I Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 ----- -,.. When Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail" "'That'll Just Show You How Flexible I Am" g 4 AT THE ORPHEUM: Six Roles in 'Sheep-' Six Hits for Fernandel AS A RESULT of "The Sheep Has Five Legs," French comic Fernan- del is now running neck and neck with Alec Guiness for the film multiple-personality crown. NOT SINCE Guiness' memorable "Kind Hearts and Coronets" has such a merry and frolicsome saga of look-alikes hit the screen. Guiness Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1956, NIGHT EDITOR ERNEST THEODOSSIN Tne Danger to SGC 4 00oo o Respect At Stake For New Government FUTURE RESPECT for Student Government Council will be at stake today when the Board in Review convenes for the first time since the Council's existence. What the Board decides concerning SGC's approval of spring rushing for the sorority system will be im- portant. But far more significant will be the precedent set for future cases. According to the proposal under which the Council operates, the Board may be called together at the request of any of its seven members when there is a point at issue. Points at issue would arise, the plan states, when an action of the Council "involves a question of the Council's jurisdiction or requires further consideration in view of Regential policy or administrative practice." This statement of review prerogatives clearly suggests that the Board has power to check the Council's action only on the basis of pro- cedures involved and not on the basis of sub- stantive content of the decision. Since no question of the Council's jurisdiction was raised during the four months of rushing study, there is apparently no question involved here. And the decision in favor of spring rushing does riot bear directly on Regential policy or adminis- trative practice. NEVERTHELESS, sorority alumnae have an- nounced their intention to petition the Board in Review for hearing. One alumna has even told Panhellenic that the Dean of Women virtually guaranteed a hearing on the merits of the Council decision. No one will deny that the Council's decision was disagreeable to some people. But there is little question as to the propriety of the proced- ures used in making the decision. The Council agreed unanimously on the motion calling for committees to study the rushing question. The committee itself ex- pressed its desire to receive information from anybody at any time during the study. And Wednesday night's Council meeting enabled both constituents and Council members a fair change to debate and discuss the issue. There is nothing left to question but the substantive action taken. Since the Board was not set up to hear substantive appeals, what do the alumnae want who requested hear- ing? Should the Board in Review consider thte decision on its substantive merit, Student Gov- ernment Council will not have improved much -over the defunct Student Legislature. The particular decision of the Board will have more than immediate significance. The long-range prospects of Student Government Council 'will also depend on the precedent set. -DICK SNYDER Leave It Up To the Adults? T'S HARD to know where your loyalty be- longs. Especially if you're in a sorority. As a body you all belong to an organization named "Panhellenic"-you're simply a minority housing group on campus-and you realize this. But you've got some things the independents haven't-"alumnae," and they exert a tre- mendous influence on you. Many of them, by the time they become active ,alums, have raised their families and they've been out of school a long time. This is particularly true of that unique individual- the financial advisor. The sorority financial advisors . . . this is the group that is going to appeal the Student Government Council's rushing decision to the Board in Review. The question is, are they solely concerned with their individual organizations, or do they regard SGC the way they regard the women in the sororities they "advise" (and the word is an understatement) -as immature undergradu- ates who shouldn't be concerned with larger problems. "Leave this up to the adults," many of them say., And "Leave it up to the adults" is what many sorority members also say when faced with a decision of whether or not to take action. Yet every affiliated woman on this campus must consider whether she is going to direct her loyalty toward her contemporaries - or toward a group of women who notoriously do not have the interests of the individual at heart. A CAREFUL 'consideration of the entirely new situation-one so different from that ex-I isting during