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La test Deadline in the State
D~ali 4
VOL. LXV, No. 105
Eden Aims
At Egyptians
Claims Country
Double. Dealing
LONDON (WP)-Prime Ministe
Anthony Eden last night accuse
Egypt of double-dealing with th
Eden made the charges agains
Egypt in winding up an uproariou-
House of Commons debate on th
government's Middle East crisi
The House gave the Prime Mm
ister a 312-252 vote of confidence-
a majority of 60-after he de
clared the United States and Brit
ain are determined to prdvent an
changes of Israeli-Arab boundarie
by force.
Two-Faced Policy
In a fighting: half-hour spect
Eden declared Egypt is following
a two-faced policy of professing
friendship with the Western
Powers on the one hand, and in
citing' hostilities against them oi
4 the other.
He accused the Cario govern
ment of trying to disrupt Brit
ain's' relations with Jordan b:
means of abusive radio broadcastE
Jordan last week fired Lt. Gen.
John Bagot Glubb, a Briton, a
commander of the 20,000-man
Arab Legion. The move caused
sharp resentment in Britain.
"If the Egyptians want friendly
relations with the Western Power
these can begot, but not at an
price," Eden declared.
Working Hand-in-Hand'
Eden said Britain and the Unite
States are working hand-in-han
in efforts to maintain peace in the
troubled Middle East.
Sh o ut in g over interruptions
Eden told Commons he stood firm-
ly behind the Baghdad Pact as the
foundation of Britain's Middle
East policies. He said this pact i
creating "a unity in a wide area o
the Middle East which had never
existed before."
The pact links Arab Iraq and
Britain, Turkey, Iran and Pakis.
tan in a northern tier defense al.
liane aimed at preventing Soviet
penetration into the Middle East
and southern Asia.
U Awaiting
The University is still awaiting
a formal invitation to become a
member of the reactivated and re-
named Detroit Regional Airport
F Authority.
Some weeks ago, University of-
ficials expressed a reluctance to
joining the organization because
of a firm commitment with the
Airlines National Terminal Ser-
vice Co.
Formerly called the Detroit
Metropolitan Avaition Authority,
the DRAA was begun late in the
1940's and has been inactive for
the past few years.
During the past three months
meetings have been held to get
the group going again, renaming
It the DRAA. The University was
invited to attend some of the re-
cent meetings.
The Authority is composed of
Smembers representing Macomb,
Wayne and Oakland Counties, De-
troit's mayor, the Detroit common
council and the Michigan depart-
ment of Aeronautics.
The University was then asked
informally to. join the organiza-
tion because of its owning Willow
Run Airport, which lies half in
Wayne and half in Washtenaw
z County.
Under the organization, all air-
ports in the area will have mutual
contract agreements with the
DRAA, which will 1 00 resources
and d i s t r i b u t e transportation
among the companies rather than
have excessive competition.
The organization would also con-
trol trasportation rates of the air-
Originally the old DMAA was
only an advisory group with little
or no power in itself.
Film Travelogue
Set For Tonight
Report Heard
eHRB Claims Restaurants, Two 'U'
Departments Segregating Negroes
Student Government Council last night heard reports of alleged
discrimination affecting University students from Robert Cohler, '56,
member of the Human Relations Board.
Cohler reported that two University administrative departments
are allegedly discriminating against Negroes. In addition he cited
the investigation of two restaurants in regard to possible patron
Cohler also brought up discrimination in Ann Arbor barber shops,
reporting that one shop had changed its policy.
A review of the degree of control SGC should exercise over the
Board was called for by the Council. In two weeks, after study by
'the Student Representation Com-
"Really snowed" is the way
Roger Greenberg, '57, describes
his reaction to winning a hi-fi
set in a national contest.
Greenberg submitted three
names for the filter tip of a
famous cigarette. He can't re-
member any of the three names
and doesn't even know which
one won the contest.
