i AF, MARCH 13, 195. Im mTc.inr nAN nATi.Y i u>J. 1Yi4f1WTEl A LT U A TV 1 IU4 FI~ . PAGiE T8I I I RADIO FREE EUROPE: Secretary Worked On European Radio By TED FRIEDMAN When Elizabeth Flum began work with Radio Free Europe in 1950 there were 25 people working with her. When she left for the United States at the end of last year, there were over 1,400 other workers she left behind. Miss Plum is now serving as a secretary in the Department of Journalism. "You can say I'm very happy to be back in the United States," the Swiss-born secretary explained. "The people are different in this country somehow. It's the free relationships" which don't exist so strongly in Europe. Ann Arbor Jump She said the jump from Europe to Ann Arbor was much easier than if she had come to settle in New York. "The town very much dppealed to me," she said. Miss Plum is a quiet, gentle woman whose ricl4 voice is marked by a trace of an accent. "She speaks French and German fluently besides English and is able to read Italian. This was important in her work with the Radio Free Europe. Private Agency Radio Free Europe, she contin- ued, is a privately owned agency for piercing the Iron Curtain, as contrasted with the government operate Voice of America. The strength of RFE, she said, can be indicated, by the relentless at- tempts of the Communists to jam their broadcasts. "The jamming can be overcome," she said. "The news is only given as facts," Miss Flum noted, tapping her hand lightly on the desk to emphasize her words. "We try to broadcast encouragement to captive nations, letting them know there are pow- erful nations in the West." She began her work with RFE as executive secretary to the Di- rector of the Information Depart- men in Munich, Germany. -Daily-Peter Song BETTY FLUM-Broadcasted on Radio Free Europe. "Then in 1954, I began working in something completely new. I was Research Coordination Assist- ant." Her work consisted of gath- ering Western research material to broadcast to East Europe. Her length of work with Radio Free Europe, five years, three months, is exceded by only one other person. New York Before her work in Europe she had lived in New York City. She had a business career there, work- ing with banks and financial insti- tutions. She also has a great variety of other interests. "I draw a little. I design a little," she said. "Sometimes I do a little black and white work-Just say I love art. I was in a few group exhibi- tions at the New York Public Li- brary." She also expressed deep interest in music. SGC Commences Planning For All Campus Fund Drive She has traveled throughout Europe. Besides her native Switz- erland, she has seen Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Denmark and Holland. Out of the countries she has seen, she feels closest to the United States. Concerning Europe, she said, "Whlie it has much appeal, the horizons of the ordinary people are too narrow. They just aren't as broad as they are here. "The people don't get around like the Americans do. Here I can travel from N6w York to Ann Arbor and not even show a pass- port." Less Travel In European countries, she said, there is less travel than here. "All the while I was in Germany, there was the wonderful feeling that I could go back." She strongly denied the wide- spread belief that there is too much conformity in America. "That's not really so," she said. "The American is very friendly and receives a foreigner with no judgement. This is the country of 'Live and Let Live."' TU' Graduates Win Contest Eugene J. Hochman, of 3860 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio, and George W. Holmes, of Dublin, Ire- land, a graduate student at the University of Michigan, have been announced winners of $1,000 and $500 prizes, respectively, in the annual Broomfield essay award contest at The University of Mich- igan. Open to students and alumni of the University, the contest was established by the late Archibald Broomfield, of Detroit, who gradu- ated from the U-M Law School in 192. Its subject this year was "The Impact upon Our Civil Lib- erties of "Our Post-War Struggle with Communism." Auto Deaths Mounting Says Safety Council American motorists and pedes- trians will share the responsibility for 53,000 deaths in 1966, accord- ing to the National Safety Council in a forecast recently published. The annual traffic death toll will reach these proportions in ten years "unless some genius manages to pull down the prevailing rate by getting to these drivers with a safety sales talk that is more convincing than anything thought up so far," said the NSC. According to the forecast, 90 million drivers will be driving 83 million automobiles, 20 million more than now exist, a total of about 825 billion miles a year. Cut Down Slaughter As a part of the National Safety Council's constant efforts to slow this ever-increasing rate, they have called for a seven-point plan de- signed to cut down the slaughter on the nation's roads and expedite the nation's traffic. The public must be convinced that traffic safety must begin with the individual, but, in addition, the individual must actively par- ticipate in a general community and national effort to effect this{ individual responsibility. Communities should be compar- ed with a national standard, so that its specific objectives are more clearly realized. New Highways Modern safe "accident-resistant" highways must be built-as many and as soon as possible, regardless of methods of finance. Uniform vehicle laws must be1 legislated through the swamp of: red tape, public apathy, and legis- lative inertia. Make driver education, both classroom and behind-the-wheel, required courses in every high school. Weed Out Toughen drivers license qualifi- cations to weed out the physically,t mentally, and emotionally unfit. "Back traffic courts to the limit" to show drivers and pedestriansE that it just isn't worth it to disre-t gard these responsibilities.