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March 13, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-13

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Sixty-Sixth Year

'You Got Your Course Charted Yet?"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Two Big Issues This Week
Important to Future Student

THIS IS AN important and, in a sense, fright-
ening week.
Two opportunities to make contributions to-
ward. bettering the general lot of future Univer-
sity students will be either accepted or rejected
soon, probably today and tomorrow.
The Residence Halls Board of Governors and
the Student Government Council are nearing
decisions on respective proposals to revise appli-
cation policies regarding the role of race and
religion in freshman roommate assignments
and to defer the sorority rushing period.
A common concern and philosophy seems to
run through both proposals. First of all, if
enacted they will both mainly affect future
students-those entering residence halls and
those contemplating pledging sororities.
Secondly, both proposals seek to move in the
direction of greater conformity to the consider-
ed judgement of the individual student.
The Residence Hall Governors are being asked
to include in their room applications questions
which will better.determine the student's (and
his parents') attitude toward rooming' with
someone of another race or religion. Just as
important, they are being asked to declare as
their policy the intention to respect those
wishes-be they opposed to such a roommate,
favoring one, or of the opinion that race and
religion are not important criteria. The an-
nouncement of such a policy would serve two
purposes. It would provide a valuable guide
to those making roommate assignments. And it
would encourage those incoming students filling
out the application to fully consider their an-
swers, because they would know those answers
would be respected in the assignment of room-
Past practices of making assignments with
race and religion as important criteria can be
explained away 'as being based on inadequate
information on student and parental attitudes.
The Board of Governors has been asked to
better ascertain those attitudes. To fail to do
so, or to fail to indicate that those attitudes will
be respected, will be interpreted by many as
being an announcement that the Residence Hall
Governors seek to impose what appears to be
segregation on those who have stated (or would

have stated if only asked) that they do not
desire it.
THE DEFERRED sorority rushing proposal
also attempts better determination of the
considered wishes of the student, but it recog-
nizes that unlike racial and religious questions,
the sorority question is one completely new to
the experience of incoming freshmen women.
The decision to rush is often made on the
basis of absolutely no experience with the
University situation regarding independents and
affiliates. Pledging decisions are made with
only a few weeks of such experience, crowded
in with the necessary preoccupation with mat-
ters of adjustment to University life.
The chances of "getting into the swing of
things" appear greatest if the woman pledges
her freshman year, allowing a maximum of the
sort of sorority life described in the movies and
by hometown alumni. All that deferred rushing
asks is that the freshman woman be made to,
feel she is not risking the loss of important
advantages if she takes a semester to consider
and compare the two ways of life here at the
For sororities to claim that deferred rushing
may hurt them in reaching their quotas seems
to be a rather sad admission that if the woman
is not hurried into a decision, if she takes her
time about deciding between the two ways of
life, she is less likely to choose affiliation.
BECAUSE THEY propose to give the student
greater control over his or her own course at
the University-free from unwarranted assump-
tions regarding roommate preferences, free
from ignorance of two systems which must be
chosen between-the decisions expected today
and tomorrow make this week important.
They make it frightening, too, in that count-
less -months of effort by the Human Relations
Board and the Panhel-Assembly Rushing Study
Committee could easily end in frustration.
It can only be hoped that the Board of
Governors and SGC will take advantage of the
opportunities they are being offered to improve
the lot of the future University student.

