Dean Olson Raps Pro posed New Teacher Cod By ADELAIDE WILEY Dean of University Education School Willard C. Olson yesterday attacked the proposed revision of the Michigan teacher certification code. Dean Olson, chairman of the influential committee on the training of teachers, read a statement from the committee at a hearing in Ypsilanti. Speaking in a firm voice, he outlined the committee's proposal that the current code be available for all interested persons. The committee also asked for a more comprehensive state-wide opinion survey as a basis for revision. Chief objection of the University delegation "centered on the jump in required professional courses for high school teachers from 20 semester hours to 30. "This increase of 50% is out of line with practice in the U.S. and jeopardizes the free movement of teachers, between states . . . The average requirement for professional work is 18 hours for secondary certification," according to Dean Olson. The committee also blasted the decrease (from 54 to 30) in hours devoted to majors and minors, which is replaced in the code by the controversial "broad area of concentration." County school superintendents expressed a strong feeling about the revision committee being made up of professional educators,; saying they would "like to be consulted," since it is their schools the proposals affect primarily. Code Doesn't Follow A teacher from Aquinas College Faculty Committee observed that although the preamble of the code says its purpose is to set up the best possible preparation of teachers, the requirements in the code do not follow this up. Prof. Peter J. - Stahdish of the University of Detroit said, "that economically and intellectually future teachers would be hindered- they wouldn't be able to afford the extra time and money for getting the required master's degree for a permanent certificate, and the better ones wouldn't submit to it." MFT Reads Statement A representative from the Michigan Federation of Teachers read their statement which said, "There is little evidence in the code of promised give and take between the advisory committee and revision subcommittee." Prof. Warner G. Rice, chairman of the University English department and chairman of the Michigan College English Association, said that "teachers in a classroom are themselves demonstrating teach- ing techniques by indirection. "All these teachers train in honesty, virtue, and citizenship, which the proposed code so strongly advocates. "I think the present meeting, at which fall points of views have been presented, and many opinions brought out, shows that we need to meet more frequently so that everyone's ideas may be consid Prof. Lawrence Quill, representing the Michigan State Unii liberal arts school and President John Hanna, also "vigorously" o ed to the code. The general feeling of the hearing was expressed- in a state by a high school teacher who suggested that "the committee 1o the code as a brave venture, and just start anew." At the end of the meeting, presiding State Board of Edu member Charles G. Burns said the Board would "take a long time to consider the protests. We appreciate the constructive a and opinions from you people, and will certainly use them in ou cision." Observers claiin there will be a compromise made on the educ requirements, bringing them down to 24. Some also thought the should be acted upon immediately, as delay would dim opi expressed at the hearings. Should U.S. Cease Empha- sizing' Military Alliance? See Page 4 L tt ighau Latest Deadline in the State :4I at CLOUDY ANDCOLDER mu wti1 b- VOL. LXVI, No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1956 'A Il llllp An Editorial . 0. Every semester The Daily exhorts the student body to get out and vote in the all-campus elections. This semester it is particularly important that every student get out and vote, especially in the Student Gov- ernmentCouncil election. In the past few months, SGC has proven that it can be a strong and effective organization for implement- ing student opinion on campus matters and problems. SGC was the force behind the changing of the long. derided driving ban. SGC has taken a forward step in studying the long-criticized academic counseling system. And SGC has touched the lives of many students with its decision on sorority rushing. Yet, SGC is but one year old, and will be subjected to a critical appraisal during its next year, the second of ; two-year trial period. It has proved itself to be of importance to the students. Now it is the students' turn to prove their confidence in the Council. A small vote would raise the very serious question of whether the students deserve to have an SGC. A small vote could be very crippling to the future of SGC. It might lose much of its influence and be unable to reach the potential its last few months have, demonstrated. So it is very important that every' student get out and vote in this crucial election to prove to everyone, especially to the University, that SGC is worth keeping. Don't let SGC or yourself down. Vote today or tomorrow. -THE SENIOR EDITORS 'ANTI-INTELLECTUAL' Conroversy Developing Over New Teacher Code (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles on the proposed revision of the teacher certification code.) One major battle over the altered teacher certification code seems in the offing. It concerns the relations between liberal arts and -professional education. A