Two Issues This Week
Important to Future Students
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
A4 bbrp
43 11 f
a t t
Racial Issue
Starts Fight
In Congress
Court Orders No
Delay In Admission
WASHINGTON (A)-The racia
integration issue set off an ora-
torical North-South conflict ir
Congress yesterday, with the sub-
mission of the new Southern mani-
While the debate was going on
-the Supreme Court handed dowr
another unanimous ordr in th
segregation field.
Delay Ruled Out
The Court ruled out any dela
in admitting qualified Negroes t
graduate schools of tax-supportec
The court in effect put graduate
schools-such as those in law and
medicine-in a separate categor3
not subject to the transition period
permitted in the tribunal's de-
cision of last year ordering de-
segregation of public schools.
The unanimous action yester-
day specifically overturned a rul-
ing of the Florida Supreme Court
denying a Negro, Virgil D. Hawk-
ins, admission to the law school
of the all-white University of
Most of the Congressional fire-
works occurred in the Senate; the
House met only briefly.
George Submit Manifesto
The debate began wfien Sen,
Walter George (D-Ga.) formally
presented the manifesto signed by
19 Senators and 77 House mem-
bers from 11 states.
It says the Supreme Court deci-
sion of 1954 outlawing segregation
in public schools was "a clear
abuse of judicial power" and
pledges the signers to do every-
thing legally possible to overthrow
Sen. Wayne More (D-Ore.) dared
the Southerners to submit a con-
stitutional .amendment allowing
race segregration practices. Morse
also declared, "A historic debate
is going to have to take place in
the not too distant future because
this Congress is going to have to
determine whether it is going to
back up the Supreme Court."
Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-S.C.)
who led the states rights move-
ment in 1948, told the Senate the
South will "fight to the end" to
reverse the court ruling.
U of Alabama
.Punishes Race
Riot Leaders
TUSCALOSA, Ala. (P-A White
Citizens Council leader was expel-
led and 24 other students punish-
ed less severely yesterday by the
University of Alabama for par-
ticipation in mob action against
Autherine Lucy, the school's first
Negro student.
The university Board of Trustees
announced the expulsion of Leon-
ard R. Wilson, 20; Selma, Ala.,
sophomore plus suspension of four
students and lesser and undisclos-
ed punishment against 20 others.
Had Accused University
Wilson also was accused of
bringing false charges against uni-
versity officials.
Miss Lucy was the object of
campus rioting from Feb. 3
through Feb. 6. when a mob
threatened t kif her.
The 26-year-old former school
teacher, already a college gradu-
ate, was "permanently expelled"
Feb. 29 for unproved charges that
university authorities conspired in
mob action against her.
Asks Readmittane
She has asked the federal court
t- to order her readmittance.
Wilson had criticized university
authorities for their handling of
the Lucy case, and the board took
note of this.
"This student's (Wilson's) con-
duct and charges represent far
more than the mere exercise of his
right freely to debate the question
of segregation,' the trustees said
in a statement.
Dr. Oliver C. Carmichael, uni-.
versity president, had said just
after student riots that the issue
was not "segregation vs. integra-
tion, but law and order vs. an-
Carver To Talk
On Architecture
--Daily-Peter Song
Library Construction To Start Soon
A new, modern, well-equipped
library will soon be erected on the
site of the now-demolished Auto-
motive Laboratory.
Construction is expected to take
540 days, and will begin shortly.
Contracts for building the Under-
graduate Library will be awarded
this week, University Vice-Presi-
dent Wilbur K. Plerpont has an-
The general plan includes an
air-conditioned, five-story building
with 'modern lighting and many
new library facilities.
Four main reading areas plus
numerous smaller study rooms,
equipped largely with individual
desks, will be centers of activity.
Provides for Blind
Such conveniences as typing
rooms, rooms where blind students
may use dictaphones and a large
audio area in which students may
listen to recordings of music, for-
eign language or poetry in individ-
ual cubicles will all be included in
the library.