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Bridges Stalling Gas Probe

Conressional Roadblock
SENATOR Harley Kilgqre's sudden death and oblivious to the talents and character of the
the rigid 'seniority' rule recently combined men concerned.
to place the Congress's most arch segregation-
ist In a position of power. HEN the Democrats hold the Congress the
The Senate could best forego a hoary tradi- effects of 'seniority' are seen in their worst
tion when the likes of Mississippi's Senator light. ,'Safe district' congressmen, mostly from
James Eastland began chairing the Senate the South, can roadblock the will of the major-
Judiciary committee'. ity. Their thought is invariably ultra-conser-
manaioa poe-vative and narrow. The national interest is
Constitution trampler and national spokes-not seen bythem. Their obligations are only
man for the South's racist White Citizen's to their constituents who make them 'safe'.
Councils, Eastland can now virtually block the Also, many potentially great public men are
appointment of integrationist Federal judges- hesitant to run for Congress because of the
Supreme Court et al. All civil rights, immigra- guild system of advancement-the apprentice-
tion, and internal security legislation must pass ship to power and influence.
his bigoted eye. Blame for the scope of East- Lastly, 'seniority' inhibits the responsibility
land's sway can be laid at the disproportion- of a congressman to his party. His position is
Btepowesuofcommitterchirdmag gsh dsecure whether he toes the party line or not.
But that such an anarchical demagogue should Perhaps enough public concern over Senator
capture a committee chairmanship is the fault Eastland's new job could convince both the
of a hallowed Senate tradition which auto- GOP and Democratic parties that a better plan,
matically gives key committee posts to congress- considering only party allegiance and ability
men who have served the longest number of in chairman selections, would be a boon to both
consecutive years on a committee, the Congress and responsible government.
That is the 'seniority rule'-as it operates, -JIM ELSMAN

O NE MONTH has now passed
since Senator Lyndon John-
son of Texas, the handsome Sen-
ate Democratic Leader, lashed out
at Republican Senator Case of
South Dakota for impugning the
integrity of the Senate.
Since then various moves and
countermoves, stalls and counter-
stalls have been made in the pro-
cess of protecting the fair name
of the Senate, but its name re-
mains even less protected than on
the day meek Senator Case'opened
wide the Senate Pandora's Box of
political constributions.
One of the most likeable mem-
bers of the Senate is Styles Bridges
of New Hampshire-also one of
the most astute.
Being skilled in the ways of
Senators, Bridges seldom gets out
on the firing line. He can oper-
ate better backstage, with other
Senators fronting for him. He
has friends on both sides of the
aisle, can usually work with Demo-
crats as well as with Republicans.
For a man of Bridges' power
and prestige to step out on the
firing line as a member of both
Senate investigating committees,
therefore, is highly unusual. It
means that the investigation of
gas-oil contributions is so im-
portant either to the Republican
Party or to Eisenhower or to
Bridges himself that he is not
going to trust anyone else. In-

stead he, the ranking Republican,
stepped in and exercised his right
to sit on both the George Special
Committee probing the Case offer
and the Select Special Commit-
tee supposed to probe the entire
field of lobbying.
* * *
T H I S UNUSUAL move on
Bridges' part struck Capitol ob-
servers as strange at the start. As '
the story unfolded, however, it be-
came more understandable.
For it eventually leaked out that
Elmer Patman, lobbyist for Super-
ior Oil, who had splashed the
money around for Senators in
South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebras-
ka, listed expenses for two trips
to New Hampshire to confer with,
Senator Bridges.
This came out one month after
Bridges got himself appointed on
the George Committee and select-
ed his personal friend, Charles
Steadman, as committee counsel.
It came out only after Patman's
expenses, showing trips to Con-
cord, N.H., were made public, fol-
lowing which Senator Bridges was
queried by newsmen and admitted
one of the Patman visits. Patman's
expense accounts showed two vis-

er to his conscience or to his col-
leagues to step aside and not serve
on the two committees. On the
contrary, he decided that he must
The conclusion seems unmistak-
able, therefore, that the tactic of
the likeable Senator Bridges in
stalling the wider investigation of
the select committee is deliberate
and calculated.
What the public is entitled to
know, is why the stall?
The politically wise already know
that Bridges is a big money-raiser
for the GOP. 'Thus, if the gas
lobby was contributing to the gen-
eral GOP campaign fund in addi-
tion to such individual states as
South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska,
the lobby would likely do it through
Bridges. . * *
mer Patman merely wanted to con-
sult Bridges about the timing of
the gas bill he weld do it by
telephone, not take a long trip to
New Hampshire. But if he wanted
to contribute to the Republican
Party, he would make a special
trip. Cash, which was what the
Superior Oil lobby used in South
Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa, can't
be sent easily by mail.
These are questions already
raised in the public mind which
it's entitled to have answered.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

