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March 14, 1956 - Image 1

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VOL. LXVI, No. 110





17-2 ainst Spring

Rush ing


President Outlines Report
To Sorority Representatives'
Alumnae Financial Advisors May
Request Board Of Review Hearing
Panhellenic delegates yesterday voted 17-2 against a change to
spring rushing as recently recommended in a majority report to
Student, Government Council by the Panhel-Assembly rushing study
Collegiate Sorosis and Pi Beta Phi voted for the change.
Before the vote was taken at the special meeting in the League,
Panhel President Debbie Townsend, '56, presented to the assembled
sorority representatives an outline of her planned report to the Coun-
cil today.
Miss Townsend also explained the philosophy behind and the
"procedural operation of the Board
of Review which has power to re-
5C Topi0 view any Council action.
Alumnae Will Ask Review
S. T h o u g h Panhel unanimously
D iscusslon supported her stand against ask-
ing the Board to review any SGC







B lans hard
To Discuss
The controversial lecturer and
writer, Paul Blanshard, '14, will
talk on "Book Burning and Liter-
ary Censorship" before the Uni-
tarian Student Group and the
public at 7:30 today in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
"Suppression of liberal thought
in education, as pressure groups
influence librarians and school
boards is the most serious limita-
tion of our liberties," as Blan-
shard claims, will be his thesis.
Blanshard directs his attack par-
ticularly at the Catholic Church







Implied Biases Continue

Of Rushing
t g
It is anticipated that Student
Government Council will have a
full agenda at its meeting tonight
with both recommendations of the
Panhel-Assembly and the Inter-
fraternity-Inter House Council
rushing study committees up for
Council President Hank Berlin-
er, '56, has announced that stu-
dents will be given ample oppor-
tunity to express their opinions at
the meeting.
Controversy has been rising dur-
ing the week since submission of
the majority report in favor of
spring rushing.
Schedule of the meeting calls
for presentation of and questions
on the IFC-IHC recommendations
calling for continuance of the pre-
sent system of first and second
semester rushing.
Discussion and action on the
tabled motio for SGc acceptance
of the Panhel-Assembly majority
report will then precede any action
on the IFC-IHC report.
The Council will also hear a
motion proposing SGC support of
the principle of an all-campus
"community chest drive" which
would encompass all bucket drives
currently held at the University
and possibly some national cam-
Reports will be presented on the
bicycle problem and Cinema Guild
and student appointments will be
recommended for the Committee
on Student Housing and Environ-
mental Health.
The meeting will start at '7:30
p.m. in Rms. R and S of the Union.
Bank Robbers
y City Police
An Ann Arbor Police patrolman
captured three Ann Arbor men
Tuesday afternoon less than a half
hour after they robbed the Pinck-
ney branch of the McPherson State
Bank of $4,400.
The men were identified as
James Walling, 26, 1109 S. State,
Robert Davidson, 25, 316 Huron
St., and Charles Howard, 24, 406
Packard St.
Albert Frendenberg, manager of
the bank, said two of the men en-
tered the bank with guns just be-
fore the regular lunch hour. The
two took the money, consisting of
five and one dollar bills, and es-
caped in a 1951 Plymouth driven
by. Davidson. The car belonged to
Walling's mother and had been
borrowed Tuesday morning.
Ann Arbor police were alerted,
and relayed the message to Patrol-
man George Miller, who waited
in his car at Pontiac and Dhu
Varrn Rds. Miller saw a car con-
taining three young men pass by
and pulled the car to the
curb on Pontiac at Kellog St
The three men surrended without
resistance and were taken-to the
city police station.
The money taken from the bank
was inside the men's shirts. Wall-
ing was also carrying a .22 caliber
snub-nosed pistol.
Panel Discussion

