Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF TIHE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen Opinions Are Free, rrutb WtD PrevaWJ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JANET REARICK Joint Judie Mis1understanding May Be On Way Out STUDENT MISUNDERSTANDING of Joint in The Daily. Combined with the facts of the S Judic may be on its way to termination after case students will be able to clearly judge Joint the decision Monday to make public results of Judic reasoning and decision. Publication will Council deliberations on group cases. perhaps show students criticism of Joint Judi Although The Daily has maintained continu- pehaswhowjstude oulsy that the public deserves to be informed not wholly justified. accurately on action as important as group It is hoped at the same time the new Judic- violation of University regulations, the new Daily procedure will stimulate student interest in University regulations and disciplinary ac- procedure goes further than promotion of news Dti This hy recet been a aeat te stories for Campus consumption. tivity. This has recently been an area off to the Judic's complete secrecy of the past few years side, almost a hands-off proposition. have only created rumors, misstatements and Assistant to the Dean of Men John Bingley untruths conducive to degradation'jof the group is presently working witch a committee studying involved in the violation. At the same time student .discipline. Student interest in the rumors have contributed an aura of mystery Judiciary should be. as intense as it is in the over Judic proceedings. No one knew what Legislative (SGC) area. went on at Judic meetings; nobody knew why By clarifying for students its deliberations or how the Council issued disciplinary action. this year's Judic is to be highly commended for The resulting confusion has led to uninformed taking an important first step in stimulating accusations of hyprocrisy and injustice at Judie 'student interest in the judiciary. What steps members. The accusations were inevitable when might follow are uncertain. But the way is open students' discipline was in the-hands of students for a much more objective collaboration be- and, not subject to student body review. tween Judic and students in intensive examina- tion of the University's present system of regu- COUNCIL RATIONALE on group cases will be lations. clearly delineated in a statement to appear -DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor Spring-Bah! Humbug! SPRING TRIPPED GAILY IN yesterday morn- have anything to do. But as the days get ing, and will probably trip out again with lovelier, you find yourself becoming more and haste. more unable to study. Before, it was too cold; In honor of the vernal equinox, (Ah, The now it's too hot. In the morning, it's much too llessings of Astronomy II!) the snow melted sunny and nice to go to classes; in the after- dismally away leaving slush and mud behind to noon it's much too sunny and nice to study; in trap the unwary stepper. the evening it's much too starry and nice to do Every yearabout this time, somebody takes anything but pick up the little black book and time and space to discourse on the beauties of head for the phone. nature; copious printers' ink is expended on Sun. blue skies, balmy breezes, boids on the wing The sun is marvelous. You just lie there in and green grass. your bathing suit, soaking up all those infra-red So it's high time somebody realized that rays that you missed all winter. And that night, Spring also brings with it a few unpleasant you just lie there in bed,/ soaking up all that situations. For instance: Noxzema you put on to relieve the slight tingl- Mud. ing of all those glorious infra-red rays that Mud is a peculiar mixture of earth and water you missed all winter. that becomes particularly hazardous in Spring Colds.. because nobody's expecting it. You cut across a "Well, it's Spring," you say to yourself, fling- lawn that you've been cutting across all winter ing open your coat and tossing your scarf away. only to find that it has beome a treacherous Suddenly Kleenex stocks are skyrocketing and moras of slime that ruins any polish on your /everyone is sniffling their merry way through loafers and detains you just long enou'lh so i classes.> that you're late for your eight o'clock. Finals. Mid-semesters: Everybody knows what finals are. They come Littleneed be said about this sort of un- In June, and are a pleasant change of pace, leasantness. You've been loafing away the first because they break up the routine. And the part of the semester playing bridge and trying way they improve the weather is amazing. Blue to keep warm, when all of a sudden, you have skies suddenly become cerulean, songs of birds to study. have never been sweeter and the Arb takes on a deep, inviting green and still you can't study. BEAUTIFUL WEATHER. Spring-bah, humbug! Beautiful weather is wonderful, if you don't --TAMMY MORRISON INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Problems of Youth &Age "Thanks For The Pat On The Back, I Think" f? EISENHOWER 0 . 