will be held in the League and rooms will be posted on the bulletin board. - Sue Arnold, director of the show has asked all junior women to try out for the speaking, singing or dancing parts. Specialty acts will also be auditioned. Miss Ar- nold also requests that coeds bring the music for their acts if possible and wear burmuda shorts or full skirts. With the announcement of the cast Tuesday, rehearsals will get under way immediately. Written, directed and produced exclusively by junior coeds, the play w.ill first be given to honor graduating women on Senior Night, Thursday, March 22, -and will be presented to the entire campus on Friday and Saturday, March 23 and 24. r I NEW SHIPMENTS of USED TEXTBOOKS arriving daily! NEW BOOKS IF YOU PREFER For that hard-to-find textbook try MICHIGAN BOOKSTORE a s ov RR . _ J 1! n a Cf Heart-Winning Gifts FOR YOUR VALENTINE From Her Favorite Store B. 322 South State Street Bob Graham, Mgr. . ________________III Casual Clothes with a West Indian I eeling Designed by Stephanie Koret Delightfully styled . . . wonderfully practi- cal . . . are these separates with a youthful West Indian in theme as well as color, the plain fabric is called _Calypso ... the print is Trinidad. Both are machine wash- able and absolutely press- C .i m fir WIRE LIKE THE OLD WOMAN iN THE SHOE. Unlike the old girl, however, we're doing something about our prob- lem of overcrowding. Because of our tremen- dous growth in the past few years, Connecticut Gener- al Life Insurance Company is building a modern new 10 million dollar home in a suburban area bordering Hartford. It will be com- pleted in the fall of 1956. However, our growth means much more than a new home office building. It means the continuous creation of new jobs which are open to college grad- uates and offer fine oppor- tunities to advance to top levels of management re- sponsibility. If you are interesLeu in having a detailed list of our career opportunities, con- sult your Placement Director, or write Mr. Philip Yost, Connecticut General Life Insurance t ,> A {! I D. ::s:: A R AEE ~z } ,! r' I I A Above-The blouse 5.95. Trinidad full Calypso t skirt 6.95 ,op, over -;-" r .-P of neck ts 4.50 - "- se 5.95 95 j~L,{/ j\~ . b' I . b :sA Remember your Valentine today with a heart-to-heart gift from Jacobson's . . . one she'll treasure always for its beauty and your thoughtfulness A. Exquisitely sheer 60 gauge, 15 denier Belle Sharmeer nylon stockings, proportioned in her own leg size to fit perfectly from top to toe 1.95 Box of 3 pr., 5.65 B. Crescendoes' four-button classic gloves with flared wrist. Doeskin-soft double-woven cotton in dark and pastel colors. Sizes 6 to 7%Yz C. Lady Buxton smooth saddle leather wallet in a choice of eight costume-matching colors. Interlocked construc- tion - no stitching to rip or wear out. plus tax D. The luxury of bouquet fragrance - "Arpege" Eau d'Toilette by Lavin. Exquisitely feminine, and a perfect gift. $6 These styles will b e editorially Featured in Seventeen Mag- azine. Right - Trinidad Bo blouse 3.95 Calypso Bermuda Shor Not illustrated- Calypso slim skirt 5.95 Calypso Turn over Blou Calypso Capri pants 5.9 I I