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March 16, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-16

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Latest Deadline in the State





Kidston Requests
Freshman Quads
Criticizes Staff Men, Atmosphere
Older Students In Present System
Roger Kidston, resident advisor of East Quad's Greene' House,
yesterday recommended that the University's Residence Halls be
organized entirely on a freshman and upperclass basis.
Speaking before the Inter-House Council, Kidston, a former IHC
President, criticized the present organization of Residence Halls for
its non-academic atmosphere and the poor quality of its staff.
"We are not getting the efficient type of staff personnel that we
need," Kidston said. "The pay isn't enough, for one thing."-
He also complained that the present atmosphere caused a "great
lack of student responsibility. It's too hard to get something done
unless you do it yourself."
Kidston Blames Upperclass Residents
Kidston laid part of the blame for the present situation on the
upperclass students in the Residence Halls. "All too often," he said,

For '5



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'U Vision Labs Plan Tests For 35 Years Ahead

Act Blocked
rBy Panhel
Panhellenic delegates yesterday
tabled a motion mandating the
Panhel President to request the
Student Government Council's
decision in favor of spring rushing
not be reversed.
Meanwhile, at the request of
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon,
the Board in Review has scheduled
a meeting for 10 a.m. tomorrow.
Alumnae Financial Advisors had
requested Board in Review action
unless some student organization,
itself (probably Panhe, called for
Board review.
Sorority Alumnae Consult
Several members of the Dean of
Women's staff were in consultation
with groups of sorority alumnae
yesterday following SGC's 10-8
vote calling for a change tomspring
rushing for the 1957-58 academic
At the regular Panhel meeting
' yesterday, President Debbie Town-
send, '56, asked the delegates to
again affirm her intent to request
tihe Board not to reverse SGC's
Panhl had agreed before Wed-
nesday night's Council meeting to
support any Council decision "as
students and the effect that it
would have if we didn't."
'Panhel's Responsibility'
Alumna Mrs. Charles L. Eurleigh,
expressing the view that it was
Panhel's responsibility to go before
the Board and request reversal,
said, "Ve would like to see you,
yourselves, request action on your
interests and investments of more
than two million dollars.
"If Panhel does not go before
the Board, then we (Alumnae Fi-
nancial Advisors) will in order to
protect the interests of the sorority
Following an hour of discussion,
Panhel passed th motion to table
action and called for reconsidera-
tion of it at 5 p.m. Monday.
Board Handles Policy Issues
According to Student Govern-
ment Council proposal, the Board
in Review may meet when an ac-
tion of the Council "involves a
question of the Council's jurisdic-
tion, or requires further considera-
tion in view of Regential policy or
{~ administrative practice."
There areno other circumstan-
ces specified which would necessi-
tate Council action.
SGC President Hank Berliner,
'56, explained, "The Board is not
set up to consider the substantive
action which the Council takes,
but only the procedural action in-
Doubts Board Jurisdiction
Berliner stated that he did not
think the Board could consider any
appeal of the Council's decision on
the basis of the SGC proposal.
Members of the Board are Ber-
liner, former Daily Managing Edi-
tor Gene Hartwig, '58L, Dean of
Men Walter B. Rea, Dean Bacon,
Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the politi-
cal science department, Prof. W.
Earl Britton of the engineering
college and Prof. Leo Schmidt of
the business administration school.
FBA Expands
Food Deliveries
Fraternity Buying Association

-"those students who remain in the
Residence Halls and are the most
vocal in setting standards for the
freshmen are not the *most desir-
able students."
Under his plan for freshman liv-
ing units, students would live in
the freshman Residence Halls for
one year only.
Kidston emphaszed the choice
that students would have to make
at the end of that year, whether
to live in a University Residence
Hall or a fraternity.
Students Make Decision,
This decision, he said, would
give students greater interest in
their living units because they
would be there on their own
Kidston also criticized the place-
ment of staff men on each corridor
or floor and suggested the elimina-
tion of these men in upperclass
Residence Halls, leaving only a
senior staff of three.
In other business yesterday, the
IHC decided to have its cabinet
choose the topics and speakers for
the coming Faculty Debates. The
topic of the first debate, to be held
March 27, has been tentatively set
on a discussion of education.
IHC also decided that all quad-
rangles will hold open houses be-
fore the coming Student Govern-
ment elections in order that the
candidates will be able to present
their programs to the houses.
It was also announced yesterday
that the total profit made on the
recent Polgar Show was $1436.89.
Space 'Granted
To Honoraries
The Union Board of Directors
last night approved allocating
space in the tower of the building
for use by Sphinx and Triangles
junior honoraries.
The all-campus and engineering
groups will be given an area on
the fifth floor now devoted to
storage. The Union will bear the
cost of improving the area to pro-
vide the "bare essentials."

