Sixty-Sixth Year
en Opinions Are Free,
'ruth Will Prevail
printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
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Fernandel Triumphs
Over Devil's Disciples
A POOR OLD strolling musician and his faithful little monkey seek
shelter from a snowstorm at a country inn. The musician is
brutually murdered; the circumstances by which the assassions are
brought to justice is the story of "The Red Inn."
The rather high-strung but effective instrument of truth is Fer-
nandel, the man with the unbelievable face.
URDAY, MARCH 3, 1956
Southern Leaders Foresaking
Leadership For Politics
TENSION in the South is building up at a
fearful rate. The scene for a general erup-
tion of violence is being set with each passing
day. "Southern leaders, more anxious for their
political security than for the general welfare
of the areas they are pledged to serve, are doing
little to ease the tensions-indeed, they are do-
ing their utmost to excite them.
Two defenses are generally made for the
utterances of political leaders in the South:
1) they could not, if they wished, avert hos-
tilities because the issues involved are too deep-
ly rooted in the emotions of the people, and
2) in telling the people what they want to
hear the southern leaders are just acting as
politicians always act.-
The first defense is illogical. As obvious as
it may appear that the governors and senators
from the South could not end racial hatreds
by simply.supporting the Supreme Court man-
date, it is just as obvious that they could pro-
vide an element of leadership-leadership which
now-resides in the mobs.
Politicians are always prone to defend their
actions on the grounds that they are just
"politicking." This is a good defense in many
cases but not here. Existence of a serious
crisis is a point at which the politician must
value his political neck after the responsibili-
ties ahead.
ONE OF THE more disturbing aspects of the
segregation issue is the reappearance of
the dangerous Doctrine of Interposition. Basi-
cally it claims the states have the right to de-
termine the constitutionality of federal laws
and ignore those it finds unconstitutional. In
effect it places sovereignty of the states above
that of the federal government.
The Doctrine is as outmoded as the Articles
of Confederation. When last espoused, and
brilliantly so by John C. Calhoun, it led the
country to war-The Civil War.
Permitting the states 'to protest 'unconsti-
tutional' acts of the federal government is fully
consistent with our principles of government--
the individual citizen enjoys this right.
But in giving the states the right to deter-
mine which acts are or are not constitutional
the Doctrine poses perhaps the most serious
possible internal threat to democracy.
The danger is simply that once invoked, the
Doctrine can not be adjudicated.
Once the Southern states declare their re-
fusal to abide by the Supreme Court decision,
using the Doctrine of Interposition as the ra-
tionale, they preclude any peaceful attempt to
reconcile the opposing views.
The Supreme Court cannot declare the Doc-
trine unconstitutional and prohibit its use be-
cause the states, again relying on the Doctrine,
declare the prohibition itself unconstitutional.
UNLESS either the states renounce the Doc-
trine or the federal government acknow-
ledges it as legally binding, only force can
settle the dispute.
It is a difference in principle which admits
no middle ground.
It is, of course, extremely unlikely that the
Southern states will carry the fight that far.
The recent flares of violence resemble the last
intense fight of a cornered squirrel.
It is much more likely that after saving face
and screaming for a while the southern leaders
will quietly, if reluctantly, attempt to enforce
mandate of the court.
But the inherent crime is that they are will-
ing to excite the emotions of a tense people
(both black and white) and take the risk, no
matter how small, that lies in using the Doc-
trine, to save their political faces.
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The three inhuman monsters
killing their overnight visitors for
some twenty years: the innkeep-
ers, a man, his wife, and a gigantic
African with a fixation for knives,
have found this a highly profit-
able business. Theirs is a profit
with little risk, since they drug
the guests before business hours,
and, as an extra dividend, they
have constantly refreshed soil for
their summer gardens.
WHEN providence deposits a
stagecoachful of unexpected guests
at their hearth, the inn's hosts are
overjoyed, particularly since the
exchange with the musician had
been unsatisfactory, one scarcely
covering overhead and incidentals.
