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March 06, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-06

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Latest Deadline in the State



See Page 4



Old Tower
Barn Owls
A blurred history was all that
remained of the Automotive Engi-
neering Building tower as its last
brick tumbled to the ground yes-
No one could remember if the
tower was built with a definite
purpose in mind or not. In fact



(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles that will develop
several aspects of the housing situation. Today's article will deal with the
nature and extent of University housing.)
For the first time since the immediate post-war years the Uni-
versity experienced a severe housing shortage last fall.
While students unhappily crowded into temporary quarters and
parents demanded to know what had happened University officials
tried in vain to explain the many factors which led to inadequate
That many of the factors were beyond control of University of-
ficials is illustrated by the scope of the problem. The shortage was
not unique to the University. Indeed, indications are it hit many
similar institutions with even greater severity.
Students Turned Away
At Illinois, for example, students who had been accepted were told
only a few days before the start

-Daily-Dick Gaskil
few could recall anything about
the tower except that it had an
old clock and was full of birds.
The clock used to be in the old
library, but when the new library
was constructed with no provisions
for such a timepiece the Automo-
tive Engineering tower was chosen
to be its new home.
Barn owls rested peacefully in

of the semester that they had bet-
ter apply elsewhere-there was
just no place to put them.
Eventually everyone was housed
here. Ann Arbor residents respond-
ed to a call for rooms, temporary
housing "pools" were set-up, ap-
artment rents soared and the Uni-
versity, as it usually does, met the
Despite attempts of the Resi-
dence Halls Board of Governors
to provide additional housing and
general University attempts to
better coordinate admissions and
housing functions there is every
indication the shortage will again
be acute next fall.
Present Facilities Examined
The logical place to begin a study
of the housing situation and the
complex of circumstances that led
to it is with an examination of
present facilities.
Approximately 9,500 students are
housed in University approved
By far the greatest proportion
of these are in residence halls--
3,400 men and close to 3,000
women. Fraternities account for
an additional 1,750 and sororities
house about 750.
Northwood and Terrace apai't-
ments take care of married stu-
dents and their families. Present
facilities accomodate 267 families
but construction in progress or
planned on North Campus will
boost this total to more than 1,000
families. There will be accommo-
dations for 700, next fall. Rent
ranges from 75 to 100 dollarsa
300 in League Houses
The 300 coeds in League Houses
along with the approximately 200
men and women in coops round
out the complement of students in
University sponsored -accomoda-
What of the other 11,000 stu-
dents? Most live in apartments in
the Ann Arbor area.
Some are commuters, some live
with their families in Ann Arbor
and a very few are home owners.
Cost of Living Varies
Cost of living varies widely with
the different forms. Least expen-

sive are the Coops. Luther Buchlee
of the Inter Cooperative Council
estimated last fall that cost of.
room and board was $13.25 a week
for men and $12.75 for women.
Efficient cooperative buying pro-
gram and the four to five hours
work a week required of each
member help reduce costs.
Rates in residence halls (for
both men and womeA) vary from
$350, per semester for room and
board for a triple to $420 per se-
mester for the almost non-existent
single-with-wash bowl.
Average fraternity rent accord-
ing to Interfraternity Council of-
ficials is $25 a month with board
averaging $2.10 a day.
Residence halls have been fin-
anced largely by self-liquidating
programs. A small number are the
result of gifts.
Most expensive dornr is the 5%/
million dollar South Quadrangle,
built in 1951. Alice Lloyd hall, fin-
ished in 1949, cost $3,017,783.
Some idea of the rising cost' of
construction can be gleaned by
comparing cost of Alice Lloyd
(which accomodates 572) with that
of Mosher Jordan - $1,052,580.
Completed in 1930, Mosher Jordan
has room for 490 girls.
Total University investiment in
residence halls and apartments
is a staggering $22,852,415.18. An
additional $1,200,000 in the form
of gifts has helped build them.
E nd Series
A series of dramatic and comic
vignettes entitled "Two's a Com-
pany" and featuring Edith At-
water and Albert Dekker will be
presented at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
The final attraction in the 1955-
56 Lecture Course will consist of
sketches from the works of Shake-
speare, Poe,- Twain, Sandburg,
Browning, Whitman and Thurber.

