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March 18, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-18

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State








* *

* * *

Finance Hearing Set

Student Government Council's
Board in Review yesterday sched-
uled a hearing for Monday "to
establish whethet financial con-
ditions were adequately presented"
in connection with the Council's
approval of spring rushing for sor-
At the same time, the Board also
unanimously endorsed a motion
stating that the Council's action
was taken within the bounds of its
Tl e motion for hearing was
made by Dean of Women Deborah
Bacon on request of sorority Fin-
ancial Advisors.
Consider Financial Advisors
In passing it the Board stressed
that it was calling for a hearing
to consider only the question of
opportunity for expression of views
given by SGC or the Panhel-As-
sembly rushing study group to the
Financial Advisors.
It agreed that at this hearing it
would not judge the case on the
substantive action taken or on the
merits of one type of rushing as
opposed to another.
The Board drafted the following
question which will be sent to
representatives of the study group
and the Financial Advisors: "In
what respects do you feel that
your position with respect. to fin-
ances was (or was not, in case of
Advisors) adequately considered b
the study committee or SGC?
Jurisdiction Questioned
During the first part of the five-
hour meeting, Dean Bacon pointed
out th t since the issue did not n-
volve only undergraduate students
bust "those who are responsible
for $2,000,00 in sorority property,"
the Council's Jurisdiction could be
Council President Hank Ber-
liner ,'56, then cited cases of prece-
dent for SGC's Jurisdiction from
the minutes of the Student Affairs
Committee starting in 1928.
Upon its formation last year,
SGC took over the activities and
Regents Make
Seven Faculty
At their March meeting yester-
day, University Regents -made
seven appointments for the coming
Regents appointed Fred L.
Strodtbeck, a University of Chicago
associate professor, visiting lectur-
er in sociology for the 1956-57 year.
He will replace Prof. Theodore M.
Allen L. Mayerson was made half
assistant professor of mathematics
and half assistant professor of in-
surance for a three-year term be-
ginning next year.
Dr. Harrie Waldo Bird, Jr. was
made an associate professor of
psychiatry in the Medical School.
The appointment takes effect to-
As of the next academic year,
Gale Jensen is an associate pro-
fessor of education in the School
of Education and program director
in community adult education in
the Extension Service.
Stephen C. A. Paraskevopoulos
was made an assistant professor in
architecture in the College of Ar-
chitecture and Design yesterday.
This/ placement takes place July

authority of the SAC and Student
Having settled the matter of
jurisdiction, the Board recessed
for lunch.
Consideration of Advisors Studied
The second part of the meeting
was concerned with an attempt to
resolve whether ample considera-
tion was given to the point of view
of the Alumnae Financial Advis-
Dean Bacon stated that "no-
where in the study committee's
report is there reference to the
information supplied it by the
"Some alumnae feel that' the
committee read it, looked at it
and passed it over. I don't think
that any alumnae were even asked

to speak before the committee and
express their views."
Dean Bacon stressed that "re-
gardless of their views' on spring
rushing" the alumnae had a right
to be heard.
Berliner .maintained his view
that the alumnae were given ample
opportunity to present any rele-
vant information on the issue and
that consideration was given to
the financial aspect.
The Board finally approved the
motion to consider the procedural
adequacy of the committee's and
Council's consideration of the fin-
ancial aspects of rushing.
It will hear the Advisors and
study committee sides at 7 p.m.
tomorrow in the Dean's Conference
Room of the Administration Bldg.

SDT Wins Hillelzapoppin'

