JIlY'1["' [7V /v nrrh '7 i Q iFi try, r. * r .t, - - .. ,.. - y.. .r r Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY - )uriuuy, rnarGn , i y7o yc o "7Ae 1Ka44e4 SUNDAY MAGAZINE a1 e Sfrl it~an Dutit~ OUR REPORTER FINDS HE'S INTERESTED IN SPITE OF HIMSELF Sunday, March 25, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY By DAVID NEWMAN EEZ!" I thought, my pulse beating in time to The Victors, "I'm going to my very first SGC meeting." I clutched my box lunch to my chest and mounted the steps of the Union, proudly entering throught the front door. Of course this was a special meeting. The Great Issue of De- ferred Sorority Rushing was the topic and interest ran high. Wise men had told me that a large crowd would be in attendance, ready to shout "Hosannah!" and/ or cry "Havoc!" at the final de- cision. "The sororities will be there en masse," I was told, "and excite- ment will be raging." So I figured I'd go see what was upsetting all these girls. Maybe I'd learn something about SGC while I was at it. The shindig began in a large room on the third floor. As I ap- proached a large crowd was al- ready forming, although it was a mere handful compared to what would later stream in. A HA! I espied a cluster of sorori- ty girls in a corner, no doubt saying Important Things about, the issue so dear to their hearts. I knew they were affiliates because each displayed a golden pin gleam- ing on their frontage. Carefully I managed to join their confab sur- reptitously. In the manner of "Pygmalion's" Henry Higgens, I waited to hear what these women would say amongst themselves about Spring rushing. A tall blond leanedsover to whis- per to her colleagues. "Can you smoke here?" she asked anxiously. "Golly," said her friend, "I guess so." "Did you hear who's going out with Ronny now?" said a third, fingering the lapel of her white blazer jacket. She mentioned a name I could not catch. "My Gawd, no!" screamed the tall blonde and the entire group nodded sagely. Well, I figured, maybe they're playing it cautious because I'm around. So I walked away and left them to continue their dis- cussion of the vital problem. BACK in my seat again, I lit a cigarette just to conform and awaited the appearance of the SGC board. They bounded in like so many young gazelles and I noted, to my surprise, that they did not appear in funny costumes or carry blown up pig bladders to flail each other in the manner ' of good comics. The head fellow rapped loudly on the table and called the meeting to order and nobody applauded. "Egads!" I said to myself, "They're playing it straight!" The folks kept coming and soon a new row of chairs was placed in front of mine and I was no' longer at ringside. "Think they'll have to move to the ballroom?" asked a man who found himself seated on my lap. "It sure is filling up," said a strange girl sitting underneath my chair. THEN the big show began and, in spite of myself, I started getting interest. No kidding. There was talk and talk, and the mob swayed with whoever spoke. The SGC people spoke and then for about an hour people from the floor put in their two cents. Their two cents were pretty interesting for the most part, although the; large cast was a little confusing. By the time the final vote was cast it was past midnight and the woman were feeling pretty daring about being allowed to stay up and wait for Santa Claus to arrive. When it became clear that Spring rushing had made the grade screams and moans were heard from all corners. Then came the back slapping, the hand shaking, the fist shaking, the teeth-clenching and the head nodding that mark the post-mor- tem of any big decision. Meeting was recessed and everybody dis- persed for points hither and yon.. THEN ALL was quiet and all were gone, thp SGC folk came back to .finish the meeting. A few smaller matters were left on the agenda and they had to be attend-' ed to. But the change was start- ling. The ballroom was now a gigantic empty place where min- utes before it had been compar- able to the Black Hole of Calcut- ta. Empty chairs were scattered' everywhere, cigarette butts and' coke bottles littered the dance floor, and the voices of the dele-; gates now echoed in the vastness of the empty hall.1 There was a change in these star performers, too. The pres- sure was off and they could relax. The meeting was going into its fifth hour-almost as good as "Gone With the Wind." They slouched in their official chairs now and opened coat buttons. As the final few minutes of the meeting ticked off there was a little horseplay around the table, a few jokes, and much sighing. It had been a big night for everyone and these eighteen people, plus their hard-working secretary, had borne the brunt of it. They came through admirably and all of a sudden I realized that I was won over. Now how do you like that? Here I was actually interested in the Student Govern- ment. Five hours earlier, I'd never believed it was possible. "Meeting adjourned," said the president and everyone got up to go. I dragged my tired body out of the ballroom, tripping on a coke bottle on the way out. I suppose I should have stuck around to watch the janitors clean the place up. That must have OR: Merger Created a Labor Symn Not an Economic and Political P IN ELECTION YEAR, A LOOK AT AN IMPORTANT VOTING C so-calld Ivy ook. N paddeeninathishoa showosupoo. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :,* ... " ~ *........... .....uiSii;:nl "::: .i:n.:". .u .... prssonatth wis. h ntc o te olari detl t The Right Style TheRight fabric h F THE STYLE Is FLEET .. . y . the pur expressiontwfthe - so-called Ivy Look. Nospabding in the shoulder, no sup- pressionat the waist. The notch of the collar is deftly placed, and -the lapels are neither too wide nor too. narrow. . The coat is detailed with lapped seams and hooked center F vent. The trousers are plain front with just the right [Kamount of taper to the legs. Back-strap, of course, ~"::: "<; ,;>; THE FABRIC is allcotton Baby Cord lightweight and cool, The simple washability of this material makes it > P:a traditional :avori:e. BERUD SORT (ens nd ades)..... 