They set out to make the most of
their opportunity, doubly indust-
rious at their work with the pros-
pect of peaceful retirement beck-
oning to them upon completion of
a final killing.,
They did not reckon on the re-
sources of the wily priest, a man
who carrys part of St. Frances'
tibia in a golden vessel, and to
whom St. Frances converses in
dialect; this man is Fernandel.
Uncovering the truth of the
dreadful household when the inn-
keeper's wife coyly confesses to
him through a griddle that the
firm has dealt with something over
a hundred guests, the priest real-
izes he must play it close to the
chest or else all the unsuspecting
visitors mightabehadded to the
list as well as the team's first
priest and non-secular prize.
as underlined in the majestic bal-
lade that opens and closes the
film-the moral that all those are
protected who cherish virtue-the
priest is able to keep one step
ahead of the vile three and so
revenge the musician's monkey.
This is not a film, as you might
have gathered, for the strictly
orthodox or militantly pure; the
priest is a man who must save
the travelers' lives with any means
he has, and luckily he finds a
snowball on hand at tie crucial
ist, aside from the gigantic African
who occasionally exchanges knife
for hammer, is Francoise Rosay,
who plays the innkeeper's wife.
Together with the innkeeper,
these two make up as gruesome
and deadly a trio as have ever
crossed the screen: they are a
threesome of such extraordinarily
evil capabilitfes they are worthy
of testing the mettle of even such
a man as Fernandel.
-Culver Eisenbeis
who run the Red Inn have been
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Kappa Delta Alumnae Scholarship
Award of $150 will be made payable at
the time of Registration for the 1956-57
academic year. Given to any sophomore
or junior woman who is a regularly en-
rolled student at the University of
Michigan, on the basis of scholarship,
activity record, and need. Apply at the
Office of the Dean of Women, where
applications must be filed by noon, Sat.,
March 17, 1956.
Students and Staff Members who have
already rented one picture from Art
Print Loan and wish to secure another
one may do so Monday and Tuesday,
March 5 and 6. Hours 8-12 and 1-51 510
Administration Bldg. (basement) There
is still a fine selection of prints avail-
Summer Housing Applications for
graduate and undergraduate women's
housing will be accepted from, women
now registered on campus beginning at
noon, Wed, March 7. Applicants will
be accepted for both residence halls and
supplementary housing,
Office of the Dean of Women
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the Arthur Rubenstein
Concert on March 1, 1956, will have 11:20
late permission.
Judiciary Council
Dr. C. Freeman Allen will lecture on
"Fatty Acids of the Tubercie Bacillus,
on Mon., Mar. 5, at 4:15 in Chemistry
Bldg. 1300.
Problem of a aRnnin-Mate
Found-An Issue
AT LAST an issue which is a challenge to
the deep-thinking and inventive minds of
the Democratic and Republican parties!
Past campaigns have merely grazed the vast
intellectual resources at party disposal.
At last an issue on which men can meet as
men, to consider the state of health-not of
the nation (lesser minds have sullied that is-
sue), not of the world (the public cannot ap-
preciate the immensity and dignity of that
topic), not of the cosmos (and lose, our earth-
bound heritage?)-but of the state of health
of that fine and venerable gentleman from Abi-
In past campaigns we had the feeling that
the burning issues of the day burned only for
newspaper headlines. We do not question the
sincerity of political candidates; we only as-
sert that until now they have not had a subject
worthy of their truest, deepest expression. At
last they will be able to exercise their fullest
Furthermore, we face a campaign which
promises to give the unexpected its proper!
prominence. The battle-scarred General catches
a cold on an early morning stroll around the
farm-a sudden upward swing for his oppon-
In past years Mamie's bangs were the subject
of devoted emulation; in 'this campaign, Ike's
neck-warmer. We look forward to a year of
inspiring politics.
-DEBRA DURCHSLAG; Magazine Editor
BIGGEST backstage p o 1 i t I c a 1
hassle since Ike passed out the
word has been over who would be
his running mate.
Actually the hassle began be-
fore Ike gave the word, as reported
in this column on Feb. 3, but it has
become more intense today,
Originally there were two camps
-pro and con Dick Nixon. Today
there seems to be one big camp
against Nixon, with only one man
in the other camp for Nixon. That
one man, however, has more
weight than all the others-Dwight
D. Eisenhower.
As long as Yee favors Nixon, and
as long as he is running, Nixon
will remain on the ticket.