Takes, Over
New Office
At a meeting last night termed
"historical" by Mayor William
Brown, the Ann Arbor City Com-
mission unanimously approved the
appointment of Guy Lockham of
Camp Hill, Penn., as City Admin-
Alderman Russell Burns pre-
sented the report of a committee
formed to select a qualified can-
didate for the position. Burns re-
ported that Lockham, present con-
sultant for the Department of Con-
servation and Economic Develop-
ment for the State of New Jersey,
had agreed to accept the newly
created office at a salary of $15,-
000 per year.
Directed Housing Development
Lockham has most recently been
in charge of reorganizing the New
Jersey State Bureau of Planning.
Previously he served as assistant to
the president of the Pennsylvania
Economy League, and was once
director of the Wollow Run Hous-
ing Development.
A 43-year-old Naval veteran,
Lackham is a graduate of Harv-
ard University and has studied at
Columbia University.
The office of City Administra-
tor was created by the new Ann
Arbor City Charter, which will
take effect April 9.
The duties of the office include
administrative supervision of the
Police and Fire Departments, of
the Departments of Public Works,
Parks and Playgrounds, and the
several other municipal divisions.
The administrator also prepares
the annual budget for approval of
the Council, along with any such
motions or suggestoins which he
might deem necessary.
Mayor Brown Enthusiastic
Mayor Brown spoke highly of
the appointment saying, "I have
none but the highest reccomen-
dations for this gentleman." The
mayor confidently predicted, "I
am absolutely sure that all of the
people here will find Mr. Lockham
a wonderful man to work with."
"I am positive that he is the one
man made for us."
Lockham, the father of two
children expects to arrive in Ann
Arbor to begin work, "not later
than April 9."
The state of New Jersey, with
the approval of its governor, of-
fered to match or better Ann Ar-
bor's salary bid, in an effort to
retain the services of the new City
Neff Offered
To Buy Vote:
Iowa Lawyer
lawyer swore yesterday that law-
yer-lobbyist John M. Neff offered
$2,500 for Sen. Bourke Hicken-
looper's (R-Iowa) vote in favor of
the natural gas bill.
Wendell T. Edson of Storm Lake,
Iowa, told a special Senate com-
mittee that Neff visited him last
fall as a representative' of the
Superior Oil Co. of California and
offered to drop the money in
Hickenlooper's campaign kitty if
the Iowa Republican voted for the


Ban Applies
To Colleges
Supreme Court
Extends Order
preme Court yesterday extended
to tax-supported colleges and uni-
versities its ban on racial segre-
gation in public schools.
It did so without a spoken word
and in a manner usually reserved
for routine cases.
The court's brief order said, in
effect, the historic doctrine of
"separate but equal" also is dead
in the field of higher education
supported by taxpayers.
Included in ,List
It was included in a three-page
list of orders, mostly in rather or-
dinary cases, which was made
public by the court's clerk.
As in its May 17, 1954, decision
striking down segregation of
Negro pupils in public schools, the
court's action Monday was unani-
Other unanimous decisions have
outlawed segregation in public
parks, playgrounds and golf
Affirmed in North Carolina
Affirmed in 13 words was a de-
cision by a special three-judge
federal court in Greensboro, N. C.,
which ordered three Negroes ad-
mitted to the University of North
The lower court rejected as
"without merit" the contention of
university officials that the 1954
decision did not apply in colleges
and universities.
The three-judge court said the
Supreme Court's 1954 decision was
limited to the facts before it, "but
the reasoning on which the deci-
sion was based is as applicable
to schools of higher education as
to schools on the lower level."
Cannot Amend Constitution
University officials, in appeal-
ing from the ruling, asked the Su-
preme Court to reverse itself and
wipe out its original segregation
ruling "because it is not within the
power and authority of this court
to amend the Constitution; that
power is given only to the people
and their elected representatives."
Counsel for the three Negroes
involved in the litigation asked
the high court in a brief to affirm
Arab Legion in an effort to destroy
at once without the customary
hearing or arguments.
This the court did, saying: "The
motion to affirm is granted and
the judgment is affirmed."
The "separate but equal" doc-1
trine was laid down by the Su-
preme Court more than half a cen-
tury ago and, in general, was the
law governing segregation until the
1954 public schools ruling which
overturned it.



