Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "It's A Brand New Job. The Paint Is Hardly Dry On It" I n Opinions Are Free, ruth Will PrevaW itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, MARCH 10, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK SNYDER Literary College Exam Policies _ ~Insulting to. Students a r r-3 z: TR^. I S &JOAO J M ROW "convenient" list of policies governing class- room conduct is being given to literary ollege teachers. As convenient as they may e the policies are, for the most part, negative. The list of-regulations reflect a basically au- horitarian attitude-Lta feeling that it is neces- ary to "police" students in order to enforce easonable standards of conduct and integrity. Particularly exeniplary of this attitude are he regulations on proctoring final examina- ions. Armed guards with truncheons won't be ied this year but every other precaution is eing taken to prevent cheating. The atmosphere created by this multitude of egulations can't help but offend the honest tudent who is $pt to feel, with justification, hat his integrity should be taken as a matter f course. One of the regulations states that "smoking s not considered a good cause" for leaving the lassroom, during a final exam. The honest student will very likely resent eing told this by one of the two prescribed roctors for every 25 to 50 students. A cigarette nd a ten minute break, for those who smoke, s a calming influence during a tough exam- 'he smoker feels quite strongly, and he is right, hat smoking is an excellent reason for leaving n examination. MORE POSITIVE approach to the problem of cheating is found at Harvard, Princeton, warthmore and the University's engineering chool. Students at these schools are presumed o be (as incomprehensible as this notion may e to those responsible for the booklet) honest. 'here are dishonest ones, there always are, but hese schools jut don't consider them enough of threat to warrant treating all students as otential cheaters. 'here are far better approaches to the prob- em of cheating than that adopted by the Lit- rary College. One is to ignore the problem on he assumption that the number of dishonest tudents is not large enough to justify setting p such regulations. It is in setting up their regulations with a lew towards preventing dishonesty, rather :an with a view towards encouraging honesty, hat the Literary College administration has rred. A good case can be made for the claim that hse regulations serve little purpose. Students DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER: A Sleep of Prisoners' A Mystery To Most who want to cheat will find a way whether there is one proctor or ten, whether they can leave the room to smoke or not. At the expense of creating an unpleasant, uncomfortable at- mosphere for the honest, the policies pose a unique challenge to the dishonest. The booklet is not the offender-it just ex- pouses the "established" policies. But these "established" policies, both the specific rules and the attitudes they reflect, deserve careful consideration and analysis. They are an insult to the maturity of college students. -LEE MARKS Hockey Ticket Policy Frustrates Buyers, THIS WEEKEND, Michigan hosts Michigan Tech in a series of two Western Intercol- legiate Hockey League games: Due to the importance of the games, a line of students from both colleges started forming 19 hours prior to the box office opening at 8:30 yesterday morning. Students worked out a plan. of alternate stands, thus insuring their places in line. As a precaution against possible limitation of number of tickets that could be purchased, the one particular group repeatedly telephoned the Athletic Administration Building ticket office Thursday afternoon. Up to 4:30, closing time of the box office, they were informed that they could purchase as many unreserved student tickets as they had Identification Cards and money for. Students on the buying shift when the ticket office opened were told by officials that they could only purchase 20 tickets. In addition to changing their previous policy, the athletic department officials showed an obvious lack of foresight. It should have been evident, at the beginning of the week, that there would have been some sort of ticket lihe exceeding the normal. Plans for this should have been made at an earlier date. While one can readily appreciate the department's stand, one cannot condone the unfortunate fact that their decision was made at the last possible moment without issuance of a prior statement to the students. -RENE GNAM 4 A LM CHRISTOPHER FRY'S "A Sleep of Prisoners" poses the age-old In- soluble problem of whether an author should direct his efforts at the intelligencia of his time. By doing so, and thereby inviting limited appeal, he can only hope that his esoterica will be communicated to enough