74 ^ PY M i I RENAISSANCE TO CONTEMPORARY: Oberlin Art Collection In A4lumnti Hall IN THE NORTH GALLERY of Alumni Memorial Hall the drawings from the Oberlin Collection are being exhibited through April 1. The selections range from the Renaissance to the contemporary masters. Filippo Lippi is represented with his pen and bistre wash in 'Burial of Christ." Excellent draughtsmanship, fine modeling by the placement of light and shade and a symmetrical composition unified by undulating drapery create a drawing with high emotional content. Perhaps the greatest draughtsman the world has ever known is represented in the work of Jean Ingres. His contribution is the portrait of 'Madame Thiers," a work in pencil. This is a likeness; not a psychological portraiture. By avoiding the sitter's soul he was able to keep that psychlical distance and thus exws" - wgsrfnt+t Ve asrca. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Politics in Montana FHA By DREW PEARSON EZRA TAFT BENSON may not know it, but a conflict-of-inter- est political blow-up is simmering right under his nose. It involves Carl 0. Hanson, State Director of the Farmers' Home Administration in Montana. The Farmers' Home Administra- tion is supposed to spend its entire time on the difficult problem of helping the small farmer. It is supposed to go right into the f arm- res' homes and aid with their eco- nomic problems. Esp.cially, it is supposed to help the small farmer in time of drought. However, there is conclusive evidence that instead of helping small farmers, FHA State Director Hanson has been acting as a wool-buyer for the Draper Company of Boston, also helping direct the affairs of Radio- TV station KOOK in Billings, and charging up political long-distance calls to the government. He was also spending part of his time and some government money in an abortive effort to elect Wes- ley D'Ewart to the Senate in viola- tion of the Hatch Act. Government officials are banned by the Hatch Act from engaging in politics un- ,less they are of cabinet or little cabinet rank. * * * THE ACTIVITIES of Mr. Carl 0. Hanson are highly important not merely because of irregularity in Benson's Agriculture Depart- ment but because they throw light on one reason why farmers are so sore at the Secretary of Agricul- ture. They recognize that he has very difficult crop-surplus problems,. and they would be more sympa- thetic with crop surpluses if it were not for the manner in which Benson's officials have spent their time politicking and helping big companies rather than small farm- ers. For instance, Secretary Benson himself, on Oct. 9, 1954, personally 'and publicly demanded the defeat of Sen. James Murray of Montana and the election of GOP Congress- man Wesley D'Ewart. Immediately Benson's boys in the Agriculture Department took the cue and went into high gear - not for the farm- er and his difficult problems, but for candidate D'Ewart. This was during the tragic draught of 1954. S* *. HANSON was employing persons whose services he used for unbffi- cial and political purposes, includ- ing his personal and private busi- ness. Mrs. Katherine Carter,' Hanson's private secretary, reported that on some days she "wrote as many as fourteen letters not pertaining to FHA official business." The personal letters she wrote for him on office time included letters "to Mr. Malcolm Green, President, Draper Company, Bos- ton, as well as letters to Charles Crist, his radio business partner; and typing wool contracts on FHA time." On one occasion after Hanson had placed about 15 long-distance calls to various persons with whom he discussed his wool-buying busi- ness, Mrs. Carter asked him how he could get away with private business while in government serv- ice. HANSON REPLIED that his su- periors in Washington knew about his private business and condoned it, and that his wool-buying netted him three times as much as his government salary. Another man Hanson used to call long distance was Martin Littleton, ex-attorney for Frankie Costello, king of the gambling un- derworld. Littleton was then a radio-TV speaker,, for candidate D'Ewart. ' What makes the farmers' blood boil is that the State directors of the Farpners' Home Administration under Charley Brannan, all career civil service men, were ousted by Benson. They had kept out of politics, concentrated on the prob- lem of helping