THERE'S NO STOPPING Michigan's Jim Barron as h
oblivious to two MSU players, to attempt layup in action
night's heart-breaker.
A' Five Edged, 76-7
To En. d Losing Seas(

Michigan ended its annual
basketball nightmare last night
by dropping a 76-75 heartbreaker
to rival Michigan State at Yost
Field House.
The Wolverines ended their sea-
son with an overall 9-13 record.
Last night's loss gave them a final
4-10 mark in the Big Ten, "good"
for an eight-place tie with Wis-
consin in the final standings.
The hosts, although "holding"
State's great Julius McCoy to 20
points, tightened up in the last
fiye minutes and saw the game
slip out of their hands.
The tensely-fought struggle was
nip-and-tuck all the way, but it
appeared as if Michigan might
end its miserable season on a
happy note, when, with 6:50 re-
maining, Pete Tillotson scored his

second straight layup
Perigo's quintet out in
64. Then the Spartan
straight points to tak
before Randy Tarrier
shot through the hoo
Michigan back in fri
The visitors' Jack Quig
ed two charity tosses to
ahead 72-71, with 4:30
The next minute and
both squads fail toc
scaring chances - ur
floated in for a field g
gan's Jim Barron hitc
ented set shot a mini
narrow the margin to
the Perigo-coach
couldn't apply the cru
McCoy scored his
with 55 seconds left toX

middle East,
To Cyprus*.
Greeks Ordered
Cease Violence
LONDON ()-Britain pulled
more of its waning power out of
Jordan yesterday and grimly de-.
cided to stack all its remaining
Middle East might on Cyprus..
To prepare the way for the last
stand on the island, the British
made it clear they would no longer
tolerate Greek Cypriot violence
behind the army's back.
The immediate retort from the
Greek Cypriot leadership was de
Defiance Met
Similar defiance in varying de- *
gree since early 1948 has driven
the British successively out of
Palestine, Egypt, Iraq where the
Baghdad Pact preserves a British
tie, the Sudan and now Jordan.
Jordan has served as Britain's
last mainland Middle East mill-
e ascends, tary power.
from last Announcing the collapse of nego-
tiations aimed at bringing domes-
tic peace to Cyprus, Prime Minis-
ter Anthony Eden's government
threatened to use its armed might
to enforce law and order,
Struggle Seen
OR /Archbishop Makarios, leader of
the island's Union-with-Gretce
ml ovement Immediately declared
to put Bill is followers will "struggle to the
a front, 69- last, resisting passively the Illegal
s scored six sovereignty over the island."
s theled s xCyprus is Britain's headquaters
e the lead for air and land forces in the
pushed a whole Mideast. It lies inthefa'
Ps to send eastern Mediterranean, a b o ut
ont, 72-71. equally distant from Turkey and
gle convert- Syria.
o send MSU The archbishop's stand was the
remaining, latest in a series of blows to Brit-
I a half saw ain's prestige in the Middle East.
cash in on These developments Monday
ntil McCoy pointed up the seriousness of the
goal. Michi- situation:
on his pat- Eden Recalls Officers
ute later to 1. Prime Minister Eden recalled
74-73, but 15 top British officers of Jordan's
e d quintet Arab Legion in reprisal for the
sher. summary dismissal last Thursday
20th point of Lt. Gen John Bagot Glubb
put the fin- creatpr of Jordan's desert army.
Page 7 Glubb, a Briton, had been an em-
ployee of Jordan.
Glubb yesterday received a
rt knighthood from Queen Elizabeth'
II for his Jordan services.
PriAe Minister Eden refused to
~n discuss now what may happen to
the 22-million-dollar-a-year mill-
tary subsidy Britain has been pay-
nent Coun- ing Jordan.
nference of Danger of Arab Agression
on. 2. As a result of Glubb's dismis-
Lake near sal, the British Foreign Office be-
there is no lieves the danger of aggression in
the Arab-Israeli dispute now lies
a compre- with the Arabs. It is feared Arab
nt, showing politicians may seek to use the
e else and Arab Legion in an effort to destroy
,dents even Israel.
3. New border clashes were re.-
such bodies. ported between Israel and Arab
ated neighbors. The Israelis expressed
in his ar- concern over concentrations of
itions were Egyptian troops in Palestine's
C members 4. Britain, the United States and
ce-one an- France scheduled another meeting

ye resigna- in Washington today to seek ways
ng for hisI of preserving -the Palestine 'truce,
5. American optimism over pros-
later, Ber- pects for a Middle East settlement
"I feel sic;. was reported waning.
g' open for
nment Vice- TEENames
served as a
he weekend
ered around
idents' Role
d According to IFC Rushing Chair-
the three- man Fred Lyons, '57, 297 out of a
NSA book- rushing class of 543 men have
ant, Student pledged fraternities this semester.
- This is one less than last spring's
erican Col- total
eacStud thThe new pledges are:
na Study ACACIA-Martin Amundson, '59;
n. a $30,000 William Golubics, '59E; Robert