comprehending souls to bring permanence to his work. It must be regretfully stated that the message that Mr. Fry dramatized will be fully understood by few, partially understood by a few more and labeled an enigma by the rest. Being somewhere between the latter two groups, this reviewer can only try to point out the' author's purpose and goal and describe the perfornance. I am somewhat comforted by knowing that this play's poor reception in New York was a result of a similar dilemma by the Broadway critics. Written to be enacted in a church, "A Sleep of Prisoners" revolves around four prisoners of war, confined in a converted church. Fry's technique is the use of long and disconnected dream sequences which fade in and out of the realistic story.. The story is designed to present the four soldiers as they appear on the surface to each other. When the play' begins they are awake but about to retire. Pvt. David King (Joseph Gistirak) is a young, idealistic and impetuous fellow who takes his life ard imprisonment seriously; Pvt. Peter Able (David Metcalf) is David's, antithesis-wise- cra king and flippant; Pvt. Tim Meadows (Sidney Walker) acts the sage and Cpl. Joe Adams (Ralph Dischell) is a man addicted to army discipline and lost without it. Before dropping asleep, David almosts throttles Peter, having become enraged at the latter's insolence and want of concern over the war. Then the dreams start and Fry's message becomes obscured by the deliberate use of allegories and images. 'i1 ~+ i :c-I i 4 S e' . -H i 0.01t.. (flt95C it1IE sf1 A otA ?oasT co. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:H Farm, Road Reports Heard By DREW PEARSON TODAY AND TOMORROW: FE MAGAZINE publish to the people of the William Faulkner, the em Faulkner is a native of Mt as a Southerner who nott simple incontrovertible imx nation by race" but also f tion is an evil which will by the Southerners thems this letter is to warn North nation will not be cured, all the sharper, if legal co force the Supreme Court's Mr. Faulkner, as a So posed in principle both to enforced integration, rega being in the "middle."7 pressed from two sides b Councils on the one han sociation for the Advan People on the other. He i would uphold "white sup fication of the SupremeC those who would use th abolish segregation. Whi Southerners like himself forcement is attempted?' says in effect, with the re zens Councils. The burden of Mr. Fau the Northerners should no eral enforcement. For thi possible for Southerners l for the gradual acceptanc Editorial S Dave Baadl.................. Jim Dygert ................... Murry Prymer ................. Debra Durchslag .............. David Kaplan ............".... Jane Howard .................. Louise Tyor ."............... Phil Douglis ..a............... Alan Eisenberg .............. Jack Horwitz ................. Mary Helltha'er .«.............. Elaine Edmonds ........... As John Hirtsei.................. Business S Dick Alstrom.................. Bob lgenfrits-...--- Assoc Mr. FLetter By WALTER LIPPMANN hes a letter addressed TO THIS there is something which must be northern states by said for the Northerners who will under- inent novelist. Mr. stand and sympathize with Mr. Faulkner's ar- ississippi. He speaks gument. These Northerners include the Presi- .ylei t dent and Gov. Stevenson, and they are quite only believes i "the surely a majority today. But their position amorality of discrimi- is threatened by the Southern extremists who that this discrimina- not only proclaim the doctrine of nullification be .cured eventually but, as in the Lucy case in Alabama, connive elves. The point of at mob violence. erners that discrimi- For the moderate Northerners it is impossible will in fact become to accept the gradualism that Mr. Faulkner a4- ercion is used to en- vises if at the same time they have to acquiesce decision. in what happened at Alabama University. To utherner who is op- do so would be to surrender two elementary segregation and to principles. One is, as Mr. Faulkner defines it, ards his position as that discrimination by race is immoral. The He sees himself as other is that the laws of the Union bind all ietween the Citizens who live within the Union. To acquiesce and d, the National As- not to protest would make the middle position cement of Colored unprincipled and in the end untenable. s between those who The situation is one in which all the strong premacy" by nulli- passions tend to run to the two irreconcilable Court's decision and extremes-towards the fierce defense in the e Federal power, to deep South of the white way of life, towards ere, he asks, will a militant demand by the Negroes and their go if Federal en- friends for the vindication of their indubitable They will go, so he human rights. sistance of the Citi- There is little reason to believe that the issue can now be dealt