JOINT JUDIC MIS UNDERSTANDING Latest Deadline in the State :4Iadt i FAIR AND CLOUDY See Page 4 .VOL. LXVI, No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1956 SIB PAC State's Education May Be Revised Requires 50% More Professional Training; Teachers Protest Change (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series on the proposed revision of the Michigan teachers' certification code, up for hearings before the state Boarfi of Education.) By ADELAIDE WILEY Final proposals for the revised Michigan teacher's certification code have been put to the State Board of Education, and many teachers are vehemently protesting the revision. Those who know about the new code say it will make extensive, even "sensational" changes in Michigan's educational system. Various University faculty members will present their opinions and protest§ at the regional hearing on the code next. Monday in Ypsilanti: .Subcommittee: 5 Years' Work ' The final report on the teacher's code came to the 16-member advisory committbe to the State Board Dec. 5, 1955 from the subcom- mittee which has worked five years on the revisions. 'As summed up in a report by a committee of the Michigan' Federation of Teachers, the outstanding changes are as follows: 1) Professional education: the present code requires a minimum of 20 semester hours in education courses, including practice teaching. 'The proposed code would require a Kefauver Stevenson Outdistances in Minnesota Democrjatic Primary -.----------------.---~f' ENTRANCE: 10:21 YESTERDAY: PROF. SIDNEY FINE of the history department addressed the organizational meeting of Students for Stevenson. Also at the. table is Ralph Goldberg, '56, temporary chairman of the meeting. Prof. Fine Tells Club How Stevenson Can Win Prof. Sidney Fine of the history department told the organiza- tional meeting of Students For Stevenson last night how their candi- date might be able to win in November. The club's new president, Dave Marlin, '57L, said he was im- pressed by the turnout of approximately 50 students and called the meeting a "good start toward effective political action on campus." Prof. Fine said that "if Stevenson can hold the South and win the border states-which Democratic candidates traditionally do- and pick up a few farm states, he's in business." While conceding that "at the present time Eisenhower is enjoying a tremendous advantage," the historian reminded the new club members that former President Spring is Here; No Fanfare TU Settles 1561,Day Walkohnt WASHINGTON ()-The 156- day Westinghouse Electric Corp. strike, the nation's longest major walkout in two decades, was set- tled last night. Company and union officials put their signatures on a new five- year contract in, a ceremony with Director Joseph F. Finnegan of the Federal, Mediation Service. His agency patiently guided the disputants to their settlement. Conference Board Gives OK Final agreement came when the Westinghouse Conference Board of the strilking AFL-CIO Inter+. national Union of Electrical Work- ers gave the deal an okay. The company had agreed es- sentlally to' the settlement, pro- posed by the government, two ' weeks ago but agreed to; some minor changes to meet union ob- sections. These mainly concerned provi- sions for reinstatement consider- ation of 36 workers discharged for alleged violence during the five-month walkout. An arbitrator will have the final say-so on whether they are retired. The settlement ended the IUE phase of the strike so far as about 45,000 workers were concerned. UEW Needs Separate Negotiations But it left in effect a strike of 10,000 additional Westinghouse workers, members of independent United Electrical Workers. This requires separate negotiations. More than half the UE strikers are employed at Ph.iladelphia. The new contract gives IUE workers annual raises of ifrom 5 to 22 cents an hour during the five-year contract, which runs to October 1960, dating from last 4 October. It also provides pension, insur- ance and grants handling im- provements. Judge Ignores -Negro Witness BII In Bus Boycott MONTGOMERY, Ala. (P) - State's attorneys sought to show yesterday that Negroes have been threatened for riding busese dur- ing the segregation boycott in 1 Montgomery, but only part of the testimony along that line was al- lowed. Circuit Judge Eugene Carter, presiding at the trial of Rev. Mar- tin Luther King, Jr., one of 90 Negroes indicted on boycotting charges, threw out the entire tes- timony of one Negro witness who said his life had been threatened. But the judge permitted two other Negroes to testify about threats they said they received. At the samie time, defenseattor- neys brought from one prosecution witness a statement that Negro ministers he had heard speak at mass meetings during the boycott minimum of 30 semester hours in! education courses, including prac- tice teaching. 