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March 15, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-15

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of 'U'








. .,



To Report
Bill Today
Ask Gov. Williams
To Raise Figure
The Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee is expected to restore a
substantial part of the million dol-
lars slashed from the University's
operating bdget by Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams.
Sen. Elmer R. Porter, chairman
of the committee, said yesterday
the bill for higher education would
allot the University "slightly less"
than the $27,730,000' it had re-
quested for next year.
But the allotment, he said, would
be a good deal more than the $26,
160,000. the Governor's office had
Bill To Be Introduced
The bill for higher education
will be introduced today at 145
p.m., Seq.,. Porter told The Daily.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher, Vice-President Marvin L
Niehuss and Vice-President Wil-
bur K. Pierpont were in Lansing
yesterday for the first hearing
granted the University by the Sen-
ate :Committee.
SVie-PresidentNiehuss said the
University Was not satisfied with
the Governor's recommendation
and had presented additional fig-
ures to the; Committee.'
' Considered Unlikely
Although it is considered un-
likely that the Governor will raise
his recommendation Vice-Presi-
dent Niehuss said the University
had asked him to.
University action following pre-
sentation of the higher education
bill would depend on how much
the bill allots the University.
But Vice-President Niehuss said
the University would ask for ad-
ditional hearings if the Gover-
nor's recommendations were fol-
After the bill Is reported to the
Senate it is usually referred back
to the committee. That would give
the University a chance to resuest
Dulles Sees
No Indochina
War Renewal
SAIGON, South Viet Nam ()-
Reliable sources said Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles came
away from a conference with Viet-
namese President Ngo Dinh Diem
yesterday convinced there will be
no renewal of war in Indochina-
even if elections to unite North and
South Viet Nam are not held in
In his 2%1-hour conference with
the President, Dulles was reported
to have agreed with Diem that
present conditions will not permit
free elections in both the free
South and the Communist-con-
trolled North as provided in the
1954 Geneva armistice agreement
for Indochina.
Informants said Dulles vetoed
the idea that Viet Nam should be-
come a member of the Southeast
Asia Treaty Organization immed-
iately, advising Diem to wait for
a more advantageous time and
assuring him of United States aid
in any crisis meanwhile.
The United States secretary ar-

rived yesterday on his swing
through the Far East following the
SEATO conference in Karachi. He
is to leave today for Manila. Diem
for months has refused to consider
preparations for the elections in
both North and South Viet Nam

TO DEFER OR NOT TO, DEFER, THAT IS THE QUESTION-Hundreds throng SGO meeting for debate on crucial rushing issue.
Meeting had to adjourn to Union Ballroom to accommodate overflow crowd.

NH Primary
Helps Nixon
In Veep Bid
publicans agreed yesterday that
Vice President Richard Nixon's
stunning write-in tribute in New
Hampshire's presidential primary
has sent his political stock soar-
ing. '
And there was an abundance of
evidence to back them up.
The tide of write-in votes Tues-
day was unprecedented in the
state's history, Republican Gov.
Lane Dwinell said in a congratu-
latory telegram to Nixon.
"The number of write-in votes
you received - 22,141 - exceeded
any similar expression ever dem-
onstrated by the people of New
Hampshire," Dwinell told the vice
Nixon Surprised
In Washington, Nixon himself
declared "no one could have been
more surprised than I was at the
number of people who took the
trouble to write in my name .. .
and I want to express to each of
them my deep appreciation and
The vice president did not men-
tion any possible political conse-
quences stemming from his aston-
ishing New Hampshire showing.
But many another politician was
not so reticent.
Some GOP leaders saw the spon-
taneous demonstration of , wide-
spread support for the much-dis-
cussed vice president as a virtual
guarantee of another Eisenhower-
Nixon ticket in the fall.
Democrats Interpret
Even some Democrats interpret-
ed Nixon's achievement as a sign
that he has much greater "grass
roots" appeal than many party

U.S. Interests In East
'Greatly Jeopardized'
WASHINGTON ()-President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day American interests in the Middle East "are very greatly
He made the remark in a news conference discussion of the
Arab-Israeli idfferences. He: also touched on the Greek-British roW
over Cyprus, saying America stands ready to help work out a solution.
Pres. Eisenhower was asked about the policy on shipping arms to
Israel, with his questioner noting that the United States has helped

IF'C Fines
Sigma Chi
Two fraternities were fined for
violation of rushing rules at the
last executive meeting of Inter-
Fraternity Council.
In addition to a $100 fine Sigma
Chi was required to sign an'oath
stating: They shall confine all
future pledge activity to the house
and surrounding house grounds.
This was the second time a
fraternity has received the maxi-
mum $100 penalty for a rushing
rule violation. The rule Sigma
Chi violated prohibits pledge ac-
tivities in any areas outside the
house and grounds.
Phi Sigma Delta was tFned $35
for violation of the rushing rule
which prohibits personal con-
tact between fraternity men and
rushees within the rushee's resi-

4other small nations when they
were threatened by larger neigh-
Replying, the President said he
had been working long hours on
Middle East problems. He said
American policy has been that the
best way to keep the peace is to
avoid an arms race there. He
"There is no blinking at the fact
that in that area our interests are
very gravely jeopardized, and if
there is going to be war break out
-and, therefore, we have got to
explore every possible means, and
we have foreclosed on nothing .. .
"I never said, and I am sure
that the Secretary of State has
never said, that he would not fur-
nish arms to Israel. We were hop-
ing for a better solution."
The President's use of the past
tense gave rise to speculation,
which drew some support private-
ly from officials, that the Israeli
request has been taken off the
shelf and is under active consid-
eration again.

