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March 08, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-08

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"ow Do You Think It Looks Fiom Over There"

'Western Front'


ltorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. .This must be notd in all reprints.
Overconfidence Could Lick GOP

Still Powerful
APPROXIMATELY a quarter century has passed since "All Quiet
On the Western Front" made its first appearance, but the film is
still profoundly beautiful and moving.
"Western Front" is basically a plea for pacifism, an outcry againkt
the destruction and misery of war. With great simplicity it traces

)RESIDENT Eisenhower is by no means "in"
for a second term.
Last Wednesday when President Eisenhower
vealed his intention to run again most Re-
iblicans began counting their November chick-
is. Democrats tried to make the most out of
id news by (under their breath) expressing
>nfidence of at least controlling the Congress.
Although pollsters say that at present 61%
' the people want Ike to rin again, three fore-
oding obstacles loom in he way of his No-
ember victory-losses he may suffer from cam-
aign issues, the fortune of 'peace and prosper-
y' in the next eight months, and GOP over-
It takes 266 electoral votes to win an elec-
on. Ike had 442 in 1952, but is likely to lose
uch of his surplus on two issues-the farmers'
light and the GOP's association with racial
itegration. This could lose him 52 conquests
i Indiana, Iowa and Kansas-Delaware, Mary-
nd, Florida, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee,
exas, and Virginia.
This would be a total loss of nearly 130 elec-
ral votes.
'Peace and prosperity' are subject to fortune.
lthough American troops aren't fighting any-
'here now, the situation in a sense could be
alled a Pyrrhic peace-the communists are
ourting in the Middle and Far East; Popular
ront rumors are being increasingly heard in
'rance, Greece, and Italy. A brushfire war
Let' Get Fa
EFORE the American Legion rushes off on,
more anti-Communist campaigns, it would
'ell be advisable for it to get its facts straight.
In its lates escapade, it has attacked the
niversity of Wisconsin, among other reasons,
rying the campus Labor Youth League (listed
y the Attorney General as subversive) spon-
ored the mammoth anti-racial bias petition
rculated at that university.
"The fact that the petition.. . was sponsored
y the LYL," Wisconsin Legion commander G.
'. Sipple charges, "is a clear cut illustration
f the fact that they invariably use a device
ke this-supposedly justified-to further their
Actually, the Labor Youth League was prae-
cally the only political organization. at the
niversity which did not sponsor the petition.
'he LYL's name appeared nowhere in the docu-
In the same statement, Sipple goes on to at-
ack the editorial policy of the student news-
aper, the Daily Cardinal, for only, featuring
egative opinions towards the McCarren-Wal-
er Act.
However, the editorial page he referred to
ontains an editorial endorsing -safe driving
rnd a statement concerned with the McCarren
riternal Security Act-not the McCarren-Wal-
er Immigration Act.
As if this were'not enough, he goes on to
ssail the university because it allows the
abor Youth League to exist.

in Korea, the Chinese straits, or elsewhere could
knock the GOP slogan down to half size.
The prosperity horizon looks stable, but the
Democrats could capture many votes with their
"Big Business-favoritism" attacks.
THE DEMS leave the 'health' issue alone
and impress upon the voters the urgency of
strong and active leadership in the next four
years they make make the most mileage.
Few Republicans really wish Richard Nixon
for sec6nd place on the ticket-except Ike, so
it looks like he will be there. This -could be
the GOP's most costly mistake. Because of
apprehension about the President's health, vot-
ers will eye the V.P. nominee carefully.
A factor less predictable (but something which
Thomas Dewey will tell you is significant) is
that Republicans may feel too confident of an'
Ike-led ticket, slacken the door-to-door cam-
paign work and even forget to vote.
The Democrats have their obstacles too, but
they exist internally and can be solved. They
are on the offensive and need be less cautious
of statements and less fearful of the coming
eight months.
The GOP will assume a bragging defensive
and hope that the.next eight months will sus-
tain peace, prosperity, and the President's
It will be a good race.
lets Straight
writes in bold capitals, and other publications
boasted of the existence of the organization on
our campus, and told of speakers appearing
and the number of students present and the
fine reception accorded the speaker."
CONTRARY to the Daily Worker's implica-
tions, the Labor Youth League on the Wis-
consin campus has a grand total of three mem-
And, at least according to the student news-
paper, most of the audience attending its
speeches come to jeer. .
When the American Legion usually makes
its charges, although everyone may not agree
with the disposition with which the Legion
meets the situation, most people may agree
that the overt facts (for example, the number
of people using the Fifth Amendment) are cor-
But when the specific facts referred to are
out and out wrong, then the Legion does not
have too strong a case.
Perhaps if commander Sipple did not rely
so heavily on the Daily Worker for his infor-
mation, the Legion's charges would be more
critical. But until the time comes when the
American Legion will try to find out what it's
talking about before it starts throwing charges
around, its charges had best be taken with a
grain of salt.