vote,d the Pannel presidenia is-
closed that alumnae financial ad-

visors will definitely request Board
hearing should spring rushing be
approved by the Council.
In essence, Miss Townsend, her-
self an opponent of spring rush-
ing, will present to the Council
four main points in refutation of
the study group's report and rec-
r ommendation.
1) "While the study report is
good, it doesn't go far enough. I
have heard it said that perhaps the
committee was too objective in
that it didn't exactly represent
some views given it and that some
of the strong feelings and emo-
* tions involved were apparently not
f considered in the report.
Contact Rule Problem
"The recommendation is imprac-
tical in that it does not adequately
take care of the problem of con-
tact rules (prohibiting dirty rush-
"The report does not show how
the individual can get a better
picture of sorority life by waiting
in the dorms for a semester before
1 "While the recommendation
takes care of personal rights, the
d question of property rights is left
2) "It is impossible to draw con-
* lusions from a report which seems
to be a case of six-of-one and half-
a-dozen-of-another. The pros and
cons in the report in balance weigh
equally and the recommendation
does not show how the individual
will gain more from one rushing
procedure than another."
3) "Two million dollars (esti-
mated value of sorority proper-
ties) should not be tossed around
lightly on the basis of supposi-
tions and 'maybes'. While there are
reasons to believe that sororities
will be damaged by spring rush-
ing, there is not reason to believe
that they will not. History shows
that spring rushing has a tendency
to weaken sororities.
4) "Panhel itself is strongly op-
posed to'a program of spring rush-
ing. Though Panhel will cooperate
witl; an SGC decision favoring
spring rushing, it won't be happy."
Faith in SGC
"When a student-made decision
is reversed," Miss Townsend warn-
ed, "it reverses all that we, as stu-
dents, have been working toward
at Michigan and everywhere else.
"Suppose," the Panhel president
suggested, "the Council accepts
the majority report. What are you
going to do? What would be the
effect if Panhel requested a Board
in Review meeting?"
Miss Townsend added that Pan-
hel's opinions and her own would
be expressed "with faith in the sin-
cerity of the committee and the
recommendations they presented
and faith in SGC."
Ike, Kefauver
Early Leaders
Estes kefauver (D-Tenn) piled up
an early lead over Adlai Stevenson
last night in the New Hampshire
presidential primary's feature fight
-a battle for control of the state's
delegation to the Democratic Na-
tional Convention.
Sen. Kefauver also opened up a
wide lead over Stevenson in the
other section of the first-in-the-'
nation primary-the presidential
preference oll.


(Legion of Decency) and the
American Legion.
"College libraries," urges Blan-
shard, "should be wide open to
communist literature. We cannot
meet the communist challenge un-
less we understand it as expressed
in its own language."
Although once a Socialist, work-
ing directly under Norman Thom-
as, Blanshard now is an active
Democrat and "not so sure" as he
used to be "about complete social
He rationalizes his affiliation
with the Unitarian Church as "it
stands for complete freedom for
Bringing Blanshard to campus
is viewed by many as an effort to
fill an alleged controversy vacuum
at the University.
Tickets are available at the door.
Douglas Fears
South's Stand
Douglas (D-Ill.) said today he
fears that public criticism of the
Supreme Court's segregation de-
cisions by Southern congressmen
"will encourage those who will
not be so meticulous about law
and order."
The Illinois Democrat protested
the "manifesto" signed by 19 sen-
ators and 81 representatives and
presented Monday in both houses
of Congress -
He told the Senate that under
our system of government the Su-
preme Court determines what is
"the supreme law of the land."

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of stories concerned
with the discriminatory (bias) clause
in fraternity systems. Today's story
deals with unwritten biases.)
With the elimination of bias
clauses from their constitutions
fraternities have made a big first
step in knocking out self-segrega-
However the severest critics of
fraternities and their discrimina-
tory practices question the extent
to which formal changes in clauses
produce real changes in fraternity
These critics contend the elimi-
nation of the written bias merely
clears away an obvious obstruction
which is replaced by an equally
powerful and obstructive unwritten
or "underground" bias.
'Socially Accepted'
One of the types of unwritten
bias is exemplified by the national
Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter who
replaced its restrictive clause with
a "socially accepted" one.
The president of the Cornell
University chapter explained, "The
substitution was to meet technical
requirements on some campuses
without a modification in practi-
. However the president of the
Michigan SAE chapter, Bill Elliot,
'56E, said different chapters
throughout the country interpret
the clause differently and the
Michigan chapter has no bias
clause at all. "In our chapter we
don't have a discriminatory clause
in our constitution or ritual," Elliot
said, "In fact we don't have any
sort of a bias at all, written or
Though the Michigan SAE chap-
ter has no active Jewish members
at present and has not had for
several years, Elliot explained this
as due to the fact that "very few
Jewish men rush our fraternity."
Ritual Bias
Another type of subterfuge of
which fraternities have been ac-
cused is putting a bias into fra-
ternity rituals after removing it
from the constitution. 'However
this is a very difficult point for
the critics to attack because ritu-
als are not ordinarily open to in-
The Phi KappaPsi national sys-
tem has never had a written con-
stitutional or ritual discriminatory
clause, but has been accused of
bias recently because it expelled
its Amherst chapter of "unfrater-
nal conduct" after they pledged a
Rob Effinger, '56BAd, president
of local Phi Kappa Psi chapter
said, "We do not have any sort
of a bias in our chapter; we try
to judge every rushee individually
and to my knowledge there is

never any mention made at any
time of religion or race."
Effinger explained there are at
present no Jewish or Negro persons
in the chapter because "not too
many rush us."
Dr. Alfred McClung Lee says
Delta Upsilon is guilty of still a
different sort of underground bias.
Lee says, "When Delta Upsilon
deleted its restrictive clause, it
depended upon its members to
screen the qualifications of pros-
pective members."

