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March 17, 1956 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



u ;

VOL. LXVI, No. 113




WhipL arries; Meet Tech in Finals

Ton igh









. _.



Board To Review Rushing Decision

-Daily-Bill van osternout .
COFFEE AT CEREMONY -- (Left to right) Regent Connable,
President Hatcher, Press Director Wieck, Regent Powers and
Press Director Emeritus Robbins.
The new University of Michigan Press Building was informally
dedicated yesterday.
University Board of Regents, President Harlan H. Hatcher and
Vice-President of Student Affairs James A. Lewis were among those
who toured the structure.
Although the grounds in front of the building are not completed,
the building itself is 'already being used as the University Press's
Built with the support of 9,000 University alumni and friends, the
$120,000 building commemorates a -grant of $30,000 from the 1954-55
Michigan ,Alumni Fund by a plaque in the lobby.
Special guest at the ceremony was Press Director' Emeritus Frank
Robbins. Robbins was first director of the University Press.
I would say it's the answer to a maiden's prayer," he said of
the new structure.
University Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel remarked, "I am very
pleased with the arrangement of the building and the adaptability
with which it was built."
Regents Accept Gifts Grants
Totaling Nearly $266,000
University Regents accepted gifts and grants totaling $265,805.68
at their March meeting yesterday.
Gifts, not in the form of money, included at $2,300 collection of
1,500 volumes on theater and theatrical arts from the estate of the
late Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., and a $2,000 collection of instruments, for
the otolaryngology department, from Dr. Ira Winger.
Seven companies each subscribed to the Engineering' College's
Industry Program for one year with a grant of $5,000 each. Total
contributions from the manufacturing concerns totaled $35,000.
The American Cancer Society made a total of $27,555.55 in grants
for various research projects.
Gift for Medical Student
A gift of $25,000 was made by Lawrence J. Montgomery and will
go into the Lawrence J. Montgomery Research Fund for deserving
medical students.

Tall Gives
'M' 2=I Win'
Rendall's Goal
Sinks Larries
Special To The Daily
almost repeated itself here last
night as Michigan was extended to
an overtime by St. Lawrence be-
fore finally winning 2-1.
By the narrow victory, the Wol-
verines, earned the right to meet
Michigan Tech in the finals of the
NCAA Hockey Tournament at the
Broadmoor tonight.
St. Lawrence will play Boston
College in the consolation game
starting at 2:15 this afternoon.
Near Upset
St. Lawrence almost pulled ore
of the biggest upsets since R.P.I.'s
stunning victory over Michigan in
But it was not in the cards for
the Larries as Don McIntosh skat-
ed in with the puck from'mid-ice
and passed it at the last possible
moment to Tom Rendall, who
slapped the puck into a wide open
net. '
St. Lawrence goalie Sarge White
tier: never had a chance to stop
the game winning goal.
It was a heartbreaking defeat
for the .Saints, who had battered
the heavily favored defending
champions to a standstill most of
the game.
The 2500 fans were behind the
underdog Larries all the way.
A small but enthusiastic Michi-
gan following urged the Wolver-
ines on to a thrilling third period
tying score.
Ed Switzer brought the Wolver-
ines back into the game at 3:59
when his hard shot from 30 feet
out to the left blazed waist-high
past Whittier who had been in-
vincible before that.
The Wolverines had been put at
the goal disadvantage just at the
close of the second stanza. Bernie
See RENDALL'S, page 4
Small Quad Fire
The acrid smell of burnt cloth
still hung in the air last night
following a small early morning
blaze in the basement of East
The fire, discovered by the night
watchman shortly after 5 a.m.,
was quickly extinguished by the
Ann Arbor Fire Department.
It was caused by the overheating
of a steam dryer filled with
kitchen towels. The towels were
completely destroyed, but there
was no further damage.

Precedent may be in the making
today as Student Government
Council's Board in Review meets
at 104a.m. today to consider the
Council's recent decision in favor
of sorority spring rushing.
All seven Board members have
been notified of the meeting re-
quested by Dean of Women Deb-
orah Bacon, and differences of
opinion are already building up
as to what areas the Board may
Board chairman Prof. Lionel
Laing of the political science de-
partment said, "We will probably
have to determine first just what
constitutes a review since there
is apparently more than one school
of thought as to what our preroga-
tives are."
Since this is the first time the
Board has met during SGC's one-
year existence, Prof. Laing said,
"We may be setting a very valu-
able precedent."
Confronted by Problem
Chief problem confronting the
Board will probably be deciding
whether it was set up to review
substantive action taken by the
Council or whether it merely may
decide if the action taken was pro-
cedurally correct.
According to the proposal under
which SGC operates, points at
issue which can come up for Board
action "involve questions of the
Council's jurisdiction or require
further consideration in view of
Regential policy or administrative
Student members of the Board
will take the position that only
procedure is subject to Board
action, while some other members
are expected to argue that the
Board should review the actual
substance of the Council's approv-
al of spring rushing.
Other Questions
Many other questions also may
come up for precedent-setting
action tomorrow, including
whether or not the chairman may
vote and what action or vote
would be necessary to reverse a
Council decision.
Under the SGC proposal, four
Board members constitute a quor-
um, providing the quorum is made
up of at least one student, faculty
member and administrator. The
Dean of Men and Women may send
representatives in their absence.
The Board's declaration of intent
to review in the Daily Official
Bulletin within four days follow-
ing council action serves as a stay
of that action.
The proposal states, "Provision
for appeal according to a time
schedule permits the Council's
actions to become effective with-
out undue delay, but at the same
time provides adequate safeguards
against, hasty decisions."

