A REPORT ON TIME MAGAZINE See Page 4 C, 4 1 r Sir Latest Deadline in the State Da~i4 MOSTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXVI, No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1956 SIX PAGES Sue Arnold Chosen League, PresidenH-t New Head Proposes Newsletter, 'Drop Down' System of Elections H By PAT NORTON Sue Arnold, '57, was announced as the new president of the Women's League yesterday. Miss Arnold's plans for next year include advocating a change in Women's Senate to a President's Council which would meet once a } month, making it a joint council of Assembly and Panhellenic. She would like to see the League have a newsletter to take care 4 of all announcements which the Senate might ordinarily do. This newsletter would also list the coming events of the League. Includes 'Drop Down' System Incluied in her plans is a "drop down" system of elections whereby chairmanships of League committees would be filled by coeds Estimated As Campus BICYCLE SITUATION: SGC Committee Adopts. Three-Point Program By RENE GNAM The General Subcommittee of Student Government Council's Campus Affairs Committee yesterday decided to take a 3-point stand on the bicycle problem. Meeting last night in Quonset Hut A, the subcommittee unani- mously 'felt that "some sort of statement of policy should be made o the Ann Arbor City Council expressing the views and representing the opinions of the students of the University towards the proposed 3,500 Si Poling udents Vote Commences Elections Director Hopes For 7,000 Voting Total Elections Committee Reports Balloting Stations Operating at Full Efficiency By TOM BLUES An estimated 3,500 University students braved the slush of yes- terday's spring thaw to cast their ballots in the first day of this semester's all-campus elections. On a clear, crisp spring day the unnofficial count fell short by approximately 200 voters the number of first day participants in last fall's balloting. 7,000 Expected In spite of the fact that this morning is expected to be marred by showers, Election Director John Walper, '58, is hoping for a total vote of at least 7,000. "If the good weather of yesterday holds out, 4. ACoed Causes. two Deaths "In Accident SA University graduate student, Sharlene Duncan, was charged with two counts of negligent homi- cide Monday in the deaths of two Wayne County road repairmen. State Police said Miss Duncan was driving to classes fron her home in Detroit at 11:30 a.m. on the Willow Run Expressway ,t speeds of 50 to 60 miles per hour on the inside lane of the divided four-lane highway. According to Miss Duncan, a car in front of her slowed, and she lostcontrol of her 1953 sedan as she applied the brakes. Police stated the car skidded sideways for a distance of 80 feet past a barricade and caution sign and slammed into a Wayne County dump truck, beside which the two men were working. The scene of the accident was 400 yards from the Wayne County line in Ypsilanti. The victims, Lorraine C. Smith and Loyse M. Huffman, both 29.. and from Belleview, were dead on arrival at Beyer Uemorial hospital in Ypsilanti. Smith from internal injuries and Huffman from a skull fracture. Smith was father of two children and Huffman was father of three." The men were part of a four- man- crew patching the highway with asphalt. Another man was driving the truck at about two miles an hour in the outside lane and the fourth was flagging cars 80 feet behind the truck. emocracy, CommuISm Forum Topic Four political science professors, in a "Democracy vs Communism" symposium, yesterday discussed several of the differences between the two forms of government. - One of the random distinctions between the two was pointed out by Prof. Henry L. Bretton. Although in Western philosophy, Prof. Bretton said, the "idea" comes before the institution, under Marxism the economic situations come first and then the "ideas." Prof. Bretton also emphasized, in the first of a series of Inter- House Council-sponsored Faculty Debates held yesterday evening in West Quadrangle, that Commun- ism, ideally, is not what is in practice in the Soviet Union today. "Dictatorship of the proletariat," he said, "is not the end, but the means." The political science faculty members went on to point outhow Lenin saw the problems in Marx- ism and made changes, and how Stalin later made additional changes. "Stalin was a deviationalist" Prof. Bretton said. "The only people who didn't say so were the ones under his direct control." "And now even they are saying it," Prof. Lionel H. Laing, modera- tor of yesterday's program, added. William Ritchie, a third political science faculty participant in the symposium, maintained that "If it had not been for the existence of Russia, Marxism might have had a much greater movement in the West." Another aspect of the problem was pointed out to the audience of 120 by Prof. Frank Grace, who stated that the goal of the Com- munist is "unattainable." who were not elected to League positions. ' Active League support of the Student