the former spring rushing period -will show that sororities are not in danger of "going off campus." They are not in danger of disintegrating, not making their quotas; nor are they then, in danger of not building new houses, or acquiring additional groups. Panhellenic, as a group that str'ongly sup- ported the formation of SGC, must now be equally strong in its support of the operation of SGC. It cannot "sit back and wait," but must be the first to speak out showing that it can see the advantages to spring rushing- even though it may favor the other system. Stepping forward to ask the Board of Re- view to support SGC's decision is not, as many Panhellenic delegates feel, a "slap in the face" to their alumnae. However, to not do so would be to indicate to the entire campus that Pan- hellenic will not support the student govern- nent that it helped formulate. These advisors, numerically, constitute a small percentage of sorority alumnae, but they compose an infinitely strong faction; they are usually shrewd businesswomen with extreme persuasive ability and could conceivably be a determining factor in the life of the proposal for spring rushing. If one of the biggest issues that SGC has had to consider is discarded due to the influ- ence of 19 women, what then, will happen to the strength of student government on the Michigan campus? Certainly there are difficulties that must be ironed out when any change is made and spring rushing can be made far more effective than, any system of fall rushing. Contact rules, the establishment of an informal rush period, and individual attitudes-all are problems to be considered. Nevertheless, while student governmentis in a formative period, the student body must show unity-not vehemently expressed division. -JANET REARICK -AMF dl : R te' " ?.. 914 dx :E included a woman in his repertoire male sex, but there is definitely no harm done by the omission. The fabulous Frenchman plays a father and his quintuplet sons with precision and completely in- dividualistic characterization. Monsieur Saint-Forget is an old Frenchman who has scarcely seen his famous sons since their birth, because the government took over their education and upbringing. But he is angry with them from afar because they have become gentlemen. The mayor of the village where he lives thinks it would be very good for the tourist trade if he united the brothers and their fath- er on the Quint's fortieth birth- day. So he commissions their Godfather, the family doctor, to round them up and bring them home. The stories of each of the broth- ers is told separately. First there is Alain, who has become the most fabulous beauty shop operator in Paris. Then there is Bernard, an advice - to - the-lovelorn columnist who fixes up a young romance. The third Quint is Charles, a priest whose parish laughs at him because he resembles a certain movie actor. Desire is a window washer who sells a contract for his funeral (to be paid for by Alain) to practically every under- taker in Paris. Last is Etienne, a sea captain who stakes his ship, cargo and native mistress on an intriguing game of chance involv- ing betting on which piece of sugar, a fly will light. * 3 FERNANDEL IS A past master of the facial expressions school of comedy. The contortions h i s plastic countenance undergoes are almost unbelievable. Subtitles are unusually good, but the film suffers from some jerky editing. Otherwise, however, it is wholly delightful. -Tammy Morrison ; Fernandel sticks strictly to the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 29 General Notices Student Government Council: Free University of Berlin Scholarship. Peti- tioning dates for the Student Govern- ment Council's exchange scholarship to the Free University of Berlin have been extended. Application blanks must be returned to Student Government Coun- cil headquarters, Quonset Hut A (dpen 3-5 p.m.) by Tues., March 20 at 5 p.m: Recreational Swimming -- Women's Pool: Women Students: M.-Th. 5:10- 6:10, Fri. 4:00-6:00, M. Tu. Th. 8:15-9:15 p.m., Sat. 2:30-4:30. Co-recreational Swimming: Sat. 7:15-9:15 p.m., Sun. 3:00-5:00. Faculty Family Night: Fri., 6:30-8:00 p.m. for families with young children (under 8 years of age); Fri., 8:00-9:30 p.m. for other faculty families. Michigan Night: Sun. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Women Students'Weekend guests at Swimming Pool. Women students Who have an occasional guest from out-of- town for the weekend may invite their guest to swim during the co-recreational swimming hours at the Women's Pool: Sat., 7:15-9:15 p.m.; Sun., 3:00-5:00 p.m. The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire- land, again offers, through a reciprocal arrangement with the University of Michigan, an exchange Scholarship for a graduate from the University of Michigan, which witi provide fees, board and lodging for the next academic year, but not travel. Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Medieval History, Philos- ophy, Political Science, and Romance Languages especially appropriate fields of study. Further information is avail- able at the office of the 'Graduate School and applications should be filed before April 15. * i1('! l A.TI/t6'EN PST-Gea '.r WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Close Vote in Kansas By DREW PEARSON I THE other day I went out to Topeka, Kansas, to talk to two leaders of the Republican Party about the smouldering farm-belt resentment and what GOP leaders in Washington should do about it. One of the men I talked to, Alf Landon, has led his party as candi- date for President exactly two decades ago. The other, Landon's protege, Fred Hall, is the youngest Republican governor in the nation. Landon I found in shirtsleeves, looking philosophically out over the Kansas prairies from his sky- scraper office building. He has grown old gracefully, shows no bit- terness over the way his party let him down in the 1936 Roosevelt landslide. tIe rides horseback in the morning, catches up with his mail-especially long letters to my old partner, Bob Allen, drills a few oil wells and enjoys life. Alf will be 70 on his next birthday. His young friend, Governor Hall, whom Alf helped elect, is restless, dynamic, bursting with energy in his fight against old guard Re- publicanism. With the GOP pri- mary still months away, the gover- nor came direct from his campaign headquarters to lunch in the gover- nor's mansion. He was already charting his battle against the old guard faction which has ruled Kansas for years. * . * THAT FACTION includes some of Eisenhower's good friends. Yet Hall, himself strong for Eisenhow- er, has defeated them three differ- ent times in races for lieutenant governor and governor. He pre- dicts he will do so again this year. The Ike friends are: Frank Carlson, U.S. Senator from Kansas, close to the White House and a personal friend of the President. Harry Darby, of Kansas City,, Kans., Republican National Com- mitteeman, and one of the original drafters of Eisenhower for Presi- dent. To them young governor Fred Hall is an upstart who challenges their right to dominate Kansas. And though it's traditional for a Republican Governor of Kansas to be unopposed by his own party for a second term, nevertheless the old guard this time is not sticking with tradition. It is out to defeat Hall. Furthermore, the old guard indirectly tried to enlist White House support to do it. * * * LAST FALL when the young Governor of Kansas came to Washington for the Governor's Conference, Assistant President Sherman Adams sent for him. "We hope," he admonished, "there won't be any trouble in Kansas. President Eisenhower doesn't want anything to happen to his friends. So we hope you won't let anyone run against Sen- ator Carlson for re-election and will not challenge Harry Darby for the National Committee." Governor Hall told Adams he was just as anxious as .anyone to keep peace in the party, but, short- ly after he got back to Kansas, he found that Ike's friends Carlson and Darby weren't. And though he carried out his pledge to Adams not to oppose either, the Governor found he was being opposed by them. They have entered a Repub- lican candidate against him in the primary. So, you're going to see a knock- down, drag-out battle inside the Republican Party in Kansas. * '* * LATER I TALKED to Elder statesman Landon about this fight. Specifically I asked him: "Is the farm revolt such that a miracle might happen and Kansas go Democratic?" Landon was careful. "You have 'all the ingredients here that you had in 1930," he said. "Then you had drought. You had sliding farm prices. You had bitter dissension inside the Repub- lican Party, and George Magill, a young Democrat whom nobody had ever heard of, was elected to the Senate." (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) :4 TALKING ON TELEVISION: Picks First Annual 'Tis Th' Day 0' Rejoiein' FAITH AND BEGORRA and th' top o' th' marnin' to ye. Tis th' day o' th' wearin' o' th' green, th' day o' remembrin' how good St. Pat came to th auld country, a-chasing' about th' snakes and bringin' Christendom to the sweet green Emerald Isle.' Tis th' day when th' leprachuans will be dancin' in the glen, and th' clans will gather in their homes and there'll be a lilt. in every Irish heart. It brings to