-Daily-Dick Gaski l
the cracks and crevices of the
tower until the Second World War
when someone decided to take a
picture. The frightened birds evac-
uated their home, but a flock of
homing pigeons soon became the
new tenants.

SWorld News Roundup
By The Associated Press
Plane Machinegunned . ..
JERUSALEM-Syrian gun,re downed an Israeli plane yesterday in the
tense Galilee region.
On other sides Israeli and Jordan forces clashed briefly in the
southern Negeb and there were exchanges of Israeli-Egyptian gunfire.
Israeli officials said the plane was machinegunned while flying
over its own territory in upper
Galilee. They said the pilot was AT LYDIA MENDELSS(
wounded and the plane made an

SGC Head Takes Pa]
In Conference Discus
Impeachment proceedings threatened Student Governn
cil President Hank Berliner, '56, during the weekend co
the Michigan Region of the National Students Associati
Berliner, participating in a panel discussion at Clear
Battle Creek, was requested to represent the view thatf
necessity for student government.
According to those attending the discussion, he did
hensive job tearing down the values of student governme
that a student's time might better be spent some plac
'questioning whether st
had any right to form s


1. Daily-Dick Gaskil
Lewis Says
SGC Re ort
{To Be Ready-
A report on formulation of the
counseling study committee recom-
mended by Student Government
Council will probably be ready for
next week's SGC meeting, Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis said yesterday.
"At present," Lewis said, "I am
involved in the process of discuss-
ing with all campus organizations
responsible for any type of coun-
seling how the study committee
Tshould be set up.
"I expect that I will be able
to report next week to SGC on the

emergency landing on the Israeli
* * *
Palestine Situation .*
States, Britain and France called
another meeting for today in their
search for ways of preserving the
Palestine truce.
New upheavals in the Middle
East added to the urgency.
Defense Problems « . .
disclosed last night that top
American military chiefs have
flown to a secluded spot in Puerto
Rico to talk over problems of the
nation's defense..
They will take a long look at
the nation's defenses, it was said,
and try also to frame answers for
other current and near future

Behind the quiet closed door of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
a furor of last minute activity is
going on in preparation for to-
night's opening of "The Magic
Flute" by Mozart,
This production is being pre-
sented by the combined efforts of
the Department of Speech and the
School of Music in commemora-
tion of the Mozart Bicentennial.
Music director is Prof. Josef Blatt
of the School of Music and stage
directors are Prof. William P. Hal-
stead, of the speech department
and Henry R. Austin.
"An Egyptian motif is evident
throughout the scenery which was
designed by Prof. Jack Bender of
the speech department and built
by the students who are taking

"The, Magaic Fl ute" T Open
and we have attempted a cosmo- - . .
politan air," Miss Smith said.c- fl
ters some are earthy, comical ones,
some magicones, others are vil- x
lains and still others represent
the loftiest ideas," Prof. Blatt des-
cribed. -
The entire opera class will be:
participating in this opera, with }
the addition of the opera chorus,
directed by Edwin Glick and part
of the symphony. The dancers are
-under the direction of Prof. Esther}
Pease of the women's physical edu-
cation department. ''t
Dramatic rehearsals have been s
building up to the climax since
Christmas vacation although music
practicing started early- in the N
Principal characters of the opera
include Burt Kageff as Tamino, ;

Petitions Circul
So successful was he
guments that two pet
circulated among 5G
present at the conferen
nouncing their collects
tion, the, other callir
Asked for comment
liner would only say,
When does petitionin
NSA's Student Goverr
President Ray Farabee
resource person for ti
discuksions which centi
the theme of "The Stu
in Higher Education."
Booklet Use
Departure point for
day conference was the
let, "Student Governme
Leaders and the Am
lege," published as a ri
Student Activities Res
conducted last year o

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