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March 04, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-04

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Sixty-Sixth Year

n Opinions Are Free,
mtb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

DAY, MARCH 4, 1956


Four More Years of Nion?

THE GOOD possibility of the President's re-
election and the hazards to the health of
t man of his age and condition make the
iuestion of a Vice-Presidential candidate a mat-
er of national concern.
There are two problems involved. Now more
han ever, the Vice-Presidential nominee must
e a man well-qualified not only as a Consti-
utional successor to the Presidency but also as
an extra-legal stand-hi should the President
be disabled for any period of time. The ques-
ion is how the Republican Party will meet the
unique challenge presented by the President's
Unfortunately, the chances now are that the'
Party's response will be dictated by a number
of factors not necessarily pointing in the di-
rection of the public good. For although pub-
ic confidence in Vice-President Richard Nixon
s quite low, his chances of renomination are
luite high.
To fail to renominate Nixon would be in
effect saying a number of things, both about
he Vice-President and the President. None of
hem would benefit the Republican cause.,
About Nixon the party would be saying that
either it or the people had lost confidence in
aim. Actually he is one of the President's de-
clared favorites, and it is an unusual news
conference indeed in which the President does
aot sing his praises. He has done much in the
way of vigorous campaigning for the party,
and his past record of Taftism and present
record of Eisenhowerism make him acceptable
to most wings of the Republican Party.
What Rate Fo
DO STUDENTS take an interest in student
government? This question has been voiced
on the Michigan campus before this spring. The
perennial answer is found to a great extent in
he low number of petitions taken out each
spring semester by potential SGC candidates.
Lack of candidates has come to be somewhat of
a tradition as the student body regularly at-
empts to choose fellow students who will re-
sponsibly and effectively represent them.
With three more days left to return petitions,
only seventeen students have expressed a desire
,o compete for the seven SGC positions being
vacated this semester. Even if each of the
seventeen become official candidates, seven out
of seventeen indicates less than a passing in-
erest in the Council's accomplishments and
failuires in its first year of operation.
Criticism of student government activity or,
student government inactivity often flows fast
and furious on campus. Constructive criticism
in the way of ideas is found to a lesser degree.
But when it come to devoting the necessary
time and energy to the execution of these con-'
structive ideas, Michigan students-especially
the ones who are the most critical-are hard to
In only a short period of existence, Student

FOR THE PARTY to reject Nixon on the
grounds that he lacks popular support
would be a first-rate insult to a man who has
kept himself prominently in the public eye as
a representative of the Administration for four
Roosevelt could dump Henry Wallace in 1944
and get away with it, but this is the "team,"
and to dump Richard Nixon would be very
poor team play indeed.
Not only would the nomination of someone
to succeed Nixon be a slap in the face to one
of the Party's key leaders, but it would be
implying things about the state of the Presi-
dent's health which Republican orators and
doctors will be denying up and down the land
for the next eight months. To choose a Vice-
Presidential candidate less objectionable to in-
dependent voters than Nixon, the party would
be publicly admitting to all the world that the
President's chances of surviving a second term
are significantly poorer than were his chances
of surviving his first.
The Nixon name on the ticket will be a
liability, this year much more than in 1952.
But against it must be balanced the liabilities
of displaying a lack of confidence in the
team's head cheerleader, and of publicly ack-
knowledging and therefore emphasizing the
dangers to the President's health. As of to-
day it appears that those who have been unable
to reconcile themselves to the will and ways of
Richard Nixon will have at least four more
years in which to try.
)r Capabilit
Government Council has raised itself to a posi-
tion where it is no longer merely recognized
by faculty and administration, but actually
aided in its attempts to solve in a cooperative
mood some of the practical problems confront-
ing the University and its student body.
But no government is run in inertia built up
from previous successes. Effective student gov-
ernment depends on active participation on the
part of the student' body. The structure of
SGC in particular calls for a strong, intelligent
elected membership. Without it, successes of
the past can be overshadowed by failures of
the future.
Though no scientific poll has been taken, it is
reasonable to assume there are more than
seventeen qualified students for seven SGC
positions. In fact the makeup of the University's
student body intimates that a seventeen to one
ratio might be entirely within the range of
Premium rates on insurance against incapable
student leadership would be much less with
such a ratio.
How high a rate is the student body willing
to pay?