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the effect of death upon a group
for fighting, hoping to win glory
and triumph in the trench fight-
ing of World War I.
One by one the boys die, they
die in the mud, in quiet little hos-
pitals, in the burst of bombs. And
in one of the most famous cine-
matic scenes of all time, the last
surviving boy is ironically shot
while he reaches out to catch a
that "Western Front" shows its
Its sound track is often inaud-
ible; its lighting is seldom ade-
quate; its women look like buxom,
cigar-box adornments; its dialogue
is s(,metimes developed with an
excruciating naivete, occasionally
unbelievably so: these are tremen-
dous handicaps for any picture,
but the brilliance of "Western
Front" overcomes them all.
Some of the film's technical
shortcomings actually add a feel-
ing of pictoral and dramatic real-
ism. For example, the present
print is choppy and exhibits con-
siderable frame jumps. Added to
the dark-grained quality of the
photography, it gives the illusion
of newsreel shots. And the act-
ing, which is usually delivered
without any voice inflections,
seems remarkably appropriate for
the young boys.
to continuously avoid what has
since become film stereotype. It
has its lighter sides, its occasional
slapstick episod'e, its romantic in-
terlude, but these serve mainly as
a contrast to the grim business of
war that it is depicting.
After picturing the bodies of
young men being tortured, ripped
apart and "destroyed for nearly an
hour and three quarters, in its
final, tragic scene-a soldier's dead
hand reaching for a fluttering but-
terfly on a barren field of war-
it makes its point with terrifying
No war movie has ever said
AS PACIFISM has come and
gone out of style over and over
again, so has "Western Front."
During the Second WorldY War,
when Hollywood studios were- busi-
ly acclaiming the nation's armed
forces, it was seldom if ever shown.
But pacifism is a subject of great
delicacy, and "Western Front" ex-
pounds pacifism with such ve-
hemence, that it will probably al-
ways lay in quiet vaults for long
periods of time.
Like any great masterpiece, it
may not always convince, but it
always demands that one consider
what it has to say.
-Ernest Theodossin


of young schoolboys who volunteer

Morse Opposes Eastland

SOME significant backstage con-
ferences took place before and
after Sens. Wayne Morse of Oregon
and Herbert Lehman of New York
made their fight against Sen.
James Eastland of Mississippi to
be Chairman of the key Judiciary
One conference took place the
day before the Senate fight when
a group of liberal Democrats tried
to persuade Morse from taking a
stand against Eastland. They told
him he was sure to lose, was fight-
ing a hopeless battle.
"Eastland's friends will retaliate
against you by cutting appropria-
tions for public works,' Morse was
advised, referring to the fact that
public works are important to the
Far West.
"All you're doing is guaranteeing
that I make the speech," Morse
HE WENT ON to argue that

Eastland had virtually accused the
U. S. Supreme Court of treason,
therefore should not be in charge
of judicial matters; that he had
investigated the New York Times
when other members of his com-
mittee knew almost nothing about
the investigation; and that in gen-
eral Eastland had out-McCarthy'd
McCarthy. To make a man of this
type chairman of a committee
which passes on 50 per cent of the
Senate's legislation merely because
of the accident of seniority, Morse
argued, was a mistake.
But of the Liberals present, only
Neuberger of Oregon and McNam-
ara of Michiganagreed to go along
with him on a roll-call vote.
Later from 7 to 8:30 that eve-
ning Morse met with Acting Delio-
cratic Leader Earl Clements of
Kentucky and Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey of Minnesota who also urged
him not to make the fight against