m' mind the days of m' youth, far across th' sea, when m' good mither and father toiled to bring the potatoes aout o' th' sod. Thir were good times and hard times but always on St. Paddy's Day thir was laughter and gaiety and merry-making of all description as we put our -troubles behind us. Thir is many in this foruld that thinks us Irish are thick- headed and thin-skinned but thir's none'll deny that we have th' most fun of all. An' then thir Editorial Staff Pave Baad ..........Managing Editor Jim Dygert ............................... City Editor Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director Debra Durchslag ............... Magazine Editor David Kaplan ....,................... Feature Editor Jane Howard ........................ Associate Editor Louise l'yor ......................... Associate Editor Phil Douglis ..........."......... sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ...,........Associate Sports Editor fack Horwitz ............. Associate Sports Editor Mary HelIthaler .............. Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds ...*........ Associate women's Edito5 Jnhn Hirtzel ........... ... Chief Photographer Business Staff was a fair young coleen .. . but's that's another story. Those were the good auld days. But the years here have been good to us all. M' brither Denny is a cop in New York and will be marchin' in the parade today and m' sister is married to a Democrat in Boston. Aye, tis the day of rejoicin' so won't all you Svensons, Damstadts, Chevaliers, Ivanovitchs, MacIntoshes, Fernandez, Manganellies, Ana- thanasopolouses, Awaises, Eisensteins, Sing- hams, Phoucs, Yehs, Nishijimas, and Smith, coom in, sit ye doon an' have a bit o' the brew in honor o' St. Pat. -SEAN O'HAILORAN (o' th' Lenihan's, O'Toole's, Hen- nessey's, and O'Halloran's o' o' County Kerry.) New Books at the Library Miller, Max-Speak to the Earth; N.Y., Ap- pleton, 1955. Nasser, Gamal Abdul-Egypt's Liberation; Washington Public Affairs, 1955. Newman, Ernest -- Seventeen Famous Op- eras; N.Y., A. Knopf, 1955. O'Brian, John Lord-National Security and Individual Freedom; Cambridge, Harvard U. Press, 1955. Patton, Frances Gray-A Piece of Luck; N.Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1955. Peterson, Roger Tory & Fisher, James - Wild America; Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1955. Reid, Forest-Tom Barber; N.Y., Pantheon Books, 1955. Reis, Clair-Composers, Conductors and Critics; N.Y., Oxford U. Press, 1955. Roy, Gabrielle-The Cashier; N.Y., Harcourt, Daily TI By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer THE ACADEMY of Television Arts and Sciences, magazines, newspapers and television column- ists have decided on their awards for the top programs and people on television. Not to be outdone we have compiled this impressive list whic'h contains the winners of the first annual Michigan Daily Television Awards: -Best Regular Series: "Pro- ducer's Showcase" --Best Single Program: "Peter Pan" -Best Actor in a Regular Ser- ies: Danny Thomas -Best Actor-Single Perform- ance: Jose Ferrer in "Cyrano De Bergerac" -Best Actress in a Regular Series: Ann Sothern -Best Actress-Single Perform- ance: Mary Martin in "Peter Pan" Awards -Best Male Vocalist: Steve Lawrence -Best Female Vocalist: Eydie Gorme -Best Musical Director: Skitch Henderson -Best Comedian: Jackie Glea- son --B e s t ' Comedienne: Lucille Ball -Best Comedy Program: "The Phil Silver's Show" -Best Panel Show: "What's My Line?" --Best Quiz Program: "The $64,000 Question" -Best Dramatic Series: "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" -Best News Program:, "John Daly and the News" -Best Adventure P r o g r a m: "Disneyland" -Best Children's P r o g r a m: "Mickey Mouse Club" -Best Audience Participation Program: "Dollar A Second" -Best Sports Coverage: "Caval- cade of Sports" -Best Master of Ceremonies: Steve Allen -Best Staging and Production: "Your Hit Parade" -Best Director: Jack Webb -Best Producer: Showcase Pro- ductions, Inc. * * * . AS THE ACADEMY of Televi- sion Arts and Sciences have found out (the hard way) you can't in- clude every good show without setting up special'categories which would only be applicable to one show. Thus "Wide World," "This Is Your Life," "See It Now," "Per- son To Person" and "The Tourna- ment of Roses Parade" are de- prived of the opportunity of re- ceiving awards. Technical advancements are also LETTERS to the EDITOR Relax, Don't Clutch ... To the Editor: DATE . . . March 17, 1956 Place . . . State Street, Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, U.S.A. Characters . . . Mary and Charles Question So it's love