Delete Own
Bias Clauses
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of articles concerned with
the discriminatory (bias) clauses in
the fraternity system. Today's story
deals with the present position of the
bias clause.)
Formal discussion of the ancient
problem of the bias clause is more
without a place now than ever
before on this campus.
After many years of unorganized
debating, on what to do about
discriminatory practices, student
leaders and the administration ap-
parently reached an agreement in
1949 that group-rejective practices
don't coincide with college objec-
So Student Legislature formu-
lated the "Michigan Plan" which
gave fraternities a term of six
years for the elimination of re-
strictive, clauses. SL said this was
to be merely a forerunner of a
campaign for tre eventual elimi-
nation of all restrictive practices.
Since the administration had
approved a rule in 1949 barring
new discriminatory fraternities
student leaders opposing bias felt
they had the administration's sup-
The "Michigan Plan" was also
ratified by the Student-Faculty
Committee on Student Affairs be-,
fore it was surprisingly vetoed by
President Alexander G. Ruthven.

Eden Wins
Of Policies
Makarios Exiled;
Cyprus Retained
LONDON (3) - Prime Minister
Anthony Eden yesterday won par-
liamentary approval of his gov-
ernment's controversial policies on
troubled Cyprus.
The House of Commons gave Ed-
en a 317-252 vote of support after
he declared Britain had to exile
Archbishop Makarios or abdicate
control over the eastern Mediter-
ranean island colony.
Endanger Defenses
Loss of Cyprus, Eden declared,
would endanger the free world's
defenses and Britain's vital Middle
East oil supply.
Eden made no direct reference
to any American criticism of his
handling of the problem, or to the
resulting irritation in British-
American relations.
But he made it plain to critics
both here and abroad that he in-
tends to stand firm on the issue.
Would Weaken System
Surrender, he said, would weak-
en the entire Western defense sys-
tem from the Mediterranean to the
Persian Gulf. As Britain's last Mid-
coe East base, Cyprus is a hinge
of the related NATO and Baghdad
Pact defense lineups.
Eden declared that the arch-
bishop, Greek Orthodox leader of
the Cypriot union - with - Greece
movement, not only refused to call
off the terrorists on the island but,
"by his silence, he has taken to
approve assassination and mur-
The black-bearded, Boston-edu-
cated archbishop and three of his
lieutenants were spirited away
from Cyprus by British authori-
ties last Friday. They arrived.
aboard the British frigate Loch
Fada Wednesday at the Seychelles
Islands in the Indian Ocean, their
place of exile.
Bishop Baffles
Red Clergy
MOSCOW UP) - The Rt. Rev.
Henry Knox Sherrill, presiding
bishop of the Protestant Episcopal;
Church in the United States,
baffled Soviet ecclesiastics yester-
day when he told them about
United States income taxes.
Bishop Sherrill explained at a
meeting with Russian clergymen
that all United States citizens are
permitted tax exemptions for reli-
gious and charitable contributions
up to 20 per cent.
"They got very excited about
this income tax exemption," he
told newsmen lated. "They had
difficulty in understanding how a
church organization which received
such gifts paid no tax, but clergy-
men who then are paid a salary
from them did."

Sorority Issue
Decided 10 To 8
Spring rushing for sororities was approved last night by a 10-8
vote of Student Government Council.
The action climaxed more than three hours of debate and dis-
cussion by Council members, constituents and non-students in the
Union Ballroom, packed with 300 interested spectators.
Alumnae Financial Advisors have already stated that they will
petition the Board of Review in protest.
The seven-member Board has power to review any action taken
by the Council.
'Panhel Backs Position'
Panhellenic President Debbie Townsend, '56, speaking for her
organization said, "We back com- +

