-, . Sixty-Sixth Year - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Are Free, UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS revan STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. s ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 inted in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. MIARCH 15. 1956 NIGHT EDITOR, LEE MARKS bt SGC Control Would Hurt uman Relations Board Aims "You're Creating Chaos And Confusion And Hate!" CINEMA GUILD: 'Ox-Bow' I ..." '"' f '' - -----y.___ +4:..- "- \ - ' _ v - t 3 : __ y~ i' _, r ' 4 , y4 4 Y 4 .:. K was too well done. audience, preoccupied with de- interest, a report was given at a week ago by the Human Re- and subsequent, action taken by > be forgotten, and for that reas- :ent. That night SGC delegated t Representtion Committee the igating the degree of power the -exercise over the Human Rela- s an independent department of to Cinema Guild. Working in ecific complaints, the Board in- ns of discrimination against stu-, nn Arbor -area. nt in Charge of Student Affairs, three businessmen, and seven uding a foreign student and a, up the 11-member ,body. education have been the watch- Board's success. Names of the ,arber shops, and 'U' adminis- d in discrimination against Ne- y weren't given at SGC's meet- success this year; when compared efforts in this field, is unique. 7ith those guilty have sufficed to es. But members of the Board that businessmen and adminis- use confidence in the Board and ition once SGC pries cases into the Board have also said that e responsible only to the student h concern only for the welfare s. They are right. . MRS of SOC are overtly fretting fear that action by such an in- ard reflects on the Council. In. hould be nothing but a positive he elimination of discrimination -ently positive. Who would criti- ng of discrimination barriers? aternity members on SGC are about the Board's autonomy lest ition investigations touch a soft spot. But that this fear should hamstring the effectiveness of the Board in investigating dis- crimination, as manifested in places of business and within the University, is grossly unneces- sary. If SGC wishes closer liaison with the Board (it now controls the membership and appro- priates finances) it can be done without crip- pling the autonomy and thus the effectiveness of the Board. Why couldn't a member of SGC's administrative wing sit with the Board as a silent-tongued overseer? SGC has not taken restrictive action against the Board yet, but comment isn't premature. We must wait until March 21, for the Student Representation Committee to present their study on the proper SGC-Board relationship. Consensus now is that the reins will unfor- tunately be tightened on a job well done. -JIM ELSMAN New Trial in Ole Miss; Same Court, Same Verdict LAST December Elmer Otis Kimbell, a White man shot and killed Clinton Melton, a Negro gas attendant in Glendora, Mississippi. There had been an argument over putting gas into Kimbell's car. Two white witnesses were on the scene, and testified to the shooting. Kimbell's defense was that Melton shot at him first. Both witnesses denied this, how- ever, and no gun was found on or near Melton's body. A 12-man all-white Mississippi jury, in the same Sumner courtroom where J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant were found innocent six months ago of the slaying of Negro Emmett Till, issued the verdict: Kimbell was not guilty. After the trial newsmen interviewed Kim- bell, a 35-year-old cotton gin operator who wiped his brow and said: "I wasn't sure justice would be done, but I should have known." Yes, Mr. Kimbell, you should have known-- killing Negroes is legal in Mississippi. -M.F. u - k $ v, 4 ti ~ {. ) ,c dUS(CLNIER LAW V ; . t p0 -~ - ' -I ~ '~ z - - ( I :E~t C. GSGAG- WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Predictsy SheWp in Cabinet By DREW PEARSON "Incident A Classic 'THE OX-BOW INCIDENT" is a classic. It is great because while seemingly trying to do very little, it accomplishes very much. It takes a small incident, isolates it in time and space, and sensi- tively probes it to its very limits. It begins sundown one after- noon; it ends the following morn- ing. A group of men in a small Ne- vada town mount their horses and ride out to find some rustlers and murderers and give them their just desserts, namely hanging them. They find three men, decide these are the men they are looking for, and they lynch them. And from this narrow framework comes a superbly conceived piece of film art. * * * LYNCHING IS IMMORAL, and the movie makes this point. But what lifts this film from the ser- non level is its treatment of the men who create the Incident. We