with in the South as it was ilkner's plea is that after the Civil War-by nullification with the t now press for Fed- assent of the North. There is a new dynamic s would make it im-factor in the situation today-the rise of the ike himself to work American Negro to a position of very consid- e of integration. erable economic and political power. WE HAVE SEEN the first beginnings of what this may bring in the boycott in Mont- e gomery. There the .Negro population have ; ..tU iI IIIy practiced passive resistance-the classic tactic of weak and subject peoples. There is every reason to suppose that uncompromising and :taf militant resistance by the Citizens Councils in Managing Editor the deep South will-if it closes the door to ............. City Editor gradual reform--cause the Montgomery ex- Editorial Director ample to spread\ ....... Magazine Editor ........ Feature Editor Yet we can have no great hope that mutual ....... Associate Editor warnings like Mr. Faulkner's and mine, that ,..«.... Associate Editor these pious exhortations to reason and modera- ..,..... ASports Editor Associate Sports Editor tion, will in themselves be heeded. The basic Associate Sports Editor weakness of the middle position is that it does Women's Editor not now, that it does not as yet, represent a sociate women's 'Editor .... Chief Photographer practical and concrete program on which men of moderate temper have agreed to unite. Mr. taf Faulkner says "go slow now." But how slowly .Business Manager can we go without nullifying the Constitution? icute Business Manager -n . r-- mm.c. - -- . ..a .... .. NEEDLESS to say, there were no long faces among Republican leaders of Congress when they called at the White House for their first legislative meeting with Pres- ident Eisenhower following an- nouncement that he would seek re-election. Even sober-sided Bill Knowland of California, Senate GOP Leader, whose own Presidential hopes were jettisoned by the Eisenhower de- claration, seemed in high spirits. Knowland joined in congratulat- ing the President, remarked that he hasn't "looked better" since the adjournment of the last Congress. "I feel fine," agreed Ike. "Now that the tension is off, I hope we're all happier. I know I am. The outlook for the campaign is excellent. I've been getting splen- did reports from all over the coun- try." f R AS THE PRESIDENT and his callers got down to legislative busi- ness, Ike added with a sly grin: "Now I really would be ready for a celebration if Congress passed my flexible-support farm bill." GOP leaders frankly reported that it was'too early to celebrate on this but that the prospects for flexible supports were by no means hopeless if the farm- bill was re- ferred to a joint conference of the two houses of Congress. House Leaders Joe Martin and Charlie Halleck were more opti- mistic about the super-highway bill, another measure that has high priority with Eisenhower. They reported that GOP members of the House Ways and Means Commit- tee were confident that a satis- factory "financing plan" would be worked out for the highway bill, though not embodying the Presi- dent's -original proposal for the banks to float a bond issue. Ike replied that he still didn't favor the committee pay-as-you- go tax compromise worked out by the Democrats, but was willing to go along if this was the only hope A POSSIBLE conflict of interest lurks behind the scenes in the sudden opening up of the nation's wildlife refuges to oil and gas leas- ing after 50 years of resisting the oil companies. An ex-official of the Interior De- partment, Harry J. Donohue, former Aide to Assistant Secre- tary for Public Land Management Wesley D'Ewart, has now gone to work for an oil company. Dono- hue left Interior within a few days after new regulations were Issued opening 252 wildlife refuges to oil and gas operations. He has accepted as one of his first clients the Toklan Oil Corporation. Interestingly- enough, the Tok- lan Oil Corporation has an option on 20 oil-lease applications that were filed with the Interior De- partment by a speculator way back in 1951. To date the Interior De- partment has refused to grant the leases. The lands involved are in the of getting the super-roads through Congress. * * * bill Lower Souris National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota, one of the prize refuges opened to com- mercial oil operations while Dono- hue was still in the Department. QUERIED by this column as to whether be would be barred from representing the Toklan Oil Cor- poration in view of ,his recent con- nection with Interior, Donohue re- plied: "I don't think so." "I've looked over the regula- tions," Donohue said, "and gen- erally speaking, a former employee is only barred from defending a case involving a claim against the United States Government. My clients are only interested in oil leases, and they