"Congratulations, Mr. President - It's All Yours"
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ality celluloiding shows in England.
Reviews" using the stars of Eng-
land and American stars appear-
ing in England as the featured
The Ricardos and Mertzes are in
the midst of their tour of Europe,
using the continental story line as
an attempt to get away from the
usual format. As with most situa-
tion comedy shows, the writers can
come up with just so many ideas
with the same situation, and a
trip abroad opens up many oppor-
tunities which would otherwise
not be available to them.
Another show which is filmed
in England for American viewing
is "The Adventures of Robinhood."
Because of this arrangement an
interesting situation has arisen.
ON JUST about every television
program which brings people to
the point of origination every
week, such as any of the multitude
of quize shows, a working agree-
ment has been made between the
producers of the program and an
airline. For a plug at the end of
the show the airline agrees to fly
all the contestants to the program
free of charge.
At the end of each "Robinhood"
show there is a plug for an airline.
But the airline has not flown one
passenger"in connection with the
program. The plug reads: "Films
of this program have been flown
to the United States via Pan Am-
erican Airlines."
And to top off the England-Am-
erican agreement some of our old
movies will soon be sent overseas
to haunt the late-late viewers in
* * .C
HERE ARE some items which i
can be classified in the "Things
We Would Like to See on TV De-
-Two masked thugs attempt
to steal one of the questions on the
"$64,000 Question" from Mr. Feit.
It would then be interesting to C
see what those two policemen who
have been guarding Mr. Feit and
the questions for the past forty a
weeks would do.
-Bob Warren as the principle
subject on "This Is Your Life."
He's the announcer on the show F
and has to be tlere every week
-And Perry Como and Jackie
Gleason starring in "The Miracle
on Madison Avenue" with Bill,
Paley, Bob Sarnoff and Bob Kit-
ner in supporting roles.

U.S. Entertainers Giving
Britishl Their Due
Daily Television Writer
IN GRATITUDE for all the gems which the motion picture industry
of the Commonwealth of Great Britain have so graciously allowed
the sponsors of the American Late-Late Shows to use as their form of
entertainment, some American television stars are now using England
as the scene for filming their shows.
Bob Hope is the prime example of an American television person-



... Promoting British relations


ot94-jfy~szuAsAIP 6'r*Clg.

Hope has done two "Continental

Dubious Chemical in Baking

FEW HOUSEWIVES know it, but
a dubious chemical that comes
from petroleum is still used as a
"freshener" in rolls, cookies and
other bakery products-though its
use in bread has been banned.
Called polyoxyethelene mono-
stearate, its use in bread was
fought succesfully by the Food
and Drug Administration three
years ago., But it's still used to
freshen other bakery products be-
cause of complicated legal pro-
cedures that today hamper the
Food and Drug Administration in
protecting the public.
Congressmen, certain food man-
ufacturers, and Food and Drug
Administrator George P. Larrick
are trying to plug the loophole in
the law by requiring government
approval before chemicals can be
added to food products. They point
out that during the last 15 years,
approximately 25,000 such chemi-
cals have been screened by manu-
facturers, of which 24,600 have
been discarded as unsafe. More-
over of the 400 now in use, it is
estimated that 15 have never re-
ceived adequate testing. Polyoxy-
ethelene monostearate is just one
Tragically, it is just one lone
congressman, battling on behalf of
the chemical industry, who is
keeping the loophole from being
closed too tightly. He is Rep.
Joseph P. O'Hara (R., Minn.),
author of a bill that ostensibly
would close the loophole, but which
actually would leave the Food and
Drug Administration still virtually
* * *
O'HARA'S BILL would force the
government to prove its case in
court every time the Food and
Drug Administration pretested a.
food chemical and found it dang-
erous. This would tie up the Food
and Drug Administration in end-
less legal red tape.