The University Vision Research
Laboratories plan to conduct tests
for 35 more years 'to accomplish
their dual purpose of developing
specifications for indoor lighting
and determining outdoor visability
of the human eye.
According to director H. Rich-
ard Blackwell, the laboratories,
have already conducted over five
million tests on cats, monkeys,
and humans to study how the eye
moves and the effect of light upon
When the tests are completed
and final data compiled, Dr.
Blackwell hopes to advise lighting
engineers on proper intensity of
light for clas sroom, home, and
factory lighting. The laboratories
have been working on visibility
distances on ground, aircraft vis-
ability and optical properties of
the atmosphere for the govern-
Studies Psychological Function
Dr. Blackwell, who holds assoc-
iate professorships in both psy-
chology and ophthamology, is the
director of the laboratory at the
Kresge Building, which primarily
studies physiological functions of
the eye, and the Mason Hall lab-
oratory, where research includes
light intensity tests for the eye.
At the Kresge Building, tests
are made with' cats and monkeys
to discover more about electrical
impulses that travel from the eye
AA Faculty
Gets Raise
Pay raises for Ann Arbor teach-
ers are included in the budget
tentatively approved by the Board
of Education Monday.
Totaling $3,404,630 for the fiscal
year 1956-1957 starting July 1, the
budget calls for increases to a pay
scale of $3,500 to $6,000 for teach-
ers with A.B. degrees and to $3,700
to $6,400 for those holding M.A.'s.
Local teachers now receive $3,300
to $5,700 and $3,500 to $6,100 for
those holding bachelors and mast-
ers degrees respectively.
The new budget will also call
for a small increase in property
taxes of 14 cents per $1,000 of
property value.

Then, what Dr. Blackwell calls
the "ocular rotational potential"
comes into play. The "ocular ro-
tational potential" is an electric
current that is generated when
the student moves his eyeball.
When the student moves his eye
one thousandth of an inch, the
research workers can pick.it up on
the oscilloscope face as an inch
Seek Lighting Needs
At Mason Hall laboratories
studies of interest to theoretical
psychology are conducted in spec-
ial cube rooms throughout the day.
Students volunteer to take tests
in the cages where the research
workers collect data to find out
how much light the eye needs to
see various objects. Two or four
students go into each cage, sit in
theatre chairs in front of a screen.
Various degrees of light come into
the room and the students press
buttons attached to chairs when
they see an asterisk, circle, or sim-
ilar object on the screen.J
"When the eye is fatigued, theI
muscles haye a jerky movement,"
says Dr. Blackwell. He has develop-
ed what he thinks may be a new
clinical test for eyes that are
turned out or turned in.
Oscilloscope Detects Tremors
"When the eye is turned out or
in, it vibrates or gives off an elec-
trical tremor detected by the oscil-
loscope," says Blackwell.
"When I retire in 35 years," Dr.
Blackwell predicts, "we should be
nearly finished with the tests.-
This seems like a very long time,
but the average person doesn't
realize how many different ways;
the eye can see different things."

Plan Eight Million
For Capital Outlay
'U' Had Asked $17 Million For First
Of Five Year Building Program
Daily City Editor
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The University will be 'allotted 27% million dollars in
the bill for higher education to be introduced in the Senate today.
The Senate Appropriations bill restores most of the million dollars
slashed from the operations budget by Governor G. Mennen Williams.
It is unlikely the Senate will vote on the bill today.
The University has requested $27,730,000. Vice-President, Marvin
L. Niehuss said yesterday that although the University was "gratified"
at the increase over the Governor's recommendations, the appropria-
tions still fell short of what was needed.
Capital Outlay Bill
The Capital Outlay bill, introduced in the Senate Wednesday,
allots the University $2,110,000 for remodelling and $5,813,000 for
general new construction. -