don't constitute a claim." Fact is, however, that Interior's rules of practice prohibit a former official from practicing before the Department "with respect to any matter to which he-personally gave consideration or as to which he personally gained knowledge while serving as an officer or employee of the United States . . .." (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) The author, in retrospect, states: "I wanted to move from division to unity, to say 'that we are all souls in one sorrow, and above all to say that the answer is in ourselves, in each individual, and that each individual has in him the elements of God. What will carry the day is the belief that the good in human nature is even more powerful than the evil, if, with our whole hearts and lives, we abide by it." It is unfair to say that Fry has nothing of import to tell us but it is a valid criticism to state that, with this play, he is not yet ready to begin. His verse, unlike T. S. Eliot's, is undistinguished nor has he matched his compatriot's dra- matic flairs. The lack of a plot is not in itself fatal but the discon- nected thoughts, buried in meta- phors, are. IT IS UNFORTUN4ATE that the DAC will end an otherwise excel- lent and inspiring season on such an unsuccessful note for the pro- duction also doesn't measure up to past acting achievements. Mssrs. Drischel, Metcalf and Gistirak seem (understandably unsure of their chores and only Sidney Walk- er shines through. -David Marlin RECITAL: Randall True Artist ISS STICH-RANDALL came to Ann Arbor with an enormous European reputation as a vocal ar- tist: and in her concert last night, she repaid expectations by prob- ably eighty percent. Her program was an ambitious, highly demanding one, ranging from German lider to coloratura arias by Donizetti. This being the case, it was no surprise that the results were uneven. Yet in every respect, even where she was not thoroughly satisfactory, she showed the admirable points of her artistry and her sound train- ing. WHAT THE CONCERT last night demonstrated was that Miss Stich-Randall is primarily an op- eratic artist. In singing, she likes to take her time and expand her voice, savoring every melodic curve and easily climbing to diamatic climaxes. In the declamatory Mozart concert aria, "Misera, Dove son" (K. 369), or the Puccini arias from "Boheme and "Butterfly," she was very effective: being both poetic and dramatic. But she seems to require the aid of sets and footlights to complete the dramatic illusion. Thus, in the aria "Ah, fors e lui" from "La Traviata," the opening quasi-reci- tative section seemed stilted and empty, and the coloratura section was a near disaster, leaving one the impression of a highly idio- syncratic interpretation. Her voice is not light: and the aria from Donizetti's "Don Pasquale" though executed efficiently (and sung in English, but one was aware of it) lacked the necessary sparkle and ironic wit. The Schubert and Brahms lied- er (and the Strass lieder -of the encore) were all delivered with the expansiveness and force typi- cal of an operatic artist. In every sense these gems of songs were a triumph, demonstrating the true magnitude of her artistry. She has a tendeney to take the slow numbers like "Der Jungling und der Tod" or "Nacht und Traume" very slowly, capitalizing on the quiet melodic line, savoring each silence, and dwelling on the mean- I in of t he t +tw* THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday editioni must be In by 2 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 VOL. ,LXVIII, NO. 23 General Notices Additional Ushers are needed for the matinee performance of The Magic Flute today. Contact the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office between 10 a.m. and noon today. DAIL1Z OFFICIAL BULLETIN !. Concerts AT THE ORPHEUM: 'Green Scarf' Good English Trial Film C n,+ A' A BLIND, deaf, and dumb man is found in a ship's stateroom with the corpse of a murdered pas- senger. The murder trial and par- ticularly the blind man's defense is recounted excitingly in "The Green Scarf." The deaf-mute is a talented and well-educated author, taught to understand sign language and braille by a priest who heads an institution for blind children. A childhood girl friend marries the successful author and it is during their return trip from a series of To The Editor lecture tours in America that the murder takes place. All circumstantial evidence points to the mute as the killer - his fingerprints are on the murder weapon and his hands are covered with the other man's blood. He_ confesses to the crime immediate- ly, though his wife swears that neither she nor her husband knew the murdered man. THE FILM is more than another of the English murder-trial type productions. The acting is skillful, and the dialogue brisk and always crucial to the development of the