Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 n Opinions Are Free, ruth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JESDAY, MARCH 6, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JANET REARICK The Luey Dilemma-Two Views NAACP Should Keep Demanding Rights JHETHER the NAACP has acted foolhardily and impatiently or not down Tuscaloosa ray, they have justification. For Autherine Lucy, the National Associa- ion for the Advancement of Colored People s only seeking something that belongs to her -the right to an "equal and integrated" edu- ation. This right was belatedly given her by the Supreme Court of the Land from its inter- retation of the Supreme Law of the Land-- he Constitution. It is Autherine's right. eriod. Sentences °from the Constitution are re- reshing on this point, but at the same time hey conjure up doubts as to the stability and neaning of our greatest heirloom: "go State shall make or -enforce any law Nhich shall abridge the privileges or ih- unities of citizens of the United States; nor hall any State deprive any person of life, .berty, or property, without due process of aw; nor deny to any person within its juris- iction the equal protection of the laws. "The Constitution ... shall be the supreme Law of-the Land." MTHEN THESE WORDS are laid next to the contemporary situations today, they ap- 'ear full of half-truth. In the minds of for- igners and in our minds this paradox raises ad questions. What does American demo- racy mean? How supreme is the Constitu- [on and the Court? Why are some Americans ess equal than others? That an "equal" American should be as- ailed. for prematurely asking integrated and qual dormitory and dining room facilities s a violation on a right. Her appeal was a ong overdue act. If Miss Lucy has evidence that the university onspired in the mob violence against her, et her say so. Th'en, let a court decide where ruth lies. On first analysis, this appears to be a simple nd superficial way to view a complex situa- Lon, but in the last analysis the Supremacy f the Constitution has an important simpli- ity. Fundamentally then, the NAACP and Miss ucy are asking the reality. and the Supremacy f the Constitution, and they should keep ask- ag until they are given it. --JIM ELSMAN Expulsion Blame Shared by NAACP IT APPEARS that Autherine Lucy, the Negro coed who has tried to enter the University of Alabama, has only herself and her backers, i.e., the NAACP, to blame for her expulsion. In her statements to the press, radio, and TV, Miss Lucy told the nation that her only aim was to get an education in library science at the University of Alabama. Undoubtedly the NAACP was not so concerned with her at- tempts to obtain an education as with her efforts to gain entrance to the University of Alabama itself. With both aims in mind, it is inconceivable that Miss Lucy, in her suit for readmittance, should charge "that University authorities con- spired in the mob action." If one's major aim was to enter the University of Michigan, would one make a public statement to the effect that the Regents have conspired against this entrance, even in the highly im- probable instance that this fact were true? Her statement evidently gave university offi- cials a chance to divest themselves of what had seemed to be an otherwise unsolvable problem by expelling Miss Lucy, however cowardly this action appeared to the rest of the nation. They accused her of making "false, defamatory, im- pertinent and scandalous charges" against them in court and through various news media. IF MISS LUCY's aims were in fact to enter the University of Alabama, she has been mis- guided by the NAACP. If, on the other hand, she and the NAACP merely wished to call attention to an obviously unjust situation, then they have succeeded well. However, this does not seem consistent with the former logic of that organization and other agencies attempt- ing to end segregation in schools and colleges. If Miss Lucy had been admitted to the Uni- versity of Alabama, the door would have been opened for more admission of Negroes, not only to that University, but to the other southern universities. NAACP has been a consistent thorn in the side of the prejudiced South in their efforts to end segregation. However, success in their fight against such deeply-rooted prejudice demands that their fight be conducted on an extremely high, even "professional" level of tact, diplom- acy, and foresight. --ROBERT S. BALL, JR. "Wait A Minute-They're Still Watching" I- rer 4. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:-o Oil Men in on Gas Legislation By DREW PEARSON= The pleasant thing about "Lease old-fashioned things and never bothers to hide the fact. Its chief advantage is that it is a chronolog- ically welcome relief from super- spectacles like "Helen of Troy" and realistic, sociol-problem pic- tures like "Man With the Golden Arm" and "Trial." AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Lease of Life' Provides Change THERE WAS A TIME-back in the thirties-when pictures like "Lease of Life" were everyday affairs, when every-other movie was, as the advertisements say, "sometimes gay . . . sometimes tender ... an always wonderful story of a charming gentleman." To be sentimental today is consideredrisky business, smacking of crinoline, old lace, sachets and moth balls.F of Life" is that it is all of these DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN You Too May Be A Red AMONG those who first urged Ike to run for President were Sid Richardson and Clint Murch- ison of Texas, two of the wealthiest oil-gas men in the world. They went to Paris when he was in com- mand of SHAPE, literally camped out there, begging him to run. Later they picked up some of the pre-convention campaign expenses Ike incurred