Vision Research Laboratory ; in1
reading on the ocilloscope behin
moves her eyeball approximate
Electrodes, pasted on her eye mu
to the brain. Electro-physiologicalf
techniques are used, to trace the
functioning of visual pathways of
of the brain.
For example, in a test conducted
in the laboratory, electrodes are
placed in a cat's brain, and after
different variations of light' are
shone into the cat's eyes, complex
electronic equipment deciphers the
electrical impulses that come from
the brain.
Students Volunter for Tests
Oculomotor functions of the eye
are also tested at the Kresge Build-
ing. Students volunteer to take
Jeanne Tammi of the Central
Michigras Committee has de-
nied that free tickets to the
1956 Michigras are being dis-
It has been reported that an
oddly attired stranger has been
seen wandering through local
stores, purchasing balloons and
filling a laundry basket with
them. He supposedly is in search
of a balloon similar to ones
released previous to this semes-
ter, containing free tickets to
the all-campus event.
In an exclusive interview,
this character added that not
only is he sure to find one
ticket, but he thinks that he
can find more. He said he will
pop the balloons today at noon
on the Diagonal, and that any
other tickets he finds will be
thrown to the crowd.

-vision Research Laboratory
TIAL-Research workers at the
the Kresge Building check the
ad the student volunteer as she
ly one-thousandth of an inch.
scles, record her eye action.
the tests and are paid for their
An oscilloscope is a most valu-
able instrument for use in determ-
ining how the eye moves. Elec-
trodes are pasted on the face of
the student participating in the

The University had requested,
for 1956-57, more than 17 million
dollars for remodelling and new
Vice-President Niehuss said he
was "particularly disappointed" at
the capital outlay figure.
"We can't carry out the five-year
capital outlay program ($111,000,-j
000) with the funds provided," the
Vice-President said.
Little Chance
Senator Frank Beadle of the
joint House-Senate Capital Outlay
Committee said there was little
chance the University's appropria-
tions would be increased.
The total Capital Outlay pro-
gram for the state (more than
$34,000,000), he noted, is at least
$5,000,000 more than had been
Michigan State University will
receive $786,000 for remodelling
and $3,710,000 for general new
See 'U', Page 2
TU' Gets Three
Parking Areas
Three more properties on
Thompson Street have been ac-
quired by the University for park-



world News Roundup


Committee to Investigate
Bike Problems on Campus
Campus Affairs Committeemen will count bicycles next week.
Meeting last night in Quonset Hut A, Campus Affairs Committee
of Student Government Council unanimously decided to inaugurate
an investigation of the campus bicycle problem..
Main problems scheduled to be investigated by the committee in-
clude: a count of the number of bicycles on campus in proportion
to available bicycle racks; a study and possible re-location of exist-
ing racks; possible acquisition of additional racks; a student edu-
cation program; and an investiga-
tion of conflict caused by student lZ IT A L I
bicycles on city streets. MENTAL HEALT
Bikes Congest Campus
C a m p u s Affairs Committee
chairman Joe Collins, '58, summed'
up the present situation as one of
congestion in and around the main Db u e
block of campus buildings.
Heaviest congestion is reported
to be in the area in front of the By LEE7
general library and in areas sur- Special To
rounding Mason - Haven Halls, LANSING-The Coleman Men
behind the Romance Language into a battle between the legisl
Building, and near the Engine Williams-with the University caug
Considerable bicycle congestion Designed to implement the
is also found on the Hill and in mental health, the bill was passed
Quadrangle areas. It was reported and is now before the House.
that individual residence halls are Senator Creighton Coleman p
working on their own bicycle prob- pass the House and the Governor
To Count Bikes Wednesday Vehementi
First step to be taken by the Both the Governor's office an
Campus Affair Committee is to are vehemently opposed to it.
count bicycles. Majority of the In essence the Bill creates a Me
counting will take place next Wed- Commission under the University'
nesday morning, with scattered The seven member committee,
survey counts at various times next include three men from the Univ
wee.' Michigan State, one from among t

By The Associated Press
tion's top defense leaders indicated
yesterday that PresidentDwight
D. Eisenhower's "open skies" plan
for mutual aerial inspection has
been refined to a point where it
would prevent any decisive sur-
prise attack.
NICOSIA, Cyprus-Cypriot labor
leaders called yesterday for an end
to the 4-day-old general strike
protesting the deportation of Arch-
bishop Makarios.
The back-to-work plea was is-
sued by the Communist-dominat-
ed Cyprus Federation of Labor
even as a fresh wave of violence
spread through this rebellious Brit-
ish colony.
LONDON-The Archbishop of
Canterbury stepped into the Cyprus
row yesterday.
In a dramatic plea he asked the
Eden government to assure Arch-
bishop Markarios his exile would
end when peace is restored on the
terror-ridden island.