"I was pleased, grateful and
surprised. I've been told the
set is on it's way," he said.
Greenberg explained that he
smokes non-filter cigarettes.
-Daily-vern Soden
opened series.
fEast Needs
Of West
"A combination of Western
science and Eastern philosophy
will provide the answer to Asiatic
problems," Dr. Everett R. Clinchy,
President of the National Confer-
ence of Christians and Jews, said
Opening the annual "Religion
Today" series, Clinchy emphasized
Nehru's objections to Western mis-
sionaries. Nehru is willing to allow
school and hospital construction
by missionaries, Clinchy said. How-
ever he objects to attempts of
various religious groups to win
converts in India. -
Clinchy added that Billy Gra-
ham's recent visit was successful
because he only spoke to groups
of Christains rather than attempt-
ing to make conversions.
Stressing the idea that most,
Asiatic countries want Western
technology, Clinchy said threei
basic aims of these nations "edu-i
Cation, electricity, cottage industry
are what, these people need most,4
he explained.
Bali was cited as an example of1
an Asiatic country in need of
technological progress. Though
this country is commonly consid-
ered a tropic paradise, a great dealj
of proverty exists.
Developing his basic theme
"Family of Man," Clinchy stated
that the present government of
Burma is encouraging a swing to-
ward religion. Leaders are empha-
sizing that people must be good
in a moral sense in order to copef
adequately with problems.
Dr. Clinchy will speak again atf
8 p.m. today in the Rackham<
mittee the case will be reviewed at
SGC meeting.
SGC also took action on the
changed academic calendar for
1956-57. A motion was made re-
questing Assistant to the President
Erich A. Walter to establish a
standing committee on the Univer-
sity academic calendar, to include
members from the faculty, admin-
istration and student body.
In regard to last week's motion
on the proposed counseling study,
Council President Hank Berliner,
'56, reported that Vice President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
has consulted with all elements
concerned "plus a few more."
Lewis probably will be able to
make a report on study committee
structure at next week's council
In response to a Finance Com-
mittee motion, the Council lowered
the price of Homecoming Dance
tickets to $3. The quality of the
dance is to be maintained and all
profits are to be applied by the
Council toward student purposes."
It was reportec that fifteen can-
didates for SGC had returned peti-
tions by the deadline of 6 p.m. last
night. Two of these candidates
are incumbents.
A bid by the International Stu-
dents Association to extend peti-
tion time limit in order to get the
required amount of signatures for
a foreign student's petition was re-
jected by the Council.
IUEW Rejects
Peace Plan
WASHINGTON (M)--The striking
International Union of Electrical
Workers last night reportedly re-
jected a government peace plan
to settle the 143-day Westinghouse
James B. Carey, IUE president,
refused to tell reporters after a
meeting of the 75-man Westing-
house Conference Board what the
board had decided, although aides
said the board had reached a
Carey angrily rebuffed reporters'
queries and invited one woman re-
porter to leave the union's build-
ing. Reporters insisted that the
union decision would not "keep"
until a news conference which
Carey scheduled for this morning.
Although IUE officials were cau-
tioned carefully by Carey not to
disclose the union's decision, sev-
eral of them said that the union
had refused to accept, at least in
full, the government-proposed set-
tlement terms already accepted by
It appeared that the union to-
morrow would give the govern-
ment a conditional acceptance,
tantamount to rejecting the full
settlement plan. The union has
sought terms somewhat better
than the proposed ones, but neither
the governm'et panel which draft-
ed them nor the company has in-
dicated any willingness to deviate
from the plan.
Country Hit
By Violent
By The Associated Press
It was 104 degrees colder in
West Yellowstone, Mont., than in
Miami yesterday as violent March
weather hit many sections of the
Flooding rains, thunderstorms, a
twister, subzero cold, snow and
blowing dust topped off the flim-
atic mixture.
