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March 07, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-07

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"You Don't Have Any Seniority In This Club"

A Opinions Are Free,
uth Will revaW'

Magic Flute Enchants
A udienc e with Magic
THE MAGIC FLUTE fille the Mendelssohn Theatre with its utterly
bewitching strains. This magic however was not merely Mozart's
music, but an alchemy of Conductor Blatt's exacting- yet judicious
pacing, the young and refreshing voices of the performers, the clean,
limpid playing of the orchestra, all of which generated a lively pro-
In the overture, for example, the rigor of the tempo and the warm,
molten tones of the brasses made the section following the fugue
most exciting. From the moment the three ladies entered the stage,

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


)NESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956


No Harm Inviting All Shades
Of Opinion Here

MUCH TALK and much theory were turned
into concrete action by Inter-House Coun-
cil last week. Its decision to sponsor a series of
panel discussions on controversial issues was
an. essential first step toward stimulating stu-
dent thinking on important national, world and
local issues.
Monthly discussion sessions might be a drop
in the bucket and will likely make little inroad
into the apathetic acceptance attitude preva-
lent at the University. But the initiative had
to come from some place. IHC is to be highly
commended for moving into this area.
With an audience nucleus in the Quadrangles
IHC's panel discussions should be well attended.
Although the three panels this spring will be
held in each of the Quadrangles there is no-
reason why the programs shouldn't attract large
gatherings from other housing groups. If IHC
can select some real controversial topics for
these opening programs, the accompanying suc-
cess might inspire other campus groups to turn
into reality ideas for stimulating discussion.
Recent attacks on intellectual complacency
have already sparked some initial action from
other groups. Student Government Council's
Education and Welfare Committee is beginning
consideration of panel sessions similar to IHC's.
But another idea has exciting possibilities.
There is movement underway to form a com-
mittee specifically designed to invite contro-
versial personalities to the University to speak.
The group, presently in the embryonic stage,
may soon ask SGC for recognition.

T HE PROPOSED organization admits invita-
tions would not exclude men with Marxist
leanings, men associated with groups presently
on the Attorney General's subversive activities
Although many students, contacted to join
the group, may turn down invitation to mem-
bership on the basis that the group is designed
to propagandize thinking they are far out of
sympathy with, few say the group would prove
detrimental to the University.
Whether you agree with extreme left-wing
thinking or not there is need for expression for
all viewpoints on this campus. Since the young
Progressives left and the Young Democrats have
been financially weak, there has been a notic-
able de-emphasis in presentation of the ex-
tremist school of thought. It can do no more
than challenge foundations of more middle-of-
the-rad thught.
Of course its speakers would have to be
passed by the Lecture Committeq. But if spon-
sored by a responsible, recognized student group
and designed to stimulate thinking on the day's
crucial issues there could be little harm in in-
viting representatives of all shades of opinion.
The extremes get people stimulated. The
University needs stimulation beyond the daily
gossip of the college coffee shops. Inter-House
Council is on the right track, but by themselves
the panels' benefits will be at most negligible.
The committee for inviting speakers is an im-
portant addition and deserves strong encour-
--DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor

it was evident that this was to be
semble singing-and this was de-
monstrated throughout the opera.
THE CROWN for the evening
went to Miss Kronlokkgen, not only
because she was Pamina and looked
as lovely and regal as a Wedge-
wood figure, but because she used
her warm and lovely voice with
telling effect. She sang effortlessly
with musicianly control.
The role of Sarastro is one of
the hardest to fill because it re-
quires an extreme vocal range with
phenomenally low notes: but Mr.
Patterson more than ably filled
the need. He has a full and easy
voice which is sumptuously rich
in the middle register, and he sang
easily and faultelessly. His phras-
ing in the aria "O Isis and Osiris"
was exemplary and moving, while
his scenes with Miss Kronlokken
when they both sang with great
eloquenc ewere some of the high
points of the evening.
* * *
Astrafiamante d i s c h a r g e d the
cruelly difficult coloratura pass-
ages with great honor. But more,
she managed to invest the role
with a semblance of sinister in-
tent, albeit it was youthful evil.
Mention should be made of Mr.
Brandzel who sang Papageno. He
has a wonderful comic talent, well
suited to this child of nature, and
his enunciation was exemplary.
Miss Blomquist who sang Papa-
gena, all too briefly, only made
one wish to hear her lovely voice
in a larger role.
CONSISTENCY is the last thing
one expects from the Magic Flute,
although the production was con-
sistently enthusiastic. It is easiest
to take the libretto of this opera
as an elaborate fairy tale and dis-
regard its rococo encrustations of
ethico-masonic symbolism.
THE ATTEMPTS at ballet were
unfortunate, since the stage is too
small, the finale scenes overcrowd-
ed with ceremonial personages,
and the music ponderous and un-
suited to dancing.
This is, altogether, a splendid
production of an unusual opera,
and anyone unable to obtain
tickets to attend schould contem-.
plate a crime to secure one. It may
be for art; but it IS certainly for
-A. Tsugawa


