I i Pr 0 Lter tgan Latest Deadline in the State :43 a ii49 :9 s CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVI, No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1956 EIGHT PAGES AA City Officials 'Uphold Bike Ban, Moore, Enkemann Say Cyclists Have Little Regard for Pedestrians By RENE GNAM Ann Arbor City Council's Ordinance Committee proposal to revise local bicycle ordinances by initiating new restrictions received backing yesterday from the Council's president and the Ann Arbor Chief of Police. Police Chief Casper M. Enkemann told the Daily he agreed with the proposed ban of riding and parking bicycles on speciled streets of Ann Arbor. Chief Enkemann struck out at sidewalk cyclists: "I think that many of them have forgotten that the pedestrian has the right of way." k City Council President A. D. Moore, of the University's electrical engineering department, said sidewalks are ". . . . put there for the convenience of several thousand Soviets Start Production Of Jet Liner MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Union has carefully laid plans to beat the rest of the world into the jet age of international civil flying, a top Soviet official indicated yesterday. Marshal S. F. Zhavoronkov, be- medalled chief of the Soviet Un- ion's civil airline Aeroflot, said that the huge jet commercial craft, which looks exactly like the one which took the Soviet security chief, Gen. Ivan.A. Serov, to Lon- don, has gone into mass produc- tion. The plane known as the TU104 is the civilian passenger version of the Soviet medium jet bomber which caused a sensation when it appeared. over Moscow's Red Square on May Day two years ago. Bigger, Faster The plane is bigger and prob- ably faster than Britain's projected Comet III which is not yet in pro- duction. Zhavoronkov said current plans are to put the Russian planes into international rather than domestic service. The sleek Soviet jetliner made its first flight outside the Iron Cprtain Thursday when it landed in' London with Gen. Serov. Some British newspapers expressed amazement at its size and obvious power and speed. However, there were second thoughts among British aviation experts later. These voiced criti- cisms that the giant jet engines were placed too close to the cabin, that the plane was too big for economical short hops and too small for long flights. Length Estimated Viewing the plane from beyond the guarded perimeter at London Airport, some aviation experts es- timated its length at 120 feet, its wing span at 140 feet and rated the total thrust of its two engines at 40,000 pounds-as much as the combined power of the four jets on Britain's Comet. The Russians were reported to have asked for 8,000 gallons to refuel the TtJ1O4 for the return flight. Experts estimated this would give it range of more than 4,000 miles. One point that raised eyebrows in London was that the plane was fitted with oxygen masks at each seat. Experts said this meant that the cabin Was not pressurized. ecretariat Petitions Due Tomorrow is the last day for students interested in positions on the Big Ten Residence Halls As- sociation Secretariat to obtain and return petitions. Anyone living in the Residence ,Halls is eligible for one of the five Secretariat positions. Two men, two women an dan executive sec- retary will be chosen by Inter- House Council officers from among those petitioning. Petitions are available in IHC and Assembly offices. Interview- ing of candidates will take place Tuesday. Those who are appointed to the new organization will take office immediately and will travel to Pur- due on April 13 to 15 for the Big Ten Residence Halls Conference.1 pedestrians, and not for the con- venience of . . . bicycleriders." State Street Worst Both Chief Enkemann and Prof. Moore thought the State Street area to be the worst in the city as far as sidewalk bicycling is coni- cerned. Chief Enkemann said "There are many times when pedestrians can't even get through the State Street area." The chief of police said he agreed with the Ordinance Com- mittee's proposal, and thought it should bein effect "until such time . when the operators of bi- cycles have a little respect for the pedestrians. When cyclists have this respect, Chief Enkemann said, "then they might go back to using the side- walks." Chief Enkemann emphasized that "When a pedestrian, has to get off the sidewalk to make way for a bicycle, then it is time that something is done about the situa- tion." Educate Unsafe Drivers' Meanwhile, Prof. Moore, in his statement to the Daily, outlined the powers stated in the proposed resolution. He also commended the Daily for its inquiry into the bicycle problem, and asked the Daily to "find a way to educate ... unsafe riders." "The ordinance. changes now under consideration largely reflect the recommendations I have made to the Ordinance.Committee," Prof. Moore's statement read. "If introduced and passed, the revised ordinance would give Council the authority to take care of the hot spots." The "worst example" of such a hot spot, Prof. Moore said, "runs from William to Liberty, on