A surge of artic air skidded the
mercury to -32 degrees at West
Yellowstone early yesterday while
Miami was enjoying a balmy 72.
At midday, extremes ranged
from -4 at Devils Lake and Minot,
N. D., to 98 at Brownsville, Tex.
Heavy rains and melting snow
sent creeks and some rivers out of
their banks in New York State.
Flash floods closed main high-
ways out of Corning and U.S. 20
west of Albany. A boy was drowned
and a college student reported mis-
sing in a canoe accident.
Floodwaters began receding but
conditions were described as "pro-
gressively more serious" in south
central New York.
Plattsburgh, near the Canadian
border in northeastern New York,
was hit by a blizzard which;
dumped seven inches of snow in;
the area.
An advancing cold front that
touched off destructive tornadoes
in parts of the Midwest Tuesday
night caused severe local thunder-
storms in Kentucky and Tennes-
The Midwest tornadoes caused
one death and left property dam-1
age estimated between one and1
two million dollars.1
The cold front, advancing onf
strong northerly winds, pushed to-
the southern tip of Texas. The
winds kicked up considerable
blowing dust in southern 'texas,1
especially in the Rio Grande Val-E
Plan OK'd
Try To Negotiate
Indian Dispute
KARACHI, Pakstan (") - The
SEATO powers yesterday endorsed
Pakistan's plans for settling the
dispute with India over Kashmir.
They gave similar support to
Pakistan, a staunch SEATO mem-
ber, in its border tribelands feud
with Afghanistan.
India and Afghanistan on these
fronts have the endorsement and
encouragement of the Soviet lead-
'Evil Tactics'
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles denounced the Soviet posi-
tion as "evil tactics.".
Sec. Dulles is here attending the
annual SEATO Council session on
an Asian tour that takes him next
to India.
The Islamic Republic of Pakis-
tan seeks a settlement of the future
ownership of Kashmir through a
United Nations-sponsored plebis-
cite in that largely Moslem state
lying close to the Soviet Union
in Central Asia. It seeks to paci-
fy the Pathan tribes on the Afghan
frontier in the same general area.
No Dissenting Voice.
On their visit to India last year, I
both Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin and Communist party chief
Nikita Khrushchev referred to
Kashmir asa part of India. They='
voiced approval of Afghanistan'sI
campaign to carve an independent
state, Pushtoonistan, from the
border-straddling Pathan terri-;
Official sources said there werea
no dissenting voices in the closed
meeting Wednesday when Pakistan<
asked the support of her seven
SEATO partners - the Uniteds
States, Britain, France, Thailand,
Australia, New Zealand and the
Secretary of State Dulles said
"the evil -tactics" of the SovietF
rulers are responsible for bringingr
trouble to Southeast Asia.
Sec. Dulles' support of Pakistan'st
Kashmir plebiscite demand coulde
raise as much anger in India asf
his earlier statement in Washing-t
ton calling Goa-Portuguese Indiat
-a province of Portugal.
Sec. Dulles is to fly to New Delhir
after the SEATO meeting to meets
Prime Minister Nehru, whose gov-I
ernment has firmly resisted aa
Kashmir plebiscite.-
-Daily-vern Soden
ORATOR COMPETES in Union's annual speech contest. Howard.
Walker, '57, as he spoke last night on "Foreign Aid."
Davidson Wins Union's
Annual Speech Contest
Presenting "A Case for Wiretapping," George Davidson, '57, yes-
terday won the Union's annual speech contest and an engraved
Second place and an engraved plaque went to Gipria Szweda, '57,
who spoke on United States education, while a speech on anti-intel-
lectualism won third place and a plaque for Harvey Williams, '57.j
In his winning 'oration, Davidson recalled, the conviction of
Judith Coplin for espionage was overruled by the Supreme Court on
the grounds that it had been based on evidence obtained through
Iwiretapping."This, D a v i d s o:
t j1(.1--=
National Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Dwight D . Eisenhower yesterday
strongly advocated "urgent and early action" bythe United Nations
to keep war from breaking out in the Middle tast.
