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March 20, 1956 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-20

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arker Bequest Includes Prints, Seulpture, Textiles

tion is Sir Henry Raeburn's In-
terpretation of Lady Eleanor Dun-
An example of American oils
shown is George Inness's "Sunset."
Adolphe Monticelli's "The Six
Friends" is another sample of the
oil media.
Media of pen and wash is repre-
sented by Blake's "Three Figures
...are on display.
Augustus John's "A Study of a
Woman Draped" and "At the
Piano" are two examples of pencil
and sanguine art. "At the Piano"
depicts the artist's sister, Wini-
fred, with rustic vividness.
The Museum of Art's South Gal-
lery currently features a display
of Japanese prints from the be-
quest. Both West and South Gal-
lery exhibitions will be shown
through April 29.


Slusser, curator of the Museum,
". . . the 'Margaret Watson Parker
Bequest' increases the importance
of the Museum's holdings in Jap-
anese art, in Whistler, and in
decorative arts, such as textiles
'and furniture."
. .. sculptures, tapestries ...
A special "prize" in the collec-
tion is a Rodin sculpture. The first
to be owned by the Museum of Art,
it is a black bronze sculpture of
"The Young Mother."

EUM OF ART SHOW Prof. Sraipie der Nersessian, ex-
pert on Armenia and the Byzan-
There are also "Two Sacrificial tine Empire lectured yesterday on
Vases" on exhibit. These valuable the Armenian illuminated manu-
bronze vases represent the Shang scnipt.
Dynasty, of 1523-1027 B.C. China. With the use of numerous color-
"The Rape of Europa" is a large red illustrations, Prof. Nersessian
16th Century Flemish tapestry on traced the continuity of the artistic
display on the back wall of West development in 13th century Ar-
dGslayn a amenia. These manuscripts showed
Gallery. narrative scenes from both the
Asample of the divergent media Old and New Testaments.
are the black chalk productions of Armenian painting, a mixture of
Jean Francois Millet. "The Shep- Classical and Early Christian tra-
herdess" and "The Mendicant" are dition, introduced variations which
two noted examples i nthis field. give these manuscripts an individ-
... chalks, oils... ual character.
Another feature of the bequest Prof. Nersessian studied in
is the Whistler division. This group France, taught at Wellesley, work-
of 155 prints is thought to be one ed fog the Byzantine Research
of the largest collections of Whist- Center for Harvard University, and
ler. presently finished preparing a pub-
An oil portrait dating back to lication for the Freer Art Gallery
the days of the American Revolu- on the Chester Beety Collection.
Engno~ing&mSiefce Students!
Representatives of the world's,
largest aircraft manufacturer
will be on campus to interview for positions in
design, development and testing'of aircraft and
missiles. Openings in Santa Monica, ong Beach,
pr El Segundo, Calif., and Tulsa, Okia.
See the Placement Bureau for
1nterview Appointment on
11 PH 19,20 & 21
Er R.V

Planet Plan
Solving the overpopulation prop-;
lem by creating a hundred new
planets and moving people to them,
is impossible said Prof. Dean B.
McLaughlin of the astronomy de-
partment. -
Prof. McLaughlin criticized a
project proposed by Dr. Fritz
Zwicky, noted California Institute
of Technology rocket expert, who
stated it was possible to produce
suitable planets for emigrants from
our sphere.
"We can bomb Jupiter and other
major planets out of their orbits
and into other orbits more to our
liking," Dr. Zwicky declared. "We
can transfer great masses from
the surfaces of the big planets to
the smaller planets and satellites
and make them larger."
He said that by increasing the
size of the moon, for instance,
would increase its gravitational
pull to a point where it could
build up and retain an atmosphere
similar to that of earth.
"Such an idea is insane, irra-
tional and absurd," Prof. Mc-
Laughlin exclaimed.
"It is absurd to think we can
possibly create the amount of en-
ergy needed to supply such a
project," Prof. McLaughlin said.
"Such a project would make us
do a billion times more work than
we are able to accomplish."
He said it would take less ener-
gy to keep people supplied with
oxygen on the moon than trying
to keep them alive after an en-
"Nothing we have on earth is
possible to accomplish, what Dr.
Zwicky suggested," Prof. McLaugh-
lin asserted. "If people have to
migrate to other planets," he said,
"let them take them as they are."
Dr. Zwicky has qften made spec-
ulative astronomical statements
but nothing beyond the realm of
impossibility as his present one,
Prof. McLaughlin declared.
Self Survey
Pole Drafted
Preliminary questionnaires for
the Ann Arbor Self Survey have
been drafted, Donald Pelz, admin-
istrative director of the survey
Each of four questionnaires-di-
rected toward a cross-section of
the community, new residents,
teen-agers and Negroes-will be
tested on five to ten individuals
before being revised and presented
to the survey's policy committee.
The group's sampling commit-
tee, headed by Carl Mailey, has re-
ceived descriptions of residents in
26 of the 66 Ann Arbor blocks se-
lected at random for the, survey.