Government Council is also planned by Miss Arnold. . "I will try and put my program into effect and see how it works out, 'the education major said. Directed JGP Serving as director of the Junior Girls -Play - and writing songs for the production, as well as being' junior personnel representative on Kappa Kappa Gamma's house judiciary are among Miss Arnold's present activities. During her sophomore year, she 'was a member of Michifish and the Soph Scandals cast. Miss Ar- nold, who comes from Glencoe, Ill., also directed the skit which Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi Gamma Delta presented for Skit Night last year. Spending her freshman year at Smith College, Miss Arnold was freshman representative to the Dormitory Council. Will Be SGC Ex-Officio As League president, Miss Ar- nold is an ex-officio member of chairman of the League Council SGC. She will also serve as chairmanhof the League Council and be a member of the Joint Judi- ciary interviewing board. She will act as ex-officio vice-president of the League Board of Governors. Her duties also include coordi- nating all League activities and is- suing League appointments. Fear Harm In Dispute The Washtenaw county sheriff has intervened to prevent inci- dents in the smoldering Detroit Milk dispute. Three milk trucks, belonging to Tom Merkle of Chelsea were re- ported to have been followed Mon- dav by two Michigan-licensed cars bicycle ban" in specified areas of According to Joe Collins, '58, SRC Forms New Group A system to establish a liason between students and University alumni clubs will be organized im- mediately after spring vacation, it was announced at last night's meeting of the Student Relations Committee of the Development Council The organizational group, which will work through the Union, League, and the Student Relations Committee was stimulated primar- ily through the interest of Ruth Byers, Alumnae Council Secretary, and response of alumni clubs to the request for names of a possible student liaison to the individual clubs. Committee To Broadcast It was reported that the Com- mittee will be able to sponsor radio time on WCBN, broadcasting from South, East and West Quad- rangles, with a program of records, talks and interviews to acquaint students with the work of the Committee, the Development Council, and current campus is- sues. The broadcasting, tentatively scheduled for Saturday night from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m., will begin after spring vacation. Donna Netzer, '56, committee chairman, said that alumni clubs have expressed an interest in re- ceiving names of students in their areas and of holding some sort of social gathering for students and alumni. staying closely behind. No actual Birthday Parties Held incident took place. The clubs are conducting meet- The "Fair Share Bargining As- ings as "birthday parties" during sociation" which has been picket- the months of March and April ing for higher milk prices has to celebrate the Universtity's 139th called on its members to pour raw birthday. milk into the gutters in support of According to Tapping, General the strike. Secretary of the Alumni Associa- The sheriff's officers said that tion, the birthday party is the only law enforcement agencies are co- meeting that many of the clubs operating in protecting traveling outside the United States hold milk trucks. during the year. Ann Arbor. chairman of the committee, "It ,was felt that the bicycle is an in- tegral part of University life." Resolution Too Harsh Collins said the committee felt the City Council resolution to be too harsh. . "The City Council," Collins said "should consider the bicycle prob- lem in respect to the best inter- ests of the students." The second point established by the committee was to contact the University Plant Department this] week, and "show them where we can prove that there is a definite need for bicycle racks," Collins said. The committee's recent bicycle count and survey o existing bi- cycle racks showed four major areas of congestion. Cites Areas Collins listed thesesas: Mason- Haven Hall entrance, in front of the General ibrary, in front of the Economics Building and in front of Angell Hall. "Other areas," Collins said, "were considered, but it was felt that these four cause the most congestion to the students and need the most immediate relief." The bicycle count and rack sur- vey revealed that the "big cause of bicycle congestion is that stu- dents are not using the bicycle racks to their fullest advantage." The committee's third point is to embark on a program intended to educate students as to the proper use of existing racks and courtesy towards pedestrians. Flexible Farm Bill Rejected By Comnittee WASHINGTON (/P)-A Senate- House conference committee junk- ed the administration's flexible price support system in re-writing the farm bill yesterday. Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson predicted the move will bring a presidential veto.' The conferees agreed to write into the legislation a provision to support major crops at 90 per cent of parity this election year. This would mean an additional billion dollars in 1956 benefits to the farmers. Benson told reporters he tas "disappointed" at the congres- sional decision and that he didn't think President Dwight D. Eisen- hower would approve-even for one year-a return to the high, rigid price props which prevailed during World War II. As for the conference com- mittee's vote to retain a "dual parity" plan in the farm bill, the secretary called it "indefensible" and "political log rolling." Dual parity would permit farm- ers to use either the old parity formula or the new,hwhichever is higher, in computing crop support levels. a a ~Integration' Debate Topic Two students and two profes- sors will participate in a debate, "How Best to Secure Integration in the South," at 7:30 p.m. today in rooms D and E of the League. Professor William R. Leslie of the history departmeit, Professor uin " T . ifnrof hnnc- hl Briton Sees Self-Rule For Nigeria By MARY ANN THOMAS Nigeria will be a self-governing dominion of the British Common- wealth within a few years, Briga- dier Edward J. Gibbons predicted yesterday. "Nigeria is a typical example of the nation-building process which] has been the main effort of Great Britain in her colonies," he com- mented in an address sponsored by the political science and anthro- pology departments. Speaking on "Africa Today: British Colonies on the Road to Self-Government," the commis- sioner for the Cameroons and British representative on the Trus- teeship Council of the United Na- tions traced the development of Nigeria under British administra- tion. Taken over by Great Britain in 1900 in an effort to combat piracy and the slave trade, Nigeria has developed into the modern coun- try it is today at a "quite aston- ishing" speed. "The credit," he said, "goes not to the British, but to the partnership of the two." Explaining the administrative policy of Great Britain in her Af- rican colonies, Brigadier Gibbons discussed the difficulties adminis- trators had in teaching the natives self -government. In the northern regions they made use of existing forms of self- government anddruled by indirect methods, he said. In the coastal regions, where few forms of gov- ernment had developed, however, British leaders had to build up a local government system. "Now the system is being mod- ernized into county-council gov- ernments carrying on more exten- sive self-government," he com- mented. Nigerians are also learn- ing fundamentals of public finance on a small scale. In every case, Brigadier Gib- bons emphasized, each British colony is treated as a separate entity and is completely outside Great Britain's budget. This is important in regard to what is now happening in these territories because as these.coun- tries are: becoming independent, they are taking over already work- ing government .machines with which Britain is already accus- tomed to work- Nigeria will, of course, face many problems, the diplomat com- mented, but "I believe Nigerian leaders have the capacity to settle their own problems." Student Drivers Constitution Amendment Voted Down WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate yesterday rejected two proposals to revise the constitutional system of electing presidents and vice- presidents, then moved, on to con- sider a major compromise plan. A 69-13 vote defeated a con- stitutional amendment by Senator William Langer (R-ND) which called for presidential elections to be determined by direct popular vote. The candidates, under Sen. Langer's plan would have been nominated in nationwide party primaries. Rejected earlier by voice vote was an- amendment offered by Senator H. H. Humphrey (D- Minn). This would have given each state two electoral votes which would go to the party ticket carry- ing the state. The remaining 435 electoral votes would have been allocated nationally according to the na- tionwide popular vote. At present a ticket which carries a state gets all that state's elec- toral votes. A state has as many electoral votes as it has senators and representatives. BALLOTS OF ALL SIZES greet voters as they gather to exercise their franchise in this spring's all campus election. we should be able to attain or even excel last fall's total vote of 7,120," Walper said. This number represents. 