* * *
NEW YORK-Negro coed Autherine Lucy indicated yesterday that
she has abandoned hope of getting into the University of Alabama
T But she said she'll try again in
Cutting Enrollment Difficult
the fall.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of interpretive articies on
the housing situation. Today's article
will discuss the problems of limiting
Limiting enrollment is not an
easy task for a state-supported
Even if University administra-
tors could have forseen the num-
bers coming there is probably not
much they could have done to
avert a severe shortage.
Any decision to limit enrollment
wnuld have to h mad at the
way but not enough to seriously
curtail enrollment. The bulk of the
University's funds comes from
Michigan taxpayers, taxpayers who
would not favor entrance require-
ments which threatened to ex-
clude a substantial portion of
their sons and daughters.
Director of Admissions Clyde
Vrooman points out that any move
to cut enrollment would probably
affect out-state students first.
Cosmopolitan Nature
If the ratio of out-state to in-
state students -were seriously al-
tered he note the ensmvnnit-an
termined enrollment on the basis
of available housing," he told the
Housing Not Tapped
Shile said he doesn't think
housing facilities in Ann Arbor
are fully tapped yet. "There are
still places available if you look
for them," he claims.
Another espect of the enroll-
ment problem is the responsibility
of the University to the increased
numbers of students who want an
With population increasing and
ernnnmie nn+nrlmn. nhla
yesterday turned down a proposal
to permit government workers to
remain on the payrolls after the
age of 70 if they are able and
The proposal would have re-
pealed existing compulsory retire-
ment at 70 for government workers
with at least 15 years of employ-
night arrested a 33-year-old Bronx
horse trainer and said he single-
handedly engineered the slick
$188,000 bank holdup Friday in
w e a l t h y suburban Westchester
FBI agents nabbed Arthur L.
Paisnuer in a Bronx hospital
charged, "is how hundreds, maybe
even thousands are getting away
If wiretapping were allowed for;
such things as personal gain," it
would be a "dirty, rotten business."'
H o w e v e r, Davidson contended,
"used only in cases of national se-
curity and with the most careful
safeguards, wiretapping and priv-
acy are compatible."
Criticizes Inconsistencies
He criticized what he called in-
consistencies in present laws which
allow wiretapping itself but forbid
evidence so gained from being ad-
mitted in courts of law.
He also cited cases in which
the Supreme Court had admitted
evidence obtained through record-
ers concealed in homes, and added
that state courts now admit wire-
tapping evidence.
"Privacy is a relative thing;
relative to our times, our needs,
and the protection of our people,"
Davidson continued. "Wiretapping
and privacy are compatible, just
as one and -one are two."
Other Competitors
Others competing in the Union's
contest were Bernard Rozran, '58,
"A Freud In Your Future?", Du-
ane Diedrich, '56, "A Teacher Af-
fects Eternity," Jesse Meyers, '57,
"Listen," William Granse, '58, "The
Value of Failure," -Sonja Dunson,
'58, "The Constitution of the
United States," Keith Pohl, '56-
BAd, "Another Big Parade," and
Howard Walker, '57, "Foreign
Master of ceremonies for the
contest was Roy Lave, '57E, chair-
man of the Union Relations com-
mittee. Union staff member in
charge of the project was Robert
Hlonigman, '59.
dThe contestants were judged on
delivery, diction, originality, and
their adjustment to their topics.
Judges for the contest were teach-
ing fellows in the speech depart-
ment- Bernard Kissel, Walter Stev-
ens and Stephen Hiten.
Famous Soprano
To Sing At Hill
Soprano Teresa Stich-Randall,
well-known for her interpretation
of Mozartean roles, will sing at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audit-
Ike Defers
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower vigorously
dashed cold water yesterday on
"dump Nixon" talk.