farmers. Benson, however, removed their civil service standing which'made them open to firing. The Supreme Court, later, ruled that this tech- nique was illegal and Benson had to hire these men back. In addition, Secretary Benson had to pay $100,000 out of tax- payers' money to make up the back salaries of FHA state directors whom he fired. Meanwhile, he has been paying out government mon- ey to his own politically minded state directors like Carl O. Hanson who seems more interested in con- tinuing his own wool-buying and violating the Hatch Act' than in helping small farmers. LETTERS to the EDITORL Israeli Solution .,. To the Editor: R E: Israel's request for arms from the U. S. The following exchange is re- puted to have recently taken place in the Israel Knesseth (parlia- ment): Delegate: "I propose that Israel declare war on the United States. Then U. S. Marines will invade us, defeat us, oc- cupy our country, and would then stand in the way of any other invading army." Opposition delegate: "Yes, but suppose we beat them! ..." --Steve Goodman, '56L Dick Kohn, '57L assert his mastery over the sitter. This decisiveness is evident in delicate rendering of the eyes and mouth coupled with the plasticity of the facial contour with its pushes and pulls which manifest virtuosity. Jean Horiore Fragonard's "View of a Park" is charming and that is precisely what is wrong with it. An unreal, Cytherean atmosphere is effected. This is a world unknown to contemporary man; a milieu of studied elegance, manners and aristocratic protocol. Perhaps this is why to our tastes, this drawing has so little to say although being of great interest from the histori- cal point of view. * . * FROM THE DUTCH school of the 17th century there is "Land- scape" by Nicholaes Berchem. With this drawing we have a vibrancy of line which suggests internal growth and joie de vivre. The ar- tist has a feeling for the "tree- ness" of trees which shows that nothing outside of the human form is more animate than a tree. An abstract idea is embodied in genre form. It.may be observed that paint- ing is painting and the form does not necessarily dictate the mean- ing. Art is primarily a thought process-the forms may change as do fashions but the essence re- mains the same. The artistic problem is not of finding something new to say but rather of restating mans' emo- tions, thoughts and hopes in terms that are commensurate with the Zeitgeist so as to have the ulti- mate in reception by his audience. * * *1 EDGAR DEGAS' "Group of Dancers" is a charcoal study with an interesting composition of forms worked into a schematic pattern. The foreground figure is boldly drawn yet having a deli- cate gesture. Degas indicates full- ness by shading and gradations in contour. Wire lines similar to Picasso's are featured in Henri Matisse's "Woman with Anemones." Matisse, the great simplifier, uses his eco- nomical lines ,to suggest a figure in sympathetic repose, neither stagey nor posed. 'An interest in nature and the growth process is manifested in Paul Klee's child-art inspired "Flower Gardens in Taora." On viewing Henry Moore's "Min ers" one gets a'definite feeling that these forms are like some hungry Gullivers seeking to burst from their confinement within the for- mat of the drawing. Both the subject and the handling of the medium suggest a disturbing ten- sion. A subjective arrangement of' the facial features is noted in the two "Self-Portraits" by Oskar Koko- schka and Kathe Kollwitz. Note particularly the brute-like hands of the Kollwitz which yet have a disarming sensitivity. Mary Cassatt's "Head of a Child" is sweet; says nothing but for some reason is appealing. 2 -Thomas F. Bernaky THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to 'Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 32 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home wed., March 21, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 20, Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Thurs., April 12. Board in Review (Student Government Council). In action taken March 19 the Board In Review withdrew its stay-of- action with respect to the motion on sorority rushing adopted by the Student Government Council in its meeting held March 14, 1956. This action is taken in view of the assurances that Student Government Council and the Offiae of the Dean of Wom n will be closely attentive to the effets of this change of policy (from fall to spring rushing). Recognizing that the Student Govern- ment Council action was within the jurisdiction of the Council, the Board in Review desires to draw to the atten- tion of Student Government Council the fact that actions of this nature have wide ramiifications. It is the opin- Ion of the Board in Review that in future functions of this kind the Student Government Council should be more careful to seek the assistance of qualified persons who have an interest in the matter concerning which action is pending. Lectures Military Science Lecture: Guest speaker, Prof. Dwight L. Dumond, "The Civil war." wed., March 21, 7:30 p.m., Aud, C, Angell Hall. Public invited. Concerts Band Concert, 8:30 tonight, Hill Audi- torium. University Symphony Band, with George Cavender, Assistant Con. ductor, and Fred Dart, euphonium solo- ist; compositions by Rossini, Bach, Guillmant, Charpentier, Franck, Reed, Mueller, Gould, Rachmannoff and Al. 