to the
Curiosity . .
To the Editor:
SUNDAY, at three,
We lawyers did see
A-comin through the quad,
Three girls alike
Out on a hike-
Hey, ladies-
Where was ya' going'?
What was ya' doin'?
When's ya' comn' back?
-Howard Moldenhauer, '56L
Controversy Coming ...
To the Editor:
THE Unitarian Student Group
has invited that dean of con-
troversy, Paul Blanshard, to speak
to the faculty and students of this
Mr. Blanshard will deliver a talk
entitled "Book Burning and Lit-
erary Censorship." (Here it is-
controversy right at our doorstep!)
Mr. Blanshard and his lecture have
been approved" by the University
Lecture Committee. He has seen
more on the issue of censorship
than the banning of "Robin Hood"
from an occasional public library.
The role of pressure groups and
"hysterical politicians" in deciding
what shall and what shall not be
read by the public has assumed
such tremendous proportions that
Mr. Blanshard and others feel it
has seriously interfered, with our
right to be informed.
While neither Mr. Blanshard nor
the Unitarian Student Group is
dedicated to spreading controver-
sy for its own sake, we are ap-
palled by the lack of attention
given to the existence of "clear
and present danger" to our ideas
of free thought and the open ex-
pression of it. I personally feel
that the right to hold opinions
must extend to the right to have
access to opinions, however weird
or inane they may appear to re-
actionaries and/or radicals.
What Paul Blanshard says to
his audience Wednesday evening
may, antagonize some people on
this campus, but it can only an-
tagonize those who dislike having
their opinions challenged. One
of Mr. Blanshard's virtues is that
he consistently provides his listen-
ers with the evidence on which he
bases his views.
Mr. Blanshard is the author of
"American Freedom and Catholic
Power," "The Irish and Catholic
Power" and "The Right to Read."
Perhaps the success or failure of
his visit to the campus will be an
indication of the fate of future
efforts to deal with controversial
issues at this University.
-Dave Nelson, '57
Questions Criticism . .
IN REPLY to Mr. Tsugawa's
critique on the Rubenstein con-
cert, I would =like first to quote
from Edgar Allen Poe's "The Mys-
tery of Marie Roget." "We should
bear in mind that, in general, it is
the object of our newspapers rath-
er to create a sensation-to make
a point-than to further the cause
of truth.- The latter end is only
pursued when it seems coinci-
dent with the former. If they
print which merely falls in line
with ordinary opinion (however
well founded this opinion may
be), it earns for itself no credit
with the mob. The mass of people
regard as profound only him who
suggests 'pungent contradictions
of the general idea. II ratiocina-
tion, not less than in literature
it is the 'epigram' which is the

most immediately and the mosl
universally appreciated. In both
it is the lowest order of merit."
If Mr. Tsugawa's biting sar
casm was meant to be an obJective
appraisal of his views on the per
formance, this is to be commendec
as a furtherance of the freedor
of the press. However, if the criti
cism was merely to cause a furo
and widen circulation, such acri
monious remarks seem to be ir
very poor taste. Genius should no,
be immune to criticism, but genius
should be recognized in the ful
light of honest and intelligent ap
-H. Arthur Hoverland, Grad.
Good Paper .But - .
To the Editor:
YOU PUBLISH the best univer
sity newspaper I have seen i
this country. Your coverage o
international, domestic, and col
lege news is in excellent balance
I especially like your feature piece
s.uch as the opinions and interpre
tation of Michigan's own foreigi
Will you make a brief note o
In your March 9 report of m;
talk your columns said, "Dr. Clin
chy pointed out that extreme ag
gression can result in world de
struction. Hate not communise
is the real danger." That is no
quite accurate. I do believe tha