Dr. Fritz Zwicky, California In- ing lot development.
stitute of Technology rocket ex- Houses have already been re-
pert, told a reporter that such a moved from two of the three lots,
project is definitely within the and the third house will be re-
realm of possibility. moved this summer.
Campus Tours Arranged
for Junior College Students
Approximately 150 junior college students from Michigan are
expected today to attend the Union's second annual Michigan Day.
Designed to acquaint prospective University students with the
campus, Michigan Day will begin with an assembly at 9:30 in the
Rackham Auditorium.
Union President Todd -Lief, '56, and Assistant Director of Admis-
sions bon B. Feather will speak.
The students will then take a general tour of the campus along
with a special tour of the school or college tb.ey plan on entering.
After a luncheon at the Union

PASADENA, Calif. - Revamp-
ing the solar system to create a
hundred new planets with a
climate like earth's was proposed
yesterday by a noted astrophysi-
cist as a way of solving humanity's
biggest problem-overpopulation.

Dual Parity
Farm Price
Plan Passed
WASHINGTON ()-The Senate
approved a "dual parity" system
of price supports for basic crops
yesterday, promising farmers about
400 million dollars more in 'bene-
fits this year.
Administration efforts to knoek
dual parity out of the election-year
farm bill failed by a single vote.
The roll call on this key issue
was 45-44.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's forces wanted major crops
supported under a new parity
formula which became effective
this year. It raised the price level
for some crops but lowered it for
others-among them wheat and
But the. Senate chose to stay
with the dual parity provision
written into the farm bill by its
Agriculture Committee. This would
allow farmers to use either the
new formula or the old-whichever
was higher-in computing the
level of price supports.
Parity is the price fixed by law
as fair to the farmer in relation
to his production costs. Existing
law calls for crop price supports
ranging from 75 to 90 per cent of
The Senate also added 100 mil-
lion dollars to the proposed soil
bank payments in its election-
year farm bill last night,
Before recessing, the Senate
adopted a proposal by Seri. Gor-
don Allott (R-Colo.) to add the
100 million to the acreage reserve
or long-range part, of the soi
bank program. Approval was on
voice vote.
As the bill came from .the Sen-
ate Agriculture Committee, it car-
ried 750 million dollars for the
short-term acreage reserve pro-
gram and 350 million for the long-
range conservation reserve, a.
total of $1,100,000,000.
Stamp Contest
Illegal, Says
Washtenaw County Prosecuter
Edmund F. DeVine served notice
yesterday that a national prize
contest being conducted by Gold
Bell Gift Stamps is illegal.
Police have been ordered to
warn local business establishments
to cease operations of the contest.
Failure to do so will make them
liable to prosecution under a Mich-
igan law which holds that lotter-
ies, where the prize winner is de-
termined by a drawing, to be
The Gold Bell contest is classed
as a lntterv beeaise nnlv snhmi-


s Raging in Legislature-

The Daily
ntal Health Bill is rapidly turning
lature and Governor G. Mennen
ght in the middle.
"brains not bricks" approach to
almost unanimously in the Senate
predicted yesterday the bill would
"wouldn't dare veto it."
ly Opposed
nd the Mental Health Committee
ental Health Training and Research
's Board of Regents.
appointed by the Regents, would
ersity, one each from Wayne and
he superintendents of state mental

but not control. Sen. Coleman says the Governor is opposed to the
bill because if the Regents run the show the Governor won't get any
credit for the job.
Everyone is agreed that Michigan is getting too little value for'
the money it now spends on mental health. The only question is how
to get more.
'Only People Kicking'
Sen. Coleman claims his bill is the answer. "The only people
kicking are the Mental Health Commission, who see their power
slipping, and the Governor, who wants more credit."
The most positive statement from the University. so far was made
by Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss-"We'll cooperate in any reason-
able way with the State mental health program."
The bill, as it stands now, will probably be amended in the House
but Sen. Coleman was confident it would be passed in substantially
the same form.
Might Appropriate Money
He intimated the Legislature might even appropriate money for

they will attend a counseling for-
um, at which representatives of
the schools and colleges, Assistant
Deans of men Karl Streiff and
William Zerman and Assistant
Dean of Women Elsie Fuller will
answer questions on housing, fi-
nances and affiliation.
A coffee hour at 3 p.m. will be
followed by the last event of Mich--j
igan Day, a tour of the Residence
Larson to Talk
To Lawyers
Arthur Larson, United States
Under-Secretary of Labor will
speak on "The Political Executive
and the Law" at 6 p.m. today in
the Lawyers Club at the Founders'
Day Dinner, chairman Prof. John
W. Reed announced yesterday.

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