Next day Morse went ahead with
the speech. He did not attack East-
land personally, nor the right of
Mississippi to send whomever it
wished to the Senate. He did criti-
cize the placing of a man at the
head of the Judiciary Committee
who would act as the spokesman
of the entire Senate, yet who, he
said, did not represent the Senate.
Finally Eastland himself came
out of the cloakroom and slid into
a seat beside the Senator from
Oregon who had challenged his
right to be Judiciary Chairman.
"Wayne," he said, "I feel badly
that you were against me, but youI
and I are lawyers, and I want to
thank you for the high plane of
your legal argument."
And as usually happens in the
U.S. Senate, the two men contin-
ued to differ on issues but con-
tinued to follow the traditions of
the "world's msot exclusive club."
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

THE Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the Lecture Series at Hill
Auditorium on March 7, had late per-
mission until 11:10 p.m.
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the Speech Department
Opera had late permission until 11:20.
Meeting for all members and prospec-
tive members of the Society for the
Advancement of Management (S.A.M.)
Thurs., March 8, 4:00 p.m., Room 225,
West Engineering.
The following student sponsored social
events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are reminded
that requests for approval for social
events are due in the Office of Student
Affairs not later than 12:00 noon on the
Tuesday prior to the event.
March 9: Alice Lloyd, Delta Sigma Pi,
Delta Theta Phi. Phi Delta Phi, Sigma
Nu, Theta Chi.
March 10: Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma Phi, Chinese
Students Club, Delta Chi, Delta Tau
Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Gomberg, Kel-
sey, Nu Sigma N, Phi Delta Phi, Phi
Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta.
Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Omega, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon, Strauss, Taylor, Theta Xi, Van
Tyne, Phi Delta Epsilon.
March 11: Phi Delta Phi.
Psychology Colloquium and University
Lecture. Dr. Harry Harlow, George C.
Comstock, professor of psychology, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin. "The Macaque
Monkey's Monthly Menl Maturity
Measurement." Fri. Mard 9, 4:15 p.m.,
Angell, Aud. B.
Teresa Stich-Randall, distinguished
operatic star, who has made sensational
operatic successes in Europe, will give
one of her four American concerts in
the Extra Concert Series, Fri., March 9,
at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower and will also be
available after 7:00 o'clock on the night
of the performance at the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
Academic Notices
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, Natural Resources
and Public Health: Students, who re
ceived marks of I, X, or 'no reports' at
the end of their last semester or sum-
mer session of attendance, will receive
a grade of "E" in the course or
courses, unless this work is made up.
In the School of Music this date is
March 10. In the Schools of Business
Administration, Education, Natural
Resources and Public Health, the date
is March 13. Students, wishing an
extension of time beyond these dates
in order to make up this work, should
file a petition, addressed to the appro-
priate officials of their School, with
Room 1513 Administration Building,
where it will be transmitted.
Organic Chemistr~y Seminar. 7:30 p.
M., Room 1300 Chemistry Building. C. J.
Verbanic will speak on "Solvent and
Steric Effects on Hyperconjugation."
Physical- Analytical- Inorganic Chem-
istry Seminar. 7:30 p.m., Room 3005
Chemistry Building. Prof. R. K. Mc-
Alpine will speak on "The Autooxidation
of Iodine in Alkaline Solution."
Mathematics Colloquium: Thursday,
March 8, at 4:10 p.m., in Robm 3011
A.H. Prof. G. Kreise, of the University
of Reading and Institute for Advanced
Study, will speak on "Transcendental
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet Thurs., March 8, Room
3401 Mason Hall from 4:0-5:30 pm.
L. Kish will speak on "The Problems of
Variance Computations for Cluster