World News
By The Assocated Press
Algerian Revolt ..
PARIS - Premier Guy Mollet's
government put its new emergency
powers into swift effect last night,
PARIS - Mrs. Lrene Joiot-
airlifted to Algera to fight the
Nationalist revolt.
All available aircraft were di-
rected to the emergency airlift of
crack troops from West Germany
to the fighting front.
Naval vessels were ordered to
give the air force a hand. The
Mediterranean fleet was put on a
warlike footing to help guard Al-
gerian coastal cities.
* * *
Cyprus Conflict...
NICOSIA, Cyprus - A British
dier was killed and seven others
were wounded yesterday in new
outbreaks of violence on this tense
Mediterranean island.
A bomb hurled at an army ve-
hicle in a village on Rizokarpaso
Peninsula of northeast Cyprus
killed the soldier and wounded two
Foreign Air Program...?
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower assembled
the most persuasive arguments he
could muster yesterday in support
of the $4,900,000,000 foreign air
program he will lay before Con-
gress tomorrow.
The long-awaited special mes-
sage spelling out details of the
program, on which the President7
was reported still working at his
Gettysburg farm Saturday is surej
to set off one of the hottest elec-
tion year battles of the session.
* * *
Atlantic Storms .. .
Rescue and salvage crews strug-
gled to restore order to the storm
lashed Atlantic seaboard yesterday
after a raging northeaster drove
five large ships aground, damaged
hundreds of others and claimed the
lives of three Navy men.
Scientist Dies "
PARIS (P)-Mrs. Irene Joliot-
Curie, 58, daughter of the dis-
coverers of radium and herself a
noted scientist, died yesterday of
acute leukemia - brought on by
her own research in radioactive
* * *
Stevenson Speaks
MOORHEAD, Minn.-Adlai E.
Stevenson, at a dramatic primary
campaign intersection, accused the
GOP yesterday of substituting
"fairy tales for fact" and lying
about the farm issue on the basis
of precedent "from the very top."
Has Birthday
It was just .139 years ago today
that the law authorizing the Uni-
versity was approved by the new
Michigan State legislature.
The Ann Arbor land company,
rejected in offering 40 acres as a
State capitol site, gave the rem-
nants of the Rumsey farm for the
University location.

Switzer Garners Three Goals;
Howes Injured, Stays in Game
Special To The Daily
COLORADO SPRINGS-Michigan's sixth NCAA hickey title in
nine years will long be remembered as one of its hardest fought.
The Wolverines dramatically defeated Michigan Tech here last
night, 7-5, for its second narrow win in as many nights. I
Sparked by the tremendous play of goalie Lorne Howes, named
the Tournament's most valuable player, the Wolverines staved, off
numerous last period attempts by the Huskies. In addition to Howes,

.1 /

-Daily-Dick Gaskil
SIGMA DELTA TAU was awarded the Hillelzapoppin' trophy last
night for their presentation of the musical comedy skit "The
House of Prospects." Phi Sigma Delta's "Hoods and Tweeds"
and the musical comedy "Lollipops, Love: No Liquor" presented
by 1 the Independents tied for honorable mention at Tappan
Junior High School.

M' Track~
Stars Shine
At Denison
Special To The Daily
Three members of the talent-
laden Wolverine cinder squad
gained honors last night at Deni-
son (Ohio) University's invitation-
al track meet.
Two of the Maize and Blue
entries, Dave- Owen and Brendan
O'Reilly, won their events to help
in the domination of first places
by Michigan schools.
All in all, schools from the state
of Michigan won seven of the 12
events. Western Michigan took
three firsts, while Wayne and Cen-
tral Michigan wrested one apiece
from a meet made up mostly of
Michigan and Ohio schools. There
was no team scoring.
Owen Triumphs
Owen, a 220-pounder, put the
shot 54'1" in the preliminaries and
none of the weightmen bettered
that mark during the meet.
The flying Irishman O'Reilly
had to up only 6'2/" to win the
high jump. The 6'4" sophomore
found little competition in taking
his second college high jump vic-
tory, the other being his record
leap earlier in the season at Michi-
Speedster Tom Hendricks finish-
ed fourth in the 55-yard low hurd-
See OWEN, page 3
Student Group
For Stevenson
To Organize
The first campus response to the
1956 Presidential campaign will
come Tuesday with the formation
of "Students for Stevenson."
With Stevenson again a candi-
date for president a small group
of campus leaders, headed by for-
mer Young Democrats' president
Ralph Goldberg, '56, has been
making preliminary arrangements
for an organizational meeting at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the League.
A similar group was formed in
1952, following the Illinois gover-
nors nomination.
Fine to Talk
Prof. Sidney Fine of the history
department will address the meet-
ing on "Stevenson and '56."
Also included will be election
of officers, planning of the new
club's activities for the rest of
the semester and drawing up of a
Goldberg emphasized yesterday
that. the club's future is entirely
in the hands of those attending the
meeting - anyone interested in
promoting Stevenson's candidacy-
and that nominations for all offi-
ces will be open from the floor.
Janowitz Advisor
Prof. Morris Janowitz of the
sociology department has agreed to
serve as faculty advisor.
Students for Stevenson will be
able to affiliate with a national
student group, which is planning
a convention in Chicago, April 7.
Goldberg said the national Stu-
dents for Stevenson would be able
to aid the local group by providing
prominent speakers, literature and