in getting ready to run. They have not only been heavy contributors but good'friends. This was why Eisenhower telephoned them in advance to tell them he was sorry but he had to veto the gas bill. On top of Richardson and Mur- chison, scores of other oil-gas men dumped hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably well over a mil- lion, into Ike's campaign. They carried Texas and Oklahoma, nor- mally Democratic. Of course they "liked Ike." But they also under- stood from Jack Porter, Ike's No. 1 money-raiser in Texas, that he would undo Harry Truman's veto of the gas bill. s* * e SO SHORTLY after the election, careful plans were made to put across a new gas bill. Characteristically, Eisenhower appointed a Cabinet committee to study the matter. Official chair- man was Defense Mobilizer Arthur Flemming, but actually the com- mittee was run by secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey. Other members were Attorney General Brownell, Secretary of State Dul- les, Secretary of Defense Wilson, Secretary of the Interior McKay, Secretary of Commerce Weeks and Secretary of Labor Mitchell. Under Humphrey's influence the committee called in the oil in- dustry to write the recommenda- tions. These men were not paid by the government, butremained on the payrolls of their oil companies while drafting their recommenda- tions for the White House. Need- less to say, they came up with pro- posals benefiting the oil industry by many millions of dollars. Their recommendations were not only stronger than the gas bill voted by the Senate, but were accepted hook, line and sinker by Secretary Humphrey. FOR EXAMPLE, Ike's veto mes- sage called for a rewrite of the gas bill, offering more protection for the consumers. Yet the final pro- posals submitted to the President by his Cabinet committee offered less protection for the consumers than the Senate bill. The truth is that the Cabinet committee made no attempt to get the consumer side of the story at all, despite re- peated urging from Sen. aul Doug- las (D., Ill.). It accepted the oil industry's proposals without qual- ification. In the end, the Cabinet com- mittee recommended gas legisla- tion much stronger than the Sen- ate finally passed. No one knew better than Hum- phrey that oilmen had sat right inside the White House as govern- ment consultants and laid out the kind of gas legislation the industry wanted. It is interesting therefore, that Humphrey-the man who prepared the final report propos- ing to give the oil industry exactly what it wanted-led in urging the President to veto the gas bill. BY THAT TIME Senator Case of South Dakota had revealed the $2,500 offered to influence his vote. There followed private indications which the Justice Department re- ceived from its U.S. Attorney, Don- ald R. Ross, in Nebraska, that sim- ilar offers had been made in Ne- braska and other states. Thus the White House knew well before the public how far-reaching were the gas lobby's operations. It was also known that if a Sen- ate committee got poring into oil- gas contributions, it might reach out in all directions-including the oil-gas men who contributed so heavily to Eisenhower. All of this made it just good common political horse sense to put the President vigorously on the side of the public and against the arrogance of the gas lobby. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) "LEASE OF LIFE" presents a series of little incidents about the Vicar (Robert Donat) of a small English village. Everyone wno knows him thinks the Vicar a somewhat simple, definitely ordin- ary man. He is; but he is also possessed of great sensitivity and understanding about human weak- nesses, and the manner in which his friends and family come to realize this distinction constitutes the film's movement. The Vicar learns he has only a year to live, but does not let the fact interrupt his eccleastical routine. His wife (Kay Walsh) is trying to relive her youth through their daughter (Adrienne Corri), a gifted young pianist. The daugh- ter is very immature, but the man she loves, a church organist (Den- holm Elliot), helps her to grow up. * * * DONAT, one of England's most skilled actors, contributes a per- formance of great charm, and his ease of delivery might be a lesson for more historical Hollywood per- formers. In a lovely scene, he man- ages to express a dying man's wonder of the world he is about to leave. The other actors are equally natural at everything they do, and with Donat give a picturi- zation of commonplace, rural Eng- lish life. By its very nature, its rambling simplicity and sentimentality, its nearly stand-still dramatic pro- gression, "Lease of Life" will prob- ably offend audiences accustomed to a more pulsating sort of melo- drama. But the picture does not try to be pulsating; it does not pretend to have anything great to offer; and its only moral lesson is that people are very human, sometimes pitiably so.