r . (.. i .. ... ....~U - . -No vw - J1:1 U, . -.. - w ' ' %-- # f s l~w - F - s I- WW 7w- Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY SundcV. March. 25. 1956 Sunday, .!March 25, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . - " VSun16VYJ MnIr1{4411. 1 7.J i Sunday, March 25, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Art of Aimless Hitch-hiking THE AIM IS TO AVOID COMMITTING YOURSELF AND TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU SHOULD BE BUSINESSMAN'S B USINES SMAN George Humphrey: Dor Of te ReewedPartne) Between Government & Fate Is Best Courted by Sitting Back on Your Suitcase And Waiting for the Gods To Take Over By RICHARD LAING THERE ARE many kinds of hitch-hiking. Perhaps most familiar around here is the "I gotta get home this weekend but I'm flat broke," variety. Devotees of this form are to be seen on Friday afternoons lined up on Washtenaw across from the Mu- seum. Another form is the "Next sum- mer I'm going to hitch-hike to Seattl- and look up my old girl friend" sort. This is obviously merely an extension of the first sort since in both these cases you hitch-hike because it is cheap and because you want to get some- where in particular. One more type is the "I think I'll hitch-hike around the coun- try" kind. For many penniless young Americans this has become a sort of an equivalent to the affluent young Englishman's con- tinental grand tour. Finally there is a form of tour- ing hitch-hiking that has almost disappeared in this well-ordered and prosperous era where everyone knows exactly where he is going and a new GM t Ford car is' Issued at puberty. This form is aimless hitch-hiking, Attractive& & Immoral THE DEVOTEE of aimless hitch- hiking says "I don't know where I want to go. I want to find out where I deserve to be." This form of hitch-hiking'had its Golden Age in the years between World War II and the Korean War. To the average American driver it was both fascinating and an extreme annoyance. To drivers there was something both attrac- tive and immoral in aimlessness. In aimless hitch-hiking you put your thumb out and wait. You want to find out where you land if you refrain from making con-1 scioi' decisions about your goal. You try to find out where yourt sub-conscious decides you should be. You might think that aimless- ness would take you nowhere ore if you did end up somewhere theree would be no significance to it, butt this does not seem to be the case.{ One fellow, °or instance, always< found himself on the same street in Toronto regardless when ort where he started. But to get sucht consistent results one has to care-E fully avoid making any overt actst of volition. . The whole idea of the thing is tot avoid committing oneself. One isi not even very vigorous in the put- ting out of the thumb. Some per- sons have erected the thumb ges- ture into a sort of violent, semi- obscene gesture toward fate. But this violence presupposes that if one does not know where he is going at least he knows where he' wants the driver to go. Aimlessk hitchhiking is not this well-direct- ed. There is an element of lassi- tude in the signal to the oncoming lines of traffic. The gesture of the aimless hitch-hiker is less a violent jerk of the thumb than an almost imperceptible shrug of the shoulders. But the perfectionist in aimless hitch-hiking will avoid even this. Fate is best courted by sitting back on your suitcase and waiting for the gods to take over. Shirt-sleeve Ruse THE RULES, however, allow one to use hand gestures as long as they are badly timed. They are vaguely suggestive of hitch-hiking rather than assertive or pleading. The wrist action is definitely though not deliberately mistimed. It comes a bit too, early and fades away before the driver can clearly determine whether or not you are signalling cars or are merely 'ad- justing your shirt in your coat sleeve. Or the gesture can come a bit too late so that it bewilders the driver at the final moment when he cannot be sure he saw anything at all. This is probably the best way for by the time he realizes that you did signal for a ride he is far down the road and would not be able to stop anyway. This solves the problem for driver and hitch- hiker before it even gets started. IT IS obvious though, even with this care in thumbing, that sooner or later one will be offered a ride. Often this occurs because the bad timing to one car turns out to have been magnificent timing on another. Before you can fade back there is a squeal of tires, a car1 door opens and some damnably cheery voice (usually that of a positive thinker or other sales- man) is saying "Hop in. We're go- ing to Mudbank." This is a real challenge tQ aim-; lessness; you've been offered a ride' which implies a direction. Since; there is no one else in the car the' "We" implies that you and the] driver are. already steadfast trav- eling companions willing to share' every confidence. One of the rules of aimless hitch-hiking is never confide to the driver where you came from or where you are going.