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Petitioning for thie Delta Delta Delta
local scholarship closes wed., March 14
at 6:00 p.m. Applications, accompanied
by three letters of recommendation,
should be returned to the Office of the
Dean of Women by this time.
winners of the two $125.00 scholar-
ships will be announced at League
Installation Night on April 16.
Disciplinary Action in cases of student
mlscondtict: At meetings held on Jan.
10, Jan. 19, Feb. 16 and March 6, 1956
involving 15 students were- heard by
the Joint Judiciary Council. In all
cases the action was approved by the
University Sub-Committee on Disi-
Violation of state laws and city
ordinances relating toathe purchase,
sale and use of intoxicants:
Conduct unbecoming a student:
a. Attempting to purchase intoxicants
with falsified identification. One
student fined $40 with $20 suspended.
b. Attempting to purchase intoxicants
with borrowed identification. One
student fined $20.
c. Attempting to purchase Intoxicants
with a falsified draft registration card
(third offense). One student fined
d. Attempting to purchase intoxicants
with false identification and acting
In a drunk and disorderly manner.
One student fined $20.
e. Drinking in student ,quarters and
appearing drunk and disorderly on
the street. One student fined $10.
f. Presenting false identification at a
local tavern in an attempt to secure
intoxicants. Two students fined $15
Violation of University automobile
regulations: One student fined $20
(fourth offense) and warned that future
misconduct would result in severe pen-
alties; one student fined $15 (second
offense); one student fined $15 (third
offense); two students fined for driving
after drinking, $15 and $20 (second of-
Conduct unbecoming a student:
a. Presenting false identification in or-
der to gain entrance to local tavern,
without an attempt to purchase in-
toxicants. Two students fined $5 each.
b. Loaning T.D. card to another student
in order to gain entrance to local
tavern. One student fined $500.
Ben S. Morris, Director, National Foun-
dation for Education in England and
Wales will lecture Tues., March 13, at
4:00 p.m. in the University Elementary
School Auditorium on, "Selective versus
Comprehensive Secondary Education in
England" Auspices of the School of
Education and the Psychology Depart-
Sociology Colloquium: The Sociology
Department will present a talk by Louis
Moss of the British Social Survey on
"Social Research for the British Gov-
ernment" on Tues., March 13 at 4:10
p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Open le-
Virtuosi Di Roma, Renato Fasano,
conductor will give the ninth program
in the current Choral Union Concert
SSeries Tues., March 13, at 8:30 p.m. in
7Hill Auditorium. A limited number of
tickets are available at the offices of
J the University Musical Society, Burton
Memorial Tower, and will also be on
sale at the Hill Auditorium box office at
7:00 the night of the performance.
Faculty Concert: Program of Baroque
Music by Nelson Hauenstein, flute,
Florian Mueller, oboe, and Marilyn Ma-
son Brown, harpsichord, 8:30 p.m. ed.,
March 14, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Coi-
positions by Loeillet, Telemann, Quantz,
and Frederick the Great. Open to the
general public without charge.

, Academic Notices
Results of the language examination
for the M.A. in history are posted in the
office of the Department of History,
3601 Haven Hall.
Contest for the Bronson-Thomas Prize
in the Department of German will be
held on March 20. All applicants are
requested to register at the German
r office, 108 Tappan, by Fri., March 16.
1 Medical College Admission Test. Ap-
t plication blanks for the May 5 adminis-
s tration of the Medical College Admis-
sion Test are now available at 110
Rackham Building. Application blanks
- are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than
April 21, 1956. If you expect to enter
medical school in the fall of 1957, you
are urged to take the test on May 5,
* Law School Admission Test. Applica-
tion blanks for the April 21, 1958
administration of the Law School Ad-
- mission Test are now available at 122
n Rackham Building. Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N. J. not later
than April 11, 1956.
Chemical Physics Seminar, Tuesday,
,g March 13, 4:10 p.m., Room 2308 Chem-
istry Building. Prof. J. 0. Halford will
- speak on "Internal Rotator Energy
fMathematics Club: Tues., March 13,
at 8 p.m. in theW est Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Prof. W. F. Eberlein,
y visiting Professor at Wayne University,
- will speak on "Functional Quadrature."
- Seminar in Conflict Resolution (prob-
- lems in the Integration of the Social
n Sciences, Economics 353) will meet in
)t the conference room of the Children's
,t Psychiatric Hospital at 3 p.m. Tues.,
. March 13. Dr. J. E. Bardach will snnk




* * *

BRIDGES did not, however, vol-
unteer this information as the
Senate investigation first began,
nor did he use it as an excuse eith-

'Mideast War Will Involve World'