that makes the world go round- How then I ask might my love be found- Am I to wait, while Springs drifts by- Must I be lonesome 'til I die? Answer - Relax, don't clutch, you will find a mate- Over a hand of bridge, at a coffee date- Come on, be happy, throw your cares away- Keep smiling-it's Saint Patrick's Day!. -John W. Kormes, '59L Reasons More Evident.. To the Editor: A WEEK AGO I wrote a letter trying to explain to Dick Sny- der and others who were puzzled by the lack of interest of students in petitioning for SGC the reason for the apathy. I pointed to the lack of any appreciable reward in working for a group merely toler- ated by the Administration so long as it kept within its realm of busy- work, uncontroversial debate, etc. A belief that SGC serves any pur- pose other than as an outlet for these efforts is, to me, erroneous.. Apparently Mr. Snyder wasn't convinced by my letter since I find another editorial in Sunday's Daily in which he reprimands Dean Zerman for his "influenc- ing" the SGC regarding the de- ferred rushing study. This is the best argument for my view that I can find. The Administration will obviously tolerate SGC activities until they become troublesome and then will gently (or not-so-gently) ease the Council back into its place. The editorial proclaims an ap- parent lack of faith in SGC's func- tion on Mr. Zerman's part. Could it be that the Administration and the SGC advocates have differing views on the function of this body? I think so. Perhaps now my reas- ons for the lack of student inter- est in student government will ap- pear more evident to those who are puzzled by the situation. -Ben Young, '57L 'Outspoken Statement' To the Editor: roLectures Prof. Sirarple Der Nersesslan of Har- vard University, Dumbarton Oaks Re- search Library and Collection, Washing- ton, D. C., "Armenian Illuminated Man- uscripts of the 13th Century," March 19, 1956 at 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater, auspices of the Depts. of Fine Arts 'and Near Eastern Studies. The public Is invited. Lecture. "Social Welfare in Burma." Day Mya Sein, lecturer,, University of Rangoon and U Nu Lecturer in Burmese Culture in the United States. Mon., March 19, 1956, 7-8:30 p.m., in the Henderson Room, Third Floor, Michigan League. Joint auspices of the School of Social Work of the University and the Huron Valley .Chapter, National Association of Social Workers. Open lecture. Concerts Faculty Recital. Arlene Sollenberger, contralto, with Eugene Bossart, pianist, and Nelson Hauenstein, flutist, 8:30 p.m. Sun., March 18, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Compositions by Handel, Bloch, Strauss, Mussorgsky; open to the public without charge. Placement Notices PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Tues., Wed., March 20, 21: Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.-- all levels in Che.E., Civil, Elect., Mech., IEng. Mech., Met., Nuclear, Physics and Science for Summer and Regular Re- search, Devel., Design, Prod., Sales, and Chem. Analysis. Wed., March 21: Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc., Mel. rose Park, Ill.-all levels in Elect., Math., Mech., Engrg. Mech., Engrg. Physics., and Science for Research, Devel., Design, Prod. E. U.S. citizen. United States Graphite Co., Div. of The Wickes Corp., Saginaw, Mich.--B.S. In Che.E., Elect., Ind., Mech. and Metal for Research, Devel., Design, and Prod. U.S. citizens. American Steel Foundries, East Chi- cago, Il.-all levels in Che.E. and Mech. for Research and Devel. The Worthington Corp., Harrisson, N. J.-all levels in Mech., Instr., Nuclear, and'i Sanitary; B.S. in Che.E., Civil, sElect.,and Ind. for Research, Devel., Design, Prod. and Sales. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.-B.S. Engrg., Physics and Math. for Research, Devel., Design, Mfg., Sales and Field Service. Nat'l Tube Div. of U.S. Steel Corp., Lorain, Ohio-all levels in Engrg. and LS&A for Vacation Trainee Program, and Student Engrg. Trg. Program. Mallinckrodt Chem. Works, St. Louis, Mo.-all levels in Che.E., Constr., Instr., Metal.; B.S. and M.S. in Civil, Elect., and Mach for Summer and Regular Re- search, Devel., Design, Prod., and Const. U.S. citizens. Post Cereals Div. of Gen'l Foods Corp., Battle Creek, Mich.-B.S. in Che. E., Elect., Mech. E., Chemistry and Food Tech., for Prod.-Training Program lead- ing to Superv. Food Machinery & Chem. Corp., vari- ous areas-all levels in Chem.E., and Mech. E. for Research, Devel., Design, Prod., Const., and Sales. Sunstrand Machine Tool Co., Rock- .4 j( l )f 4 ; LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler 1)1 1k( '09 4- )f 'A