c1 0 3 44@i6gan &Ball Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Tote Dat Barge! Lift Dat Boycott! Ride Dat Bus!" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must b e noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY LEE DINGLER New Teacher Code Battle Not Over yet FINAL WORDS have been spoken on the could a high school teacher lacking advanced proposed alteration of the Michigan teacher knowledge inspire pupils to progress in some certification code, and the fire has burned scientific field, since he would not be inspired down-but not all of it. himself? In fact, how could he even stimulate The whole idea, as conceived by the five-man the student toward a college career? subcommittee of professional educators for the Admittedly, smaller schools in the state, with hundreds of Michigan's young people, exempli- relatively few people going on to college, might fies the trend of society toward conformity, the benefit from a mass of teachers who understood everyone-is-equal melting pot, toward wanting method and could get a certain amount of no one to stand above the crowd. material into the heads of their students. Not that the certification code doesn't need But larger schools have clinics and facilities revising-the present one was drawn up in to take care of individual abilities and segregate 1935, put in effect in 1939. pupils according to their mental levels. And And Michigan has certainly changed enough more from these schools graduate intending to to warrant some' revisions in a plan which continue study in college. affects its future generations. Are we to sacrifice the minds and talents of Changing teachers into here machines is . larger-school students on the altar of con- noth answehowvern. rnformity and regimentation? Should we lose not the answer, however, them because they had teachers who were The only good provision in the new code equipped only with a hard crust of methodology was its requirement of a bachelor's degree for as the basis of their teaching knowledge. a temporary certificate. With the regimentation the teacher-student Right now, anyone can take courses. for two would have in his college studies (he would years, and if he doesn't want to be bothered have virtually only 20 hours of free choice or with more study, can still go on to teach. electives), the students he eventually taught But the proposed course of study for obtain- would be limited just as he had been. ing the degree is entirely in the wrong direction. ALL THESE things and more have been put WTITH THE proposed requirements, a teacher- before the four men on the State.Board of to-be would literally be saturated with Education at the informal hearings. They were nothing but teaching method in the 50% in- battered from all sides with fiery protests, and crease of education courses. lie would never promised to go back to Lansing to delay deci- know what it meant to explore, to reach ad- sions for "a long long time." The objectors vanced thought on any subject. breathed sighs of relief and went home to cool In the "broad area of concentration" that off. would abolish majors and minors, agriculture But it isn't time to cool off yet. The code was considered more important than mathe- will not go to the people in a vote, even through matics, home economics more than English, the state legislature. librarianship more than the sciences. It's all up to the four men who were behind Granted these subjects have importance. But the new code from its genesis five years ago. the student with 30 instead of the present 54 They know they will have a fight on their hours would never get past the introductory hands if they ratify the change. courses in anything. Yet, the objectors must not forget their As was pointed out at the code hearings, no half-won battle within the next few months one has ever criticized an American teacher for of delay. It would be too easy for the State knowing too much about his, main field. The Board to pass -the revisions now that most of scientists we need at this time do research the fire has died down. primarily at colleges and universities. How --ADELAIDE WILEY TODAY AND TOMORROW: 1 : Invitation to Confusion KF \ t/ ~(iL-N ALMAM f OTOMK -~ - I~LI~t.fI - ",'" Y'ti', ; I 1 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Structural Problems Hurt My Very Own STRUCTURAL difficulties and character problems overwhelm the possible good points of "My Very Own," a play by Beverly canning which won the Major Drama award in the 1955 Avery Hopwood contest. Last night's Speech Department production was executed creditably enough, but the faults in the writing mark the play as unsuccessful. The theme of the work is, broadly, possessive parent vs. rebellious children. It is a theme that has graced other plays in the past and served well as a basis for thoughtful drama. But Miss Canning has not created anything that is distinguished