professor at Michigan * State Normal wrote that the revision "furnishes another instance of the unremitting attempt of theedu- cationists to drive humanistic and scientific scholarship out of the, school system." This is in direct condemnation of a much-discussed statement in the revised code, which reads, ". . . the prospective teacher who - demonstrates that his interest is S S I1 :1 Must Testify if Immune Court Rules Justices Black, Douglas Dissent WASHINGTON (RP)-A 1954 law to corfpel witnesses to give testi- mony in cases involving national security, in return for immunity from prosecution, was upheld yes- terday by the Supreme Court 7-2. Justice Felix Frankfurter, speak- ing for the majority, said the Fifth Amendment privilege against com- pulsory self-incrimination ceases when "immunity replaces danger" of prosecution. Justice William Douglas wrote a dissenting opinion in which he said the framers of the Constitu- tion "put it beyond the power of Congress to compel anyone to con- fess his crimes." Douglas Dissatisfied Douglas, whose opinion was con- curred in by Justice Hugo Black, said "the privilege of silence is ,exchanged for a partial, undefined, vague immunity" and that "Con- gress has granted far less than it has taken away." The court's decision affirmed the contempt conviction in New York of William Ludwig Ullmann, first person to be punished under the law. Ullman Claimed Privilege Ullman, called before a federal grand jury investigating a Wash- ington wartime espionage ring, re- fused to answer questions, claim- ing the privilege against self-in- crimination. Upon recommendation of Atty. Gen. Brownell, United States Dist.' Judge Edward Weinfeld promised Ullman immunity from prosecu- ~ion as a result of any testimony he gave. When he still refused to answer questions, Judge Wein- feld sentenced him to six months in jail. Frankfurter said the a'ct gives a witness immunity from state as well as federal prosecution result- ing from compelled testimony. Weather Could arm Elections By DICK SNYDER Though the weather outlook is far from good, Student Gov ment Council elections workers are optimistic that a new recor students voting will be set in today's and tomorrow's all-campus loting. Elections Director John Walper, '58, points out that the wea man, who has predicted rain or snow by tonight and increasing t9morrow, is not always infallible. Walper's -committee yesterday loaded portable tables on tr and prepared ballot boxes for distribution today to the 16 pol booths across campus. I -Dyily-John irtzei LAST MINUTE CHECK-Office Manager Claudia Taylor and Polls Directpr Tom VandenBosch pre- pare ballots for distribution today to 16 campus polling places. Students will be voting for seven Student Government Council candidates, positions on four other organizations and a Union referendum. World News Roundup By The Associated Press NICOSIA, Cyprus-Greek Cyp- riots last night resumed their campaign of violence against British rule after a day of com- parat-ve calm. Authorities reported three bomb- ings that caused damage but no casualties. W. Va.-President Dwight D. ,Eisenhower, the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico opened talks yesterday at a good neighbor conference sym- bolizing North American unity. WASHINGTON-The Senate ii- vestigations subcommittee bumped into a wall of resistance yesterday when it tried to get confidential papers on Communist trade policy from high administration officials. NEW EVIDENCE: U' Scientist Discovers CaneChemical Tie A University scientist has produced evidence that the "wasting away" of patients afflicted with cancer may be caused by change in the body chemical glutathione-a basic component of all living matter. This announcement was made recently by the Michigan Division of the American Cancer Society in a report on research conducted by Dr. Jere M. Bauer, an associate professor in internal medicine at the University. Dr. Bauer's experiments were performed with pairs of mice. Half of the mice were normal and the Election Law Loses Support WASHINGTON P)-Sen. H. Al- exander Smith (R-N.J.) told the Senate yesterday he has decided to withdraw his support of the pro- posed constitutional amendment to change the method of electing presidents. other half had a transplanted can- cer. Dr. Bauer's results challenge the common concept that the bodies of diseased animals contain increased water.-. His experiments show the in- crease does not represent an in- crease in water content of the body tissues, but is due to the excessive loss of fat. Fourteen Candidates Fourteen candidates are -in the running fort seven SGC posts this semester, six of them full-year terms, the other a half-year in- terim vacancy. In addition, students will elect seven Union Vice-Presidents, nine J-Hop committee members, three members of the Board in Control of Student Publicatiors and one member of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. Voting will also take place on a referendum proposing a change in the number, titles and functions of the Union's senior officers. While Walper said that the elec- tions committee has no specific goal in mind, he stressed that it definitely 'hopes to surpass last semester's total vote of 7,120. Only 6,070 Last Year A year ago at this time, only 6,070 votes were registered in the first SGC election. The highest number of votes cast in a student government election on this cam- pus was 8,500 in Student Legis- lature's April, 1949, balloting. Walper noted that as of last night there were few. people to man ballot boxes for. the noon to 1 p.m. shift, but expressed con- fidence that the committee would find the necessary help by this morning. SGC incumbents running for second Council terms are Bill Ad- Vote Total Here are available figures for 12 election vote totals since Student Legislature originated in 1947. As indicated, the record was set in April, 1949, when ap- proximately 8,500 students went to the polls. December, 1947 . .f... 5,301 April, 1948 ............ 