Housing for 5,508 men and
women single students, and 376
apartments for married students
and junior staff members are pro-
vided by the University's "Self-
Liquidating" project;
In a recent booklet, "The Uni-1
versity of Michigan Self-Liquidat-
ing Story," prepared by Thomas
Dickinson, Secretary of the De-
velopment Council, - a report was
made on the investment in resi-
dence facilities and student cen-1
ters financed under self-liquidatingI
programs at the University.
These revenue projects in which
the University was one of the pio-
neers, are the second greatest
source of financial support for the
construction of University build-
ings, the largest amount coming
from state appropriations.
Contains 30% of Investments
As of June 30, 1955, fully thirty
percent of the investment in
buildings has come from these
The Development Council's pub-
lication does not attempt an in-
volved definition of the term,
"Self-liquidating," but applies it
to a plant expansion project fin-
Educator Sees
Big Problems
In Schools
Problems of selectivity in the
English public school system were
discussed by Ben S. Morris
Morris, director of the National
Foundation for Educational Re-
search in England and Wales,
pointed to the organization of the
British secondary school system
as the root of the problem.
He explained that English chil-
dren are given an exam called
"eleven plus" when they reach the
age of eleven years. The results
of this exam determine whether
the child will be sent to an aca-
demic or "grammar" school, a non-
academic or "nodern" school or
a technical school. The "gram-
mar" school which is the equiva-
lent of the American high school
is the primary road to a Univer-
sity education and a -career as a
white collar worker or as a pro-
fessional person.
Morris said that much criticism
has been directed as the method
since approximately 20% of the
students which are admitted to
the grammar school do not gradu-
ate and another 20% leave the
school upon reaching the legal age.
Another criticism of the system
lies in the selection of the child's
future by his parents and the ex-
aminers. This selection creates
a large group of misfits in all three
types of schools.
Morris brought out that the only
solution to this problem lies in
the creating of comprehensive high
schools in .which each type of
school shall "become a little less
of itself and shall contain certain
bits of the other."

'U"Self-Liquidating' Project
Provides Housing For Students

anced with the help of borrowed
money. This financing involves a
pledge of restricted revenues to
pay off, or "liquidate," the indebt-
edness according to some pre-
scribed time schedule.
In the case of residence halls,
the pledged revenues would con-
sist of specific service charges; and
of student fee allocations in the
case of a student health center or
activities building.
Mosher-Jordan women's dormi-
tory was the first residence hall
project to be financed with self-
liquidating funds. In 1929, Mar-
tha Cook, Helen Newberry, 3etsy
Barbour, and Adelia Cheever dor-
mitories had been completed as the
result of gifts to the University.
Housing Held 413 in 1929
At this time, the University
housing had a capacity of 413
women-when the total enroll-
ment was 9,000. The new resi-
dence hall was to provide housing
for 500 additional women.
Until 1930, when Mosher-Jordan
was built, "many Universities
didn't regard student housing as
one of their functions," Dickinson
This situation has definitely
changed since during the fall se-
mester of this year, the Univer-
sity of Michigan housed 6,782 stu-
dents in its total residence hall
program. Five thousand eight
hundred eighty four of these live
in facilities constructed with self-
liquidating funds.
Other Projects Financed
Yet, even with present ex-
pansion, it' is felt that with the
University's expected 1970 en-
rollment of more than 40,000 stu-
dents, the burden of continued
increase of accommodations should
fall on the same sources that
financed the existing University
' of Alaska
Lauds Senator
Sen. William F. Knowland re-
c'eived an honorary Doctor of Law
degree from the University of
Alaska, the Farthest-North Col-
legian reports.
The student publication of the
territorial institution described the
convocation in which board of
regents vice-president Elmer E.
Rasmuson stated, "Champion of
moral rights of all people, for
your leadership in these uncertain
times, including your sympathetic
understanding and support of our
aspirations to statehood, you have
become a true friend of Alaska."
The newspaper carries local
features of the Northern area such
as the first ascent of 15,000 ft. Uni-
versity Peak mountain.
In a startling headline, the
paper states, "USSR and M Pro-
vides . . . Scholarship for School
of Mines Students." However the
story concerns the United States
Smelting, Refining and Mining