from other such plays. The plot concerns the efforts of a proud and demanding matriarchal A { 4 e9Sr -W wC~As+dA6-rG'#Al'P 0-r 41 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Arabs Playing Own Game By WALTER LIPPMANN .3 THERE is at present strong support in Con- gress for a variety of constitutional reforms, all of which have to do with the Presidency. The Senate will be voting this week on several amendments dealing with the Electoral Col- lege and how the popular vote for President should be counted. There is in the background the.revised version of the old Bricker Amend- ment to limit the treaty-making powers of the national government. And there are in the works a number of bills to clear up the un- settled question of what happens if the Presi- dent is disabled. Of these three subjects, it may fairly be said that only on the last one is it both desirable and urgent to act now. The Bricker Amend- ment is not only not needed but might well prove-' extremely embarrassing to the Presi- dent. As for the reform of the Electoral Col- lege system, the fact is that though a theo- retical case can be made for reform, there is no agreement among the reformers on what the reform'should be. The leading proposal now before the Senate, the so-called Daniel-Mundt Amendment, proves on its face that Congress is not ready to deal with the question. This amendment would not institute, a new system of voting for President. It only sounds as if it might if one does not look at it carefully. All that it really does is to invite each of the forty-eight state Legis- latures to do what those Legislatures have now, and have always had, the right and power to do. The Daniel-Mundt Amendment is not in fact what it purports to be-a new and better system of electing the President. IT OFFERS each state Legislature a choice of systems. Sen. Daniel in Section 2, offers each state Legislature the right-which it al- ready possesses-to order the electoral vote divided among the three leading candidates Editorial Staff Dave Baad..... .................. Managing Editor Jim Dygert ..... ......................City Editor Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director David Kaplan..................,..... Feature Editor Debra Durehslag ....M.........Magazine Editor Jane Howard .......................... Associate Editor Louise Tyor .......................... Associate Editor Phil Douglis ............................ Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ................ Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz...............Associate Sports Editor Mary Helthaler.................... Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds.............Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel, ...................... Chief Photographer Business Staff Dick Alstrom.-.-............. ........- usiness Manager in proportion to the popular vote. Sen. Mundt, i Section 3), offers each state Legislature the right-which it has always had, and has in fact at times used-to let the electors be chosen like Senators and. Represetatives-two at large and the rest by Congressional districts. Sen. Mundt also offers the state :Legislatures, --though:nothing is said about it--the right to keep the general ticket system provided . they also elect their Representatives at large. So far as I can make out, as to how the popular vote shall be counted, the one and only thing the amendment changes is to pro- hibit a state from electing its representatives by districts and its electors on a general ticket. If the state wanted to have the general ticket system for electors it would-like New Mexico and North Dakota today-have to elect its Congressmen on a general ticket. The tempta- tion to do just that would be strong, especially in the smaller states because with all the elec- toral votes counted as a unit, the state has a greater impact on the choice of President. The best proof of this is that for more than a cen- tury all the states have voluntarily adhered to the general ticket system. The reason they have adhered to it is that this system gives them their greatest political weight. Whatever may be said in favor of the Daniel reform, the Mundt reform or any of the other proposed reforms, nothing can be said in favor of a constitutional amendment to invite each state Legislature to consider before each presi- dential election how it will have the popular vote in its state counted. That, however, is what the Daniel-Mundt Amendment really does. It decides nothing. It merely invites and incites the majority party in each state Legislature to tinker with the system in order to help shape the result of the election. Thus the system of electing Presidents, which is now stable and uniform by general consent throughout the nation, would become variable and unsettled. A close nitional election could come to depend on whether a particular state Legislature had for that election picked one system rather than another. Congress is quite evidently not ready to pro- pose a reform of the electoral system. For what is now before it in the Daniel-Mundt Amendment is in fact an elaborate pretense. It covers what is simply a passing of the buck to the forty-eight state Legislatures. (1956, New York Herald Tribune Syndicate, Inc.) New Books at the Library Button, Dick-Dick Button on Skates; Engle- wood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1955. Ekirch, Arthur E. Jr.