the west side of State Street." Completely Blocked Last fall, while walking in this area, Prof. Moore "counted 43 bicycles. Many of them were parked so that the sidewalk was almost completely blocked at sev- eral places. See CITY, Page 8 Escape OMAHA (R)-At 12 years of age, David Lloyd Hankenson sometimes feels the need to get away from it all. He does it the hard way. Police were called yesterday when some one spotted a youth- ful head poking from the roof of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, some 50 feet high. The head belonged to David, who came sliding down a verti- cal drain pipe at the order of officers. "I go up there a lot," he ex- plained. "I like to climb, es- pecially when I get mad at some one-like my sister. "It does me good." World News IRoundup By The Associated Press Cyprus Curfew . ... NICOSIA, Cyprus - Field Mar- shal Sir John Harding last night ordered an ironclad curfew on the 13 main towns and cities of Cyprus as this rebellious island approach- ed the zero hour of Greek Inde- pendence Day celebrations. The British governor imposed the curfew, effective from 4 a.m. Sunday until further notice, with the intention of preventing any outbreak of violence on the 135th anniversary of Greek independence from Turkey. Upward of 160,000 persons were placed under virtual house arrest by the order. All persons in the 13 towns and cities must say indoors during the curfew. All vehicles were banned from the streets. Dark Horse., ' CHICAGO - Sen. Stuart Sym- ington (D-Mo.) appeared today to be gathering strength as a dark horse contender for the Democratic presidential nomination after Adlai E. Stevenson's upset defeat in Tuesday's Minnesota primary. Stevenson and his supporters indicated in interviews they regard Symington as perhaps more of a threat to their own aspirations than Sen. Estes Kefauver (D- Tenn.); who whipped Stevenson in Minnesota. More Snow .. . NEW YORK-The snow-weary Northeast was hit again yesterday by a spring snowstorm, its third in nine days. Only just recovering from a one- two punch storm last weekend, the new storm was expected to dump between 12 to 16 inches of snow alone on southwest Maine. In New York state the new storm dropped up to eight inches of snow, made driving conditions hazardous and claimed at least two lives. We Meeting Looked Upon With Favor Officials Call Confab 'Novel' WASHINGTON UP)-Diplomatic officials said yesterday that Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's meet- ing with the leaders of Canada and Mexico next week will present something novel in three-power talks-a conference without pre- cise purpose, problems or contro- versy. President Eisenhower, Canadian Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent and President Adolfo Ruiz Cortines of Mexico, will hold their neighbor- ly chat in a luxurous resort hotel at White Sulphus Springs, W. Va., tomorrow and Tuesday. The session is expected to end with a dinner meeting Tuesday night and a communique affirm- ing the friendship, peaceful coop- eration and general solidarity of the three nations. President's Idea "This was President Eisenhow- er's own idea," one official said today. "He felt that with so many notable visitors coming to town there should be a meeting between him and his good neighbors. That's what this meeting is. It should dramatize the peaceful co- operation of the North American countries through all the period when there has been so much trouble in other parts of the world." President Eisenhower and Sec- retary of State John Foster Dulles will not be so rushed with diplo- macy at the West Virginia sessions that they will be unable to follow developments in the United Na- tions discussion of the Near East -focal area of the world's most dangerous war threats at present. In fact, President Eisenhower and Sec. Dulles hope to learn from debate starting in the U.N. Secur- ity Council Monday to what extent this country, Britain and France can rely on the United Nations to deal with the Middle Eastern sit- uation, particularly if war breaks out there. Russian Attitude Problem The heart of the problem is Rus- sia's attitude. An American resolution would have U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold start negotiations to get both sides in the Arab-Is- raeli dispute to pull back their forces from the troubled border areas where isolated clashes could lead to general war in the Mid- dle East. United States officials believe Russia will go along with this resolution. Plans so far announced for the White Sulphur Springs gathering are all of a mechanical nature. President Eisenhower will leave Washington by special train late tonight and arrive tomorrow. St. Laurent and Ruiz Cortines will get there from Ottawa and Mexico City by air tomorrow afternoon. The three will have their foreign ministers in attendance-Secre- tary of State Dulles, Louis Padilla Nervo of Mexico, and Lester B. Pearson of Canada. Dr. Milton Eis- enhower, the President's brother, also will be there. Among the three there are prac- tically no common problems. There are problems between the