'ford. Open to the general public with. out charge. Academic 'Notices School of Business Administration: Faculty meeting on wed., March 21, 3:00 p.m., in Room 146. Architecture and Design students may not drop courses without record after 5:00 p.m. Fri., March 23. Architecture and Design students who have incoi- pletes incurred during the fall semester, must remove them by Fri., March 23. Botanical Seminar. Herman F. Becker, Department of Botany, will speak on "An Oligocene Flora from, the Ruby River Basin in Southwestern Montana" 4:15 p.m., Wed., March 21, 1139 Natural Science. Refreshments at 4:00. Interdepartmental Seminar on Applied Meteorology, Thurs., March 22, 4 p.m., Room 4041 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. William R. Dawson will speak on "Cli. matic Adaptation in Desert Animals." Organic Chemistry Seminar, Thurs., March 22,7:30 p.m., Room 1300 Chemis- try Building. G. Hein will speak on "Benzyne Intermediates in Nucleophilic Substitution." Physical- Analytical- Inorganic Chem. istry Seminar. 7:30 p.m., Room 3005 Chemistry Building. C. Cluff will speak on "Review of the Current Status of the Faraday and Kerr Effects." Foreign Language Group. Prof. Ernst Pulgram, Department of Romance Lan- guages and Literatures and of Classical Studies will speak on "The Origin of Standard Literary Languages," and Prof. Marvin Felheim, Department of English Language and Literature, will speak on "Teaching Literature Abroad," Thurs., March 22, 8:00 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Refresh. ments. Events Today Union Leadership Training Course: Wed., March 21. Led by Allan Menlo, 7:30 p.m., Room 3M and N of the Union. Free Films. Museums Bldg., 4th floor Exhibit Hall. "Life Cycle of a Muscovy Duck" and "Marine Life," March20-26. Daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including Sat. and Sun., with an extra showing Wed. at 12:30. Placement Notices SUMMER PLACEMENT: Meeting of the Summer Placement Service in Room 3G, Michigan Union, his use of line. One may note the DAILY 'A Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN i i A By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst FOREIGN diplomats frequently accuse the United States of messing things up by taking steps on matters of interest to them without first advising them of what's coming. It has its effect on the success of America's own policies. It might not have done any good in this case. Prime Minister Nehru of India seems to take a certain pride in not doing what anyone from the Wstern powers wants. But in this case his own country's interests are importantly involved, too. Just when the Washington administration was beginning its explanations to Congres4 of why it wants moremoney and more latitude in making commitments for foreign aid, Nehru lets off a blast at American policies. Foreign Aid Director John Hollister told Congress the new program 'included aid for India's new five-year plan, adding that it was important to help "a great nation devoted to freedom make the economic advances essential to its welfare." Nehru said almost simultaneously that the recent SEATO expression of hope for U.N. Editorial Staff Dave Baad..................... Managing Editor Jim Dygert ....................... .. City Editor Murry Frymer........... ......... Editorial Director Debra Durchslag ..,................ Magazine Editor David Kaplan ....................."... Feature Editor Jane Howard ........................ Associate Editor Louise yor .......................Associate Editor. Phil Douglis .....*.*....sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ............... Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz ............... Associate Sports Editor Mary Hellthaler .............. Women's Editor Elaine Edm nds . ....Assoiate women's Editor John Hirtzel . ............... Ch2ief Photngrapher Business Sta# DIcE Aistrom............. Business Manager plebiscite in Kashmir meant the intervention of a military alliance in the dispute. He' also criticized formation, with American support, of the Middle East Baghdad pact. The Nehru statements are bound to rekindle one of the chief arguments made against the foreign aid program-that friendship cannot be bought, and that there is)ino guarantee of either political or economic returns. His statement also came at the same time as the announcement that he would come to Washington in July, when President Eisenhower would attempt to lay some of India's fears about American policy. Thus an already touch situation is made to look even more unfriendly. One thing is sure. The United States is deal- ing these days with countries like India, which have the touchy pride of youth, and countries like France, extremely careful of the dignities acquired by age. Greater consideration for them, even to the point of being extreme, might pay some profits. New Books at the Library West, Jessamyn-Love, Death and the Ladies' Drill Team; N.Y., Harcourt & Brace, 1955. Wernette, Philip-The Future of American Prosperity; New York, Macmillan Co., 1955. Wilkins, Vaughn-Valley Beyond Time; New York, Martin's Press, 1955. Adenauer, Konrad-World ' Indivisible; New York, Harper's, 1955. Bloch-Michel, Jean-The Flight into Egypt; New York, Charles Scribner's, 1955. Asquith, Cynthia-Portrait of Barrie; N. Y., E. P. Dutton, 1955. Bestor, Arthur-The Restoration of Learn- ing; N. Y., A. Knopf, 1955. Collis, Maurice-Cortes and Montezuma; N. Y., Harcourt & Brace, 1955. Costain, Thomas B.-The Tontine; Vol. 1 & 2. N. Y. Doubleday, 1955. Daninos, Pierre-The Notebooks of Major Thompson; N. Y., A. Knopf, 1955. Farmer, Paul-Vichy, Political Dilemma; N. 4 FOR ANY COURSE, ANY TOPIC: Toronto U Editors Find 'Standard Essay' VI" (EDITOR'S NOTE: Are essay's getting you down? The University of Toronto 'Varsity' has solved the problem for Toronto students and we pass along their boon to students here. It's a standard essay for any topic in any subject. Just clip, make separate copies, then write the course, topic and professor neatly at the top of each. Our thanks go out profusely to the University of Toronto THE PROBLEM to be considered is a rather complex one, but as it occupies an important place in the development of the subject, it is deserving of careful attention. However, care must be taken in the presentation of this matter to avoid the extremes of considering the problem either the basic one in the entire subject, or of merely minor importance whatsoever. A middle way is the only logical one that can be taken in this field, and the' writings of some of the previous writers on this subject must be therefore considered sceptically, and referred to only in moderation. The core of the problem now facing us lies in the relationships existing between the various inter-related terms described in the ques- tion. At first glance, the task of accurately measuring, defining and qualitatively analyzing these terms seem an extraordinarily difficult one, but if we understand the full implications that are to be met with in the relating of one subject or idea to another, our difficulties will be lessened considerably thereby. The theory of relativity, as developed to its fullest extent by Einstein, does not have its sole application to the field of physics, but is something which can be applied to this subjeGt, also. and narticularly to the tonic now before us .For instance. it is not in our field. However, if the way in which inter-related variable factors fit together is fully understood and particularly if a full comprehension of the extent - qualitatively speaking - of these inter-relationships, we have at once achieved half of our goal." (Caution: If there actually was a writed by the name of Schlum- slinger in your subject, be sure to insert a new name to replace Schlumslinger.) But even though we may consider Schlumslinger to be vehement on this subject, his feelings are as nothing to those of Wallacerski, a later writer on the subject., "Inter-relationships are all important," states Wallacerski emphati- cally. Indeed, he carries on this conception throughout his work, and this one-sidedness is no doubt one of the main reasons why his works have passed from general favour. However, there is much of value in what he had to say, if we allow for the undue emphasis which he placed on this one section of the subject, and it is unfortunate that he is not more widely read nowadays. Another possible reason for his eclipse is the fact that few authorities on the subject can read Aramaic, in which all of his works are written. WHILE THE VIEW of inter-relationships is important in this field, we must not overlook the broad conception of the field, the sweeping view that is in reality possessed only by those few masters in the field. 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