.* .
HOWEVER, the forces on the
other side are considerable. They
were first led by Gen. Lucius Clay,
former Commander of the U. S.
Forces in Germany, now head of
Continental Can. Lined up with
Clay has been ex-Gov. Tom Dewey,
and ex-Marshall-Plan Administra-
tor Paul Hoffman. These are
among Ike's closest friends; are
sometimes called his New York
brain trust.
More recently, some of the Cabi-
net members who like Nixon and
still are for him personally have
turned against him politically.
They include such men as Secre-
tary of the Treasury Humphrey,
has always befriended Nixon, At-
torney General Brownell, and even
GOP Chairman Len Hall..
Hall is publicly emphatic that
Nixoh should be on the ticket. But
privately, all these White House
intimates know that the American
people, come next November, will
be voting as much for the Vice
President as the President. They
know that with Nixon- there is no
middle course, people either like
him or dislike him.
There was no question but that
President Eisenhower at one time
had definitely and categorically de-
cided not to run again. He had
even shied away from running be-
fore his heart attack, and the first
weeks following the attack drove
all thought of running again out
of his mind.
. s .
HIS CHANGE of mind was ac-
complished by one of the greatest
sales jobs ever accomplished in
political history.
It was put across by a small
group of White House friends and
advisers, part of it carefully
planned, part of it impromptu.
They weren't quite sure up until
the trip to Thomasville, Ga., that
they had succeeded. Even now
there could be a change before
the convention.
The first salesman to get into
action was James Hagerty, the
White House Press Secretary, who'
has become quite close to Eisen-
hower and who flew out to Denver
immediately after the heart at-
tack. One of Hagerty's first moves
was to work with Dr. Paul D.
White, the talkative Boston heart
specialist, to make sure he talked
only with Hagerty at his side. Once,
when Dr. White made a statement
in Boston voicing pessimism over
Eisenhower's ability to run again,
White immediately heard from
Hagerty. After that he spoke only
with Hagerty present.
Second salesman was the astute
Len Hall, Chairman of the Repub-
lican National Committee. He was
among the first to reverse the
political despair which immediate-
ly settled over Republicans by ad-
vising a wait-and-see policy. Ike,
he cheered, might well run again.
About the same time, Secretary
of the Treasury Humphrey, At-
torney General Brownell, Assist-
ant President Sherman Adams de-
vised the strategy of taking P,
certain amount of work out to
Denver for signature: first, to re-
store confidence to the country;
second, to restore confidence to
S -s
EISENHOWER w a s terribly
bored at Denver. This helped get
him in the mood to run again.
Later, at Gettysburg, Ike was
also bored. This was one of the
biggest factors helping the little
group of salesmen who were de-
termined to make him run again.
The salesmen had decided on
the strategy of telling every-
one that Ike was going to run
again. They had nothing to base
that on. But they figured that if
they assumed he would run and
kept telling themselves and the
country this was a fact, the unani-
mity of this determination was
bound to have its effect on the
It did-though not until quite
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Behind Ike's Decision
THE PRESIDENT has had such a hard time
making up his mind that, as he said on
Wednesday, he was still debating the question
on Tuesday. He has made it abundantly clear
that the question for him has been whether he
could conscientiously say that within his physi-
cal limitations he could carry the burden of the
Presidency for another five years. In the end
what he did was to let himself be persuaded by
his friends, and with the approval of doctors,
that he should not say no. But because he
himself had such serious doubts, he accepted
the view that after telling the truth about his
condition he could leave the final decision to a
referendum of the voters.
Thus, he himself made his own fitness the
central issue of the campaign.
The argument to which he yielded was that
there are compelling reasons why he should
head the Republican ticket. There is no other
Republican who has a good prospect of win-
ning the election, none who can keep the
party reasonably united on a policy of modera-
tion, none who can keep the country united
on the issues of war and peace. Four years,
as he said Wednesday evening, have not been
long enough to reorganize and modernize the
party. A defeat this year would precipitate a
disastrous internal struggle between the Taft
and the Dewey wings of the party. If, there-
fore, Eisenhower himself does not lead the
party victory, these four Republican years will
have been no more than a brief interlude in
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad ...,....................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ............................... City Editor
Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchsiag .................... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ......................... Feature Editor
Jane Howard "....................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor .......................... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis ................. ... Sports Editor
that period of the Democratic Party's suprem-
acy which began in 1933.