United States and Canada, and the United States and Mexico. Farm Battle Price S Looms HOW TO WIN VOTES .. . platforms, stands and food. SGC Candidates Give Pre-Electi Campaign. Speeches Across Cam ". . And, if I am elected . . .T A series of quad open house pro- grams will be held today and to- morrow as SGC candidates wind up their pre-election campaign- ing. In addition to the three quad- rangle open houses, candidates will also conclude pre-election stomp- ing at fraternity and sorority open houses. Speak on Programs During the past week, SGC can- didates have attended several frat- ernity and sorority open houses. Here they speak on programs they hope to institute if elected, present platforms they uphold and ideals they think each elected member of Student Government Council should hold. A question and answer period is usually held at each open house. Reuther Urges World Fund A plan whereby the United States would contribute 8 billion dollars a year over a 25 year period to a world fund to aid less eco- nomically developed countries was proposed by UAW President Walter P. Reuther yesterday. In aletter to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles Reuther urged that 2 per cent of the gross na- tional product be given to a world wide relief program to be admin- istered by the United Nations. Ac- cording to his plan Russia would be asked to contribute to the fund. The proposal is similar to one1 the union president made in 1950 advocating an expense of 13 bil- lion a year for 100 years. He proposed that America's food surpluses be shared under a plan that would not dislocate the eco- nomy of any country that exports grains or foodstuffs. Typical questions during the past week have been: What do you think of SGC's pas- sage of spring rushing for sorori- ties? Just what power does SGC have? How do you stand on the bi- cycle situation? What do you think about the Student Activities Booklet? Chance To Meet Students These open house programs give each ,candidate a chance to meet the students and listen to their recommendations for the Council. Campaigning for SGC posts has produced several unique publicity posters. Candidates boldly announce, "the forward look," "a six-point program," and list their qualifi- cations. Slogans, such as "Come Back ... are visible all over the campus. Impromptu Statements Ii! addition to campaign posters and open house programs, candi- dates are often called on to make impromptu statements of their platforms. Past sorority open houses have been held after dinner, with the women gathering in the living room. Fraternity houses usually have the candidate speaking during the evening meal. The first of the quadrangle open .s Error LOS ANGELES () --Police think the woman who called them yesterday to ,report "a man in the bushes with a rifle." must be a little near-sighted. Investigating, they found a battalion of Marine reserves on maneuvers in brushy hills near the woman's home. FOUR-POINT RESOLUTION:- Academy Opposed to New Teacher Certification Code Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters went on record at its meeting Friday in opposition to the proposed new code for certi- fication of teachers. The objection Was in the form of a resolution opposing, on four points, the code which is being presented for consideration by the State Board of Education. Points Listed The points were: 1) An increase in the number of hours in education is not justi- fied by sufficient research data or other evidence, TT D U bT TT? QUE U. houses will start at day, in the Strauss ing hall of East Qu West Quad's ope gram will commenc tomorrow and will 1 ing Hall I. South Quad will candidates at 8 p.m Dining Hall II. Ref be served at the So house. Prof ess( To Pres Sympos- By VERNON N "Democracy vs. the first Inter-H sponsored Faculty] presented in the f posium at 7 p.m. Tu Quandrangle. One of the facult Prof. Lionel H. Lain ical science departr terday that the p attempt "to illusti divisions and think forms of governmen Prof. Laing alsoe the symposium wot what the same for posium done regular parative European course, political sci In Favor of. Prof. Laing, who ber of the Resideno of Governors, expre of the series of IRt bates to be presente one in each quandr "They will serve purpose," he said." size the fact that. Hall is more than unit. "I hope there will' eration among fac on this program,' added. Open to P Although Tuesday is sponsored by the: phasized that thep open to the public. Also participating mocracy vs. Commu will be Prof. Henry Frank Grace and W: all members of the p department. Hatcher St New 'U' Br TRAVERSE CITY University Presiden Hatcher promised y "sympathetic ande tion" to a proposal t upport Ahead Committee To Attempt Compromise,,,, Ike Says Senate Bill Unworkable WASHINGTON (A)- Another long and heated battle on farm price supports is in prospect for both Senate and House. A conference committee com- posed of five members from each chamber will meet tomorrow after- noon to start work on a compro- mise between the farm bill passed by the Senate last Monday and one passed by the