performance with top-notch en-

f-+E1'B,Lo *K.

Nixon, Ike Met in Georgia4

Southern Solution-
Law Enforcement


THEE is an increasingly popular conception
that violation of the law-if it is sufficiently
widespread-cannot and should not be attacked
with law enforcement means.
Mob violence held sway at the University of
Alabama and the equivalent of mob violence-
wholesale disregard for the Supreme Law of
the land-deters forceful support of the Consti-
tution and of Supreme Court rulings all over
the nation.
It is argued that there cannot be legislation
against prejudice nor can force eliminate it.
This is true in the immediate sense. Persons
opinions cannot be changed overnight. But
discussion and conciliation are no more likely
to work toward lessening the prejudice of
avowed bigots than is force.
In fact, there is much evidence that only
positive action can, even in the long run, alter
the prejudices of men.
F WE ARE TRULY interested in justice, there
can be no waiting for changes in attitudes
before injustice is destroyed.
Our immediate aim should not be to end
prejudice. THIS CAN WAIT! But we cannot
delay in ending what can be stopped right now
-discrimination. Must we wait for everyone
to want equal rights for all before we safe-
guard those rights?
Discrimination can be quickly destroyed.
Federal enforcement of federal law as dictated
in the Constitution and through the Supreme
Court could immediately assure integrated pub-
lic education integrated interstate transporta-
tion, and integrated federal housing.
This would not require mass deployment of

federal troops. The Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation could undoubtedly do the job by ar-
resting for contempt of court those authorities
who have worked to nullify the rulings of the
Supreme Court.
Opposition to extension of civil rights will not
lead to violence, or even subterfuge, if it is
realized that such action is punishable and
cannot gain any success.
PREJUDICE will still exist, but lessening of
discrimination is the best solution to that
problem. Rather than biracial councils, whose
liberal members' views are not accepted by the
rest of the people, actual experiences of dealing
with minorities on an equal basis in forcefully
desegregated institutions will be a means of
breaking down the prejudice of all people. Dis-
cussion councils do no harm, but it is foolish
to rely only on them to solve the problem. Much
more can be accomplished in a shorter time by
action that restructures the situation to elimi-
nate any bases for prejudice. If bias has no
reinforcement in reality, it will die.
Studies of integration in public housing and
in the armed forces have shown conclusively
that prejudiced attitudes of individuals are re-
placed by reason when actual situations of
equality exist.
The success of these attempts at destroying
prejudice through first destroying the even
greater evil of discrimination can point to only
one path of action in the present situation-
strict, unequivocal, immediate federal enforce'
ment of the law.

IT ESCAPED newsmen who cov-
ered the President's golfing so-
journ in Thomasville, Georgia, but
Vice President Nixon paid Ike a
secret visit there.
The visit is significant not be-
cause he was able to elude news-
men but because he discussed with
Eisenhower the question of in-
cluding his own name as his choice
for Vice President when he, Ike,
made his historic announcement.
The President, however, explain-
ed that he had better stick to one
subject at a time, and that the
main subject was his own an-
He was friendly and sympa-
thetic, but nevertheless negative.
THIS NEGATION is given two
different interpretations. By those
friendly to Nixon it's pointed out
that it's much better to postpone
putting his name on the ticket
until late in the campaign, there-
by giving the Democrats less time
to shoot at him.
By those opposing Nixon it's
pointed out that Eisenhower,
while friendly and fond of Dick,
is cold-blooded about practical
politics and wants to have the best
possible vote-getter as his running
He has already said that his
health will be an issue; therefore
he knows that the man who might
have to succeed him will also be an
* * ,*
gon shipped a trailer load of his
prize English Red Devon cattle
down to the Louisiana State Cattle