° In a barrage of betterpictures, "Lease of Life" would go unnotic- ed. At present, it is a momentary cinematic change of pace. -Ernest Theodossin LETTERS to the EDITOR Basic Weakness... To the Editor: DICK SNYDER'S editorial in Sunday's Daily (March 4) ex- presses concern over the lack of student interest in SGC and a cor- responding scarcity of petitions for the seven available positions this semester. It is interesting that in its now annual series of editorials bemoaning the disinterest of the student in student government on this campus the Daily writers have failed to take notice of the basic fallacy of this form of student government. The SGC (and the defunct SL) is quite obviously a body whose existence is allowed by the Uni- versity administration as an outlet for those students who like to exert their energies in debate, busy-work and politicking. They achieve little but on the other hand cause little harm and so are tolerated. The more comnpetant and perceptive campus activities enthusiasts rec- ognize that their efforts can be more rewarding when directed to other areas. When those who support student government finally realize this basic weakness in its foundation, perhaps they will be able to under- stand the lack of interest which certainly does exist. -Ben Young, '57L THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1956 VOL. LXII, NO. 19 , General Notices Late Permission: All women students who attend the Speech Department Opera shall have 30 minutes after the end of the performance in which ti return to their residence hail. Summer Housing Applications for graduate and undergraduate women's housing will" be accepted from women now registered on campus beginning at noon, Wed., March 7. Applicants will be accepted for both residence halls and supplementary housing. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of Eng- lis. Dept. Frank O'Connor, distinguish- ed Irish author and critic, on "The Rise and Decline of the Novel." Rackham Lecture Hall, Tues., Mar. 6, 4:15 p.m. Academic Notices Students who failed to take the final examination In German Courses during the fall semester must register with the Secretary, 105 Tappan Hall, by Wed. March 7, for the make-up examination to be held Friday, 3:00 p.m., March 9. Contest for the Bronson-Thomas Prize in the Department of German will be held on March 20. All applicants are requested to register at the German office, 108 Tappan, by Fri., March 16. seminar in the Resolution of Conflict (Integration of the Social Sciences, Economics 353) will meet at 3 p.m. in conference room 3063 of the Childrens Psychiatric Hospital. Prof. Rapoport will speak on the "Political Theories of Lewis Richardson." Mathematics Colloquium: Thursday, March 8, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H. Prof. G. Kreisel, of the University of Reading and Institute for Advanced Study, will speak on "Transcendental Proofs. " Doctoral Examination for Harold Woodrow Paulsen, Education thesis: "The Development and Application of Criteria for Evaluating Guidance Serv- ices in College Departments of Physical Education," Tues., March 6, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, P. A.Hunsicker. Events Today Science Research Club. The Miarch meeting will be held in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6. Program: Isotopes in Chemi-. cal Reaction Kinetics, Richard B. Bern- stein, Chemistry; The Acetlycholine- Choline Esterase System in Nerve Trans- mission, Lloyd R. Yonce, Psysiology Dues for 1955-56 accepted after 7:10 p.m. Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute, Dr. John R. Platt, associate professor of physics, University of Chicago, will speak on "Amplifier Theory and Behavior Theory," March 8, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Conference Room, Children's Psychiatric Hospital. No Re- search Seminar on March 15 or March 22. The Magic Flute presented by the Department of Speech and the School of Music at 8:00 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office from 10 am. until 8 p.m.- $1.75, $1.40, $1.00, with the special stu- dent rate of 75c in effect tonight. Albert Dekker and Edith Atwater presented tonight In a dramatic pro- gram "Two's A Company," final number on the current Lecture Course. 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Tickets may be purchased today at the Auditorium box office which is open 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Placement Notices SUMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Tues., March 6: Mr. Sam Marcus, Fresh Air Society, Detroit, Mich., will interview for Coun- selors, Hillel Foundation, 10:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Please call Hillel for appointments. Wed., March 7: Mr. Stephen Baumann, Director, Camp Conestoga, Leonidas, Mich., will inter- view for male and fenale Counselors, Michigan Union, Room 3K, 9-5. Tues., Wed., Thurs., March 6, 7, 8: Mr. Ken Smith, Camp. Charlevoix, Charlevoix, Mich. will interview for male and female Counselors, Michigan Union, Room 3G. Call the Bureau of Appointments for appointments, 352, Administration Bldg., Ext. 2614. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Fri., March 9: Hazeltine % Electronics Corp., Little Neck, N. Y.-B.S. and M.S. in Elect., Mech.; B.S. in Physics for Devel., Design, Field Engrg, Test Engrg., Publications Eng. and Prod. Admin. U.S. citizens. Swift & Co., Chicago, Il.-all levels in Chem. E., Civil., Const., Elect., Instru., -A 4' RACIAL SEGREGATION' is an explosive issue these days. Most of the North is against segregation, at least in principle. In practice, the inclination is toward indifference. But it might even be unwise to be against racial segregation in principle, unless one's principles are not allowed out from under the proverbial hat. One must keep in mind that the Communist Party is also against racial segregation. How is this important? Under the provi- sions of the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950, any organization that advocates poli- cies which "do not deviate from" those fol- lowed by the Communist Party can be ordered to register with the attorney-general of the United States as a Communist-front organiza- tion. The effect of having to register in such man- ner is that the organization is for all practical purposes (though not legally) destroyed. It must be assumed, if the legal truth or legal fiction, be realistically overlooked, that the or- ganization is rendered powerless if convicted by the attoriey-general under the McCarran Act. This is not guilt by association. This is con- viction by coincidence. Unless it is proven