Interdepartmental Seminar on Applied
Meteorology, Thurs., Mach 8, 4 p.m.,
Room 441 Natural Science Bldg. Prof.
Samuel A. Graham will speak on "Forest
Microclimates and Insect Populations.""
Events Today
The Magic Flute will be presented by
the Department of Speech, the School
of Music and the Department of Physi-
cal Education for Women tonight at
8 p.m. in' the Lydia Mendelsoohn The-
atre, Tickets are available at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office: $1.75-$1.40-$1.00.
Late-comers will not be seated during
the overture.
Free Films: University Museums, 4th
floor Exhibit Hall. "Grouse of the
Grasslands" and "Happy Valley" (Nova
Scotia). Daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.,
including Sat, and Sun., with extra
showing Wed, at 12:30. Through Feb.


rt t1

'Israel Will Survive in Mideast'-Efirnenco'

qh h The Farm Problem.

IN A PRECEDING article, I discussed the fal-
lacy of supposing that the problem of the
farm surpluses can be solved in any serious
measure by dumping surpluses abroad. We
are left with the task of managing the farm
problem at home.
Needless to say, I do not know how to solve
the farm problem. I know just enough about
it, however, to' be reasonably certain that no
solution of the problem is now, in sight, and
that the best we can hope.for from the meas-
ures being debated in Congress is that the ag-
grieved farmers will get some degree of tem-
porary relief.
It cannot do any harm, and it might possibly
lead to something useful, to ask ourselves-as
if we had just arrived from Mars-what it is
that we are trying to do. It transpires; I be-
lieve, that we do not usually, if ever, say direct-
ly what it is that we are trying to do.
What we are trying to do is to provide the
farm population with incomes which keep pace
with the incomes of the industrial population.
It is now an accepted rule, which no public
man disputes, that the income of farmers must
not stand still, much less may it fall, in rela-
tion to industrial income. That is the mean-
ing of what is called parity.
Now the fact is that during this century-
at least since World War I-farmers' incomes
if left to themselves have tended to fall away
from parity. To prevent this falling away
from parity is the 'object of all the farm plans.
They are at bottom of two kinds. One is to
restore parity directly, the other is to restore
it indirectly.
T.HE DIRECT way would be to vote the farm-
ers a federal subsidy to cover the deficit
between the income they earn and the income
which under the principle of parity they ought

A direct subsidy system would work out some-
thing like this. In the case of cotton, for ex-
ample-where there is one of our largest and
most stubborn surpluses-total market require-
ments, both domestic and foreign, would be
estimated for the crop year. Farmers would
be assigned production quotas in terms of bales.
Cotton would be sold at market prices and
would no longer be supported at non-competi-
tive levels.
Subsidies would be paid directly to the farm-
er to make up the difference between the price
he sells his cotton for and the amount gie
should receive to maintain his income in parity
with the economy as a whole. Production
limitations would be compulsory for those farm-
ers who elect to receive the subsidy.
This system would have many advantages
over the present system. At prices which are
competitive and meet the actual conditions of
supply and demand, cotton sales could probably
be increased. In any event they would not
pile up in unused surpluses which are not only
wasteful but by their very existence exerts a
depressing influence on cotton prices and mar-
The cost of the subsidy to the government
and the taxpayer would probably be lower
through the elimination of storage and insur-
ance costs and a reduction in administrative
expenses. And finally, what is perhaps most
important, the long-run adjustment of pro-
duction and consumption would be improved.
For such a subsidy system would rely on market
prices to allocate the farmers' productive ef-
forts more realistically.
It seems to me that if the direct method is
the easier to work effectively, we should not