'U' To Head
Big 10 Hall


An executive secretary, two men
and two women will be chosen
through petitioning to form the
Big Ten Residence Halls Secre-
This group will perform all the
duties and assume the responsi-
bility of headquarters school of
the Big Ten Residence Halls As-
Early this year. the University
was named headquarters school
of the organization and will act as
a clearing house of information for
all the member schools.
Petitions Available
Petitions for positions on the
Secretariat are 'now available in
Inter-House Council or Assembly
offices for one wee konly.
Anyone living in a University
Residence Hall is eligible for a
position on the Secretariat. All
petitions will be due Monday.
The three top officers of the
IHC will interview those who turn-
ed in petitions and make the final
selections. Interviewing will be
IHC hopes to obtain space in
the new Student Activities Build-
ing for the operations of the Big
Ten Residence Halls Secretariat.
Schools Ratify
To date, four Big Ten schools in
addition to the University have
ratified the association charter.
They are Michigan State, Minne- L
sota, Northwestern and Wiscon-
At Ohio State and Illinois, the
men's groups have ratified the
charter, but the women's groups
are holding out. There has been
no word from Indiana or Purdue,
which have no central government
of their residence halls.
The tenth school, Iowa, has yet
to ratify the constitution, but it,'
is reported that chances are fav-
orable of its doing so by the next
Big Ten Conference, April 13 to
15 at Purdue.
There has been no organization
of the Secretariat of the Head-
quarters School, other than that
it will be composed ,of the execu-
tive secretary, two men and two
Kish Chosen',
ETV 'Teacher'
Geography is soon to be loffered
in the living room.
"Teacher" of. the new educa-
tional television series will be Prof.
George Kish of the geography de-
partment. The new program is
to be distributed nationally this
spring by the Education Television
and Radio Center here.
Called "World, Weather and
Man," the 13 program series will
explain the correlation between
geography and man's level of civili-
zation throughout different areas
of the world.


You can't always prevent sickness. But you can help
prevent sickness from driving you into debt. For
information about our Sickness and Accident plans--
NO 3-4161

What young people are doing at General Electric


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made electricity is produced.
One of the men responsible for designing
new, more efficient ways to remove heat from
atomic reactors is 29-year-old Doctor Salo-
mon Levy - Design Analysis supervisor in
the Atomic Power Equipment Department's
Reactor Engineering Unit.
Levy's Work Interesting, Vital
To study this problem of heat transfer,
G.E. recently constructed a heat-transfer sys-
tem. By electrically simulating the heat pro-
duced in a reactor, it is possible to determine
the maximum rate at which heat can be re-
moved from a reactor to make steam.
Dr. Levy conceived the idea of building
this complex system, designed it and super-
vised its construction. At present, Levy
works with this system to study new prob-
lems of heat transfer and fluid flow encoun-
tered in atomic power plants.
25,000 College Graduates at General Electric
'When Salomon Levy came to General
Lectric in 1953, he already knew the kind
of work he wanted to do. Like each of our
25,000 college-graduate employees, he was
given his chance to grow and realize his full
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