see the Confederate colonel run- ning the lynch mob to bring glory to himself, bringing his weak son along with the hope' that taking part in such a noble venture as a lynching will make his son a man. We see the town drunkard who is looking for the thrills and the humor of the affair. We see the friend who must avenge the mur- der, and in so avenging prove his own power, righteousness and su- preme dignity. And we see the rest of them: a mob who, with five ways of occu- pying their time in town ("You can eat, sleep, drink, play poker, or fight"), chooses a sixth and more tragic pastime. THE CHARACTERS -in them- selves are complicated and puzzling personalities. Why does the il- lustrious Southern colonel come to settle in such a backwoods West- ern town? Why the unexplained conflicts between certain members of the' mob? But the puzzles are neversolved, and the picture is the better for'this. The power of this film comes from the fact that it limits itself. Characters are never developed further than the needs of the theme dictate. The men move only along the paths prescribed by the story. -Phil Breen (EDITOR'S NOTE: 'The Ox- Bow Incident' opens Saturday at Cinema Guild.) Lloyd to Receive First Major Test The first major test of Britain's new Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd will 'come when Khrushchev and Bulganin visit London in April. It will also be, in a way, a test of his relations with his Prime Minister. There was little con-' cealment about the fact that Eden and Macmillan had had serious differences of opinior about the way in which Russia should be confronted after the failure of the Geneva Foreign Ministers' Con- ference. FA - OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 27 General Notices Friday, March 16, Junior College, UnIv vgrsity of Michigan Conference. Regis. , tration, 9-10 a.m., Michigan League. 10-12 a.m. - Discussion sessions, class visitations, individual conferences for Junior College faculty with University faculty. 12:10 - Luncheon, Michigan League Ballroom. 1:45-3:30 -- Depart- mental conferences. Fishing Clinic Sat., March 17, 12:30 to 6 p.m. in Waterman and Barbour Gyms. Auspices Dept. of Fisheries, School of Natural Resources. NCAA Hockey Tournament in Colo- rado Springs will be broadcast by WUOM (91.7 mnc FM) at 10:00 p.m. EST Fri., March 16 and Sat., March 17. Late Permission: All women students who attended the virtuosi Di Roma Concert on Tues., March 13, had 11:15 p.m. late permission. All Petitions for the $100 Mortarboard Scholarship must be turned in to the Under Grad Office in the League by 5:00 p.m. Friday. Any junior woman may petition for this scholarship which will be awarded on the basis of scholar- ship, campus activities, and financial need. Interviewing from 7 to 1 a.m. Monday, March 19 in the League. The following student sponsored social events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12:00 noon on the Tuesday prior to the event. March 16: Alpha Epsilon P, Delta Theta Phi, Gilbert and Sulliian Society, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Phi. Mosher Hall, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Sigma Kappa, March 17: Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Beta Theta PI, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Thetapi Delta Upsilon, Evans Scholars, Hawaii Club, Jordan Hall, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Sigma, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha belta, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Ch, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta -Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri. angle, Trigon, van Tyne, Zeta Psi. March 18: Phi Delta Phi. Kappa Delta Alumnae Scholarship Award of $150 will be made payable at the time of Registration for the 1956-57 academic year. Given to any sophomore or junior woman who is a regularly en roiled student at the University o Michigan, on the basis of scholarship, activity record, and' need. Apply at the Officeof the Dean of Women by March 19. The winner will be announced on Installation Night, April 16. Lectures Jimmie Ernst, American painter and designer, will speak on "Current Work" Fri., March 16 at 4:15 p.m. in the Archi- tecture Auditorium. Sponsored by the Department of Art. Public invited. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night. Fri., March 16, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003 Angell Hall. Dr. Lawrence H. Aler will talk oh "venus and the Moon, Our Nearest Nelbhgors." After the talk the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic observa- tions of the Moon, venus, and Jupiter. (Continued on Page 6) TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Mounting Disorder THE MEN around Ike have de- cided on a major shake-up of the Eisenhower Cabinet. As a start toward clearing the decks for ac- tion in the coming Presidential campaign they plan to unload a total of four members of the Cabi- net, the first having already been announced-Secretary of the In- terior Douglas McKay. They will be unloaded adroitly and diplomatically, and this col- umn unquestionably will be denied. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the men who are steering Ike's campaign are deadly serious and don't plan to let ;any deadwood or money-business interfere with vic- tory in November. In addition to Secretary McKay, the Cabineteers they have marked for the ax are: Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce-who in inner White House circles is sometimes referred to as the man who stayed too long. He joined the Cabinet with the expectation of staying one year and has been here three. He lkes Washington. But the powers-that- be at the White House don't like l(m. Also his ambitious Under- secretary, Walter Williams of Washington State, had long ex- pected to step into his shoes. Finally, "Sinny" has had the big business label so unmistakenly pinned on him that it's decided he will have to -go. * * * CHARLIE WILSON, Secretary of Defense will also be a casualty, though not a forced one. There are mixed views about Wilson in- side the Eisenhower high com- mand. He is considered a strong man as far as the Cabinet is con- cerned, though not strong politi- cally. He has put his foot in his mouth too many time with kennel dogs and what's good for General Motors statements; also is too closely stamped with the big busi- ness tar-brush. The manner in which these res- ignations will come about is illus- trated in what happened in the case of "Generous Doug" McKay. * * * THE STRATEGY was worked out by Assistant President Sher- man Adams, Attorney General Brownell, GOP Chairman Len Hall, and Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey. These are the! right powers of President Eisen- hower; the general staff which runs his administration just as General Bedell Smith and General Omar Bradley ran 'his combat strategy during and after the Nor- mandy invasion. At a meeting of these four it was decided that McKay should leave the cabinet though leave on a polite and cordial note. Adams and Hall then approach- ed the affable and unsuspecting Secretary of the Interior. They did not force him to resign. They did a Lyndon Johnson on him- they "sweet talked" him. They talked about the need of a strong man to run against Senator Wayne Morse in Oregon. They told how the President had set an example by running himself; therefore it was McKay's duty to knock off the Senator-Wayne Morse- who had turned against the Presi- dent. McKay, softened but not entirely agreeable, still required a talk with Eisenhower himself to bring him around. Six weeks earlier, 'the president had phone Governor Paul Patterson of Oregon to ask him to run against Morse, and a week after Patterson consented he had died of a heart attack, Ike was loath to urge McKay to run. However, Adams and Len Hall advised that it must be done. Besides, the President dislikes Wayne Morse more than any other public figure save Harry Truman. So Secretary McKay had an 11 a.m. Thursday appointment with Ike, after which he denied that Ike had asked him to run 1 (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ARICA and the Middle Eas the Persian Gulf, the thre ire under attack in all th power and influence. Th rrilla warfare as in Alge nn Cyprus, by a threat of' by infiltration and subver yria, and the Persian Gu midst the mounting disor re is being posed the crucia ier these local but connecte 1 negotiable by concessio by the use of statesmansh growing doubtasg to whet to achieve agreed settle the contrary there lutionary tide which will I in this area the power of; and the United States ha n is whether the Arab rul eir officers and intellectua ything short of the expul North Africa, Britain fro terranean and the Persian n of Israel as an indep e reduction of the United n of a hired servant of the ingdom. Paris, and Washington th still trying desperately ettlements by negotiation g forced to ask themselves1 :nent is anything- more th oint for new demands, w Lent will in fact appease. it with the Westerners still Editorial Staff ...................... Managin .......................oCil ........"!..":... . Editorial P; a~pa" ~!!}s Magazin! ... .... .rrrat 7ra s. . eatur ........! . "'r......... Associat ...... a" ."! "..a......Associat ...............,., Sporn a . Associate Sport >..!". ..,..