But he refused for a second time
to say whether he wants the vice
president as his 1956 running mate,
and he said he has invited Vice-
President Richard Nixon to chart
his own political future.
President Eisenhower also de-
clared at a news conference that
if he himself ever should feel
physically unable to carry on the
essential duties of the White House
"I won't be there."
He didn't spell out what this
could mean in terms of concrete
action-such as cancelling out his
week-old-.decision to seek a second
term, or resigning the Presidency.
He did say at another point, how-
"I have said, unless I felt abso-
lutely up to the performance of
the duties of the president, the
second that I didn't, I would no
longer be there in the job or I
wouldn't be available for the job."
And he said he would communi-
cate such a decision "instantly"
to the American people.
The President bridled when
asked about reports some advisers
were urging him to "dump" Nixon
from this year's ticket-and that
President Eisenhower himself had
suggested Vice - President Nixon
stand aside. and maybe take a
Cabinet post.
'Shrink' Plan
Chagedto Ike
3.ISparkman (D-Ala.) charged last
night that President Dwight D.
Eisenhower plans to "shrink" the
presidency, thus endangering the
constitutional balance of power.
Sen. Sparkman, in a radio
SGC Votes
To Postpone
Four Alternatives
Climaxing four weeks of "in-
centive, objective" work, the Pan-
hellenic-Assembly rushing study
committee last night submitted a
majority report in favor of spring
rushing for the sorority syytem.
Student Government Council
voted to 'postpone action on the
report until next week, defeating a
motion by Daily Managing Editor
Dave Baad, '56, to accept the ma-
jority report following discussion
at last night's meeting.
At the same time, SGC also re-
ceived from the Interfraternity-
Inter House Council study group,
a thick survey-data report con-
taining four alternatives to the
fraternity rushing setup.
Recommendations To Come
No recommendations were made
in the IFC-IHC report. IHC Presi-
dent Tom Bleha, '56, said, however,
there will be definite recommenda-
tions submitted to SGC members
by Monday.
Both reports were made to the
Council as approximately 25 inter-
ested constituents attended the
regular meeting in the Michigan
Room of the League.
The Panhel-Assembly report,
presented by the four-member
study committee, was also accom-
panied by a minority opinion.
All four members of the Panhel-
Assembly group.participatedlnan-
swering questions directed at them
by Council members and constit-
Questions ranged from the com-
prehensiveness and validity of sur-
vey material to degree of coverage
of areas of alumni concern and
Intend Permanent Setup
Study committee members said
that, although the recommenda-
tion was for the academic year be-
ginning 1957, the intent of the
conclusion is that spring rushing
is the best setup on a permanent
In answer to a question from the
floor, the committee reported that
attitudes of those working on-the
study apparently changed from
unanimous agreement with -the
present system to the majority-
minority report submitted last
The full Panhel-Assembly re-
port conclusion stated that "fall
rushing is mechanically advan-
tageous to the sorority system and
to campus 'organizations* and that
spring rushing is advantageous to
the emotional adjustment of the
individual to the University.
"Because we are confident that
the individual must be of primary
concern, (we) by a majority de-
cision recommend (spring rush-
'No Meatball'
Upon completion of a review of
the IFC-IHC report by Bleha
Council member Bob Leacock, '57,
termed the report, "in view of the
original motion, a plate of spaghet-
ti without a meatball.
"There is not a centralizing force
within this whole report," Lea-
cock said. "We wanted one definite
recommendation. It's difficult to
consider the report without one."
Leacock solemly concluded,
"You've had a long time to com-
plete this, and I'm disappointed."
Baad said, "Although the spirit
of the original motion has been
violated somewhat, I think the
Council can assume with a little
extra time, there will be some def-
inite recommendations next week."
A motion to postpone consider-
ation of the report until next week.
was then passed,
Fry Play To Open
The final Dramatic Arts Center