4f our other Michigan players were
named to the Associated Press all-
star team.
Honored were defensemen Bob
Schiller and Bob Pitts, and for-
wards Ed Switzer and Tom Ren-
dall, as well as Tech's stellar wing-
man, Pete Aubry.
The all-conquering Wolverines
will arrive back home at Willow
Run Airport at 9:00 this eve-
ning. All four tourney teams will
be on board this NAA tourney
Howes in Pain
Howes, playing most of the third
period in severe pain resulting
from a collision in the opening
minute of the third stanza, kicked
out 31 shots for the game.
The key goal for Michigan came
Larriesk Win
The St. Lawrence Larries
came from behind twice to de-
feat Boston College, 6-2, in the
consolation game of the NCAA
hockey tournament at Colorado
Springs yesterday afternoon.
It was their first victory in six
tries in the tournament.
Bernie McKinnon, who scored
St. Lawrence's lone goal in Fri-
day's loss to Michigan, rammed
in two markers to pace the
at 14:38 of the second period.
With the score tied, 5-5, Dick Dun-
nigan whipped a pass to Ed Switz-
er who fired the puck past Tech
goalie, Bob McManus.
The Huskies were one man short
at the time, with Ron Stenlund
in the cooler for elbowing. Only
11 seconds later, Neil.McDonald
slammed home his own rebound
shot to clinch the victory.
Defensive Hockey
The Wolverines resorted to de-
fensive hockey in the last canto,
striving desperately to protect its
two goal lead and keep the puck
away from the territory of the
injured Howes.
Both squads fought tenaciously
See ICERS, Page 3

'M' Downs Tech
In Playoff. 7-5

the Kremlin's denunciation of
Stalin took place in Tiflis on
March 8.
'ahe stories in the foreign capi-
tals are known to be based on
reports reaching diplomats in
Moscow from 'Tiflis itself.
.Dawn of the East declared in
its issue of March 15: "Our party
organizations of the states acid un-
ions are called on to guard Soviet
law vigilantly .and denounce and
expose all provocateurs and enemy
elements and all those who threat-
en the legal rights of Soviet citi-
Meanwhile knowledge of the
secret speech of Nikita Khrushch-
ev at the 20th party Congress ex-
plaining the reasons for collective
leadership * and pointing out the'
harm done by one-man rule such
as that of Stalin was being dis-
seminated to an ever wider audi-
ence of Soviet citizens.


-Daly-Hal Leeds
IT WAS LAST WEEK'S action all over again last night an
Michigan skated past Michigan Tech to gain the NCAA Hockey
championship last night. The 'M' -team gained its sixth crown
in nine years of competition.
Student Demonstrations
Reported Under Control
MOSCOW (P-Western diplomats recently returned from Sta
lin's native state of Georgia said yesterday students demonstrate
there but emphasized the situation is well under control.
They said the 'demonstrations took place in Tiflis; capital of tlh
Georgian Republic.,They added that the situation presents no thre
of any kind.
Copies of the Tiflis newspaper Dawn of the East received her
carried a demand that "provocateurs and enemy elements" in Georgi
be crushed.
The editorial in this official organ of the Georgian Communi;
party came on the heels of reports inWashington and London tha
demonstrations and riots against- -

SGC Plans Spo
For Student Ac
"Student Government Council is
now considering which campus
organizations will be given space
in the new Student Activities
Wednesday is the deadline for
filing questionnaires related to the
amount of space organizations will
Questionnaires may be obtained
from Mrs. Callahan, 1020 Adminis-
tration Building.
According to Dick Good, '57 BAI,
chairman of SGC's Student Activi-
ties Building subcommittee, there

tivity Building
are three main points currently
under consideration.
First of these is to choose the
organizations which will be housed
in the Student Activities Building.
The committee also plans to set
up -an operating procedure for
rules, such as meeting hours, that
will be in effect after campus
groups have moved in the building.
The subcommittee is also con-
sidering qualifications for appoint-
ment to the Building Administra-
tive Board. The first such board
will be picked this spring.