- An additional challenge lies in the driver's naming of his destina- tion. This poses the problem of< goals right from the beginning.1 Usually talk of destination can be1 postponed until the driver is ready< to burst with curiousity. The ideal is to get him to burst. Greyhound Bus Ruse' BUT IBEFORE you get in you4 have one more legitimate ruse. You can pretend that you do nota know that you have been offered1 a ride. You are by the rules obli- gated to accept it but you can hesi- tate for a moment as if you didn't quite understand what the driver wants. It is convenient to have a suit- case at your side to not pick up. Just look up the road for a moment as if you expected a chartered Greyhound to come booming up. Wait three seconds before pick- ing your suitcase up. Then comes the crucial moment. If he acts quickly enough he can leave you there and you can stand and cooly watch him take off down the road. You can wait until he finally commits himself to leaving with- out you and then pick up your suitcase. It is my opinion that technique makes sport of what is basically a very serious investi- gation. Such foolishness can lead to no good. If the driver still waits for you, this is it; get in. .Driver's Ruse IT IS the aimless hitch-hiker's attitude during the drive that hc given this form of hitch-hik- ing such a bad name. Sooner or later the driver is going to ask how far you are going and where you are going and it is the duty of the true aimless hitch-hiker to give no answer to these questions; or if to answer, then to do it in a manner that provides no infor- mation. People have got to know the answer or they will go nuts. There is only one in fifty who will not become decidedly annoyed if he can not quickly get an answer to what seems to him to be a simple question. If he asks where you are going, you say "toward town." He will say, "Phoney Gulch?" You say "No." After a few moments" of silence he will try another tack. "I'm going as far as Indian Belch," he will say. You say nothing. (If violence seems imminent say, "Uhhuh.") All this seems to eliminate the possibility of terminating the ride. But you will find that when the driver finally wants to get rid of you he will stop the car and say, "Well, this is it" or "I turn here," or "This is the end of the line, buddy" or "Get out." It is obvious that we have'here a rough indi- cator of the irritation that you have generated in the driver. NOW and then drivers become so irritated at the non-com- mital attitude of aimless hitch- hikers that they adopt ruses to rid themselves of their guests. About 4 o'clock one afternoon a few years ago on U. S. 6 a driver began feigning extreme sleepiness. Ap-: eral times tention of night but and announced his In- getting a room for the promised to keep an eye out for the hitch-hiker the next day. If he saw him he would pick him up again, he said. They parted, the driver into a hotel lobby, and the aimless hitch-hiker across the street and into a park where he sat down on a bench and began to watch pigeons. A few minutes later he saw the driver peer out of the hotel, look carefully in both direc- tions, make a dash for his car and creep slowly out of town down a side street. This driver's ruse is suitable for the moderately populated sections of the United States but in the desert states the hotel trick is less feasible. A certain driver on one of the desolate stretches of U. S. 66 solved the problem of his un- desirable aimless hitch-hiker by stopping at a lonely gas station and lunch stand, giving the hitch- hiker a quarter and telling him to go in and order the coffee while he had some gas put in the car. As soon as the hitch-hiker stepped inside, the driver tossed the hitch- hiker's bag out on the ground and took off down the highway. The Needles Incident IT WOULD seem evident from this that the aimless hitch-hiker would get fewer rides than his more goal-conscious companions and that once getting a ride he would have great trouble holding on to it. One must remember, however, that mere motion is not the object of the aimless hitch-hiker. He figures that if he is to be ignored there is a reason. And if he is kicked out there is a reason, and that if he is to be picked up he will be picked up regardless of what the chances seem to be.- One time in Needles, California, a hitch-hiker's graveyard just In- side the state line -from Arizona (and also the spot where the Joads lost Noah, the first born), there were twelve earnes. hitch-hikers already lined up facing east when an aimless hitch-hiker showed up. He teok the place reserved for newcomers at the far end of the line, sat down on his suitcase and waited. He didn't even bother to get up when cars came by. The others, of course, waved desper- ately. They all wanted to get to Phoenix by nightfall. Once an hour a State Police car came along and drove slowly past the column of waiting men. There was an auto air-conditioner on the police car. The temperature by the side of the road was 111 de- grees. IM~E FIRST time by, the police officer who glanced along the row of men seemed a bit puzzled that the aimless hitch-hiker did not get up and put out his thumb when cars came by. At the next hour, still seeing no response from the aimless hitch. hiker, the police car stopped, the officer rolled down his window and let the hot desert air roll in just to tell him that there was a vagrancy law in Needles and that the local constable would come by at sundown and make everyone get hotel rooms or go to jail. The hitch-hiker thanked him for this information but continued to ig- nore the passing traffic. An hour later the police car came by again. This time the cop stopped and told the aimless hitch- hiker to get in. The other twelve stood there and watched. The cop took the hitch-hiker down to the fork in the road at the state line and bid him good-by. The first car that came along took the hitch-hiker to Phoenix, which was of course where he de- served to go. He had gotten there without lifting a finger. The others are probably still in Cali- fornia. By PHIL BREEN N CABINET