A coffee shop and a lounge will
provide for relaxation during study
'The building will be able to seat
approximately 2,500 students in
the combined study and work
Open Shelf Arrangement
All books will be arranged in an
open shelf collection.
"The 375,000 ' volumes will be
more easily accessible and attrac-
tive and will be catalogued more
simply," according to Frederick
Wagman, Director of the Univer-
sity Library.
Most of the books will be redis-
tributed from study halls and other
campus libraries, thus bringing
them all together in one central
Purpose of the library is to fill
needs of all undergraduates. "It
will include the majority of books
any undergraduate would want,"
Wagman says.
Accomodates Growing Enrollment
Adequate library space is to be
provided for the University's in-
creasing enrollment. According to
present plans, the third and fourth
floors will be occupied by the en-
gineering and transportation li-
braries. ,
This arrangement will only be
Strong Vote
Of Confidence
Given Mollet
PARIS (OP)-On four overwhelm-
ing confidence votes, the National
4 Assembly last night gave Premier*
Guy Mollet emergency powers, to
crush the nationalist revolt in Al-
The assemblymen voted 455-76
in backing the bill as a whole, after
first approving its three main sec-
tions - economic, administrative.
and military.
Poujadists Vote Against
Only the followers of Pierre Pou-
jade, the antitax leader, voted
against Mollet as a group. Nearly
all independent Republicans of the
right wing voted for the govern-
Even the Communists voted for
the government headed by Social-
ist Mollet, and thereby caught
more assemblymen by surprise.
Jacques Duclos, the Communist
leader, proclaimed the party line.
"Communist and Socialist work-
ers must strive together in com-
mon action," he declared.
Lacoste Given Power
The bill gives Mollet and his
minister for Algerian affairs, Ron-
ert Lacoste, wide power to shake
up the Algerian administration,
and the right to break up vast
landed estates for the benefit of
Moslem tenant farmers or farm-
Lacoste is expected to proclaim
a state of siege over much of the
Algerian countryside now infested
with rebels. He is also planning
centers of protection for the isolat-
ed European farmers in the inter-1
The bill also gives Lecoste the
right to censor the Algerian pressI
and radio stations. -
temporary, since when the College
of Engineering moves to North
Campus, the same space will be
used for increased library needs of
undergraduates on the main cam-
Illustrations, presently displayed
for fine arts students in Alumni
Memorial Hall, will be given ex-
hibit space on the top floor of the
new library.
The structure, expected to be
complete in September, 1957, will
cost $3,680,000 and will contain
approximately 136,000 square feet
of floor space.
- It will be constructed by Albert
Kahn Associated Architects and
Engineers. The same firm has built
numerous other University build-
ings such as the General Library,
Hill Auditorium, Natural Science
Bldg. and University Hospital.
Rep. Mea der
To Take Seat
On Committee
From Washington comes word of
Representative George"Meader.
Ann Arbor's Second District Con-.
gressman Meader .was recently
seated on the Information Sub-
committee of the House Govern-
ment Operations Committee. The
subcommittee opened hearings this
Executive branch security is be-
ing scrutinized as to the access the
press, general public and Con-
gress have to scientific informa-
Foremost scientists testified that
this country's scientific progress is
being impeded by unnecessarily re-
strictive security procedures.
Many scientists claimed that
United States security, defined as
being ahead of potential enemies,
could be promoted by'a free flow
of information among scientists.
Rep. Meader defines the Com-
mittee's goal as an attempt to
"improve security classification
systems and insure that all infor-
mation which need not be closely
guarded be available to the scien-
tific fraternity."
U.S. Asked
To Help In
Island Issue
Greek Premier Asks
'Decisive Intervention'
ATHENS, Greece (P)-Greece
yesterday asked the United States
to intervene in the bitter dispute
over Cyprus.
Foreign Minister Spyros Theoto-
kis announced the government i
making vigorous representations to
Washington over recent develop-
ments on the British eastern Med-
iterranean island colony.