- Safety, like everything elsei worthwhile, costs money, time, andc effort, pointed out the NSC. f If these objectives are accepted,i the Council promised, "You'll getr where you're going a lot easier and sooner, and what's more, the traf-f fic toll with come down by half!"'' Morris To Speak Ben S. Morris will speak on "Selective Versus Comprehensivea Secondary Education in England" at 4 p.m. today in the Universityt Elementary School Aditorium. Morris is director of the National Foundation for Educational Re- search in England and Wales. The lecture is being, sponsored by the School of Education and the Department of Psychology. "We the People of the City of Ann Arbor, in order to secure the benefits of efficient self-govern- ment and otherwise to promote our common welfare, do ordain and establish this charter ... " So begins the newest charter of the City of Ann Arbor, the product of years of need and months of careful work. April 9, this docu- ment will become the foundation of local city government as a result of an electon held one year ago, April 4, 1954. The present charter, in effect since 1899, contains a large amount of duplication and numberless un- necessary details, at the same time being glaringly lacking and inade- quate in many areas. Long sections are devoted to regulation of hack- ney carriages and fire wardens., Detailed provisions for working off one's poll tax at a dollar a day are included. Seven pages deal with the restraint of billiard tables and bowling alleys,. Over 100 amendments confuse and contra- dict the body of the out-dated document. Citizens Committee In 1953, the president of thet City Council appointed a com- mittee of leading citizens, charg- ing them to conduct an exhaustive study of the need for a revision. They reported that there was such a need, and the Ann Arbor City1 Charter Commission was appoint- ed. The commission began work by holding hearings and meeting with_ officials, experts in municipal gov- ernment, civic organizations and the general public. Its members studied the charters of other cities, comparing the new with the old. On Dec. 14, 1954, the first draft of the revised charter was pre- sented to the public by the Com- mission. On Feb. 2, 1955 Governor G. Mennen Williams approved the work, and on April 4, an all-city election was held, when the citi- bens adopted what will soon be the basis of local city government. Leisurely Attitudes The old charter was written in an era marked by leisurely atti- tudes. In those slower times, elect- ed and appointed officials had plenty of time to execute their duties. As the complexities of of- fice increased, the load on the individual became greater, until many fund it impossible to serve. One alderman announced just be- fore the last election that he could not run for re-election because it would require over 30 hours per week . Clearly, a coordinator was need- ed to carry out the decisions of the Council and the Mayor. A lack of over-all efficiency was evident among the several departments despite all efforts on the part of the part-time Mayor and the un- paid City Council. There was no one responsible purchasing direc- tor, no contact between the city and the public. The answer came in the appoir ment of Guy Larcom as City Administrator. The annual $2,000,000 business that is the City of Ann Arbor has finally found the answer to their most pressing administrative prob- lems. The council and mayor will be free to concentrate on long range problems, while their ap- pointed representative handles the present. New Wards Under the old charter, 7 wards elected 14 aldermen, with popula- tions of the wards ranging from 842 to 4167. After April 9, 5 wards will elect ten aldermen, each of whom will represent approximately 2000 persons. The offices of mayor and Presi- dent of the City Council will be combined, retaining the veto power of the former offices. The present administration boards will be converted to advis- ory boards for the benefit of the City Administrator. A central personnel division will control a new merit system for hir- ing, tenure, promotion, demotion, discharge and discipline of em- ployees. In short, the new charter gives Ann Arbor a full array of munici- pal powers in order that the citi- Newly Revised City Charter Will Take Effect April 9 I By AL STILLWAGON Law Panel To Be Held Four attorneys representing dif- ferent types of practice will take part in a panel discussion at 7:30 p.m. today. The discussion, sponsored by the Student Bar Association, is being presented in an effort to aid the student who is planning his future law practice. Speaking will be Dwight Dibble of Ypsilanti as an individual prac- titioner, John DeVine of Ann Ar- bor as representing the small town office, William Saxton of Detroit for the big city office and Martin Breighner of Ann Arbor on a cor- poration legal staff. Differing opinions and experi- ences will be aired and students in attendance will be given an oppor- tunity to "get into the act" with questions. Talk Planned. On Censorship Paul Blanshard, author, will dis- Cuss "Book Burning and Literary Censorship" at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural Science Aud. under the sponsorship of the Unitarian Student group. Tickets are available at Mar- shall's book store or from any Unitarian student group member. HOW TO SEE EUROPE ON A STUDENT'S BUDGET "Europe for the Pennywise" enables you to go to Europe for the lowest possible prices. This new book, writ- ten with the student in mind, offers detailed information on planning your own trip. It's many topics in- clude: 1 Clean, respectable accommoda- tions, as low as Sc a night. 