that a policy is similar to that of the Com- munist Party because of a connection with the Party, there can be no justification for ruin- ing an organization in such a way. It cannot morally or legally be assumed that because a Editorial Staff Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor Jim Dygert ............................... City Editor Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director policy "does not deviate from" another 'policy, it automatically arose from the same source. Such circumstantial evidence would be thrown out of a properly conducted court of law. Yet, it is the very thing that the Mc- Carran Act legalizes. Assuming subversive ac- tivities must be controlled or eliminated, this is not the way, because it can too easily per- secute the innocent as well as halt the guilty. CARRY it to an extreme: organization 'X' is for a new hospital to replace the commun- ity's old one, strongly suspected of being con- trolled by graft-conscious politicians. Another group for a new hospital is composed of the local Communists. Organization X' is com- pelled, by the attorney-general, to register as a Communist-front organization. Why not? Its policy here did "not deviate from" that of the local Communists. Add another factor: organization 'Y' is also' in favor of a new hospital in the same com- munity. But it is not asked to register. The only answer is that there are politicians somewhere who have something against or- ganization 'X' that they did not have against organization 'Y'. It was probably that organi- zation 'X' was a mite too liberal for their tastes. Nor is this all conjecture. This particular example is fictitious enough, but there are others quite similar and quite factual. Substi- tute the racial segregation issue for the new hospital issue, and there is the kind of emo- tionally charged problem that could lead to the same result in actuality. THE LABOR YOUTH LEAGUE is against racial segregation. The Labor Youth League is now appealing to the Federal District Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., a decision by the Subversive Activities Control Board that the League must register as a Communist- front organization. Its policy on racial segre- gation and other policies were found, in ex- tensive hearings; not deviating from those of the Communist Party. Let any member of the Subversive Activities Control Board prove that any policy of the LYL is dangerous to America or that there is no respectable group in America without that same policy. None of them has proved it yet. Evidently the attorney-general has some- thing political against the LYL. Many other STUDIED WITH O'CONNOR: It's the Irish In You That Counts' !- (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Weingart, a February graduate of the University, spent one summer studying under Frank O'Connor at Harvard. Mr. O'Connor will speak here today on "The Rise and Fall of the Novel," at 4 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall.) By MARK WEINGART WHEN I first heard that Frank O'Connor was coming to Michigan, I thought to myself, it is no accident that Frank O'Con- nor and spring have come at the same time. During the summer of 1954 I had the opportunity of studying with Mr. O'Connor (whose real name is Michael O'Donvan) at Harvard, and found his personali- ty as refreshing as his work. He is an energetio man in his early fifties with a high, broad forehead and thick brows and an expression at once mischievous and somber. He has a deep .baritone voice that enables him to commit even the most unlikely work to reading, and students were always amazed at his ability to interpret a story un- erringly at first glance. Instantly Mr. O'Connor im- presses you as a man who enjoys all the virtues of success, but none of the vices. He has the inde- petidence and confidence that ters, but emphasizes the necessity of a strong theme in the short story, especially for young writers. His classes are conducted on a seminar basis where stories are read and evaluated. "Only God can make a writer," he says. Since there is little use in trying to teach things that can't be taught, he lays heavy stress on the "basics" of construc- tion, plot, and development. Some- times it is weeks before the stu- dent even gets a chance to write. Mr. O'Connor feels most young writers make their mistake by trying to write about incidents which don't lend themselves to the short story. If the discussion starts to wander Mr. O'Connor will interrupt politely: "Let's get back to the task at hand; this isn't a literature course, you.know." But when class is over he will go to the coffee shop with a few stu- dents and pick up the thread of conversation. * * * MR. O'CONNOR is full of rich anecdotes. He remembers once asking Yeats how he felt, and Yeats replied mildly: "I'm con- valescing; I'm writing in prose." but at last we broke up into- small groups and filed through the door. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor bid us goodnight, and we left, wondering whether we would ever see them a g a i n, wondering even more whether there was any Irish blood in us; for it seemed to us at that time that you must have a little Irish blood in you to succeed at all. . Debra Durchslag «. ................. Magazine David Kaplan ........................ Feature Jane Howard ....................... Associate Louise Tyor ..................."...... Associate Phil Douglis ...........................Sports Alan Eisenberg ......ara...... Associate Sports Jack Horwitz ........«..,. Associate Sports Mary Helithale ...........A........ .Women's Elaine Edmonds ........... Associate Women's Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor ,}. John Hirtzel ........... ..C. hief Photographer Business Staff N...: :: -s I