-a - r r- ' Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 12, 1956 Sunday, February 12, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U Support the March. of Dimes ]FINGERLE LUMBER COMPANY SMUEHLIG & LANPHEAR Hardivare - Faints - Furnaces SHEET METAL WORK HOUSE FURNISHINGS Support the March of Dimes! 311 S. Main... h. NO 2-3277.. .AnnArborMich. By popular demandm-carven announces the return of the MIS-S-S-ST-I-FIER . .. now in a larger bottle for even greater enjoyment One light touch and you're enveloped in your favorite carven fragrance. new 334 oz. size Ma Griffe ... .$5.50 Robe d'un Soir . . $6.50 plus tax The Quarry HEADQUARTERS FOR VALENTINE GIFTS i DAILY OFFICIAL BULL __ rr w wr r rr rsr+.r n (The Daily Official Bull is official and daily. All notices must be ap- proved by the CQD and written on green papyrus. They should be brought to Rm. 1122334455 Sanitation Building before the witch crosses the moon.) Notices Regulations for J-Hop: Dancing must end by noon. Lights must be out before 4 a.m. All taxicabs must provide blankets as well as mattresses. Smoking in the IM Building, the pool or on the sidelines is prohibited. No person may leave the building. Or enter. Overnight sign-outs must be made by midnight. Pajamas optional. Breakfast must include 753 calories, no eggs before 6 a.m. and no coffee after 6:06 a.m.I All left-over hops must be returned to 0. 0. Buick in the IM powder room by noon. Driving Regulations: All persons whose names begin with "X" or "Qq" may be allowed to drive. We haven't made up our minds yet. If you are under 21 and in naval architecture, you'll need a permit. Otherwise, you can drive to your hearts content. No cars allowed. No-driving regulations go. into effect at 5:15 a.m. today, by order of Ima Frump, Pdq. All evaluation slips that are left over from the wall paper or the ceiling must be returned to I. Fixdem at his cell in the Tower. If not in, return to 9000001 Penthouse apartment in Hav- en. Notice to All Deans: There will be a brief four hour meeting six days before the Ides of March. Expected to be present will be the Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, Dean of Students and Gunga Dean. Academic Notices Prof. Huntington Klotzhammer's class in gum chewing will not meet today. Doctoral Examination: Overhil Down- stream in Rm. 1 Deke Temple. Chair- man Izzy Fride. Subject: "The con- trapuntal effect of sound virbations on the boiled fish in the League cafeteria." Concerts Choral Union Concert: We are proud to present a special sunrise concert of Fingers Rubenstein in a Choppin pro- gram. Also performing will be Herbie' and his Caravan, Hot Lips Horowitz and "Scat" Campora. Organ Recital: A Do-It-Yourself or- gan program, featuring instruction in the Third Movement of the Organ es- presso. Bring your own stops. Lectures Special University Lecture: The Dean of Women will speak on "How Wearing Bermuda Shorts Can Bring Girls to All Kinds of Sin." Transportation will be furnished. The lecture will take place at 2 a.m. tomorrow in the Women's Wash Room of the League. Oratorical Series: Because of the air- lift, our regularly scheduled speakers will not be able to be in the series. Instead a series of six lectureshas been organized. They include Mrs. H. Catcher (How to grow Hawaiian orchids on Japanese postage stamps), Iglefrits Humphrey (How one can live as expen- sively as three, or deficit spending has advantages), Mack Millun (What it's like in the Garden of Eden), Mary Dallas (My Life as a Butterfly and Harpy, or paying bills isn't necessary), Marg Eveningwork (My mornings with Herman and his sawed off scribbling pad), and last Dusty Rosa (A h;orse's Neck can bring troy less than Cressida). University Lecture: Prof. Sump of the Plant Department will lecture on the intensifying elements carried by hair- pins in sewage drains. The lecture is opened to all pharmacists and sum majors. Coming Events The Michigan Society for the Pre- vention of Children will start its re- fresher course tomorrow at noon in the maternity ward of the horspittle. All those who failed at J-Hop are ex- pected to attend. 