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
LONDON-A diplomat. in a Continental capital said last night
Nikita Khrushchev has called Joseph Stalin a murderer.
The informant said Khrushchev, the chief of the Soviet Com-
munist party, told a secret meeting of tbp Communists last 'month
that Stalin murdered 70 out of 133 members of the party's Central
Committee in 1937 in order to solidify his personal power.
There .were reports that Khrushchev broke down in tears at
least four times when describing the campaign of terror which wiped
" out some of his closest collabo-
ALGRIA : . « .-


Kills 107
ALGIERS, Algeria W)-French
forces ambushed a big rebel de-
tachment in eastern Algeria yes-
terday and killed 107 in a running
battle that went on into the night.
Parachute troops and mechan-
ized units joined forces to clamp
a steel pincers on the band in the
region of Lafayette, a village of
2,500 about 150 miles east of this
capital city. Other rebels had just
struck Algiers in a series of fire
Spotter planes directed the
French pursuit in the Lafayette
One Death Admitted
The French admitted only one
French death and said they ex-
pected the rebel casualty toll to
Dispatches f r o m neighboring
Tunisia said 40 Tunisian rebels
were killed in the region of Gafsa,
bringing the day's count of rebel
dead in French North Africa to
more than 160.
Steel-helmeted French troops
patrolled Algiers to enforce a cur-
few imposed after rebel guerrillas
set several fires within the city
and its suburbs.
Warned Off Streets
The French administration, in
radio and newspaper proclama-
tions, warned the French and
Arab population of a half million
to' -stay off the streets between
midnight and 5 a.m.
New state of siege measures
were readied to curb the 'extension
to Algiers itself of the terrorism
which has plagued the provincial
areas for 16 months.
,Four masked men seized a big
garage in the center of Algiers at
2 a.m., spilled gasoline on the
floor and set it afire.

BERLIN--The final legal green
light flashed here yesterday on
West Germany's road to rearma-
mbnt within NATO. .r
The West German Bundesrat
upper house-sitting for the first
time in the Allied sector of this
divided city 110 miles behind the
Iron Curtain - unanimously ap-
proved measures authorizing the
buildup of federal armed forces
that are to total 500,000 men by
Lehman (D-NY) suggested yester-
day that President Dwight D.
Eisenhower is a "neutralist" stand-
ing above the segregation battle.
This brought a retort of "un-
warranted and unfounded" from
Sen. Clifford P. Case (R-NJ).
* * *
entered the last lap of its mara-
thon farm debate yesterday, driy-
ing toward passage of a bill which
will figure largely in the campaign
for the farm vote this fall.
Prospects of final action before
the week ends were brightened
when Sen. E. M. Dirksen (R-Ill.)
dropped a planned fight against
the bill's provision for ;%two-price
program for rice,
Lame Professor
Saved from Fire
Prof. Ralph L. Belknap of the
Department of Geology, who was
rescued in his wheel-chair from
his burning home Thursday, is re-
ported to have suffered no harm.
Prof. Belknap, who has been
totally paralyzed for almost 10
years, was taken to safety by Ra-
mon Wisniewski, '57, who works
part-time at Prof. Belknap's home.
"He's a fine boy," Mrs. Belknap
said last night, and urged that he
be given full credit. Earlier re-
ports had asserted Prof. Belknap
was rescued by a passing motorist,
which Mrs. Belknap asserted were

Increasing demands on the ad-
ministration caused by the rapidly
increasing size of the University
necessitates the new appointment,
University President Harlan H.
Hatcherstold the Regents yester-
"Since the war the University
has added extengively to its pro-
grams and to its student and fac-
ulty population, but it has not
kept pace with additions of top


Regents Approve.
Stirton for Post
Fourth U Veep To Perform
Liaison Work with Legislature
Daily Managing Editor
"To keep pace with increasing University size," the Board
Regents yesterday named a new University vice-president.
By unanimous vote the Regents appointed William E. Stirtc
vice-president in charge of services and development at Wayne Un
versity, to the newly created position.
The appointment confirmed a "leak" last week through t:
Detroit Board of Education that Stirton was expected to take tI
University vice-presidency.
Fourth Vice-President
Stirton, who becomes the University's fourth vice-presiden
will begin his new duties July 1."