+..Associate Sport .. . }}}" - ..... Wnmen' Associate women . ..Chief Photo Business Staf ....BusinessD ......... Associate BusinessD ... .... . AdvertisingD By WALTER LIPPMANN I st, from to seek settlements by negotiation, they find e West- themselves treating the local struggles separ- ieir key ately. Morocco, Algeria, and Tunis are held hey are to be French problems. Cyprus, Jordan, and ria, by the Persian Gulf protectorates are British prob- war as lems. Palestine and Saudi-Arabia are held to sion as be primarily American problems. lf pro- der and THE WESTERNERS are treating as a -,series al ques- of localized issues and by separate actions ed con- what is a wide and generalized movement ns and against them collectively. This general move- ip and ment has its center in Egypt and derives its critical power from the backing of the Soviet ier it is Union. The Kremlin is not only armin~g Egypt. tements It is interposing its own power to frustrate re- is an sistance and opposition to Egypt. Yet the 1 allow Allied diplomacy in its attempts to negotiate France, is dealing almost entirely with local leaders. as been The prospect of achieving pacification by a series of local settlements are very dim in- .ers and deed. The basic issues are not really local, or. als will even regional. They are worldwide, involving ls, will all the great powers. Even when local chief- sion of tans and leaders are disposed, as they are nmulh, now and then, to strike a bargain, they are pn Gulf, prevented from settling by the pressure of the e Staest general anti-Western movement. [ States Local settlements are, moreover, inordinately7 Saudi- difficult because there are in most of these old protectorates local vested interests which are he gov- uncompromising. . This has been most mani- not to fest in French North Africa. But there is a . .But similar condition elsewhere. This damages wheth- deeply the Western cause. Thus the Western- 'an the ers do not concede enough to win the good vhether opinion of the uncommitted nations. The question which must now come to every- bound one's mind is whether an attempt might and should be made to negotiate collectively at a higher level-with the real leaders of the Arab movement and with the Kremlin. As a series of local conflicts the situation is disintegrat- ing, and it could readily become one of such massive revolutionary violence that not only the Western powers but the local Arab rulers would be overwhelmed by it. g Editor The Western policy has been to deal with y Editor the Middle East as if the Soviet Union were e Editor not present in the region, were not already in- e Editor fact a principal power. This enables the Sovi- e Editor et Union to operate without being called to to Editor tdl is Editor account, and things have been going steadily ts Editor against the West, from bad to worse. s Editor (1956, New York Herald Tribune Inc.) 's Editor 's Editor ograpberNew Books at the Library Gooch, Bernard-The Strange World of Na- Manager ture; N. Y., Thomas Crowell, 1955. Manager Manager Anthony, Evelyn-Far Flies the Eagle; N. Y., INTRIGUING ADVENTURE? FASCINATING? Cab Driving Great For Getting Campus Gossip By JIM DYGERT Daily City Editor RIVING a taxi-cab has al- ways been accepted by the multitude as an occupation of in- triguing adventure and fascinat- ing experience. Anyone can tell you about the strange and unusual characters who come in contact with cab driv- ers. Literature is chock full of ac- counts of the nefarious creatures and mystifying events in a cab- bie's life, many of which proceed- ed from bona fide cab drivers who were fortunate enough to discover an adequatesghost writer as one of their fares. Everyone knows that two months as a cab driver would provide him with enough hair-raising and eye- opening escapes from boredom to last him the rest of his life. Ask any cab driver and he'll tell you. It isn't true. It's, just hard work. After driv- ing a cab on choice nights of the week in Ann Arbor since January, that's the only conclusion I can reach. * *.