Red Farming in Final Phase


AP Foreign News Analyst
THE KREMLIN has now launched the de-
cisive phase of its 39-year war against the
Soviet peasant. The objective is to transform
the entire Soviet agricultural population into
landless wage laborers who work for the state.
On Saturday the Soviet government pub-
lished in Moscow a new set of directives to
collective farms. The most important points
were instructions to reduce sharply the size
of private garden and house plots belonging
to Soviet collective farmers and to limit-and
eventually end-the rights of farmers to own
private livestock.
Collective farmers make up the overwhelm-
ing majority of the Soviet rural population.
With their families they constitute nearly
half the total, population.
At present by far the greater part of the
land is farmed collectively by members. The
distribution of products from collectivized lands
is closely controlled by the state. A big chunk
goes to pay taxes. Some more goes to pay for
the collective farm bureaucracy which runs
the farms, nominally for the members but
actually for the state. A part goes for capital
investment, maintenance of the farm, crop in-
surance, seed funds and similar expenditutes.
C~~c trht s nf n n f ral hpn m-

out of 1,094,855 rubles money income in 1954
the members of the farm got altogether as
compensatioi for their work 110,701 rubles-
around 10 per cent. On a very few farms the
portion of money income paid out to members
is as high as 45 to 66 per cent.
THIS MEANS a large percentage of collec-
tive farmers cannot live on what they
get for work on the collective and survive by
farming small private plots of land left to
them around their house and from private
livestock consisting often of a cow, a pig and
some chickens.
The new Communist directives aim to reduce
drastically the size of these plots and eliminate
the private livestock. The goal is to force the
farmers either to work all the time on collective
fields and be completely dependent on the
state or else get off the farm entirely and work
in factories.
This is a bitter pill for the Soviet farmers.
The Kremlin knows this, however, and is try-
ing to sugar it. It has prepared carefully for
this step by raising considerably in the last
three years prices paid to farms for their pro-
duce. It has enlarged the collective farms by
merging small farms into big ones. It has sent
thousands of city executives and Communist
party personnel into the collectives and

Daily Staff Writer
PASSING unnoticed in the furor
caused by Jordan's King Hus-
sein firing the British commander
of the Arab Legilon, Lt. General
John Glubb, was the simultaneous
dismissal of three Jordan Army
The highest ranking of the oust-
ed trio is Colonel Salim Karachy,
whose son Waleed is a. Michigan
In his first year at the Univer-
sity, the stocky Jordan student is
an intriguing conversationalist,
combining his remarkable grasp of
American idioms with his force-
ful gestures to make a point.
Showing no reluctance to relate
his views, The Van Tyne House
resident said the firing of General
Glubb stemmed from more than
the King's dissatisfaction with the
Britisher's alleged refusal to re-
organize the Legion to meet any
Israel aggression.
* * *
"GLUBB WAS the controlling
power in the Jordan Army," the
22-year-old student explains, "and*
the presence of the Englishman
was a barrier to Arab unification.
By firing Glubb, King Hussein.
satisfied the strong nationalists
in both Jordan and the other Arab

officers. During the 1948 fight-
ing, he related, "The troops under
my cousin's command gained con-
trol of Jerusalem in two hours,
but then some 'higher-ups' sudden-
ly ordered them to withdraw.It
was the British who were con-
trolling the Army."
"WHAT THE ARABS want," he
said, "is the removal of the British
shackles, so they can unite to form
one power and be free from
He discounted the possibility of
Russia moving in where the Brit-
ish-and Americans-are forced
out. "We do not want to free our-
selves from one chain only to be
caught by another." He added that
the Russians are anxious to gain
control over the oil rich region.
"Each pro-Israel action by the
Western powers hurts their stand-
ing with the Arab nations.
"The problems of the Middle
East will be settled best if the
other nations stayed outside the
ring." He emphasized that "with-
out the fires being fanned by out-
siders, including both the West
and the Reds, the tensions would
gradually ease and both sides
would find it easier to be rational."
Mentioning the problem of the
Arab refugees, Waleed asked, "How
would you feel if you were sudden-


-Daily-Vern Soden
. . "only natural to want
your home."

three years at the London Hospi-
tal Medical School as a medical
technician. Also during the same
period, the 20-year-old King Hus-
sein attended Sandeers, England's
West Point.
turned to Jordan to serve as Chief
Education Officer, the position he
held when fired. Waleed also re-
turned to Jordan, in May, 1954,
and worked as a medical techni-


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