'Pack Pub For Paddy's Day;
Report Jolly Green Hats, Beer

U' Professors
Take Leaves
University Regents have ap-
proved 53 leaves of absence, 38 of
them sabbaticals.
Twenty-nine sabbatical leaves
went to professors of the College
of Literature, Science and Arts.
Of the leaves, seven were for the
first semester of the next aca-
dgnic year,r11 forhthe second
semester, and 11 for the whole
1956-57 year.
Prof. Lawrence H. Aller and
Prof. William Liller, both of the
astronomy department, have been
assigned to duty at Mount Wilson
and Palomar Observatories during
this summer and -fall.
Smith To Go West
Prof. Alexander H. Smith, of
the botany department and botan-
ist in the University Herbarium,
will travel west next semester to
complete a field, work project.
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan and Prof.
Edwin E. Moise, both of ,the
mathematics department, ' were
granted leaves for the 1956-57 year.
They will do research work, writ-
ing and advanced study.
In the Engineering College, Prof.
A.. D. Moore, Prof. E. B. Stout, and
Prof. L. L. Rauch were granted
sabbatical leaves to do more tech-
nical writing and studying.
To Attend. Med School
Prof. William S. Preston and
Prof. Joseph P. Chandler, of the
Medical School faculty, were giv-
en leaves to permit them to at-
tend the Medical School of the
University of Antioquia in Colom-.
Dr. Maurice H. Seevers, chair-
man of the pharmacology depart-
ment,"will be on leave 'for the re-
mainder of the semester beginning
April 9. He will take. part in a
-teaching and research symposium
in Tokyo.
Prof. Philip C. Davis, Prof. Ge-
rome Kamrowski, Prof. William
Muschemheim and Prof. Jean Paul
Slusser, all of the College of Ar-
chitecture and Design, were also
granted leaves.
Additional Leaves Granted

Strides Taken To Omit Bias


In the College of Engineering,
Harry H. Goode was appointed a
professor of industrial engineering
beginning this semester.
Harry E. Bailey, of the same
school, was made an assistant pro-
fessor of aeronautical engineering
beginning this semester.
Generation Sale

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of articles dealing with the
discriminatory (bias) clause in frater-
nities. Today's article deals with the
bias clause on a national level.)
Until recently the ,general pic-
ture throughout the country con-
cerning the bias clause was a
nebulous, almost hopeless one.
Great strides have been taken
in the past five years however, es-
pecially in the East and Mid-West.
Even though. integration in
many instances is only partial,

fraternities were banned from the
27 New York State Universities.
Adopting a less drastic approach
to the problem, Columbia Univer-
sity fixed a 1960 deadline on re-
moval of discriminatory clauses.
1951 Deadline Enforced
A 1951 deadline was enforced at
the University of Connecticut.
Four fraternities severed their
national connections as a result
but none were forced to leave the
A vote of the entire student body
at Dartmouth twvo years ago passed

The University of Chicago set
a deadline for the elimination of
clauses in 1950, and granted a one-
year extension to all fraternities
and sororities. Only one fraternity
was forced to leave the campus
in 1951.
Wayne University, coping with
the problem by a method combin-
ing the better points of the Mich-
igan Plan and steps employed at
the University of Minnesota, set a
Sept. 1, 1960 deadline on all dis-
criminatory clauses. After that
date "no University recognition
wxill bea'~rr give to tudelnt oaV0nfl7-

The second issue of Generation
for the '55-'56 school year will go
on sale tomorrow.
The student literary magazine

-Daily-vern O' Soden
THE WEARIN' OF THE GREEN-Green hats on the heads,
greens beer on the tables, as toasts are drunk to St. Patrick at

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