In Washington, a State Depart-
ment spokesman said the United
States expects to make "certain
recommendations' on the issue
after "carefully studying all as-
Offers To Mediate
At the United Nations, Italian
Foreign Minister Gaetano Martino
told newsmen Italy would be glad
to mediate between Greece and
Britain in the dispute.
Theotokis announced his govern-
ment's move shortly after Premier
Constantine Karamanlis called for
decisive United States interven-
tion. The Premier said, "The West
is handling the Cyprus issue as if
it is buttering Russia's toast."
Moscow radio promptly rein-
forced the Premier's words. In a
broadcast heard in Western Eu-
rope, the radio claimed the Cyprus
dispute is "seriously weakening,"
the North Atlantic Treaty Organ-
Supports Self-Determination
Greece has been supporting a
violent campaign waged by Greek-
origin Cypriots for the right of
self-determination that would lead
to eventual union with Greece.
Britain promised the Cypriots a
large measure of self rule but re-
fused to give up the strategic is-
land completely. The last British
bastion in the Middle East, Cyprus
is the headquarters of Britain's air
and ground forces in that area.
Tension over the issue was
heightened last week by Britain's
deportation of Archbishop Maka-
rios, leader of the island's union-
with-Greece movement.
Ambassador Recalled
Greece immediately recalled its
ambassador from London and pro-
tested to the United Nations over
the archbishop's ouster.
Scattered anti-British riots were
reported in various parts of Athens
last night, despite a government
ban on mass meetings.,
Police said at least 77 persons
were injured. Among them were 22
Rebellious Cyprus was paralyzed
by a spontaneous general strike
With the exception of a few
Turkish-owned shops, virtually all
civilian activities in this British
island colony were shut down.
Heavy patrols of British troops
quickly put down all attempts at
demonstrations in most parts of
the island.
Arab Chiefs
Set Against
Zion Forces
CAIRO, Egypt (P-The Arab
world's Big Three wound up their
summit conference yesterday with
a declaration that they have ham-
mered out a unified plan against
"dangers of Zionist aggression"
and to preserve neutrality in the
cold war.
Premier Abdel Gamal Nasser of
Egypt, King Saud of Saudi Ara-
bia, and President Shukri Kuwatly
of Syria signed a four-page com-
munique which summed up the re-
sults of their 10 secret meetings
here in the last six days.
It contained no hin of what
details they had agreed on.
Charges Exchanged
The signing took place in a room
packed with newsmen and photog-
raphers as Israel and the Arabs
exchanged charges that troop con-
centrations were being built up on
each side of the border. Fresh
shooting incidents took place.
A hint was seen that the thrge
Arab chiefs had decided virtually
to scrap the Arab League dnd to
act independently of that nine-
nation body in the future.
The communique said they had
an all-inclusive plan for *;oordin-
ating their policies in political,
military, economic and cultural
matters to achieve "mobilization
of all forces and their direction
toward the realization of the gen-
eral good of the Arab Nation. 4
League Unity Shattered
The unityof the Arab League
has been shattered by Iraq's join-
ing the Baghdad Pact with Brit-,
ain, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan,
an alliance concerned primarily3
with defense against the Commun-
ist bloc.-
Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia;
so far have failed to lure Jordan#
and Lebanon into their separate
chain of military treaties directed
primarily against Israel.;
Yemen and the fledglingnations
of Libya and Sudan are otherx
members of the League, whose dis-t
unity has been advertised by the
Big Three meeting outside its aus-
Suggests Continuing
Present Rushing Setu]
4proposal, already approved by the
Senate and pending in the House.
Generally, the bill provides for
stepped-up training of psychiat-
rists and other professional spec-
ialists in an effort to produce
greater emphasis in State hospitals
on treatment and cure of the
mentally ill, rather than custodial
It has been called the "brains,
not bricks' approach to the mental
health problem.
Setup Not Right
"If I understand correctly that
this is set up under Regents of the
University (of Michigan), "Men-
ninger said in the letter to Gov.