Black-Ball Privilege
Lee indicated Delta Upsilon


complished unwritten discrimina-
tion by giving life membership in
their college chapters, with the
power to blackball any proposed
new member.
Bob ' Adams '56E, president of
the Michigan Delta Upsilon chap-
ter said his fraternity "did not
have a generally accepted unwrit-
ten bias; but in every group there
are always 'one or two biased
members who, through the power
of blackball, can keep Jewish or
Negro rushees out if they wish."
"This personal bias and not an
unwritten one" was the reason
Adams gave for the complete ab-
sence of Jewish and Negro persons
from the Michigan Delta Upsilon
Who Responsible
Fraternity men themselves are
divided as to who is responsible
Campaignl% s
Today marks the official begin-
ning of campaigning for the com-:
ing all campus elections.
Student Government Council.
candidates will be seen putting up.
their posters all over campus in
their bids for election. Speaking
engagements will not begin until
tomorrow when the open-house
schedule starts.
There are fourteen candidates
running for the seven available
council positions.
Yesterday saw the end of the
candidate training program. Con-
ducted by Jim Perkins, '58, the
four meetings were held to ac-
quaint candidates with the issues,
to explain election procedures and
to discuss informally the problems
which will accompany the elec-
Only four candidates turned up
for yesterday's final meeting.
Perkins was disappointed because,
"It is difficult to have a compre-
hensive discussion of all the is-
sues with only a small number of
candidated and their views repre-

for the accused unwritten bias
clauses. Undergraduate fraternity
members seem generally to support
the removal of racial and religious
barriers to membership and blame
alumni for developing and preserv-
ing it.
Professor E. Jackson Baur of
University of Kansas says, "Jew-
ish students are pledged and initi-
ated in defiance of national rules.
The national offices do not chal-
lenge this practice because most
of the K.U. chapters are long es-
Contrarily Alumni assert that
undergraduates lack the "necessary
maturity to understand all the im-
plications of desegregation;" and
that the nations' campuses outside
of the northeast are indifferent to
the problem, and the southern and
southwestern fraternity under-
graduates strongly oppose change.
U.S. Will Not
Take Sides
Over Cyprus
States declared last night it is not
taking sides in the British-Greek
'dispute over Cyprus and offered its
good offices to find "a fair and
just solution."
State Department press officer
Lincoln White issued a brief state-
ment to that effect soon, after
British Ambassador Sir Roger
Makins, acting on 'instructions
from London, telephoned the
State Department to ask an ex-
planation of an expression of U.S.
"sympathetic concern" made to
the Greek For'eign Ministry over
the dispute. .
White said Makins was aware
that the State Department was
issuing its statement.
In replying he used the same
phrase the British had foundob-

Day's Work
A policeman's life is a many
splendored thing. An East Quad
Coed called Ann Arbor police
this week, asking if they had
seen her date.
The officer on duty told her,
"No, we don't have him down
here." "Well," s h e replied,
"Thanks anyway."
A few minutes later a second
call came. "I found out where
he is," the feminine sleuth an-
nounced. "He stood me up. I'll
be down in a while so that you
can go and get him."
The officers are still waiting.
Eoka Head.
Urges Fight
NICOSIA, Cyprus (--The mys-
terious leader of Cyprus' Eoka
guerrilla organization " urged his
followers yesterday to intensify
the fight against Britain.
Eoka is the underground terror-
ist army of the Greek Cypriot en-
osis-union with Greece movement.
In the first pamphlets secretly
circulated in Nicosia since Arch-
bishop Makarios was exiled to the
Seychelles Islands last Friday,
"Dighennis"-the name adopted
by the Eoka leader-promised
swift and deadly reprisal against
any member of enosis who might
defect to the enemy headed by
"Gauleiter Harding"-Field Mar-
shal SirJohn Harding, the British
Meanwhile virtually the entire
island was gripped by a general
strike which shut down shops,
stores, banks, service establish-
ments and newspapers for the
third day.
Scattered demonstrations broke
out in Nicosia but they were
quickly suppressed by police and
riot squads. At least eight persons
were arrested and one was in-
jured slightly.