Cancer Body



Regents also accepted a grant of

University Regents yesterday es-
tablished a Cancer Research Insti-
tute at the Medical School, to be-
come effective July 1.
Included in the purposes of the
new Institute will be the pro-
viding of finances for hospitalizing
patients of unusual research inter-
est, and added facilities for re-
search and training programs in
the field.,
Dean Albert C. Furstenberg and
the executive committee of the
Medical School will administer the
It will also be set up to provide
funds on short notice for re-
searchers needing to develop im-
mediate work in the area.
New Department

$17,832:65 from the United Nations
Technical Assistance Account.
From the Ford Foundation came
an allotment of $17,000 for a period
of five years to support individual
research in the behavioral sciences.
E. I. DuPont de Nemours and
Company, of Wilmington, Dela-
ware, has given $10,000 for funda-
mental research in chemistry.
Mrs. Edith Gylling Ericson, of
Iron River, Mich., has given $10,-1
000 to establish the Edith Gylling
Ericson Loan Fund, which will be
open to Upper Peninsula students
Grant for Teachers
From the W. W. Kellogg Foun-
dation comes $9,400 for the sup-
port of a graduate teacher training

Pati~ents' Conveniences Stressed

-Courtesy H. A. Pr=- I Studios
... new vice-president.
level positions in administration,"
he said.
Only the area of student affairs
has been aided with a new vice-
presidency. Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis was
appointed in September, 1954..
Liaison Work
Initially Stirton will perform
liaison work with the State Legis-
lature and Governor's office and
with several, elements of industry
and professional organizations,
President Hatcher said.
The new vice-president, - to be
called simply Vice-President of the
University, will aid in the devel-
opment and interpretation of the
University's programs throughout
the state and "perform such other
duties as may be assigned to him
by the President."
It is expected Stirton's appoint-
ment will lighten the burden of
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehuss, who Pres-
ently performs much liaison work
with the State government.
Stirton has been Vice-President:
at Wayne University since 1951,
Previously he was principal at
Cass Technical High School in De-
troit for seven years.
Stirton holds two degrees, Bach-
elor of Science in Electrical Engi-
neering and Master of Science in
Physics and Mathematics, both
from the University.
IFC-IHC To Start
Implementation of the Interfra-
ternity-Inter House Council rush-
ing recommendations will start
"within a week."
IFC President Bob Weinbaum,
'56, and IHC President Tom Bleha,
'56, said yesterday that probably

Larson Tells
Of Executive
There has been too little discus-
sion on the grave and growing
problem of how to select, train and
attract the right kind of people
for the critically important job
as a political executive, Arthur
Larson, Under -Secretary of Labor
said last night.
Speaking at the 28th annual
Founders' Day ;Dinner Larson de-
fined political executives as that
small group of people appointed
to head up government 'depart-
ments. and agencies temporarily,
who then ret.urn to theirm regular
careers in law and the business
"It is their purpose," he said,
"to give fresh direction and chal-
lenge to the activities of their de-
partment, sense the necessity of
meeting new needs and invent new
There is a distinctive problem
in training the political executive
since by nature it s not a full
time career, Larson pointed out.
"Law is as good training for a
part time political executive as
any," he said. "But, onie import-
ant item is apt to be jmissing both
from legal training and legal prac-
tices, and that is that bundle of
techniques known as administra-
tive experience."
Many lawyers become sufficient-
ly acquainted -with administrative
background through the affairs. of
their clients he said. Most of this
would have to be done after law
school he pointed out.
Larson recommended instead a
special law school trainng course
which would be an "intensive
grounding in the operation of our
system of government, aided if
possible by some kind of intern-
ship in the company of a decision
making official."
U Regents
OK Changes-..
Changes in the Institute of
Human Biology at the University,
effective July 1, 1956, were ap-
proved by the Regents at their
March meeting yesterday.
All academic personnel associ-
ated with the Heredity Clinic will
be given appointments in a new
department of Genetics in the
Medical school.
Given a half-time appointment
with the Department, of Anthro-
pology, James N. Spuhler will also
work with the department of Gen-

The administration at the Veterans Hospital strives to give more
than just medical care.
Lounges in the wards, a chapel and a library are all facilities
designed for the use of patients.
"We not only encourage the veterans to make use of these," says
John E. Willoughby, assistant manager of the hospital, "but sometimes
even prescribe the use of the library for certain patients."
With the help of volunteer organizations an extensive social
program is maintained.
This week, for example, a dance, a Monte Carlo party, a coffee
hour and the showing of two movies are scheduled.
The medical program itself at the hospital is rated highly.
"Being connected quite closely with the University, we get some
of the top professional physicians in the world on our staff," Willough-
by said.
"Because the hospital is very new we also have some of the
mnt umn-rate meal e-nnent aailabe-"

A grant of $9,000 has been re-
newed by the Muscular Dystrophy
Association of America, Inc., for
research in the "'department of
Rockefeller Foundation, New
York City, has given $8,500 for use
by the mPme- cnhnl n a -



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