show at Baton Rouge the other
day and prepared to follow them
by plane later. Hearing about his
proposed trip, Louisiana State Uni-
versity professors invited him to
make an address as part of the
student lecture series. Morse ac-
cepted, agreed to speak on March
4, be entertained at Pleasant Hall
6n the LSU campus.
But on March 2, Senator Morse
made a speech in Washington op-
posing Senator Eastland of Mis-
sissippi as head of the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee on the ground
that he had attacked the Supreme
Court as treasonous after the
Court abolished segregation.
Some hours later, Morse received
a phone call from Professor J. W.
Kistler, in charge of the LSU stu-
dent lecture series, canceling the
Morse speaking engagement for
March 4 on "orders of the Dean
of Liberal Arts."
"We have also canceled your
reservation at Pleasant Hall on
the campus," Professor Kistler
said, "and made a reservation at
the Hotel Heidelberg instead."
Morse flew to Baton Rouge any-
way, mingled with his cattle in
the cattle pavilion on the LSU
campus, did not mingle with LSU
students or professors of Liberal
* * *
maneuvering for a bipartisan com-
mittee has certainly managed to
hamstring the investigation of big-
time lobbying and big-time cam-
paign contributions.
Here is what happened at the
secret session of the Senate select
committee in Vice President Nix-

on's office whe'n it deadlocked over
investigating the gas-oil lobby and
campaign contributions.
Sen. Styles Bridges of New
Hampshire, who has been carry-
ing the ball vigorously for theRe-
publicans, did most of the talk-
ing. He was the backstage opera-
tor who moved, along with John-
son, to require 50-50 GOP member-
ship on the committee. At
the secret organization meeting
Bridges laid down a fiat decree that
the Republicans wanted control
of the staff and counsel in return
for giving the Democrats the chair-
manship. But he also stipulated
that the chairman would not have
the usual power to issue subpoenas
and call meetings.
* , ,
BRIDGES ISSUED this utima-
turn in such dictatorial, take-it-
or-leave-it language that the Dem-
ocrats said they were ready to
walk out.
Whereupon Bridges relaxed a
bit. He showgd his hand some-
what, indicated he was afraid of
Tennessee's Sen. Albert Gore as
chairman. Gore was head of the
Elections Committee which started
to investigate but was circumvent-
ed by Johuson, Bridges and Know-
So Bridges proposed that Sen.
John McClellan of Arkansas be the
committee chairman. McClellan,
an alleged Democrat, has voted
more with Republicans on crucial
issues than with Democrats, so
Bridges knew that as chairman he
would lean away from any pene-
trating probe of the oil-gas lobby.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Big 3' Tugging & Hauling,

Mart ydo Awakens North,

Associated Press News Analyst
BRITAIN and the United States are moving
quickly to relieve strains on Big Three uni-
ty mentioned Friday by French Foreign Minis-
ter Pineau.
First, the three countries are conferring again
on the Middle East, where a surprisingly strong
anti-British reaction in Jordan and a new
border incident between Israel and Syria have
produced open talk of the possibility of an im-
mediate war.
Secondly, Anthony Eden has invited French
Premier Mollet for a weekend conference over
Anglo-French relations. Mollet issued a state-
ment Saturday, in the course of an interview,
which was obviously designed to soften Pineau's
criticism of Anglo-American policy, or what he
called lack of policy.
The incident looks very much like another of
those occasions when France, feeling her inter-
ests ignored, makes a fuss in order to call at-
tention to herself.
Pineau knows that Britain and the United
States are working on policy not only for the
Middle East, but for the whole world in the
face of the new Russian emphasis on economic
He knows that Britain is anxious for a United

Khrushchev next month, as well as when he
and Mollet go to Moscow a little later.
Against that background, he would like to
bargain for greater British support of France
in Algeria.
Part of his speech indicated suspicion of
American motives in Viet Nam and British
motives in Algeria.
Mollet merely said he hoped the two big
allies would give France greater moral support
on Algeria. He denied France was moving
away from her North Atlantic allies.
0 BRITAIN and the United States, however,
the situation in the Middle East was far
more pressing than anything else at the mom-
Pineau, by his timing, got only leftover at-
The Jordanian situation left Britain without
a friend south of the Baghdad pact states, and
opened the way for full cooperation between
Jordan, Syria and Egypt, the major antagon-
ists of Israel.
There was open talk among foreign diplomats
in the Middle East that Israel might launch a
"preventive" war before the Arabs could make
full use of the arms being sent them from the
Communist sphere.
France still feels that Britain did her dirt