To Be Taken
Into Account
Clarification Motion
Defeated by Board
Residence Halls Board of Gover-
nors yesterday adopted a "fair
statement of policy" regarding the
room application and roommate
placement procedure.
A motion by IHC President Tom
Bleha, '56, to "further help to clari-
fy this policy statement" was de-
feated by the Board.
The policy statement, which
came as a result of months of
study and discussion of the prob-
lem, was developed from a pro-
posed statement included in Prof.
Theodore M. Newcomb's recent let-
ter to the Residence Halls Gover-
Statement on Applications
The revised statement, which
was drawn up by a subcommittee
and approved unanimously by the
Residence Halls Governors, will
appear attached to room applica-
tion blanks in the future.
The statement reads:
"Students at the University of
Michigan differ widely in respect
to habits, preferences, and per-
sonal backgrounds. Each student
ordinarily chooses his own room-
mate, once In residence.
"If you or your parents have
any such preferences, they will be
respected in the Residence Halls,
insofar as administratively feas-
Motion Asked Clarification
Bleha's motion, to clarify this
statement, asked for an additional
recommendation to be included in
the Board of Governors' minutes
for the benefit of administrative
personnel placing roommates.
In part, the defeated motion
stated that the Board of Gover-
nors would recommend that: "In-
formation concerning religious,
racial and national background-is
not considered in assigning space
in residence halls and is not con-
sidered in assigning roommates,
except as the applicant himself
(or his parents) requests that it be
Motion Too 'Negative'
It furthe stated that "If the
entering student does not express
a preference in regard to one or
more of these respects he might be
assigned to a roommate whose
background and interests are very
different from his own."
Residence Halls Governors found
this motion too negatively stated
and disagreeing with the policies
of the Board of Governors in re-
gard to roommate placement.
Yesterday's action in approving
a policy statement was instigated
by Human Relations Board recom-
mendation for a policy clarifica-
tion along the lines of roommate
Result Differs
However, the final result was
far from the Human Relations
group's hopes that the Board
would state it "considers race, re-
ligion, and ethnic background ir-
relevant criteria in roommate
In the only other business that
the Residence Halls Governors took
up yesterday, they approved Betsy

Barbour as an upperclass house
for the academic year 1956-57.
Wilson Favors
Nixon To Run
WASHINGTON (IM - Secretary
of Defense Charles E. Wilson spoke
out yesterday against any move
to dump Vice President Richard
Nixon. He said that "doesn't seem
right to me."

Senate Votes Parity
Sup orts on U.S. Wheat
WASHINGTON (JP)-The Senate voted yesterday for 100 per cent'
of parity supports on all wheat grown for human consumption in the
United States but rejected a similar amendment on cotton.
The wheat amendment was sponsored by Sen. Frank Carlson'
(R.-Kan.) and attached to the omnibus farm bill by a 54-39 rollcall
vote. It was the first setback suffered by the Eisenhower adminis-
thation during Senate debate of the election-year measure.
Striking while the iron was hot, Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga.)
tried to push through the same kind of a program for cotton, but his
*amendment was rejected 57-33 on
another rollcall.
Senators Join Forces



Spring Brings, Signs of House Moving In Ann Arbor
Spring is coming, and that rest-
less feeling shows up in the most
unexpected places. Today, a two-
story stucco frame house, which
had stood next to the new Student
Activities Building ruffled its raf-
ters and ponderously rolled 10'
blocks to a new location at 505
Small boys from the University r
Elementary, Literary and Erigi- -
neering schools watched, stood
spellbound by the wild dream that
the whole caravan might tip over.
Trees were fractured along the
route, while telephone and elec-
trical linemen scampered ahead ,w
to lower power lines and stop '" ...:*.*.**.***:*. }
lights. - * .'

Western wheat Senators joinedj
forces with a group from the
southern cotton states to win ap-
proval of the Carlson plan.
The cotton senators were divided
on Sen. Russell's proposal, how-
ever, and he lost the support of
some of the wheat senators.
Senators from textile areas in
both the North and South, which'
are wary of higher domestic cot-
ton prices, also opposed the Rus-
sell amendment.
As in the case of wheat, Sen.
Russell wanted all cotton consumed
in this country supported at 100
per cent of parity, with the rest
of the crop being permitted to
find its normal market price.
Consumption: 10 Million Bales
The Georgia senator said domes-
tic consumption usually is around
10 million bales a year and ex-
ports run to an additional three

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