0. Howe Steryle, Pres. Organization Notices At a meeting of all the wheels, the- Class of '56 decided that their 1988 reunion will be held in Yokahama, Japan. Class song will be 'Mama I'm Off To Yokahama." Bring your own tea. Physical Education Makeup Classes will be held from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. Sun day in the new swimming pool. The programme will- include mental gym- nastics, the alka-seltzer shuffle, draw poker, craps, draw bridge and under- slung bridge. Bring your own cards and vodka. Ye Olde Juniorrrr Commando Clubbbe will be organized in Ye Olde Dean of Women. The first meeting will be held at 4:59 p.m. Monday. Synchron- ize your own watches girls and be on time. Bring your T. Oriental languages 231: Conversa- tional Sumerian: This course will be offered next semester and every suc- ceeding semester when an instructor can be found to teach it. The course will be conducted in the Southeastern dialect in Sumerian used by all basket- weavers, fish-mongerscand people who read Spillane. The course will stress idioms and idiots used in every day life. Not open to freshmen or mem- bers of the football team. (This is not a snap course). Prerequisite: A Ph.D. in- Saqqarra and middle Akkaran. The Girls Dormitory Council will hold an open house tomorrow to discuss the draft. Orientation Advisers will look to the East tomorrow. The A.I. Ch. E will meet P.D.Q. at 7 P.M. T. Th. S. to discuss the N.R.A., R.F.Z., W.C.T.U. and W.A.A. The Karl Marx Society will hold its annual meeting tomorrow in the women's lounge in Angell Hall. Topic of the Discussion will be "Uncle Hor- ace" or "It Makes No Difference Who You Sleep With as Long As You Both Have The Same Blood Type." Same time. Faculty members of the Literary Col- lege: All members who can neither read nor write will report for instruc- tion to Hill Auditorium at 2:30 a.m. today. It is important to be prompt so we can watch Charlie Sink shake President Catcher's hand. There won't be seats for everyone, so bring a coat to sit on. Vice-Sexy Prexy Annual Art School Modeling Contest: Al contestants in the Body Beautiful Contest report at 8 p.m. tomorrow to the Delta Upsilon House. Ha, Ha, Chuckle, Chuckle. Class -in Practical Astronomy meets Saturday morning at 1:25 a.m. in front of any dormitory. Class in Sex Education: conducted by exchange professor Marilyn Monroe (exchanged for Bredvold) will be given next semester in the Arb. Even Regents Take A Rest DAME MY BUDAPEST CHAMBER MUS Geb. 17, 18, 19 Season. Tickets: $3.50 - $2 UNIVERSITY MU BURTON MEMC I U- CHEW, CHEW, CHEW. BOOM: Barf bladder Calls 'U' Food Burpable (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is taken from the Board of Rejects report on flood conditions at the University. It was written by Dr. Barry Barfbladder, professor of sanitary engineering and president of the University Garbage For Gobbling Society.) This report is submitted as a service to hard-working dieticians in our quadrangles, who through their loyal devotion to the cause, have been faithfully striving to keep producing better things for better eating through chemistry. To prove my point I personally visited the beautiful facilities at the Sloth Quadrangle, toured the kitchen, and actually ate one of the meals. Prone Bone Now from my bed in Health Service I can honestly say that the assumed situation is a com- plete fallacy. Upon entering the quad kitchen I first encountered the chef mer- rily chopping rubberbands into the salisbury steak. He, looked like a peachy fellow so I asked him if he would show me around. With a gracious smile he con- sented to take me through the cold storage locker. We washed our hands in the soup caldron and started the tour. As we arrived a fresh shipment of meat had just been brought into the freezer. I can safely testify that although it was a reject shipment from the gross anatomy lab, it looked in fine shape. Meaty Wing Ding The chef, who had gained valu- able experience for his job. as a cook for Wing Ding Prison, gave me plenty of time to inspect some of the other products carefully stored in the freezer. The most interesting display was the row of former dieticians who had served to the end and were waiting to be served for a change. I visited the head dietician, Miss Choodup Liveliver, next. Busily engaged in pulling the legs off grasshoppers for the dinner salad, she hardly noticed my entrance onto the scene. What a kind-hearted little old woman. She told me how the serving