Too Much
Dekker tried an interesting ex-
periment last night-one that It
would do well nQt to try very often.
Taking a snatch from one author,
a bit from another and patching
them together with the spare jokes
of a third certainly gives variety,
but does not make for a smooth
Despite some good offerings, the
evening resembled a fairly bad
attempt to combine soap opera
and after-dinner speeches into
two hours of light entertainment.
From the caliber of the reading
it was evident that both perform-
ers could have done a competent
job in a standard Broadway ploy,
but the strain of switching from
broken garters to Macbeth was too
much for actors as well as audi-
strong member of the team. With
considerable stage presence and
an ability to work his voice to
full advantage, he made the tran-
sitions somewhat less painful. His
old days in the horror films came
through nicely in his reading of
Poe's "Tell-Tale Heart," which was
an effective ending to the first half
of the program.
Unfortunately Miss Atwater did
not come up to her companion's
performance. Her voice had a
tendency to sound disturbingly
harsh, and her interpretation was
often simply disturbing, particu-
larly her Lady Macbeth. However,
she did make a fine witch (with
all apologies to the lady) in Robert
Frost's "The Witch of Coos," one
of the better overall readings.
* * *
sketch from Thurber-"The Mac-
beth Murder Mystery," A short,
concise number it indicated the
type of thing that might have
proved more successful. Instead of
attempting to present "scenes from
the world's greatest literature,"
the pair might have limited them-

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Women students planning to attend
the 1956 summer session may apply for
housing at the Office of the Dean of
Women beginning at noon today. Ac-
commodations for graduates and uder-
graduates will be available in residence
halls, league houses, sororities (for non-
members as well as members), and co-
operative houses.
.Meeting for all members and prospee-
tive members of the Society for the
Advancement of Management (S.A.M.)
Thurs., March 8, 4:00 p.m., Room 225,
West Engineering.
Academic Notices
Students who failed to take the final
examination in German Courses during
the fall semester must register with
the Secretary, 108 Tappan Hall, by Wed.,
March 7, for the make-up examination
to be held Friday, 3:00 p.m., March 9.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Applied
Meteorology, Thurs., March 8, 4 p.m,
Room 4041 Natural Science Bldg. Prof.
Samuel A. Graham will speak on "Forest
Microclimates and Insect Populations."
Organic Chemistroy Seminar. 7:30 p.
n., Room 1300 Chemistry Building. C. J.
Verbanic will ,speak on "Solvent and
Steric Effects on Hyperconjugation."
Physical- Analytical- Inorganic Chem.
istry Seminar. 7:30 p.m., Room 3005
Chemistry Building. Prof. R. K. Mc-
Alpine will speak on "The Autooxidation
of Iodine in Alkaline Solution."
Events Today
The Magic Flute presented by the
Department of Speech and the School
of Music at 8:00 p.m. tonight in the
Lydia Mendessohn Theatre. Tickets on
sale at the Lydia Mendelsohn Theatre
box office from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.-
$1.75, $1.40, $1.00, with the spcal stu-
dent rate of 75c in effect tonight.
Free Films. Museums Building, 4th
floor Exhibit Hall. "Life in a Drop of
Water" and "The Prairie," March 6-12.
Daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including
Sat. and Sun., with an extra showing
Wed. at 12:30.
Placement Notices
George Baker, Director of Personnel
for the Detroit Public Schools, will hold
a meeting in Room 4508 Administration
Building at 4:15 p.m. on Thurs., March
S. He will talk about teaching oppor-
tunities in Detroit and answer ques-
Meeting of the Summer Placement
Service in Room 3G, Michigan Union,
Thurs., March 8, from 1 to 4:45 p.m.
Anyone interested in summer employ-
ment is welcome. Jobs range from all
types of business to camps and resorts.
Wed., March 7:
Mr. Stephen Baumann, Director, Camp
Conestoga, Leonidas, Mich., will inter-
view for male and female Counselors,
Michigan Union, Room 3K, 9-5.
Wed., Thurs., March 7, 8:
Mr. Ken Smith, Camp Charlevoix,
Charlevoix, Mich., will interview for
male and female Counselors, Michigan
Union, Room 104. Call the Bureau of
Appointments for appointments, 3528
Administration Bldg., Ext. 2814.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Michigan Union, Room 3G,
1 to 4:45 p.m.:
Thurs., March 8:
Richard Molby, Jr., Assistant Director
of camping, Detroit Boy Scout Coun-
cil, will interview for Counselors.
Arnet Cole, Ann Arbor YMCA Camp,
will interview for Counselors.
Ronald Thompson, Chief Ta-Kee-Ko-
Mo Day Camp, Ann Arbor, will inter-
view men and women counselors,
Martin Gold, Camp Farband, Chelsea,
Mich., will interview for male and fe-
male counselors.
Terry Adderle, Russell Kelly Office
Service, Detroit, will interview women
for Typists, Stenographers, General Of-
fice Clerks to work in offices of De..