plot. George More O'Ferrall's di- rection had molded a picture of unusual understanding and sym- pathy. Michael Redgrave plays the el- derly defense lawyer with a great enjoyment of the part. The old man is brilliant, unorthodox, and eccentric in his efforts to gain acquittal for the blind man. The seemingly impossible task of at- tempting to create a defense for a deaf-mute who refuses to offer any word in his own behalf, pre- sents a challenging problem for the lawyer, and Redgrave accepts it happily. AS THE DEAF and blind mute, Kieron More captures the tortuired man's character in a portrayal out- standing in its high emotional im- pact and sensitive understanding. Ann Todd is the wife, and Leo Genn is the teacher of the blind. All the performers are among Britain's foremost acting talents, Virtuosi Di Roma, Renato Fasane, conductor will give the ninth program in the current Choral Union Concert Series, Tues., March 13, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower, and will also be on sale at tie Hill Auditorium box office at 7:00 the night of the performance. Academic Notices Kothe-Hildner Annual German Lan- guage Award. Offered to students in courses 31, 32, 34, 35, and 36. The con- test, (a translation .competition from German to English) arries two stipends of $45 and $30 respectively, and will be held from 2-4 p.m. Wed., March 21. Students who wish to compete should apply at the German Department Office by Mon., March 19. Anatomy Seminar: Monday, March 12, 5:00 p.m., Room 2501, East Medical Building. Dr. Phillip V. Tobias, Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, "The Kal- ahari Bushmen (Living Men of the Stone Age)" Aeronautical Engineering High Alti- tude Seminar. Dr. V. C. Liu of the Upper Atmosphere Research Group will speak on "Rarefied Gas Dynamics and. Upper Atmosphere Measurements, I," Mon., March 12, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg. Open to all seniors, graduate students, and staff members. Placement Notices: PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Thurs., March 15: U.S. Corp. of Engrs., Detroit, Mich, all levels in Civil, Const., Elect., Mech., and Sanitary; B.S. in Naval and Marine for Devel., Design, and Constru. A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, Il.-- B.S. and M.S. in Che. E., B.S. and M.S. in Ind. and Mech. for Prod., Const., Sales, and Time Study. Houdaille Ind., Inc., Highland Park, Mich.-B.S. and M.S. in Aero., Mech., and Engrg. Mech. for Research, Devel., and Design. Thurs., Fri., March 15 and 16: Scott Paper Co., Chester, Pa.-all levels in Che. E., Civil, Elect., Ind., Inst., Mech., and Eng. Mech. for Summer and Regular Research. Shell Oil Co., Emeryville, Calif.-PhD in Chem. . for Research, Devel., and Design.' Bell Telephone System - all levels Aero., Che. E., Civil, Const., Elect., Ind., Instru., Math., Engrg. Mech., Metal., Naval & Marine, Nuclear, Physics and. Science for Research, Dever., Prod., and Const. Fri., March 16: Oliver Machinery Co., Grand Rapids, Mich:-B.S. in Elect., Ind., Mech., and Engrg. Mech. for Product Design. U.S. citizens. Ohio Edison Co, Akron, Ohio - B.S. in Elect. and Mech. for Electric Utility jobs. State of Ohio, Dept. of Highway, Columbus, Ohio-all levels in Civil E. for all phases of highway devel. U.S. citizens. B.F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio-B.S. and M.S. in all E. progroms, Chem. and Physics for Devel., Design, and Const. Curtiss-Wright Corp., Propeller Div., Caldwell, N. J.-all levels in Aero., Elect., and Mech. for -Research, Devel., Prod., Mfg., Prod. Liaison, Performance Ana- lysis, Design, Stress Analysis. Huehe Resach and DPVPI.--A w - 1 A x, y I )c Ii proved Chances*.. To the Editor: MR. BUCKMASTER, in his re- cent letter (March 2), ques- tions the validity of what he calls the "propaganda" concerning in- creased funds for our schools. He questions the meaning of "better schools." He states that he be- lieves that the need for new, large, well equipped school buildings has been over-estimated. We would not argue that such buildings auto- matically mean that "Junior will get a good educational back- ground." We do reply, however, that his chances are improved in uncrowded classrooms where the are able to earn more proportion- ately in our summer jobs. And yet teachers are expected to keep up with 'social standards above their income brackets, and their pay! raises ar not in proportion to the rising costs of living. Mr. Buck- master insinuates that teachers ask twelve months salary for nine months work. A salary of $4,000 is only $333 a month whether it is received in nine pay checks or twelve. Yet teachers are expected to travel and increase their educa- tion during summers. The nine-month school year is more than just traditional carry- over from harvest. Most schools do have 1i mm' Y4nrngr'mehihl r 0 A I- xI *-I I