J. M. Gillet of the Manufactur-
ing Chemists Associations, Inc., is
the chief source of the pressure
on O'Hara. He has the backing of
several representatives of the Food
and Packing Industries, including
John A. Gosnell of the Adhesives
Manufacturers Association of Am-
erica and H. T. Austern of theI
National Canners Association. Nine
food industry groups are also back-
ing the chemical firms in their
drive to keep the door open a
crack, among their spokesmen be-
ing Glenn G. Paxton.
Chief Justice Warren and the
11 chief judges of the Federal
Appeals courts are opposed to the
position of the chemical industry,
since they believe the overworked
federal trial courts are not comp-
etent to decide highly scientificj
matters. They agree that the Food
and Drug Administration should
have the power to enforce its find-
ings and sent Judge John Biggs,
Jr., of the third circuit to so testi-
fy before the house committee.
Congressman O'Hara, however,
was adamant.
"We do not ask physicians for
legal advice, and we should not
ask judges or juries for medical
advice," argued William W. Good-
rich, Assistant General Counsel
of the Department of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare.
This piqued the Congressman
from Minnesota.
"You have given this bill about
the most distorted view of any-
body I've heard," he told Good-
He is still blocking the Food and
Drug Administration in its at-
tempt to protect housewives.
* * *
SECRETARY of the Treasury
George M. Humphrey was discus-
sing the advantages of a balanced
federal budget at a closed-door
meeting of the House Appropria-
tions Committee.
"As long as we can balance our
income with our outgo we will not

go bankrupt," declared Humphrey.
Rep. J. Vaughan Gary of Vir-
ginia agreed:
"I am very much in hope that
your estimates of receipts will
prove correct for the fiscal year
1957," he said, "and that Congress
will find some means of reducing
the expenditures without weaken-
ing our national defense."
"That would be wonaerful if you
could do it," said the Treasury
boss, "and I certainly would sup-
port it in every way. There is no
Treasurer who is not 100 per cent
in support of that if it can be done.
"I feel like the fellow who woke
up and found a burglar shining an
electric torch in his face," Hump-
hrey continued. "The burglar said,
'I hear there is $500 here, and I
want to find it.' The fellow in bed
said, 'Wait a minute. I want to
get up and help you-look."'

More ThanRight & ron

T'S DISAPPOINTING that so many people
who should know better are spouting solu-
tions to the Southern segregation dilemma, at
the same time overlooking or failing to see the
If it were just a matter ofright and wrong,
democracy and justice, how simple it would all
be. We would just have to read a few passages
from the Constitution or some other docu-
ments of democratic theory and rest assured
that the point had been proved.
What baffles many of our extremist anti-
segregationists is that this simplicity is not as
apparent to the South. They are bewildered
to hear about rock-throwing mobs, obviously
unjust court decisions, and unpunished South-
ern killings. They wonder how the Southern
mind works that can accept this behavior. Con-
fusion grows to condemnation and finally hatred
and an appeal to force.
The Southern racists take another road and
arrive at, the same destination-hatred. To
them the Negro is a moral, economic, social,
and biological degenerate. The words "nigger"
and "filthy" can be used interchangeably. As-
sociation with the Negro is a task enough-in-
tegrated living is absurd. The racist can under-
stand the Northern position no better than his
own is being interpreted. His only conclusion
is that outsiders who do not have to face the
consequences are butting in, trying to dictate
to him their superiority. And if they're going
to' be talking about force, by God, he'll counter
with force.
The two extremities are far apart, so far
that to some observers a forcible showdown
seems imminent. Yet, quietly and slowly a
third force has developed, both in the North
and the South. Segregation is unjust and a
blotch on American democracy, these people
agree. But they interpret the desired end not
as mere legal integrations, but as social under-
StA~ns Anrl ,ipmhinTn tm tq . sth