7.5 .r. i, ''A BLUEGRNN AN%73 J AJ By WILLIAM HABER Professor of Economics ]70THE surprise of most experts, the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations have merged. The headline writers now desig- nate the merged group as the "giant labor federation"; others call attention to the increased danger of labor monopoly threatening the freedom of our competi- tive economy. Many see the threat of political control by organized labor's 17 to 18 million members. These fears suggest that with labor's coming-of-age, an increasing number of critical questions are being asked about the merger, labor power and labor poli- tics. Merger THE ACTUAL MERGER of the A.F.L. and C.I.O. surprised many students of labor organizations in the United States. While the logic of the merger was long apparent, the conflicting jurisdictional claims of the rival unions appeared to be irreconcilable. The eighty-five year history of the A.F.L. seemed to confirm the belief that competitive jurisdictional issues between the unions associated with the C.I.O. and those with the A.F.L. would have to be resolved before a genuine merger could take place. Rival union claims for jurisdiction and for members, have in the past not been easily resolved. Quite the contrary, these claims have been stubbornly defended and compromises have been difficult to achieve. In addition, the personal politi- cal fate of some union leaders was also at stake. That the merger took place without a settlement of conflicting claims suggests that the real problem of unity of Ameri- can organized labor is still to be achieved. What took place is, in fact, only an amal- gamation of the two top federations. Had true labor unity been insisted upon, at this time, there would probably have been no merger. The merger took place only because the power structure of Amer- ican labor organizations was not dis- turbed. The real centers of economic power in the American labor movement were never located in the A.F.L. or in the C.I.O. These federations have performed an important coordinating role-they have acted as spokesmen for organized labor. They have represented the national unions in legislative and lobbying activities. The real seat of power was always located in the affiliated national organizations. It is these unions who carry on collective bar- gaining, control the more than 77,000 local labor unions, and often sway the economic fortunes of major industries. Effective unity among American Trade unions cannot be achieved only by a. merger at the top. When the rival unions in our major areas of economic activities consolidate, the objectives of a merger will be achieved. rival unions now members of the same federation, will be subjected to greater moral suasion to settle their difference without open warfare. It is well to remember, however, that the affiliated unions consider them- selves as sovereign and autonomous. In their major activities they are not subject to direction or control of the National Federation. Even expulsion from, the Federation usually fails to carry any sort of sanction which adversely affects was before the merger, a voluntary association of its autonomous unions. It is not a great trust. It cannot call strikes. It does not carry on collective bargaining. Its 15 million members represent a symbol and not a group subject to direction and control. This should not suggest that the merger is without significance. The new A.F.L.- C.I.O. represents the largest single organi- zation of citizens in the United States. Its very size is bound to encourage the and econo. always be THE ve should labor res leadership are suspic governmer These lea can comn and that not pro-a that the n careful in grams if1 approval. The em labor's ho leaders of public opi By its convince1 to be an working cratic soc IN THE labor h active on C.I.O. and political a paigned fo merger prc cal action? power? T party? Everyone to an rnd British pat ican politi that such a desirable. ent politics sponsored American failed befo Our expe ican comm lines; that who may a what is go its views a munity. A labor label The thr the politic the comm date. Lab historical : MOREOV system cal party u can influen by an activ election wi is in this a an intensifi ties. Whether cessful will level of em tions gener fluence. Ty to big labr be importan that we ar nomenal in appears to n In brief, i tance of th has been ve organizatior economic or the economic position of the expelled union. John Lewis's United Mine Workers, for example, has not been a member of the A.F.L. for many years and is not now a member of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. Other unions, at one time or another, have resigned or been suspended without apparent ill ef- fects on their fortunes.' Thus, the mere coupling of the names A.F.L. and C.I.O. and theR combining of their membership may create a psycho- logical sort of unity enhancing the status and sense of importance of the trade union movement. It does not, however, create a potent labor federation. The new federation has no power in an eco- nomic sense. The power centers remain in the national unions where they have always been. The Federation still remains, as it affiliated unions and give them a new sense of importance and bigness. The new Federation may also be in a position to provide moral support and to give technical assistance. In time it may succeed in organizing employees not now members of labor unions, thus increasing the membership of the affiliated unions. HE DANGER OF organization depends upon one's point of view. To those who consider unions and collective bargaining an evil, perhaps a necessary evil, any. enlargement of organized labor's pres- tige and position is undesirable. Those who consider trade unions as essential and desirable institution in our private enterprise economy see in the merger potential public good. For one thing, it should reduce irritat- ing and often costly inter-union contro- versies. Competition, for members, position Power BE SURE, the merger of the A.F.L. and the C.I.O. Is likely to mitigate Jurisdictional rivalries among many of the unions. The "no raiding pact," work ed out some years before the -merger was accomplished, may avoid the more trou-