-The Decline of Ameri- can Federalism; N.Y., Longmans, 1955. Fitzgibbon, Constantine-29 July; N.Y., W. Sinking Boat .. . To the Editor: SKIMMING over "Letters to the Editor" the first article "Diplo- matic Blackmail" by a reader at- tracted my attention to the fallacy of his interpretation. The Arabs are neither request- ing nor inviting world powers to play ball with them. They have experienced mixed games, it cost them their liberty in their own hands. They feel that time has come to play their own game the way they want it. However, on the other hand, their opposition to Western policy should not mean their favor of Communist policy. The prime factor in rising the anti-Western feeling is the diffu- sion of the many hundred thou- sands of refugees of various classes into the surrounding countries. The Western powers could have gained the support of seventy mil- lion Arabs who by turn would have formed a concerted wall against the Communist tide. The boat of Peace is sinking steadily in the huge water of the troubled Mid-East sea. It is never too. late to introduce the essential reforms. -Waleed Karachy, '59 Plea for Sanity-... To the Editor: MR. Geofferey de Deney's article in Sunday's Daily was excel- lent: I wholeheartedly agree! He very eloquently expressed the same things that I've been thinking for the past two years. I sincerely hope that coeds, and college males as well, will heed Mr. de Deney's advice, but I doubt it. Pointing out the ridiculousness of their attire and actions to most collegians only drives them to something more ridiculous. Why is it that so many American college students feel that they have to be so obnoxiously dif- ferent than other people; why don't they just act like human beings? P.S. Does Mr. de Deney have a body guard to ward off indignant coeds? -Ed May, '56E Consider the Cost.. .. To the Editor: WISH to state, at the beginning, that this letter is in no way intended to be an apology for the South. The South, as a whole, needs no one to apologize for its actions. It is merely a reply to the somewhat assinine letter of a Mr. Hoff appearing in the March 24 Daily. Several points were brought up by Mr. Hoff that are not only false, but also biased. The points are these: 1. Mr. Hoff states that "justice, morality and even the law are 100% against the beliefs and prac- tices of the South." This is not so. It is a moot point as to whether integration is legal. If one inter- prets the Con-tihifnan n o-rnwa .r them like human cattle into slav- ery . . . " Perhaps Mr. Hoff has overlooked the point that a great deal of the slave trade was carried on by Northern interests. In this sense, it would seem that the New England shippers were as much to blame for slavery as the Southern- ers, and that Mr. Hoff and his ancestors are as responsible as the Southerners and their ancestors. There are two other factors in M.r Hoff's letter that are particu- larly obnoxious. One is his elevat- ing the integration issue into poli- tics even though it is widely ac- cepted that it should be kept out of that field. Mr. Hoff has a legiti- mate point in believing that Negro inequalitiy is a base for much Com- munist progaganda. However, while advocating integration by Federal troops, Mr. Hoff fails to recognize that the South, right or wrong, is against forced integration. And being against it, the use of Federal troops and/or radical means in enforcing integration will hardly help the South feel any sense of unity with the North..-. Mr. Hoff refers to Southern in- justice in the Till case. In answer to this may I ask, what are, courts but men? And when men cease to make mistakes, then this world will be perfect-a goal in a far distant future. If Northerners can ques- tion the Southern courts, why can- not the Southerners question the Supreme Court? . Almost 100 years ago the War Between the States came to an end at Appomattox C.H. The people who caused this war-the North- ern abolitionists and the Southern fire-eaters-are long since dead, but not in spirit. Let al you who sling names and insults at your fellow Americans, who advocate forced integration, Federal troops, die-hard legal cases, and all you who cry that any form of integra- tion is subjugation ask yourselves one question-is the cost warrant- ed? -Fred Miller, '59 Linguistic Troubles . . To the Editor: IN re: "Our Homespun Politics" (Daily, March 23, p. 