This, in effect, is the argumenft which has
prevailed with the President. He himself dis-
likes the word, but the argument is in fact that
he is the indispensable man. And so far as
the safety of the nation depends upon having
a Republican President, Eisenhower is indeed
the indispensable man.
THIS IS A POWERFUL argument. But the
President did not yield to it without a
struggle of conscience. He did not hide his
feelings on Wednesday evening and that was
why, though he made himself available, the
burden of his talk was what he could not and
would not be able to do. It was the talk of a
man who has managed to say yes but is still
full of doubt and misgiving.
This was unavoidable. Given his age and
his illness, the one thing the doctors cannot
promise him is that he may count on having the
extraordinary energies required by the Presi-
dent of the United States. They may tell him,
as they have told him, that by following a
regime the risks of death or disability are no
greater in his case than for any other man.
But the realrisk is that of a diminishing chief
executive in what promise to be increasingly
difficult and trying days. Five years are a long
time at the President's age, and under our
system of government there is no way to dele-
gate the critical responsibilities of the office.
When the President is diminished, there is no
one who can anticipate, seize, and master the
great issues. Then the basic line of policy is
to muddle through somehow.
Uncertainty about the Presidency has be-
clouded all our affairs for several months. The
uncertainty has not been cleared away. The
debate which has been going on inside the
White House and in the President's mind is
now to become a public debate in an election
year. The people are to decide the most un-
usual question which has ever been put to a
democracy. It is a big gamble.
Foreign Students Position
ISA and SGC . .
To the Editor:
T APPEARS that some miscon-
ceptions have arised in certain
circles on campus as a result of
the publication in The Daily of
Wednesday, Feb. 29th., of an inter-
view between a reporter from the
Daily staff and myself on the
topic of the forthcoming S.G.C.
elections, and the role of I.S.A. in
these elections.
It has been the practice in pre-
vious years for candidates for of-
fice on the student governing body,
to meet with the international
students, to present their programs
and obtain support in the election.
The international students have
long felt the need for more oppor-
tunity to play a part in the matter
of student government, and it is
generally agreed that this end
would be obtained if an interna-
tional student should be elected to
the Council.
That international student re-
presentation on S. G. C. is a de-
sirable thing hardly needs com-
ment. We feel that this repre-
sentation could best be obtained
by actually having an interna-
tional student on the Council.
Now, every international stud-
national candidate. This could be
done through ex-officio member-
This point was made quite clear
but appears to have been ove '-
looked in the article. The Inter-
national Students Association has
been working very closely with the
S.G.C. this semester, through the
S.G.C. sub-committee on Interna-
tional Affairs. To state that the
I.S.A. as an organization is seek-
ing an office on the Council is
tantamount to implying that I.S.A.
is not satisfied S.G.C. co-operation.
This would be untrue.
I.S.A.'s role in these elections is
to spread interest in them through
the international student body,
and will devote much more effort
to this end than previously. This
effort will extend so far as to urge
students to consider becoming
candidates for the election, and if
the response to this is good, the
I.S.A. will feel that it has done its
job. If on the other hand the
response is bad, the Association
will attempt to induce a candidate
to come forward to represent the
international students. The As-
sociation is acting in this respect
as a "safety valve'' and not as a
"shut out." We have no desire
to pledge support to one candidate,
he would be competent to assist in
solving some of the problems
which would crop up.
This, basically is our feeling in
this matter, and it is unfortunate
that the write up of the article
should have indicated otherwise.
The necessity of such a letter
as this reflects, I think, rather
badly upon the ability of the Daily
to report, impartially, the facts.
The misconstruction placed on
my" remarks has caused some con-
cern, and I wish to state very em-
phatically that I.S.A. will not seek
organizational representation in
the S.G.C. elections.