pletely the position of SGC that
the decision should not be reversed
(by Board action)."
The whole rushing question was
brought before SGC Oct. 19 when
a motion called for study com-
mittees representing Panhel-As-
sembly and Interfraternity-Inter
House Council.
The four-member Panhel-As-
sembly study group last Wednes-
day submitted to the Council a
minority view in favor of spring'
The motion approved by Coun-
cil roll call vote read: ". . . for
the academic year beginning 1957,
rushing will be held at the begin-
ning of the spring semester (1958).
The proposed schedule would, in-
clude a two-and-a-half week for-
mal rushing period with pre-regis-
tration in December."
Baad Opens Discussion
Daily Managing Editor Dave
Baad, '56, opened discussion stat-
ing, themotion should be passed
because "sufficient time was spent
on the study," "the majority report
made by the study committee was
objective" and "the committee had
at all times welcomed the views of
anybody who saw fit to supply it
with information."
Miss Townsend then expressed
four basic points against institu-
tion of spring rushing:
1) "The report does not go far
enough in spite of the fact that it
required four months to develop."
2) "The report shows pros and
cons in equal balance on the issue.
Facts prove that the individual
benefits more by fall rushing than
spring rushing."
May Lose Sororities
3) "Should a 'system of spring
rushing be initiated, there is a
strong possibility of losing some
of the sororities presently on cam-
4) "Panhellenic Association is
opposed to spring rushing.
Miss Townsend also indicated
that "perhaps the study was too
objective; perhaps the committee
did not take account of some of the
strong emotions and deep-rooted
backgrounds involved in the situ-
Jean Scruggs, '58,.a member of
the study committee reported,
"That's just what we tried to avoid
-some of these emotional views
on a problem which should be con-
sidered objectively."
Many members expressed views
that Joel Tauber, '57, provided the
final boost to obtain passage of
the motion when he said, "There
is no possible way to say one rush-
ing system is better than the
other. Each member must ask what
is, in light of his own conscience,
best for the over-all University
The Council also accepted by a
unanimous vote the IFC-IHC re-
commendation for continuance of
the present first and second semes-
ter system of fraternity rushing
with some recommendations for

All Campus,
Chest Drive
Student Government Council
yesterday approved a motion which
will set up an annual Campus
Chest Drive.
A board consisting of representa-
tives from twelve campus organi-
zations, the faculty and Vice-Pres-
ident of Student Affairs James A.
Lewis will be responsible for set-
ting up and operating the drive.
All existing drives will be abol-
ished in favor of a single all cam-
pus collection effort. The new
drive will last for at least one
Appointed to the committee on
student housing and environmen-
tal health are Robert Leacock, '57
and Fernando Garcia, '57.
No action was taken on the coun-
seling report, as vice-president
Lewis was not able to speak to all
elements involved. The report Is
expected next week.
Raps Legion,
Paul Blanshard, '14, charged the
Amercian Legion and the Catho-
lic Church with suppressing the
right to read in a talk before 250
people last night in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
Asked to the campus by the
Unitarian Group, Blahshard spoke
on "Book Burning and Literary
Censorship" and provided some of
the material which has hallmarked
him as 'controversial'.
Pressure brought to bear by the
Legion and Catholic Church on
libraries, schools, and newsmen in
three areas was the bulk of Blan-
shard's case:
1. In the area of 'sex and de-
cency' Blanshard said that restric-
tion by law was not the answer.
Action by parents and publisher
boards should do the necessary,
job. He felt legal restriction should
apply only to the sale of crime and
horror comics to minors.
The 12-man police censorship
board in Detroit was criticized.
Over the years it has banned 150
books from the stands, including
many of Hemingway's works.
2. "We should suppress -no com-
munist literature in this country,"
pleaded Blanshard. "It would only
feed their claims against us in the
international sphere. We are not
fair to the communists in this
country, because we restrict their
literature in the press and li-
He called the American Legion
ultra-patriotic and cited a case
where they had pressured a change
in the Girl Scout Handbook ti


Ike Asks Moderation On Segregation;
Professors Comment On Manifesto

_ _ _ _ _ ,.


leaders had believed.
Voters in the nation's first pres- WASHINGTON (P-President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a fer-
idential primary of this campaign vent plea yesterday for moderation on both sides in the dispute over
year also spoke out clearly on sev- school integration.
eral other subjects: He asserted at the same, time that the "good sense" of the Ameri-
can people will see to it that "progress" is carried out. And he noted
N ' S Ithat the Southern members of Congress who issued a prosegregation
New Jersey School manifesto earlier this week specified that "legal means" will be used
to fight the Supreme Court's ban on public school segregation.
ppoits. GarnerNo Nullification
"No one in any responsible position anywhere," Pres. Eisenhower
soat ryonssor inebioia- told a news conference, "has talked nullification . . . There would be
chemistry, has been appointed a place where we get to a very bad spot for the simple reason I am
chairman of the Biological Chem- sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States and,
e . a _.: _ _i r"i t~s ofrn~rP Trae n wa ah n~m n .a.io o a rrv,, nit my urn a,,- n

Importance of the southern manifesto presented to Congress on
Tuesday was minimized yesterday by three University professors.
Tbp -Annlment, signed by 19 Senators and 81 Representatives
from 11 states, declared the Supreme Court's decision on segregation
in schools was "a clear abuse of judicial power."
Demonstration of the widespread Southern opposition to the
Court's decision and the .difficulty in implementing it was the ex-
planation given by Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach of the Political Science
Department. "This document will lay their case before the nation
in a formal manner," he said, "but no progress toward a solution of
the problem of segregation is likely to result from the manifesto."
i i4 _ T _. .fr


f i

Roll Call Vote
SGC roll call vote on spring rush-
ing for sororities:
Dave Baad Yes
Tom Bleha Yes
Joe Collins Yes
i.Pw Rnm nva

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