meetings," says President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er, "I always wait for George Humphrey to speak. I sit back and listen to the others talk while he doesn't say anything. But I know that when he speaks up he will say just what I am thinking When George talks, we all listen." In the three years since-he be- came Secretary of the Treasury, George M. Humphrey has emerged as the most powerful man in the President's Cabinet. In the recent critical months of the President's illness and disabil- ity, George Humphrey has been doing a lot of talking. His advice, ideas, and policies have carried much weight. He has become the vital, moving force behind the present Republican Administra- tion. "The way people get that idea about me," he says, "is that there isn't a great deal you can do in government without money, and wherever there's money, that's my business." His "business" has carried him into many different areas of the Federal Government. He has made his influence felt in such fields as' foreign affairs, national defense, labor relations, and a host of oth- er far-flung governmental activi- ties. He is referred to by many Washington observers as t h e "strong man" of the U.S. Cabinet. THE ROLE of "strong man" is not a new one for George Humphrey. There have been few times in his life when he has not bees a strong man, few ventures he has been associated with in which he has not taken the domi- nant position, the leading role. His whole life has been one of constant striving-a struggle to achieve, to accomplish, to build. George Magoffin Humphrey was born in Cheboygan, Michigan, on March 8, 1890. He grew up in nearby Saginaw, where his father was a leading citizen and prosper- ous lawyer. At Saginaw High School he played on the state high school championship football team and was president of his class two years in a row. In 1908 he entered the Univer- sity of Michigan to study engi- neering. He soon switched to law, made good grades, and graduated with honors in 1912. After graduation he married his childhood sweetheart, Pamela Stark, entered his father's law firm, and settled down to six years of a healthy, respectable, and luc- rative law practice. But somehow, the legal profession did not satisfy him. 16 Years After Hanna WHEN in 1918 he was offered a position with the M. A. Hanna Company of Cleveland, Ohio, he. felt that here was the chance to begin the kind of life he wanted to lead. In the 1890's the M. A. Hanna Co. had been a, rich and powerful outfit, the treasurehouse of the illustrious Mark A. Hanna, then Senator from Ohio, political' boss of the Republican Party, and virtual owner of President William' McKinley. But by 1918, 16 years after Han- na's death, the company had de- generated into a veritable hodge- podge of financial and industrial odds and ends, struggling along under the hectic mismanagement of four partners, and losing two million dollars a year. This Is Phil Breen's second1 major contribution to the mag- aine section. Hls article on1 Richard Nixon appeared in theI January issue. Humphrey joined the firm as as- sistant general counsel. It was a nice comfortable job and one which ordinarily wouldn't call for too much imagination. But George Humphrey was not one to "set" for very long. Under his urging, M. A. Han- na Co. undertook a vast and sweeping re-organization, dump- ing old and unprofitable branches of the firm, merging the newer and more successful ones, stream- linging procedures, raising new capital, and hiring a whole new staff of young, energetic, and ef- ficient professional business execu- tives. It was a lot of work, and Hum- phrey did most of it. In 1929 he was made president of the company. In the reign of George Hum- phrey, M. A. Hanna Co. rose to new and more glorious lrights. And as Hanna prospered so did Humphrey. As ruler of a sprawl- ing empire of steel, coal, steam- ship, and textile interests, he amassed a personal fortune esti- mated conservatively at $20,000,- 000. His Family, His Stockholders & The G.O.P. BY 1948 the desire for accomp- lishment was still burning strong in George Humphrey's heart. In that year he pioneered the mammoth $200,000,000 iron ore development in Labrador, op-, ening up a great new source of raw materials from which to feed, the hungry industrial mouth of the nation. True, the venture would mean a lot of money to him and his as- sociates, yet he never thought of it solely in terms of financial gain., To him the project was a real accomplishment, and as he said, "Accomplishment is the sum of a lot of things-building things, making things, making jobs for people, and, yes, making money, too." In Cleveland, where he spent most of his mature years, few people outside the higher echelons of the business community had ever heard of George Humphrey. In politics, he had never made] much noise. A staunch Republi- can, he was content to remain in the fund collecting end of the Re- publican Party organization in Ohio. In short, he was a business- man's businessman - fervently loyal to his family, his stock- holders, and the G.O.P. By 1952 he was convinced thatj the only thing that could save the country from perdition was a solid Republican election sweep.1 He had bankrolled George Bender to the leadership of the Cuyahoga County Republican machine, had contributed heavily to Robert A.; Taft's campaigns for Senator, and, when the G.O.P. nominated Eisen- hower he became an avid Ike sup- porter, gathering up and pouring ,whopping sums into the General's1 campaign coffers. Eisenhower's election was "one of the most heartening ex-k periences" of his life. Humphrey could now sit back and rest easy. The battle was, over. The nationi was safe. If Your Number's Up, You've Got To Go HE WAS taking a happy, well-S earned vacation on his plan-1 tation 'in Georgia when Generali Lucius Clay presented him with the President's offer of the Treas- ury post. At first he refused: "No businessman Ijas any business in politics." Then, he decided toJ think it over. He discussed the problem with his wife, Pamela, the girl he had been in love with "since the age of ten." "We talked it over," he said, ".. .and the thing we kept coming back to was this: Say we were in the same place on the plantation, after I'd turned down the job. Would we really be enjoying it? Wouldn't we feel I'd let the Presi- dent and the country down? As I said to my wife, this sort of thing is kind of like the draft. If your number's up, you've got to go." So he went. And when he went he took with him the same determination to achieve, to build, that had. so strongly marked his whole career. As boss of the Treasury Depart- ment's 87,525 employees and many diverse Bureaus (Internal Reve- nue, Printing and Engraving, Mint, Narcotics, Budget, Secret Service, to name a few) he had a big job ahead of him, IS KEEPER of the Government's cash, Humphrey felt he "must do something to bring this octopus that the Government had become back under control." "The U.S. Government," he said, "now shows all the elements of a badly managed business." hard and fast rules: 1 No agency to propose a new spending plan to the White House until the Treasury had a chance to work it over. r2. No program to be offered to the White House without a price tag showing the cost. He felt that the cardinal sin of previous Democratic admifis- trations had been its "hang the cost" attitude, its habit of adopt- ing a policy and then trying to figure out how to pay for it. And paying for it would always involve "borrowing more money or run- ning a bigger deficit." "Now," says George Humphrey, "the cred- it of the American Government is not unlimited. A country can't go on outspending itself indefinite- ly any more than a man can." To prove his point he refers to his experience in business. In the business world, he says, "either they blow you up way beyond what you're worth, or suddenly you're no good at all. While you're rid- ing high, the bankers are clamor- ing to take you out to dinner, and press credit on you... "The moment you begin to slip, or they think you're slip- ping - bing! - your credit's all gone. And when it's gone, it's gone." OPRESERVE the credit of the U.S. Government, Secretary Humphrey has embarked on a pol- icy to cut Federal spending "till the last dog is hung." I so doing, his critics say, he has sacrificed the national security on. the high altar of Balancing the Budget and Reducing the National Debt. To this accusation, George Humphrey makes the following sort of reply: "It's not so simple as saying, 'How much would you spend to save your life?', and to give the obvious answer, 'Anything' It's much more complicated than that. Here's a guy with a dagger at your throat. You have to spend a lot of money to protect yourself, but if you spend too much, you starve to death anyway, so what's the difference? What we are try- ing to save is our American way of life--a free market economy-3 and you can lose that by economic disaster just as quickly as by mili-i tary defeat." George Humphrey is very de- voted to "saving our way of life." He has two sure-fire ways to save it: 1. Remove all government shackles from privateenterprise. 2. Lower taxes. The first of these has been re- jected by an obstinate Democratic Congress. With the second he has found more success. Income taxes have been lowered an average of 10 per cent, taxes on investments have been cut, and the excess profits tax is now dead. HUMPHREY is sincere in the belief that his methods are what the nation's economy needs to give it new life and vigor. He was horrified at the "regimenta- tion and government controls" and other 'things the American people don't like" which twenty years of New and Fair Deals forced on the nation. "We must re-establish natural - incentives and then we can make more things for less money for more people. We can make this again a land of opportunity for our young men."~ To this kind of remark, Hum- phrey's critics retort with the rath- er obvious fact that it was under the five Democratic governments of the '30's and '40's that George Humphrey made his money and the M. A. Hanna Co., like so many other businesses, reaped such large profits. In his views on the national political economy Mr. Humphrey reminds one of a predecessor of his, another millionaire-Andrew Mellon. On the wall behind George Humphrey's desk in his office in the Treasury Building is a large and impressive portrait of the thin and ghostly figure of Mellon staring firmly out into space. With Mellon Secretary of the Tr ad pu ne of ern ' pu tw go wc bo su bo per na we He thi tw tio "pe tin ph lot the Uni With Mellon Secretary of the Un at a--- never nev t hastoeret 4 "V y "JT 4 oents..A. $4 o 9\ p Mk to P M I~ .ol fischers rer never... s been a perfume INi X, 0 ME A SMOKERS! I * PIPES ' CIGARS *MAGAZINES e BOOKS-o " moted nd oetic Tobaccos wA, exciting perfume c little primitive -eterna ook at the wonderfu pisite gift.) PsftIm ..1 .11.50 tes~t !ab .. i3% o+ 4.1 'The ('ipe Ceittelr Mon.-Fri. 7 A.M.--9 P.M. Sat. 8 AM.-5 P.M. Sun. 9 AM.-1 P.M. 118 EAST HURON Across from the Court House ti sev- VIW-