2 Steak dinners-50c 3 Planeflights costing less than 3rd class rail tothe same destination. 4 Useful phrases in 6 'languages. 5 Earn yourself a free'trip.toEu- rope. ,rpt u 6 Social activities-How to meet the people of Europe. 7 Attend European classes and lec- tures-FREE! and more. Now is the time to plan your summer trip. Send $1 to: Europe for the Pennywise Box 14 Madison Sq. Station, New York 10, NY zens may be served cratic, co-ordinated, government. by a demo- efficient city Fountain Pens Q Greeting Cards Stationery Q Office Supplies t'+- Typewriters Steel Desks, Chairs, Files MORRI LL'S 314 S. State St. Since 1908 Phone NO 3-2481 SEVEN FOR $ Us WEEKS ONLY499 EIGHTH ANNUAL YEAR: The original and largest summer tour of study and fun to Hawaii, offering more parties, dinners, dances, entertainment, beach sports, and sightseeing than any other group. Choice of residence; (1) Dormitory on campus, or (2) Hotel-Apartment at Walkiki, For College Oirls Only This price includes Pan American or United Air Lines roundfrip transportation between the West Coast and Hawaii; living a..m. modations; introduction parties and dances, Aloha-Welcome Party dinner-show and en. tertainment, Formal Dinner-dance and Luau. feast; all of the four major sightseeing trips on Oahu; beach activities, including catama.. ran and outrigger canoe rides, glass bottom boat trip, and visit to the Aquarium. Members also will have beach dressing rooms, a special lounge, and use of the swimming pool at the new deluxe Reef Hotel. Tips, transfers, and weekly movies are also Included in tour price. The several hundred members of tour are escorted by more than 20 mainland housemothers. CONSULT: Mrs. Margaret B. Trible Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority 1414 Washtenaw Tel. NO 2.-7831 i By DAVID R. TARR. Plans are under way to establish a campus fund-raising drive mod- eled in theory after United Fund "giveronce for all" campaigns. 4 Student Government Council will have before it at its Wednes- day meeting a motion to set up a board to control the "Campus Community Chest." A single, well organized drive asking the student to contribute only once resulting in larger pro- ceeds is the main reason behind the proposal. One Drive The possibility of one drive to replace the several bucket drives held during the year has been under the study of an SGC estab- lished committee since near the+ end of last semester. Tentative conclusions by this{ committee, composed of membersJ of the four groups that have held+ drives, point'1 up a full week of activities. The drive might include personel1 solicitation of residences, on ap- proval of the different govern- ments, the traditional bucket type1 drive, a sale of services by differ- ent University groups and individ- uals, and a film and all-campus dance. All of these have been suc- cessfully used at other schools. Next Spring The first united drive, which the administration is one hun- dred per cent behind, probably' would be held next spring. An average of $600 per drive has been received in the past by the organizations holding them. They include Galens, World University Service, Michigan-Phillipine Club and the Fresh Air Camp. x Campus Chest Responsibility for the drive and control of the allocation of funds would come under the proposed Campus Chest Board, to be com- posed of students from various campus groups, faculty and ad- ministration. Success of united drives has been seen on other campuses. The University of Illinois receives an average of a dollar per student in their drive. - ENJOY Carry-Out Service Beer & Wine Served at the Del Rio Restaurant 122 West Washington at Ashley Open 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. CLOSED TUESDAY Telephone NO 2-9575 ' Telephone NO 2-9575 NORTH AMERICAN HAS' BUILT MORE AIRPLANES THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY IN THE WORLD RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION One of the West Coast major integrated oil companies will have a representative "on campus to interview for employment opportunities in Southern California. The following positions are offered: Product & Process Research Department Chemists-B.S., M.S. and PhD. Degrees Chemical Engineers-B.S. and M.S. Degrees Refining Department Chemists-B.S. and M.S. Degrees Chemical Engineers-B.S. and M.S. Degrees Mechanical Engineers--B.S. and M.S. Degrees Electrical Engineers-B.S. and M.S. Degrees Make an appointment through your placement office for an interview on MARCH 26 and MARCH 27, 1956. The patient recovered, but the budget didn't. Mr . , . 41 it More Fun! In the company of friends home- ward bound you can make it a "party" all the way. There's room to roam, time to visit, and nothing to worry about. More Comfort! Restful coaches, loads of lgage space, refreshments and swell meals en route. No tough driving on crowded highways. No waiting for skies to clear. Yessir, the train is tops In transportation! What Savings! Give yourself a "Scotch treat" by teaming up with two or more friends bound for your home town. On trips of 100 miles or more, you'll each save 25% on round- trip coach tickets using GROUP ECONOMY FARES!* And here's another barain! Rn no25 or engineers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians... CAN YOU. THINK BEYOND MACH 2? Designing Airborne Vehicles of the Future travel- ling at speeds so great that thin air becomes a blazing, solid wall ... is the challenge that North American offers to aeronautical engineers and to specialists in most other sciences. SABRE*-holder of the world's first supersonic speed record-was designed and built. Share the knowledge and experience that has led to North American's supersonic supremacy. Be a part of a compact team of top engineers and scientists. 1 ' 11It fl4 L . L[AU>W C>