2) Specialization: the present code provides for specialization in major and minor subject matter areas for a total minimum of 54 semester hours. Dispense With Specialization The proposed code would dis- pense with major and minor sub- ject matter specialization as such and substitutes 30 semester hours in a "broad area of concentration" which would cover several related subject fields as determined by the sponsoring teacher-training insti- tution. 3) Degree requirements: A min- imum ofa bachelor'sadegree plus 10 semester hours of added course. work is now required for the grant- ing of a permanent-type certificate whereas the new code would ask a Master's degree or its equivalent as a condition for the granting of a permanent certificate. 4) General education: There are no requirements in the present code for general education but the proposed code would: require a minimum of 40 hours in general education as condition for the granting of a provisional-type cer- tificate. 'Broid Concentration Area' -I defining the "broad area of concentration" that takes the place of the major and minor system, and which covers "two or more related subject fields," the new code specifies the ten fields of agriculture, art, business educa- tion (including economics), home economics, industrial arts, librari- anship, music, physical education, special education (including spe- cific and related fields), and trade and industrial education. Among several protests put out by rganizations throughout the state is one by the Michigan Con- ference of the American Assoia1- tion of University professors. No Need For Sweeping Changes Stating that "There is no . . need for immediate sweeping changes in the present code," I also says the new code wa not prepared by a representative group of educators, such as high school superintendents, public school teachers and people from college academic departments. In addition, the AAUP is against the decreased training in major fields and the "invasion of insti- tutional autonomy and of faculty control of curricula," by the new code's tendency to "prescribe the curricula for prospective teachers." The AAUP statement was made by instructors from Michigan State, Kalamazoo, Michigan Nor- mal, Wayne and Prof. Stanley E. Dimond of the University Educa- tion school. Comnmencement Announcements To Be Put on Sale Blue leather booklets, engraved announcements and calling cards -all part of the commencement regulia-are now on sale to gradu- ating seniors in the Administra- tion Bldg. lobby, Members of Senior Board will man the booth from 1-5 p.m. to- day through Friday and from April 9-11 takim nacmts -...r ar fn Tilis Story OfForced Donations Harry Brothers of the Wash- tenaw County Republican Labor Committee told a story here last night that the Hennings Coin- mittee in Washington wouldn't -listen to. Brothers is a laborer at the GM Willow Run plant, a Republican, and an attacker of ends and means of the AFL-CIO's political Action Committee. This is the story Brothers re- lated to the Young Republican Club last night: Union members must contribute to the AFL-CIO Citizenship fund or lose their jobs; this money and other voluntary contributions are used by the union's Political Action Committee to support Democratic political candidates exclusively. "The union has ;not attempted to deny this," said Brothers, "but has tried to rationalize it. They say, that majority rules in union decisions and the Corrupt Prac- tices Act that outlaws such pro- cedure is unconstitution)Al." Brothers mentioned SenatorMc- Namara's and Governor William's '52, campaigns as instances where union money had been used in such a way. Proposal Stirs Sena'te Debate WASHINGTON "(M---A fiareup between Sens. Paul Douglas (D- Ill.) and Price Daniel (D-Tex.) marked Senate debate yesterday on a proposed constitutional amend- ment to change the electoral col- lege system for the election of presidents and vice presidents. Harry Truman's chances "were discounted more heavily in 1948 than Stevenson's are today." He listed as some of the impond- erables in the- coming campaign the permanence of the peace and prosperity issues, the amount of discontent over the Administra- tion's farm and conservation poli- cies, the reaction to the President's health and the Republican Vice- Presidential candidate,, and the size of the vote in November. Reminding the club members that Stevenson's nomination is not a