IN RECENT DECADES advocates of this poli-
cy have made much progress. Negroes and
whites work together in many areas of the
South where this would have been unbeliev-
able a little earlier. Many schools hive been
integrated, even before the Supreme Court de-
cision on education. And in countless other
little ways the Negro has been voluntarily
"accepted" by the white.
Of course, one can say that the process is
too slow, too painful, and that modern genera-
tions of Southern Negroes must no longer be
condemned to the vile abuses that still exist.
How can one condone the Till case in Mississip-
pi, or the Lucy case in Alabama simply to say
that in two or three generations hence this
might no longer happen.u
Obviously we cannot-nor can most South-
erners. But it is a valid argument in the South
that there are Northern groups and individuals
who are in themselves responsible, at least in
part. The Lucy case was handled, despite the
obvious ideals of justice, so as to make inte-
gration at Alabama U. more painful than it
needed to be, or than the Alabamans were
willing to endure. Although understandably on
the side of justice, there is a danger that some
Negro groups might prefer martyrdom to suc-
The Supreme Court decision has done much
to make both North and South conscious of
unfulfilled democratic ideals, and this is com-
mendable. Yet, it has also led to an increasing
self-consciousness for the Negro and this may
become unfortunate. Although the Montgom-
ery bus boycott is an example of united, and
courageous passive resistance, an effort at
success rather than conflict, such propositions
as a nation-wide Negro hour of sympathy can
only lead to increased tension and unhappi-
ness everywhere.
IF THERE is any clear-cut solution to the

To The Editor
morning, March 2. The very head-
Missed Facts . . . line of this editorial suggests to
To the Editor: the casual reader, and most are,
AS AN ex-officio member of the that all SGC will bar an ISA
Student Government Council, I representative from running for
feel it is my obligation to comment the council. Then Mr. Snyder
on some of the GLARING general- opens his article by saying, "If the
izations and utter nonsense that views of two SGC members can be
hats andearedttwosrecent edi- taken as representative. "
has appeared in the orenadl - Obviously, the headline and intro-
torials i The Michigan Daily ductory sentence, on which the
The first of these so called ditorial is based, are unfair and
editorials that I refer to is Mr. eneraied.
Elsman's on the rushing study genera izmember of SGC, do not
committee deadline of March 5th. feel that these two anonymous
It seems obvious that since the opinions represent mine or any
SGC, through the "so called Frank council member's reactions but
motion," mandated IHC, IFC, Pan- their own, and I don't think Mr.
hellenic, and Assembly to have Snyder can pretend to try to
their reports in by March 5th, convince the campus that they do.
that this "editorial" was nothing If Mr. Snyder had deemed it neces-
but nonsense and a waste of valu- sary to get other reactions, he
able space. I don't think that any- would have uncovered the ASTON-
one was given cause to believe that ISHING fact that last Spring
these reports would not be in in many SGC members spent a great
time. What, pray tell, was Mr, deal of time trying to convince ISA
Elsman editorializing about? to run a candidate for SGC.
The other editorial that I refer Unfortunately, Mr. Snyder miss-
to is Mr. Snyder's, "SGC 'Voices' ed this fact and these OTHER
Unrealistic in Barring ISA Seat," opinions.
which appeared in the Daily this Hazel Frank, '56