5,756, April, 1949 ..... 8,500 November,'195# ........ 3,000 April, 1951............. 6,918 November, 1951 ........ 6,489 September, 1953 ........ 5,988 November, 1953 . ...... 6,489 March, 1954 ........... 6,091 December, 1954 .....6,741 March, 1955........... 6,070 November, 1955 .......... 7,120 ams, '57, Lewis Engman, '57, and Tom Sawyer, '58. Other Council candidates are Jim Dygert, '56, Jerry Janecke, '58, Nora Lee Paselk, '57, Irm Saulson, '57, John Schubeck, '57, L,.eonard Shlain, '58, Ronald Shorr, '58, Georgia Strain, '57, Anne. Wood- ard, '57. Richard Wright, '57, and 'U' Branch Of AAUP, OK's Repori Instructs Delegate To Vote Approval U Musicians To Perform Berlioz Mass Hector Berlioz's "Requiem" will be given a premiere performance at the University when it is pre- sented at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Under the direction of Prof. Maynard Klein of the music school, the program will be given by the combined University choirs and orchestra. For his purposes, Berlioz found that he needed 190 instruments and 210 voices with additional tim- pani and brass choirs. .For the University's choir's per- formance, 35 (nixed yoices, 75 orchestra members and an addi- tional 30 members divided into four brass choirs will be heard. Eight timpani and three other per- cussion instruments will be used. The performance is open to the public without charge.l primarily in the acquisition of knowledge in a particular subject matter field, cannot be calculated to have an equally fundamental interest in the welfare of chil- dren."f 'Anti-Intellectual' Objectors to the proposed code state that it is "anti-intellectual," that in substituting. "broad con- centration" subjects- like agricul- ture, home economics, physical education, ,industrial arts, librar- ianship, art or special education, for liberal arts subjects like his- tory, English, mathematics and science, the teacher's intellectual maturity will never get beyond the sophomore level. An instructor from an Ohio col- lege reviewed the Michigan revi- sions, and said "the proposal seems to be an effort to make teachers interchangeable parts. Further, it is a system designed to confine a college education to introductory courses in many dif- ferent fields .. . the teacher will never know what it means to ex- plore anything in depth . . . as his knowledge is to be carefully The University's chapter of Am- erican Association of University Professors have approved the re- cent report of the Committee on Academic Freeddn and Tenure in the Quest for National Security. Prof. Ferrell Heady of the Polit- ical Science Department, the Uni- versity's delegate to the AAUP an- nual meeting in St. Louis April 6, has been instructed to approve the report as it stands, The Executive Committee of the local branch took action on the report Saturday. T h e i r statement commented, "While there is some duestion in the minds of the Executive Com- mittee about certain minor points in the section regarding the Uni- versity, the members feel that the report is in general judicious and constructive." Members of the Executive Com- mittee had no comment yesterday on whatrthe "certain minor points" were. The AAUP Committee for Aca- demic Freedom released a report last Wednesday on faculty civil rights controversies. The report summarized faculty incidents at 21 schools and univer- sities, recommending censure for five and commendation for six. The University was one of ten whose cases were reviewed but for whom no recommendations were made.% The Academic Freedom com- mittee recommendations do not become official AAUP policy until voted on at the annual meeting. It is likely, though, the report will be accepted as it stands. Speech Group to Pren Hopwood Play "My Very Own," directed and written by Beverly Canning, grad., will be presented by the Depart- mn nf nP vnh n + R(Mm Wm,' MERE MENIAL LABOR' COed Prefers ean Cuttin Tshes ~'~'~" .e a n ...... ..... BY ERNEST THEODOSSIN ne Rchtishelping to support herself by dissecting beans. Miss Reichart, who works for the botany department, sends 15 Y h ur e c week working w ith lupine be n . E c Saturday, sh spends eight hours dissecting epicotyls from the lupine beans. Then she places the beans in a solutiQn in erlenmyer flasks. Four days later she places them in other flasks, six per vessel. 'Menial Labor' Miss Reichart, who describes her job as "the mere menial labor required in every research experiment," calls her work "very inter- esting. .I get to workdith graduate students ad meet some ally out standing pol, h ad A -- .-nother assistant works with Miss Rec.tAu hepeae l of the solutions and does theaayig i job is muchmoec - h m r c o-otpi'ca te . Adviser Helped rMisshReichart gt t bean dissectingjo b last September ~ through teia of e atye adviser. Before that, she had worked'