cei'tainty, Prof. Fine said he has to "win fairly decisively" in the Minnesota primary to retain his lead for the Democratic nomi- nation. "When you're a front- runner, you've got to keep on win- ning."' He balled Stevenson 'the only Democratic nominee in sight who stands any chance of defeating Eisenhower." Cypriots Riot; Battle Police,. British Troops NICOSIA, Cyprus OP)-Hundreds of young Turkish Cypriots stoned and looted Greek Cypriot shops here yesterday in reprisal for anti- Turkish rioting at the village of Vasilia. They battled police and troops who tried to intervene and shook off the effects of round after round of tear gas fired at them during a three-hour demonstration. They finally heeded an appeal of Dr. Fazil Kucuk, leader of the is- land's Turkish minority, and dis- persed. The fighting centered in Ataturk Square, named after Kamal Ata- turk, founder of modern Turkey. The neighborhood is predominate- ly Turkish. The narrow streets were littered with broken glass, wrecked furni- ture, scattered books and papers and telephones and fans. By ALLAN STILLWAGON She's here! We've been waiting all winter, and she finally came, just like the man at the airport promised. Spring made her maidenly en- trance at 10:21 a.m. 'Yesterday "without fanfare or rioting in the streets. But everybody was ready for her. Though she failed to com- pletely change the weather scene, some have already found signsof better things to come. Crowds in the Mason Hall Lobby have been thinning as it becomes more socially. correct to stop in the sunshine outside. Professors throw open windows, and everyone is convinced that there is definitely a "Spring Smell" in the -wind. Coats are not tossed off, but plenty of wintry attitudes are. O' Restless Feeling That old restless feeling comes creeping back, revealing itself in the wandering of couples dreaming of ice cream cones, bathing suits, and Arboretum treks. A dignified University woman glanced fur- tively around and guiltily /gave in to an urge to skip the last few feet of the diagonal. One crew-headed Varsity man blushed, as he was caught kicking a stone down the street. Botany students turned wistfully from their cottage cheese cartons and scanned the oozing earth for a sign of the first crocus. Counci, To Consider Board Letter Student Government Council will consider Review Board recom- mondations to be presented in a letter at today's meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Cave Room of the League. Council President Hark Berliner, '56, will read the letter of ampli- fication and report on the Board's action upholding SGC's approval of spring rushing for sororities. The letter is expected to contain recommendations on future policy regarding study committees and Council policy on 'non-student speaking. A report on the relations of SGC and the Human Relations Board will also be given along with a progress report on the Student Representation Committee. Bob Leacock, '57, will present a motion calling for a University Academic Freedom Week with a scheduled all-campus forum pan- eled by students and faculty. The Week would be held April 9-16. } -Daily-D1ic uasiU 'TWILL SOON BE SHIRTSLEEVE TIME The baseball team took vicious swings at the bail ,eager to getI outside where they belonged. More than one Stockwell resident noticedI that the sun set later than usualt over Burton Tower and then took a long w'ondering look at the stars that were clearer than in the last few months.E Dogs gamboled on the lawns, and many a mind romped with them. A few patches of grubby snow still lay!in the mud, but they worel a doomed look. Coney Island Will. Light Up Transplants from the Big City remembered that Coney Island would light up soon, and others saw4 rich, black dirt being pushed aside by giant plows. After dark, many South Quad- rians laid their books down for a minute, and looked' out over the stadium at the long string of head- lights on the highway. The sound of a train whistle came through the open window. It is just the beginning of better weather, but hope is firmly en- trenched in the hearts of, those hereabouts. One winsome creature summed the situation up between licks bf a chocolate ice cream cone,. "Winter is o.k., but when first days like these come along, Estes Wins 7 Out of ' Districts Republican Race: Ike Far in Lead By The Associated Press MINNEAPOLIS - Reports fromr the Minnesota Primary elections early this morning showed 2,023 of 3,868 precincts reporting-with Senator Estes Kefauver leadini Adlai Stevenson by a vote of 14,- 487 to 103,541. These figures indicate that Se:." BULLETIN MINNEAPOLIS ()- Steven- son forces conceded victory late last