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March 29, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-29

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New Teacher Code Battle
Not Over Yet
See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State








'Opera' Ends All



Union Board of Directors Approves
Co-ed Production, Change of Name


The 48-year-old tradition of Union Opera as an all-male farce'
ended last night with approval of plans for a co-ed show.
The Union Board of Directors, in unanimously agreeing to the
Opera Committee's recommendation to allow women in the show,.
specified that the name "Union Opera" be changed.
General chairman Don ,Medalie, '57BAd, immediately requested
that proposed scenarios for the co-ed show be turned in by Wednesday,
April ii.
Ar .Wants Fresh Writing
While some plot outlines with "possibilities" have been submitted,
Medalie said he hopeO the idea of a co-ed musical comedy will attract

Adams Elected
On Initial Ballot
Sawyer, Wrona, Dygert, Engman,
Woodard, Shorr Also Victorious
Incumbent Bill Adams, '57, received 786 first ballot votes last night
to be elected to a second Student Government Council term.
A total of 5,531 students voted in the two-day all-campus elections,
a record low for the three SGC elections since the beginning of the
new student government a year ago.
Others Elected
Other candidates elected were incumbents Tom Sawyer, '58 and
Lewis Engman, '57, John Wrona, '57, Jim Dygert, '56, Ann Woodard,
'57, and Ronald Shorr, '58.
Adams, present Council treasurer, received 115 votes more than
the necessary quota of 671.
The unusually small number of spectators in the Union Ballroom
applauded as the results of the first ballot were announced.
Disappointment Shown
Council members and elections workers expressed disappointment
at the low turnout of voters and placed most of the blame on yes-
terday's "typical Ann Arbor weath-T

f ,.

In California
LOS ANGELES (A)-Adlai Stev-
enson yesterday accused Sen. Estes
Kefauver of trying to "injure me
and win support" in California by
the same "false and divisive boss
nonsense," he raised in Minnesota.
Stevenson, sparked into renewed
action by his defeat 'by Sen. Ke-
fauver in the Minnesota primary
last week, opened his head-on bat-
tie with the Tennessee senator for
California's 68 Democratic presi-
dential delegate votes in a pre-
pared, televised address.
He declared that by "discredit-
ing the leaders of the .Democratic
party" in California, Sen. Kefauv-
er and his spokesmen "can only
weaken and divide the party and
thereby help the Republicans."
Takes Pot Shots
Stevenson took pot shots p'
Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower's ad-
ministrational handling of for-
eign and domestic problems. But
he aimed his heaviest salvos at
Sen. Kefauver, who just concluded
a whirlwind five-day campaign of
Southern California.
The' former Illinois governor
said "I have no alibis" for his
Minnesota defeat, but he added
something "happened in Minne-
sota that I must speak about be-
cause it also happened here in
Denies Machine
That something, he said, was
the charge by Senator Kefauver
and his supporters that Stevenson
was backed in Minnesota by
"political bosses" and a "machine"
that was trying to freeze Sen. Ke-
fauver out. He said he was hon-
ored to have the "unsolicited sup-
port and confidence" of Sen.
Humphrey, Gov. Orville Freeman
and other party leaders in Min'ne-
He added his slate of delegates
in California includes many party
leaders who "came to me volun-
tarily and without any strings at-
tached." Stevenson added:
Kefauver Sought Support
"I am advised that Sen. Ke-
fauver personally sought the sup-
port of many of these very same
people-of Atty. Gen. Pat Brown,
of John Anson Ford, Los Angeles
County Supervisor; of Elizabeth
Snyder, Democratic state chair-
man; of Paul Ziffern, Democratic
national committeeman and a
score of others.
Send Petition
To Congress
x The University's chapter of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People may
petition the national Congress for
the outlawing of lynching.
Peter Ward, '59M, made the sug-
gestion at the organization's meet-
ing last night in the Union. The
y n cmcnni 0+4 an martAn nfl ,'v, ,n A4n