* FIRST OF ALL, no night is the same and yet they're all the same. You rarely get the same fares, and some nights are busier than others. (I had classes during the day. I knew one cabbie that worked days and parked his cab when he had a class, but he needed the money more than I did.) Every night you drive around town like a cab driver for a half- hour and then do nothing for a half hour. That's why they're the same. mrnrpn -inirnnight-+. vn 1avon cord all your fares and their desti- nations. Also your badge, a pock- etful of silver, and (never forget it) a street guide. First thing you do upon leav- ing the garage is pick up the speaker on the two-way radio and let the dispatcher, who is usually a woman on the afternoon shift, know the number of your cab, who you are, and, of course, the fact that you've left the garage. Then you pull onto the cab-stand next to Kresge's five and ten, which fact you' also tell the dis- patcher. Next you settle back and watch the people walk by. But no people walk by. ONE OF TWO things can hap- pen next. Either the dispatcher sends you to a bar one block over or someone jumps into the back seat and announces he has to make the train. If the latter, you tell the dis- patcher that you are leaving the stand and where you are going. It is very important that you let the dispatcher know where you are at all times, so that she can send you to a phone-call fare in your vicinity. Besides, if you don't, she gets mad. You take the guy to the .train depot where he pays his fare (it's against local tradition to tip). You reason that since he had to make a train, there must be one coming in. After a while, you learn the train schedules and merely find out whether they will be on time. Anyway, you park on the stand at the depot and wait for the train. (You always park at the nearest stand unless you know there will hA mm- A h1cnocc a+ nnthar nna a NOW HERE'S WHERE things can get complicated. Say you've got two co-eds in the cab, one go- ing to Alice Lloyd and one to Stockwell. Neither of them are unusual characters. In fact, they're rather dull. Anyway, on your way to the dorms, the dispatcher asks for a cab near the hospital. You hop on the radio and say, '55 complet- ing Alice Lloyd." (You're not, real-i ly, but it's closer to the hospital than Stockwell. Also, if your cab is a number different from 55, you don't say "55".) The dispatcher, happy at finding a cab near the hospital (you have only eight blocks to go), directs you to Jordan. You repeat the directions (so she knows that you know what you're doing) into the radio speaker, all the time trying to untangle yout arms, the cord of the speaker and the steering wheel. Finally, you dump the second girl at' Stockwell. You put, the gears into reverse and back up to Jordan (illegal, but the cops ex- Pect it from a cabbie). No sooner does the couple at Jordan get in and direct you to the hockey rink than the dispatch- er needs a cab on Green Street, which is near the colliseum. So you go through the same riga- marole with the radio, the arms and the steering wheel again. This goes on for a half-hour or an hour and then everything stops dead. And you set your cab on a stand for a while and listen to the dispatcher joke with some of the drivers. What makes it bad is that thev're all private iokes. CABBIE DYGERT . "the clutch has maybe a week to go,, There was one lady who got in with her daughter one night and cursed a blue streak at me for not getting there in time for her to buy liquor before 11 p.m. From what I could tell, she didn't need any. She settled for beer and tipped me a nickel. There was also one case I have never been able to understand. A man got in at the Kresge stand downtown and directed me out Packard. When we got to Hill St., he asked me to turn left. He asked for a left again at E. Uni- versity, and said to drive slow. As we approached S. University, he said, "All right," and directed me to an address on N. Fourth Ave. which was back past the Kresge stand. Needless to say, I was suspicious, though I didn't know exactly what about. He, too, tipped me a nickel. AND, OF COURSE, there are the drunks. But they're not fun; they're obnoxious. One night I learned the life story of a war veteran who had decided, under the influence of alcohol, that it was a mistake to get married. One rule with drunks is that you al- ways agree with them, even if they insist a competing cab company gives better service. But most of it is routine. Pick- ing up fares, letting them out and writing it all down on the trip sheet. It does have a couple advan- tages, however. You do get paid. And it's surprising what people will say in a taxi-cab, oblivious to the driver. I picked up quite a bit -of campus gossip. Who's dating whom and things like that. "Fifty-five," I answered. "I thought maybe my radio had gone dead." "No. I'm still here," she as-' sured me. "Oh," I said, ending the con- versation. * * * THERE ARE some times when you can be sure it will be busy. Like 10:30 on weekdays and 12:30 on weekends. After a while, you develop a technique of driving that will scare any co-ed away from waiting so long to call a cab. When it rains on a week-end night, you've got it made. As you leave Dorm Hill at 12:31, arms wave and whistles shriek desper- ately for you, but you just grin sadistically and drive on, for your cbh- ale~adv full. I