4). I don't know why "college men" don't go into politics, but a good reason why "college man" Frymer shouldn't is his inability to use our language. In the fifth paragraph from the end, writer Frymer says that Mr. Stevenson's stand on seg- regation is not. much "different than" the President's. Poor grammar is more than mere oversight in a newspaper. It is alarmingly indicative that some- thing basic is not being taught somewhere, and that you, in a posi- tion which imposes some responsi- bility on you for the language you print, eitherhdon't care about it or can't tell the difference, Perhaps "college man" Frymer might do well to become "educated man" Frymer before sympathizing with Adlai Stevenson as an equal. -Robert Dunlap, '58L Thanks From JCP.. .. campus project: "Rising High" provided an opportunity for the junior women to utilize their par- ticular talents in ar atmosphere of fun, and also gave them a chance to meet others in their class and work with them towards a common end.. Working on any activity or class project gives us a chance to grow and develop, thrcugh meet- ing new people and learning to work with them. This, I feel, was accomplished by those who worked on "Rising High," and perhaps this was a large factor in the suc- cess of the show. Every girl who worked on "Ris- ing High," whether in a cast, crew, or production capacity, can be proud of her efforts, for to her, we owe the success of J.G.P., 1956. So, Junior women, hats off to you for a job well done! Please accept our congratulations and our thanks for helping to make "Rising High" a show we'll never forget! -Nancy A. MacDonald, '57 General Chairman, Junior Girls' Play Hospital Volunteers .. . To the Editor: WEWERE very pleased to see that The Daily brought the problems faced by mental patients to the attention of its readers. Mr. Taub deserves congratulations on his article of last Tuesday (March 20). Volunteers at Ypsilanti State Hospital help relieve hospital rou- tine with games, outings, and group activities. They share pa- tients' interests and encourage pa- tients to take an active interest in life. The Young Friends' Fellowship has begun a volunteer program to Ypsilanti State Hospital, and found great satisfaction in the work. We would welcome anyone who is in- terested in a Saturday afternoon of service at the hospital. Transpor- tation will be provided. If interested please call Sonya Gray at NOrmandy 2-2218 between five and seven o'clock. --Sonya Gray, '57 Maritn David, Grad. grandmother and her troubled but equally possessive daughter to re- tain the loyalty of the two chil- dren of the third generation. * * * . FAMILY LOYALTIES bind both girls and they are torn between the desire for self-assertion and the conformity that leads to se- curity in the home life. Further- more, Beth has an additional problem in that she believes her defiance of the family will may lead to the breakdown, and pos- sible destruction, of her mother. The problem is a big one, but the manner in which it is presented keeps it from becoming vital and alive. Unfortunately after this theme is stated, the majority of the play is a static repitition of the basic conflict as well as a repeated assertion of where the opposing characters stand. What little fluctuation there is is achiev- ed finally by plot device rather than believable solution. In spite of the importance of the clash to the protaganists of the play, it is difficult to work up any concern for them, mainly because they are painted with such broad and one-dimensional strokes that they become wooden figures instead of actual people. The opposition, consisting of the grandmother and mother, is a completely one-sided affair. We learn of possible reason for the latter's attitude, but of the grand- mother, who is the original con- trolling force, we learn nothing. She is simply presented as a bad one and the long speeches she offers give no insight into the possible reasons for her strong feel- ing. This is a basic weakness of the play, for it forces us to ac- cept the major problem without having any real understanding of it. THE PROBLEMS are surmount- ed by contrivances which can only be called pat. An outside char- acter appears in the final act to untie the knots, and a series of telephone calls from an off-stage figure serves to. decide one final obstacle. Finally, the author gives the important figure of the moth- er every motivation and oppor- tunity to change her philosophy, and indeed, it seems she will. She remains true to her guns at the close, however, and it is never made clear why, especially after the series of internal crises that reveal to her the harm her mother-the grandmother-has done. The actors have some difficult problems to work with and in cer- tain cases they do extremely well. Laurry Webber, as an aunt who sides with the girls, brings under- standing to her role and keeps her performance