night to Sen. Estes Kefauv- Pr in Minnesota's vital Demo- cratic presidential primary It was a stunning upset vic- tory for the Tennessee seniitr, compounded of votes from both Republicans and Democrats. Kefauver is leading in7 Out of/ 9 Congressional Districts. At thi rate, 14 of the 18 congressional district votes, as well as all 12 large" votes will go to sen. - fauver. Sen. Kefauver was making hi showing both in rural areas, where her was expected to run strongly k and in metropolitan centers, where he wasn't. The first 70 precincts from St Paul, which virtually had been conceded to Stevenson, put Kefau. ver into surprising slight lead of 10,691 to 10;017. On ,the Republican side, Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower marched fai out in front of Sen. William F. Knowland of California. This was according to form, since there was no realitussle. On the same terms, Eisenhower was collecting two Republican con- vention votes from each of the nine - districts and 10 from the state at large. The voting ended Tuesday night with evidence of Rlepublican inva- sions of the IDemocratic battle. In a few instances, Republican voters nullified their ballots by at-. tempting to write in votes for Vc President Nixon for second places on the GOP ticket. There is no space on the ballot for votes for vice presidential choices or for write-ins for them. Good Future For* Vacci-ne Predicted The future of polio vaccines looks very hopeful, Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. stated yesterday ,in the seventh annual Gudakunst Memorial Lecture. "The studies of the effects of last year's inoculations confirm the favorable reports given out be- fore," Dr. Francis said. He pointed out that unvacci- nated children have contracted polio from two to ten times more frequently than vaccinated ones of the came age group. "Investigations have failed to show that an inoculation can in- cite the disease," he said. "If such a things has ever happened it was something we could not discover even with the most persistent studies." "At the Center we instituted a strict and rigidly controlled pro- gram," he said in the speech. "So that there could be no even un- conscious bias in the examining doctors we let no one know which children got the vaccine." I'm ready for disagreed. spring." Nobodyl Policy Committee.Cuts Activities .Booklet Cost" By RENE GNAM Over $1,500 will be saved on the total costs of the Student Activi- ties Booklet. Policy Committee of Student Government Council, meeting in Quonset Hut A last night, decided to do their own page makeup and composing, thus saving $1,000. By setting right-hand margins for the booklet, the committee will cut another $500 from the costs. Total Costs: $1,500 Total costs of the 120-page booklet are expected to be approxi- " mately $1,500, which SGC has de- cided to spend on the booklet. Policy Committee members also decided to publish the booklet once 1u each year, rather than wthe pro- posed biannual printing. It was decided that 'biannual printing would not enable campus organi- zations to give up-to-date. data in staff listings. Rod Blackman, '58, editor of the booklet, announced that consider- able space in the descriptions of campus activities would be devot- ed to the following points: history, purpose, activities, how the indi- vidual can join, benefits he will derive location and officers. April 16 is the deadline for all copy for the booklet. SOMETIMES JUNK DEALER: 'Pick Up Some Scrap Metal Ai (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles on students who earn extra money on unique jobs.) -By ERNEST THEODOSSIN "Pick up some scrap metal and sell it" is Wayne Marine's success formula for earning extra money, Marine, a pharmacy sophomore and sometime junk dealer, put the idea into practice during high school days. "My buddy and I needed some extra cash, so we cleaned out his dad's garage and sold all the old junk," Marine said, "Since then we've been doing it about twice a semester." 'Very Profitable' Marine finds the call of the junk dealer "very profitable." "You can make about $10 per load usually. If you really get to work, you can, make $30 a day easily." For the would-be junk dealer, Marine recommends a drive in the country for securing goods. "Farmers are always throwing out broken- down machinery. You can pick that up easily. The best thing to do 'U' To Cover Mailing Joe Collins, '58, chairman ofa the Policy Committee, said the University would cover costs of mailing the booklet if it can be completed and in the hands of the University by July 1. It would then be included in packets mailed RM , M m= W'l !-',*"-- '.-,'l