36% of the University's student popu- lation. It was reported by the elections committee that balloting stations are operating at full efficiency with complete crews of election booth workers to handle' today's expected voters. Count Night Ballots will be counted at 7:30 tonight at the Union Ballroom. Count Night is open to the pub- lic and Walper urges those who are interested in the ballot count to attend the event. "The counting procedure is exciting in itself," he said "and all students are welcome to be present." For those unable to be present for the counting two radio stations' will report the results as they are posted in the Union. WCBN will broadcast to the three quadrangles direct from the Union. WHRV will carry the returns to all Ann Arbor residents. SGC Ballots for Everybody All voters will receive ballots' for Student Government Council and Board in Control of Student Publications. Sophmores will elect nine committeemen for their J- Hop. In addition two new members will be elected to the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athlet- ics, nine Union Vice-Presidents will be chosen and the Union ref- erendum decided. Gargoyle Out Today The Gargoyle staff - announced that their current issue will be on sale today. Managing editor David Kessel has promised students a "slam- bang" issue containing "carefully selected and aged jokes, bad ad- vice, better stories and futile ad- vertising." Communist Party Raided: By Tax Men WASHINGTON (P)-The Inter- nal Revenue Service said last night' it had raided and seized the prop- erty of Communist party offices acrossa the country after it had re- fused to supply tax information. The service's main office here- where even Commissioner Russell C. Harrington seemed not to know why or what happened-said it had received this explanation from Donald Moysey, director of the lower Manhattan district in New York City, after a telephone con- versation with him. Made Raids on Own Moysey said he made the raids on his own because he considered the Communist part, just another taxpayerand that his agents pre- vioutly had asked the party's law- yers for permission to study ifs . books to learn its income and ex- penses. The agents were told, Moysey is -quoted by the Washington office as saying, that the party had no books and no records and consid- ered itself tax exempt. Forms Sent 'Then-so the story here went- Moysey sent the Communist party forms to fill out to show why it should be treated as tax-exempt but that the forms were never filled out or returned. As a result, Moysey said, he asked the cooperation of other dis- trict directors to crack down on party headquarters in various cities and to seize what tangible assets they could find, to be held against the total which Moysey figures the party owes: $389,000. This information was obtained from Moysey by telephone from the Washington headquarters of the internal Revenue Service, Harrington was asked in his of fice by an Associated Press report- er if he would make a statement explaining the raids-this was be- fore Moysey was reached by tele- phone from here-and he said: "I don't want to make a state- ment until I learn the details." He was asked: "These raids weren't conducted without your permission,- were they?" Harrington hesitated a moment and then answered: "Well, I guess I'll have to take the responsibility for them." Engineers Confer Today Ann Arbor will play host. today to the North Central Conference of the Student Chapters of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers, Howard Linders, '56E, con- ference chairman, said yesterday. Approximately 80 delegates from Michigan and Ohio are expected, along with 40 members from the University. Delegates will register at the Union at 1 p.m. Lawrence A. Rubin, secretary of the Mackinaw Bridge Authority, will be guest speaker at a dinner 6:30 today in the Union. Tmnrrnw t+edP atRA nw11 My Very Own' World News Roundup WHEELING, W. Va. (P)-Leaders of the, United States, Canada and Mexico agreed yesterday their nations should offer moral and economic aid to thwart possible Communist domination of newly inde- pendent countries. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Canadian Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent and President Adolfo Ruiz Cortines of Mexico agreed on the need for such a course in continuing informal talks underscoring North American unity on international problems. * * * * - NICOSIA, Cyprus(P)-Two British military policemen were killed in an ambush yesterday a few hours after British Gov. Sir John Harding pleaded for an end to violence. A Greek-speaking customs official was shot dead in the port city of Limassol during the day. The deaths brought to 62 the number of persons killed in the last year by Greek Cypriots seeking union of this British east Medi- terranean island colony with Greece. NEW DELHI, India (MP)-A. I. Mikoyan, a Soviet first deputy premier, told Indian and Western newsmen yesterday the Soviet Communist party will be strengthened by criticism of Joseph Stalin. Mikoyan said that because too much good had been said about Stalin, the 20th Soviet Communist party Congress in Moscow last month "criticized some actions of Stalin . . . from a historical point of view and the main aim was to show what is right and wrong- and arm the party for the future." * * * * WASHINGTON-Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson yes- terday named a single boss to speed the United States drive for victory in the long range strategic missile race with Russia. He is research engineer Eger V. Murphree, president of the Esso Research & Engineering Co.. at Summit. N.J. Immmalmnalmrso"MI-1,