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p..
the day preceding publication. Notces
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Students and Staff Members who have
already rented one picture from Art
Print Loan and wish to secure another
one may do so Monday and Tuesday,
March 5 and 6. Hours 8-12 and 1-5. 510
Administration Bldg. (basement) There
is still a fine selection of prints avail-
Science Research Club. The March
meeting will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 6. Program: Isotopes in Chemi-
cal Reaction Kinetics, Richard B. Bern-
stein, Chemistry; The Acetlycholine-
Choline Esterase System in Nerve Trans-
mission, Lloyd R. Yonce, Psysology.
Dues for 1955-56 accepted after 7:10 p.m.
The Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, March 5, in the West Lee-
ture Room of the Rackham Building at
8:00 p.m. Dr. Lois Biggers Gehring,
Research Associate in Biochemistry, will
speak on "Tools in Biochemistry."
Dr. C. Freeman Allen will lecture on
"Fatty Acids of the Tubercle Bacllus"
on Mon., Mar. 5, at 4:15 p.m. in Chem-
istry Bldg. 1300.
University Lecture, auspices of Eng-
lish Dept. Frank O'Connor, distinguish-
ed Irish author and critic, on "The Rise
and Decline of the Novi." Rackham
Lecture Hall, Tues., Mar. 6, 4:15 p.m.
Student Recital, 8:30 p.m., Sun.,
March 4, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, by Jane
Stoltz, violinist, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree. A pupil of Gilbert Ross,
Miss Stoltz will play c'Ompositions by
Brahms, Bach, and Hindemith. Open to
the public. Miss Stoltz is a pupil of
Gilbert Ross.
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 4:15 sunday after-
noon, March 4. in Hill Auditorium. This
is the first of four programs continuing
the series of Bach organ music and fea-
turing the-Caibn, Part III. Others
will be performed by Pofessor Noehren
on March 11, 18, and 25th; all are open
to the general public without charge.
Academic Notices
Aeronautical Engineering High Alti-
tude Seminar. LMr. L. M. Jones of the
Upper Atmosphere Research Group will
speak on "Survey of High Altitude Re-
search," Mon., March 5, at 4:00 p.m.,
in Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg. Open to
seniors, graduate students, and staff
Doctoral Examination for Harold
Woodrow Paulsen, Education; thesis:
"The Development and Application of
Criteria for Evaluating Guidance Serv-
ices in College Departments of Physical
Education," Tues, March 6, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10:00 a.m,
Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker.
Mktg., Sales, Distribution, Merchandis-
Helicopter and vertical Take-off Field,'
by Mr. Norman C. Taylor, Chief Engi-
neer, Piasecki Helicopter Corporation,
Morton, Pennsylvania, Mon., March 5,
at 5:00 p.m., in Room 311 West Engineer-
ing Building.
Schools of Business Administration
Education, Music, Natural Resources
and Public Health: Students, who re-
ceived marks of I, X, or 'no reports' at
the end of their last semester or sum-
mer session of attendance, will receive
a grade of "E" in the course or
courses, unless this work is made up.
In the School of Music this date is
March 10. In the Schools of Business
Administration, Education, Natural
Resources and Public Health, the date
is March 13. Students, wishing an
extension of time beyond these dates
in order to make up this work, should
file a petition, addressed to the annro-


Detroit Crafts Exhibit
Worth Investigating

T HE ELEVENTH annual exhibi-
tion for Michigan artist-crafts-
len opened at the Detroit Institute
of Arts last week, where it may be
seen until March 25.
This exhibition of ceramics, tek-
tiles, metal and woodwork by
Michigan artists is well worth
investigation by people going to
Detroit anyway; ceramics are cer-
tainly the outstanding feature.
Only prizewinner from Ann Ar-
bor was J. T. Abernathy who pick-
ed up $50 for a stoneware bowl.
J. T. has another bowl in the
show which is big enough to hold
punch for half the freshman class.
A new direction in ceramics was
own hby T.Rnhep4 n. of

larly imaginative. There were, for
instance, no interesting examples
of enameling, But the ice tea
spoons, bowls, pendants, and cuff.
linky were carefully made, cer-
Assorted textiles showed most
strongly the so-called Cranbrook
influence. Most prominent here is
Marianne Strengell, whose excel-
lent work is well represented.
Subtlety in fabric was most evident
John Risleey has a diverse as-
sortment of woodwork including a
chess 1set with charging pawns,
praying bishops, meek kings, and
fierce queens. Other woodwork was

. 4


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