troit firms for the stammer.
Sidney Weiner, Div. Supervisor, The
Easterling Co., Ann Arbor, will inter-
view for Salesmen.
Mrs. H. Gross, Ann Arbor, YWCA, will
interview for women Counselors.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Mon., Tues., March 12, 13:
North American Aviation, Inc., Los
Angeles, Calif.-all levels in Aero., Che.
E., Civil, Elec., Math., Mech., Metal.,
Naval and Marine, and Physics for Re-
search, Devel., and Design. U.S. citizens.
Bell Aircraft Corp., Buffalo, N. Y.-
all levelsin Aero., Che.E., Civil, Elect.,
Instru., Materials, Math., Mech., Eng.
Mecblh.. Ph ot an an Scine'fr. 'nim a.






; 1



'Practical Integration' *
To the Editor:
AS A FORMER 9-year resident
of the South, I would like to
add my "two-cents" to the segre-
gation issue.
We Northerners must remember
that Southerners have erroneously
learned, by constant exposure to
tradition and actual practice, that
the Negro is not only inferior, but,
if made "equal," is a threat to the
moral, social, and economic safety
of the Whites.
The White Southerners fall into
three groups: (1) those who blind-
ly abhor the Negro, (2) those who
say, "I know I'm wrong, but I
can't help being prejudiced," and
(3) those who want to endsegre-
gation., It is to this last group that
we should direct our help and en-
couragement. We should educate
the second group to the Negroes'
potential to be a greater economic,
educational, and social asset-to
the South and to the nation.
I disagree with Mr. Frymer's in-
ference (Mar. 4) that martyrdom
should not be a means to the end.

er he'll work to be proud of his1
Let us not turn this problem
into a screaming morality play
with ourselves as the Forces of
Good; we did our moral duty in
the Supreme Court. From now on
we should concentrate first in those
areas ripe for integration, second-
arily in the others. As practical,
educated people, familiar with the
relationship of learning and be-
havior, we should remember that
the White Southerner is as much
a victim of his own thinking as isj
the Negro.
-Muriel Schostak, '57
Referee's Fault? ...
To the Editor:
tween two college teams, stu-
dents usually come to the con-
clusion that it was bad refereeing
that made their team lose the
game. They think this generally
because of their natural prejudice,
but the students at the University
of Michigan did not boo the refs

Kramer was on the foul line, look-
ing for a three point play by mak-
ing his first shot good and hoping
for a rebound on the second shot.
After pausing for a second or two
before tossing his first shtt the
referee's voice was clearly audible
in the silence of the field house
commanding Kramer to hurry up
and shoot. In what rule book does
it say that the referee has the
right to command a player to hur-
ry his shot after only a few seconds
on the foul line and especially at
such a crucial moment?
There can be no doubt that
Michigan was the superior team
on the oor. Their magnificent de-
fense and great playmaking would
have given them a victory, if it
weren't for the unfair refereeing
of the incompetent officials.
-Dave Weisberg, '59
Cliff Tonjes, '59
Ralph Owings, '59
Express Thanks . *
To the Editor:
THE FAMILY of Alice Bogdonoff
Silver wants to express to the

'y (,




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