system is handled at the quad. To make operations more efficient the fool is cooked and stored at least three days in ad- vance of the meal for which it is planned. P. V. Alma Mater Miss Liveliver has excellent background for her position, which involves, besides her regular duties of menu planning, intricate public relations work. Although too poor to go to, college she made' up for that deficiency by purchasing every cook book she could lay her hands on. Unfortunately they were all written in English. The satisfying tour over, we sat down to a simply scrumptious meal. It consisted of baked barra- cuda on toast, strained celery leaves on napkin, and parched potatooes standing up by them- selves.' After the repast I asked her how they ever found the formula for such wonderful coffee. The process is known only by one kitchen technician who brews it every day. The dietician tells me it is her only pleasure in life ever since her family was wiped out when a fraternity pledge burned her house down because she wouldn't treat on Hdlloween night. Shortly after dinner I observed the efficient manner which the next meal is planned. It is abso- lutely amazing to see how rapidly those trusted workers can transfer the remains of supper to the plates used for the,next day's lunch. LEARN1S H ( '12P0 )RT ~WEEK.' AS I DID ! E N MIAACHINES USES ABC's Coed Gets J-Hop Ticket Read and Use Daily Classifieds also I i Not only dress shirts .. . but ALL your shirts KYER MODEL LAUNDRY 814 S. State 1306 5. University 601 E. Williams 627S.Main Phone NO 3-4185 Not Available to Students of Any Other Shorthand System I ONLY schools authorized to teach SPEEDWRITING shorthand offer these INVALUABLE EXTRA services and privileges to classroom students: NATIONWIDE TRANSFER PRIVILEGE Should you move to another city before your training Lifetime completed, you may continue your course in any SPEE wiU i UN'-- Cknor--Anocn, anyw,,.nere ,Tr,.. extr Why spend many months mastering a "foreign language" SHORTHAND IS TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS IN OVER 400 CITIES in the U.S., Canada, Cuba, Hawaii ...IN THIS CITY TAUGHT EXCLUSIVELY AT OUR SCHOOL! We Offer You These LIFETIME PRIVILEGES -FREE! simply by turning your longhand into short- hand with SPEEDWRITING which uses no symbols, only the familiar letters of the alpha. bet that you ALREADY KNOW! Start taking dictation the very first day ... rapidly build speed to 120 words per minute ... 50% faster than Civil Service requirements. Take a Shortcut to Business Success Save 6 to 8 Months on Complete Secretarial Course? Secretaries are wanted EVERYWHERE at top pay! In addition to our 6 weeks' short course, we offer our Complete Secretarial Course -to qualify you as a capable, all-a'round secretary in ONLY a few short months! Don't waste precious time, get a job 6 to 8 months faster. SPEEDWRITING shorthand makes it pos- sible for you to EARN $1000 AND MORE IN THE TIME YOU SAVE. You'll be making big money as a secretary while others are still struggling to learn a symbol shorthand. Com- plete, all-inclusive SPEEDWRITING secre- tarial training-one low fee. Classes now form. ing, day or evening. FREE Trial Lesson Visit, phone for details...or better still, come in for FREE demonstration lesson of SPEEDWRITING shorthand. Be convinced! There's no cost, no obligation-ACT TODAY I j 5 N + 1 r 33 g is ED. for Dinner or Snack . . it's MILK MAID! rgZE Lifetime WRITING Shorthand School, anywhere, without extra charge. NATIONWIDE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE You may call upon any of the over 400 SPEEDWRITING Shorthand Schools for FREE employment service... even if it is not the school from which you graduated. HALF FRIED CHICkEN FRIED SHRIMP Delicious MALTS and SHAKES r 4) -. NATIONWIDE BRUSH-UP CLASSES FREE FREE brush-up advanced dictation practice classes are available to graduates at apy SPEEDWRITING Short- tifetiM* hand School,ganywhere, regardless of where, or when, you received your original classroom training in SPEEDWRITING. CURB AND TABLE SERVICE MILK MAID DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Day and Night Classes Start Feb. 20 HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 3370 Washtenaw Open 'til 2 A near Pittsfield Phone NO 8-7146 State & William Sts.. Phone NO 8-7831 If