House last year. The House voted .a three-year restoration of rigid price supports ly-vern Sodea on basic crops, to replace the lower, flexible formula won by the Eisenhower Administration in 1954. Call Bill Unsound The Senate bill, while not pro- Ont viding for a return to the 90 per cent supports voted by the House, c n contains numerous provisions JUS ,which would raise the support lev- els for major crops in other ways. President Dwight D. Eisenhower 7:30 p.m., to- and Secretary of Agriculture Ezra -Anderson din- Taft Benson say the Senate bill is Lad. unsound and unworkable. Sec. en house pro- Benson predicts a veto unless e at 6:45 p m., drastic changes are made. , . be held in Din- Expect Rigid Supports Most Congress members expect host the SGC the Senate-House conference group ., tomorrow, in will end up recommending a rest- freshments will oration of rigid supports, along uth Quad open with the new $1,200,000,000 a year soil bank program, requested by the administration. The soil bank, a plan designed to * cut down on crop surpluses by paying farmers t divert land to other uses, is not in controversy. The conference committee's rec- Lill ommendations will have to be passed on by the House and Sen- ate before a bill canbe ,sent to lIUM the White House. Hence the pr- dictions of another prolonged floor AHRGANG, battle. Communism," ouse Council-Tr Debate, will be R d rmof a sym- uesday in West To.Handle ty participants, g, of the polit- ment, said yes- Stalin Shock rogram would rate the basic MOSCOW(M-The Central Con ing of the two mitte of the Georgian Communist ait." party has been meeting in Tiflis explained that to discuss Moscow's downgrading uld take some- of Stalin and how best to handle rm as a sym- emotional shock which the denun- rly in his comn clation of Stalin has caused In governments Georgia, it was learned yesterday. ence 52. Tiflis is the capital of the Geor- bebates gian Republic where the dead is also a mem- Soviet leader was born. There had ce Halls Board been reports here of seething un- essed his favor rest and new student outbursts in 'C Faculty 'De- Tiflis. d this semester, However, the rector of Tiflis angle. University said yesterday that a very useful everything was normal in the cap- "They empha- tal.n the Residence Laughed Off Reports just a living Rector E. Kupraze spoke to the Associated Press in Moscow by be more coop- telephone. It was the first call The culty members AP has been able to get through Prof. Laing to Tiflis since the Kremlin began deflating Stalin. Public The rector laughed off reports y's symposium of a student strike. IHC, it is em- Despite the denial by Kupraze of presentation is troubles at the university, the March 22 issue of the Tiflis news- g in the "De- paper Dawn of the East just re- nism" program ceived quoted a spokesman for the Bretton, Prof. university district of the Georgian rilliam Ritchie, capital as declaring: olitical science 'Unsatisfactory' "The political equcation of stu- dents and the theoretical and tudies ideological plane of teachers and students are thoroughly unsatis- ranch factory. Cases occur of the viola- .tion of the most elementary rules V, Mich. (AP) - of conduct both at the university nt Harlan H. and in public places." esterday to give This statement was one of a earnest atten- number made at meetings of hat it establish Communist party "activities"- 2) A corresponding decrease in training in subject matter fields will drastically reduce professional competence of teachers, 3) Certain provisions of the proposed code are invasions of in- stitutional autonomy and faculty control of curricula, 4) The proposed code was not prepared and agreed to be a repre- sentative group of persons inter- ested in education. The proposed code calls for 30 hours of professional education hours, an increase from the pres- ent 20, which would be more than any other state code requirement. Present Requirements Presently 54 hours are devoted to major and minor subject matter fields, but the new code substitutes "a broad area of concentration" for this, requiring 30 hours, beside a 15-hour requirement in one sub- ject taught in secondary schools. iiil.ArivIuIRSELr: Druggist Gives Student Loans By RICHARD TAUB A small box piled high with dollar bills and IOU's sits next to the cash register of a local drug store. A sign above it reads, "Hi Student, need a loan for a few days. Help yourselfl "Put your IOU in the box with your name and address. Pay back as soon as you can. We appreciate your business." This convenient and somewhat, unusual loan system was con- cocted by Robert A. Lumbard, an Ann Arbor Druggist. "I just hap- pened to think of it a little more than a week ago. I'm not exactly sure how I got the idea." Agency Busy Since its inception, the loan agency has been busy. However, the turnover has been rapid, because students return the money. quickly. "Yesterday there were about 15 or 20 IOU's in the box, but today there are only three left. I guess everybody has gotten their checks frnm homA The TOTT's will nrhhl start niling un again Monday . . - .?..-5