Williams, "I just want to be pre-
sumptuous enough to indicate that
it is the wrong way to do it."
This feature of the pending Leg-
islation drew opposition from the
State Mental Health Commission
which has supervision over the
hospital system, and from minor-
ity Democrats in the Senate.
Menninger said that putting
himself in the place of a person
connected with Wayne University,
"I would resent it very niuch to
feel that we vere very much a
minority participant."
Italian Artists
To Play in Hill,
Fourteen of Italy's most distin-
guished virtuosi-instrumentalists,
the Virtuosi Di Roma will present
the ninth concert in the Choral
Union Series at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
The entire program will be dedi-
cated to the music of Antonio Vi-
valdi, 1678-1741.
The Virtuosi is returning to the
United States for their fourth
transcontinental tour, after a two-
year absence.
.During the first half of the
program the group will play "Con-
certo in C minor for Strings,"
"Concerto in D minor for Oboe
and Strings" and "Concerto in B-
flat for Violin, Cello and Strings."
After intermission they will pre-
sent "Concerto in E major," (The
Spring) "Concerto in B minor,"
(The Summer) "Concerto in F
major," (The Autumn)and "Con-
certo in F minor," (The Winter).
Tickets may be obtained at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower.
Doctor Opposes State
Mental Health Pl' an
LANSING (P)-A nationally prominent figure in the mental
health field was disclosed by Gov. G. Mennen Williams yesterday to
oppose salient features of a controversial, Republican-sponsored
mental health plan for Michigan.
The position of Dr. William C. Menninger was made public in a
special message to the Legislature to which the Democratic gover-
nor appended a letter from Menninger.
Drafted 'Kansas Program'
Menninger was described by Gov. Williams as a principal archi-
tect of the so-called Kansas Program which inspired the Republican
Kefauver Set
For Big Test
Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) matches
his personal popularity against the
vote-drawing power of most of
New Hampshire's leading Demo-
crats today in the nation's first
presidential primary of the year.
The state's big Democratic po-
litical guns are lined up almost
solidly for Kefauver's principal op-
penent, Adlai Stevenson. But the
p.-vy's 1952 standard bearer has
carefully avoided a head-on clash
by refusing to take any personal
part in the contest.
Although the test of strength
between the two leading rivals for
the Democratic presidential nomi-
nation will thus be indirect, the
result is almost certain to have
an important psychological impact
on preconvention bpinion.
Just as Kefauver is unopposed
in the Democratic preference sec-
tion of the ballot, President Dwight
D. Eisehlhower is unopposed on the
Republican side, where he defeated
the late Sen. Robert Taft (R-Ohio)
four years ago.
To Deferred
Rush, Pledge
Suggests Increased
Counseling Facilities
Deferred rushing or pledging for
the fraternity system received a
"thumbs-down" yesterday in re-
commendations announced by the
Interfraternity-Inter House Coun-
cil rushing study committee.
The recommendations, submitted
to Student Government Councl
members as a conclusion to a four-
month study by IFC-IHC, called
for conditional continuation of the
present system of first and second
semester rushing.
The eight member study group,
composed of an equal number of
representatives from IFC and IHC,
unanimously endorsed the three-
page list of recommendations.
Call For More Counseling
Main condition under which the
present setup is expected to be
continued is, increased counseling
facilities, both on the fraternity
and the residence hall level.
The recommendation report also
suggests that SGC reconsider the
whole rushing system during the
fall semester, of the 1958-59 aca-
demic year.
"At that 'time, in terms of the
adequacy or inadequacy of the im-
plementation of these recommen-
dations as they have improved the
then-existing rushing procedurej
report "we recommend that strong
consideration again be given to the
existing system, deferred pledging
and deferred rushing (not to the
exclusion of other alternatives).
Should Gather Data
Our counseling recommendation
Is that during this two-year period,
facts and pertinent data be ac-
cumulated concerning the area of
fraternity, rushing."