interesting. Kath- erine Fodell, and Shirley Tepper, as the daughters, and Wandalie Henshaw, as the mother, strive mightily to bring compassion to their roles and make, at least, a commendable effort. Edward Andreasen's opulent Victorian setting is in' key with the mood of the play, if perhaps a bit overwhelming. Miss Canning has obviously the meat of a good play. Unhappily, the final execution of it is not as thoughtful as it could have been. -David Newman In Broad Terms Our present immigration law legalizes procedures which, al- though aimed at the apprehension and deportation of aliens illegally in the United States are couched in such broad terms that they en- danger the civil rights of native born citizens. -Immigration and The United States THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 195 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 39 General Notices Hopwood Awards. All manuscripts must be In the Hopwood Room by 4:30 p.m. wed., April 11. All contestants should have transcripts of their first semester grades sent to the Hopwood Room by April 2. Free University of Berlin Scholarship, Student Covernment Council. Petition- ing has been re-opened for the student exchange scholarship to the Free Univ. of Berlin. This scholarship covers all expenses for the academic year 1956-57. However, travel costs to and from the German border are not included. Re- quirenents are: I)a good academic re- cord 2) a knowledge of the German language 3) a familiarity with student activities. Petitioning ia open from March 26-April 13. Petitions are avail- able at Quonset Hut A from 3-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Lectures Prof. L. I. Schiff of Stanford Univer- sity will lecture on "High Energy Ap- proximations to Scattering Theory," Thurs. and Fri., March 29 and 30, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 2038, Randall Labor- atory. Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute. Dr. E. Low- eli Kelly, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Bureau of Psychological Services, will speak on "Some Methodo logical Issues Encountered in a Longi- tudinal study of Two-Persnm Groups," Thurs., March 29. 1:30-3:30 p.m., Con- ference Room, Children's Psychiatric Hospital. University Lecture in Philosophy. Roy W. Sellars, Professor Emeritus, "eads In American Philosophy" Thurs. March 29 at 4:15 p.m. in Angell Hall, Aud. C. Auspices of the Department of Philos- ophy. Academic Notices Preliminary PhD Examinations in Eco- nomics: Theory examinations will be given on Thurs. and Fri., April 2 and 27, 1956. The examination in Public Finance will be given on Tues., April 24. The examinations in other subjects will be given beginning on Mon., April30. Each student planning to take these examinations should leave with the secretary of the department not later than April 9, his name, the three fields in which he desires to be examined, and his field of specialization. The date of the conference examination for stu- dents in economics will be announced later. English 184 and 182. Make-up ex- amination will be held in 2417 Mason Hall at 3 p.m. today. Interdepartmental Seminar on Applied Meteorology, Thurs., March 29. 4 p.m., Room 4041 Natural Science Bldg. Prof. Robert E. Dils will speak on "Meteorol- ogy and the Hydrologic Cycle." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., March 29, at 4:00 p.m: in Room 247, West Engineering Building. Prof. R. V. Churchill, Department of Mathematics, will speak on "Concern- ing Generalizations of. Fourier Trans- forms." Refreshments in Room 274 West Engineering Building at 3:30 p.m. Astronomical,colloquium. Fr., March 30, 4:15 p.m., The observatory. Dr. Leo Goldberg will speak on "The dolar Chromosphere." Aeronautical Engineering Seminar: Harold T. Luskin, Assistant Chief Aero- dynamics Section, Douglas Aircraft Co., will speak on "Some Fundamental Problems in Aeronautical Engineering," Mon., April 9, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg. Doctoral Examination for Bobby Frank Perkins, Geology; thesis: "Biostrati- graphic Studies in the Comanche (Cre- taceous) Series of Northern Mexico and Texas," Thurs., March 29, 4065 Natural Science Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, L. B. Kellum. Events Today My Very Own, 1955 Hopwood Award Play of the Department of English, written and directed by Beverly Can- ning, Grad., will be presented by, the Department of Speech tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Theatre Forum:. East Conference Room, Rackham Building, 4:00 p.m. today. Leslie Stevens, author of the new drama, The Lovers; and Gayle Stine, co-producer with The Playwrights' Co., will lead the forum discussion on Broadway theatre. Open to the pub- lic. Placement Notices Examinations for Teacher Certificates Pn +.n!'2 ne.r. 7-1, -- - - _ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 4 °4 c k i .0 '4 i -A 41 4 A 4. u I : I