>fresh writing efforts from both
men and women.
He asked that interested persons
contact the Opera office in the
Union between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Medalie also announced that
petitioning foradditional positions
on -the "Opera" Executive, Com-
mittee will be opened for interested
women. Tryouts for male and fe-
male cast members will be held in,
the fall.
Anticipate Increased Interest
Major considerations in the
change were an anticipated in-
crease in interest in the show by
both participants and the campus
at large. Another advantage will be
a greater source of talent for the
Union President Todd Lief, 56,
called the change a needed "shot
in the arm" for the Union show,
one he expected the campus will
welcome. Medalie predicted co-ed
participation would lead to a "more
professional-looking show."
A coed road show, if properly
chaperoned, would be entirely feas-.
ible, according to Medalie.
He said the Deans of Men and
Women had approved the princi-
The Board of Directors last night.
also approved a $30,000 project to
move the Union student offices to'
a still-unfinished area in the new
The required remodelling will be
cheaper if plans are made before
current construction ends.

-Daily-vern Socen
TOP THREE VOTE GETTERS-Incumbents Bill Adams and Tom Sawyer, along with Council Newcomer John Wrona, were the first
three candidates to win election to full-year Student Government Council terms. Left to right are Adams, elected on the first ballot,
Sawyer on the second and Wrona on the fifth.

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON.-Pr esi den t
Dwight D. Eisenhower returned to
the capital yesterday "well satis-
fied" that his talks with Canadian
and Mexican leaders served to
build good will and generate fresh
determination to check the spread
of communism.
The President's special train
pulled into the Union Station at
3:15 p.m. after afive-and-three-
quarter-hour run from White Sul-
phur Springs, W. Va., where he
held a round of informal confer-
ences with Prime Minister Louis
St. Laurent of Canada and Presi-
dent Adolfo Ruiz Cortines of
* * * -
WASHINGTON --Sen. Lyndon
Johnson (D-Tex.) said yesterday
he has no desire to lead the Texas
delegation at the Democratic Na-
tional Convention if it represents
"any one faction."
He thus stepped into at least
the edges of the quarrel between
Texas factions led by House
Speaker Rayburn and Gov. Allan
Shivers, who have been feuding
over Shivers' support of Republi-
can Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952.
Rayburn has proposed that
Johnson head the state conven-
tion delegation and be Texas' fav-
orite son candidate as well. Tues-
day night, in a speech at Houston,
Shivers termed the Rayburn pro-
posal "a cynical and calculated
effort to divide the conservative
Democrats of Texas."
He said the Rayburn element
was trying "to take over the state
convention, the Texas delegation
-and Lynon Johnson."
WASHINGTON - The' Internal
Revenue Service said yesterday
the sudden and sweeping federal
tax raids against Communist par-
ty offices and the newspaper Daily
Worker were in line with standard
operating procedure.
While the Daily Worker's at-
torney talked in New York of
going to. court and its editor de-
nied any tax debt, Revenue Com-
missioner Russell C. Harrington
said in a statement for reporters:
"I can assure you that this case
is being handled precisely as any
other similar taxpayer matter
would be handled by the service
under its obligation to enforce
the revenue laws."
Harrington had just gone over
the case with Donald R. Moysey,
the New York regional tax chief
who apparently engineered the
Tuesday raids without advance
notice to Washington.
Theater Topic

Ballot-counting A ttracts
Poor Crowd in Ballroom
Ballot-counting of the all-campus elections returns in the Union
Ballroom last night seemed to lack an essential element demanded by
such an important event: interested spectators.
Student Government Council officials had provided most of the
other necessary factors. It was difficult to walk ten feet without
tripping over a radio announcer or his microphone cable.
Off-duty newspaper reporters milled about, hoping to happen on
some human interest facet of the evening's proceedings.
Typewriters Silent
On-duty newspaper reporters viewed the quiet goings-on over
'-silent typewriters most of the eve-

'U To Help
With City's
Road Repair
Thie University and the city of
Ann Arbor will cooperate in the
payment for a program of street
improvement in the business dis-
tricts around State and Main.
Resurfacing and widening of
several streets will be done this
summer if the City Council ap-
proves the proposal of Alderman
Wendell Forsythe, chairman of its'
public works committee.
Streets to be widened and re-
paved in the first stage of the two-
part plan, are S. State from E.
William St. to Monroe, Fletcher
Ave, from N. University to E.
Huron, and E. Washington from
State to Fletcher.
In the second stage of the pro-
gram, the city will pay for repair
on parts of S. Main, Madison, and
S. Fifth.
Forsythe said the plan is "part
of the council's overall efforts to
relieve traffic congestion."