Daily Staff Writer
IN A University classroom recent-
ly, the professor prefaced his
lecture with the remark that
whereas he had previously thought
it necessary to explain why study
of the Near East is important,
current newspapers are presenting
even more pertinent reasons.
News of tensions in the Near
East is raising interest in an area
hitherto unknown to the average
American. Prof. N. Marbury Efi-
menco of the political science de-
partment, who teaches courses in
international relations and the
Near East, here reviews current
problems in the area.
Q. What are the possibilities of
a permanent peaceful settlement
of the Arab-Israeli situation?
A. No kind of peaceful settle-
ment is possible unless both sides
are willing to accept some compro-
mise formula and move away from
the rigid positions assumed to
A second solution might be found
in pressure exerted by the Big
Three powers to maintain peace
and force Israel and the Arab
states to draw a permanent boun-
dary line. The Big Three might
also guarantee the boundaries,
which might require troops main-
tained on Cyprus ready for action.,
Another Big Three responsibil-
ity is to put pressure on Israel,
Jordan, Syria and Lebanon to ac-
cept development of a Jordan
River Authority. A large-scale loan
should be advanced to help start
the project.
Boundary lines will have to be
readjusted to take into account in-
equities of the present armistice
lines which in many cases separate
farm lands from the villages.
A third solution might be the

now prevents. Modern education
will help to erase vengeance ideas
and intransigent attitudes on the
part of the Arabs.
A final possibility would be a
final round of war ending with the
destruction of either side. Present
conditions do not make this likely,
Q. What are the views of the
Arab states on the dispute?
A. They believe the partition is
invalid and refuse to accept Israel
as a state. Secondly, they hold that
the minimum price of any peace
settlement is a return to the United
Nations resolution for partition
of 1947. The significance of this
is that the present demarcation
lines are based on the results of
the Palestine War which netted
Israel 220 square miles of territory.
They also call for repatriation
and compensation of Arab refugees
who lost their property in the war,
and they insist on the readjust-
ment of the demarcation lines
which separate villages from the
Q. What is the stand of Israel?
A. The government of Israel of-
fers a peace settlement based upon
the principle of non-aggression
pacts and does not favor any ces-
sion of territory to the Arab states.
It wants the present boundaries
guaranteed by the western powers.
Israel has been willing to permit
families to be reunited but wants
refugees to be settled in Arab ter-
ritory. It has in principle admitted
compensation with two conditions:
That Israel be given an economic
loan and that the Arab states re-
move their economic boycott.
Finally Israel says the Arab
states must recognize the existence
of the new state and treat it as an
equal in the area.
Q. Do you believe Israel will

e. "both sides must compromise"
Q. Will the United States and/or
Great Britain send. troops to the
Near East to maintain peace?
A. It is a possibility. In case the
military strength of Egypt should
present a danger of increased bor-
der conficits and indicate a re-
sumption of hostilities, it is likely
that Anglo-American troops may
be sent in.
The drawback to this is Soviet
criticism. The basis of Russian
foreign policy is the attempt to de-
stroy the basis for American troops
on foreign soil. But if border hos-
tilities increase, it would leave
the Big Three no choice.
Q. What is United States policy
toward the Near East?
A. We have not changed it fun-
damentally since the partition of
Palestine. We still base our policy
on a peaceful settlement on mu-

Soviet aggression and to extend
economic aid to increase the pro-
ductivity and standard of living
in the area and thereby favor the
growth of democratic institutions.
Q. What is the significance of
the Baghdad Pact?
A. It aims at guarding the vital
regions on the eastern and south-
ern part of the Arab world by
strengthening the northern por-
tion and linking the area to the
North Atlantic Defense Pact, of
which Turkey is: a member.
Actually, in strategic position,
the inclusion of Iraq is a liability,
but the Pact seeks to make a solid
link in the chain of states from
Scandinavia to Pakistan'
Q. What are Russias objectives
in the Near East?
A. Soviet objectives in the area
are largely misunderstood. From
the record, Soviet policy appears
to be basically mischief-making-
to stir up nationalistic feelings in
the area against the West. Other
policies have been to send stiff
notes'threatening dire consequenc-
es if any state joins western pacts,
and offering large favorable trade
agreements and loans on a mu-
tually favorable basis.
Q. What are the basic problems
in the Near East today?
A. The basic problem is to carry
out social and land reform pro-
grams that would increase the
standard of living on a wider basis.
There must be some kind of corre-
lation between technical improve-
ments along with social welfare
and planning, particularly at the
village level.
Another problem calls for train-
ing of administrative staffs to
develop standards of loyalty, effi-
ciency and devotion to the public.
The area also needs an increase
in the size of foreign investments




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