Conditions recommended includ
,ed increased rushing counselor fa-
cilities, more printed material and
information to rushees-on individ-
ual houses, encuragement of per-
sons counseling freshmen to advise
confused individuals to defer their
decisions on rushing until open
rushing or the second-semester and
increased development of residence
hall house orientation programs.
Deficiencies Listed
The list of recommendations was
prefaced by an admission of defi-
ciencies which included statements
that "the question of whether to
rush and whether or where to
pledge is confusing to manyfresh-
men" and that "the freshman is
lacking information with regard to
particular fraternity houses and
the fraternity system as a whole."
Implementation of the recomin
niendations, the report said, should
be carried out by IFC and IHC in
cooperation with the administra-
Also suggested were periodic re--
ports to SGC on progress of im-
plementation of the recommenda-
At its Oct. 19 meeting, SGC
delegated studies of rushing pro-
cedures to two groups-one staffed
with Panhel-Assembly representa-
Lives, the other composed of IFCe-
IHC personnel.!!
The Panhel-Assembly committee:
last week issued a majority-minor-
ity report favoring spring rushing
for the sorority system.
Ford Admits
Funds For Ike
II acknowledged at a Senate in-
quiry yesterday that he okayed the
solicitation of Ford dealers for
Eisenhower campaign funds in
But he said "I don't like pres-
sure of any kind on any matter,"
and that as far as he knew there
were no "reprisals or recrimina-
tions" against dealers who refused
to contribute.
Long-Awaited Wedding Bells
To RingFor U.S.'s Margaret,
NEW YORK (M--Displaying proudly a modest diamond solitaire,
Margaret Truman said yesterday that she and newspaperman Clifton
Daniel will be married some time in April.
Two hours after former President Harry S. Truman had announced
his only child's engagement, Margaret and her fiance met the press
here in a public room of the Hotel Carlyle, where she lives.
The announcement, capping years of speculation over the
romantic prospects of Miss Truman, came following a weekend visit
by the couple to Daniel's North
Carolina home, and noncommittal CITY ADMINISTRATOI
return to New York. CITYAD__NSTRAT_
Truman Calls Press 1 -a T 5
World News Roundup
E E a-
By The Associated Press
$100,000 Price Support Loan Limit Set,
WASHINGTON-The Senate amended its election-year farm bill
last night to put a $100,000 limit on the annual price support loans the
government could make to any individual farm or farmer.
The vote was 78-11.
- There is no limit on price support loans in the present law, and
these have exceeded one million dollars to single units in recent years.
Proponents of the amendment said it was aimed at huge corpora-
tion-type wheat, cotton and corn farms, some of which they said have,
been collecting immense government checks.
* * * *
AF Plane Crashes Near Newfoundland
ST. JOHN'S, Nfld.-A United States Air Force utility plane en
route from Amarillo, Texas, to the Azores crashed and exploded yester-
day in the storm-tossed offshore waters south of Newfoundland.
All six men aboard were killed.
All parrying of questions ended,
however, after ex-President Tru-
man and his wife, Bess, made
their statement at a hurriedly
summoned press conference in
Seated beside her fiance in her
hotel apartment here, and -smiling-
ly exhibiting an engagement ring,
Miss Truman said her parents
were "delighted" by the engage-
Plan Small Wedding
She said that the wedding would
be a "small one just for the fam-
ilies" and would take place in
Trinity Episcopal Church, Inde-
pendence, where she once sang as
a choir girl.
The couple will live in New York,
she said, but her own career plans
beyond some present radio and
Mayor Brown W etcomes Larcom
Guy C. Larcom, Jr.. Ann Ar-
bor's recently-appointed city ad-
ministrator, was introduced to the
City Council last night in what
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.,
termed "a historic event."
"Mr. Larcom comes to this city
with a fine background and has
accepted this positionas a chal-
lenge to make Ann Arbor an even
better place to live than it has
been in the past," Mayor Brown
Larcom addressed the Council
briefly, noting that a city adminis-
trator has a tough job "when he
tries to make a city with good1
government better."I
Having worked in municipal
.. Mai