The total vote indicated that
" t
only 2,031 stude~ts voted .yester-
day, as compared to 3,500 during
the first day of voting.
Last semester's elections record-
ed a total vote of 7,120, while in
the spring balloting a year ago,
6,070 votes were.registered.
Available records indicate that
campus student government has
seen only two elections with lower
vote totals. Both occurred during
the seven-year existence of Stu-
dent Legislature.
Weather Responsible
Elections Director John Walper,
'58, said, "The low vote is more
indicative of bad weather than
anything else. I don't think it
represents a lack of interest in
SGC or the candidates running-
at least I hope so."
Sawyer's re-election on the
second ballot was announced
shortly after Adams' victory, while
Wrona won on the fifth ballot.
Dygert was elected on the sev-
enth count, Engman on the ninth,
Woodard on the fourteenth and
terday's typical Ann Arbor weath-
Since Shorr was elected in the
seventh place spot established to
fill an interim vacancy, his term
of office will last for one semes-
ter. The other six candidates will
serve on the Council for full one-
year periods.

City To Vote
Next Monday,
Ann Arbor citizens vote April 2
on two city council positions and
three proposed city charter amend-
Seeking one of the two alder-
man-at-large positions is Albert
J. Logan, unsuccessful Democratic
nominee for mayor in last year's
elections. The other Democratic
candidate is former council mem-
ber Dean W. Coston.
The Republican candidates are
two present council members, Rus-
sell J. Burns and Wendell B.
Proposed amendments to the
city charter relate to the annaxa-
tion of land, procedure for sub-
mitting bids to the council and
social security for city employees.
Rejection is urged of the pro-
posal to annex the 46 acre Burk-
Webber farm because the council
considers it an expensive area to
provide with city services.

SGC members and affiliates
scurried about inside a roped-off
area, picking ballots from the los-
ing candidates' stacks and deposit-
ing them on the eventual winner's.
Most of the people outside the
rope were those with vested inter-
Almost everyone displayed a
little white card, distinguishing the'
bearer as, a candidate, counter,
SGC member, newspaperman, or
radio reporter.
The spacious ballroom, packed
with hundreds of students for the
spring rushing decision last week,
was "jammed" with less than one
hundred most of the evening.
Ballroom Not Crowded
As one of the spectators re-
marked, "Maybe the ballroom gave
up people for Lent."
Even the cold coffee and smoke-
laden atmosphere which usually
characterize elections were absent.
A few candidates retired to the
nearby Union study hall to study
for mid-semesters while SGC offi-
cials worked over new ballot fig-
ures and new quotas required after
the dropping of a candidate.
But despite the comparative
emptiness of the ballroom, the
election still had that "old thrill"


'Integration' Proposals
Debated Before YD's
Prof. Richard L. Cutler of the psychology department, dominated
a debate last night as he proposed "immediacy" to best solve the
South's integration difficulties.
Prof. Cutler, Prof. William R. Leslie of the history department,
and two students, Bob Evans, '56L, and David Marlin, '57L, partici-
pated in a Young Democrat-sponsored debate, "How Best to
Secure Integration in the South/"
P r e m i s i n g his "immediacy"
argument by labeling the segre-

Male Voters
Pass Union
The referendum proposing af
increase in the number of Union
senior officers from two to three
passed yesterday by a vote of 2414
to 450.
The present officers-a president
and executive secretary-will be
replaced by a president, executive
vice-president and an administra-
tive vice-president.
Because all three officers will
sit on the Union Board of Direc-
tors, the number of student board
members elected at large has been
reduced from five to four. To avoid
confusion with the new officers,
their titles will be changed from
vice-presidents to student direc-.
Six Chosen
Six "student directors" were
chosen last night instead of seven
vice-presidents. Elected from the
law school was Gene Hartwig, '58L,
and David Smith,'59M, was chosen
for the medical-dental school
position on the board.
Buck Bebeau, '57BAd, Tom
Cleveland, '57, Mark Sabin, '58,
and Fred Williams, '57, were elect-
ed from the campus at-large.
J-Hop Results
In other election results nine
sophomores were elected to J-Hop
committee Those finishing ahead
of a field of 15 were Shelly Baum,
Art Epker, Mike Gordon, Marilyn
Houck, Mike Jackson and Lenore
The list continues with Ann Mc-
Donald, Vera Ptak and Pat Skelly.
Alternate to the committee is
Steuban Simish.
Three of four candidates were
elected to the Board in Control
of Student Publications. They were
Dave Baad, '56, Gordon Black, '57
and George Corey, '56.
In the contest for election to
the Board in ControlĀ« of Inter-
collegiate Athletics James Van
Pelt, '57, was elected the winner.
Spring tStorm
Strikes Middle
Part of Nation
A fierce spring storm lashe.d the
nation's middle yesterday smoth-
ering crops in the Great Plains'
with dust and casting sleet, freez-
ing rain, snow -and ice on the
northern Midwest.
Chill, 30-to-60 m.p.h. winds
raged from Kansas northward into
the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wiscon-
sin, Michigan and the Great
Sections of the Midwest were
virtually paralyzed as near-bliz-'
zard winds felled utility lines and

.. . Panhel President


deBruin Gets.
Panhel Pos
Carol de Bruin of Delta Delta
Delta was named president of Pan-
hellenic Association yesterday.
She defeated Martha Stockard
of Kappa Alpha Theta for the
Miss de Bruin emphasizes in her
platform, the need for education
and participation of s o r o r i t y
women on a general 'Panhellenic
and campus level.
Future Proposals
Her proposals for future Pan-
hel operation include assisting
Junior Panhellenic in the orien-
tation of pledges to the senior
group and pre-petitioning meet-
ings for prospective candidates for
Panhel offices.
With respect to the Executive
Council of the organization, she
suggests an extension and shuf-
mi na o in f aa

Peace Pigrim Visits Campus
Daily Feature Editor_
Voicing a prayer for the world to "overcome evil with good, false-w
hood with truth and hatred with love," Peace Pilgrim strolled into{
Ann Arbor yesterday for a brief visit.
The slim, middle-aged woman was clad entirely in blue-the color
of peace-from her blue tunic with "Peace Pilgrim" on the front and
"Walking 10,000 miles for world disarmament" on the back, to her blue
shirt, blue slacks and blue canvas shoes. Her grey hair was tied in a}
loose bun.
Her trek has taken her more than three years and she is now on
the second- leg of the 10,000 mile trip. The first leg was a zig-zag trail
across the United States from Los Angeles to New York.
Finish in Florida4
Now on the second leg of her journey "Peace" walks 100 miles in
each of the 48 states, spending two weeks in each state. She came to
Ann Arbor after walking through Kalamazoo, Jackson, Flint, Saginaw,
Lansing and Pontiac. From here she goes on to Dearborn, Detroit
and then to Ohio and the East. She expects to finish her walk in
Florida next fall.
"I am walking as a prayer for world peace," Peace Pilgrim says.
She is not affiliated with any organization and has F.B.I. sanction for
. n nJ-ifn v - ni

gationist Southerners as "psycho-
logically sick" in that they ration-
alized their stand by classing the
Negro as "biologically inferior,
dirty, and lacking in value judg-
ments," Prof. Cutler said gradual-
ism is not the cure-all.
'End Worth Price'
Prof. Cutler, when pressed for
a specific forced integration pro-
gram, proposed: a federal "dec-
laration of intent" to use troops,
and to risk that "guys like Milam
might pick up a gun," saying that
the "end was worth the price."
Evans, a former president of the
campus NAACP, urged intergation
to proceed with "deliberate speed."
He defined his terms as "pushing
harder for integration in the
border states and pushing gener-
ally all around."
Provokes Analysis
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
was ticketed as a "President Emer-
itus" by Prof. Leslie for his and
I th mrO' n' ctivity toaet an

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