While we are on this subject, I
would like to draw attention to
the report in this morning's Daily
(Thursday, March 1st.) that the
International Center would be en-
tering a float for Michgras. This
should read I.S.A.
--John A. Wallwork, Grad.
New Books at Library
Pernoud, Regine--The Retrial of
Joan of Arc; N.Y., Harcourt, Brace,
Pugh, John-Blade of Honor;
Boston, Little, Brown, 1955.
Revnnlds .am - - ..
'Bottle' Aims
At Too Much
"THE Bottom of the Bottle" is a
movie which tries to do too
many things at once. It sprawls
itself across the screen and spreads
out, too thinly, in too many direc-
tions. It deals concurrently with
the problems of marital relations,
brotherly love, degeneratersociety,
acute alcoholism, and law and
order. It takes a mighty swing at
each of these, but somehow never
quite lands a solid punch.
Based on one of George Sime-
non's rapidly written pocket-size
paper-backed tales, "The Bottom
of the Bottle" is advertised as an
expose of the evils of modern Ari-
zonaranch society. This is what it
starts out as, but it soon gets ham-
strung by the usual Hollywood chi-
canery: wild and bruising fist
fights, hair-breadth escapes from
death, and to top it off a chase-
mounted posse and all.
* * *
AT THE BEGINNING of the film
we are introduced to Pat Martin
(Joseph Cotton), wealthy lawyer
and gentleman rancher - a loved
and respected pillar of society in
the small Southwestern commun-
ity he lives in. He has worked hard
to get where he is. He has a big
house, a large estate, a beautiful
wife (Ruth Roman), and a host of
hard-drinking, fast-talking, plea-
sure-seeki g friends.
Suddenly, without warning, a
hand reaches out from the past
and taps him on the shoulder, and
in so doing threatens to ruin his
life. The hand belongs to his
younger brother Donald, (Van
Johnson) an alcoholic ne'er-do-
well. Donald, being pursued by the
forces of the law, drops in on
brother Pat and asks for a night's
forces Donald to remain a' few
more days with his brother. the
Teresa Stich-Randall, distinguished
operatic star, who has made sensational
operatic successes in Europe, will give
one of her four American concerts in
the Extra Concert Series, Fri., March 9,
at $ :30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower and will also 14e
available after 7:00 o'clock on the night
of the performance at the Hill Auditor-
ium box office.
Academic Notices
Aeronautical Engineering High Alti-
tude seminar. Mr. L. M. Jones of the
Upped Atmosphere Research Group will
speak on "Survey of High Altitude Re-
search," Mon., March 5, at 4:00 p.m.,
in Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg. Open to
seniors, graduate students, andstaff
Seminar: On "Future Trends in the
Helicopter and vertical Take-off Field,"
by Mr. Norman C. Taylor, Chief Engi-
neer, Piasecki Helicopter Corporation,
Morton, Pennsylvania, Mon., March 5,
at 5:00 p.m., in Room 311 West Engineer-
ing Building.
Placement Notices
Sat., March 3:
Mr .Leonard Baruch, Camp Petosega,
Petoskey, Mich., will interview for
Counselors, Michigan Union, Room 30,
2-5:30 p.m.
The following schools will have repre-
sentatives at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments to interview teachers for Septem-
Mon., March 5:
Otsego, Mich.-Teacher needs: Elemen-
tary; High School Football Coach.
Tues., March 6:
'Grand Rapids, Mich.-Teacher needs:
Elementary; Music; Physical Education,
Boys; Special Education.
Clarkson, Mich. - Teacher needs;
Elementary; Junior High Math; Science:
High School Industrial Arts; Arts &
Crafts; Special Education - Mentally
Handicapped; Speech correction; Elem,
Instrumental Music.
Wed., March 7:
Hazel Park, Mich.-Elementary.
Battle Creek, Mich.-Teacher needs:
Elementary; Elementary Physical Edu-
cation; 7th Grade Core-Social Studies;
8th Grade Core-science/Math; High
School Commercial Math.
Thurs., March 8:
Detroit, Mich.-Teacher needs: All
Midland, Mich.-Teacher needs: Ele-
mentary; Librarians; Science; Vocal
Music; Arts;' Girls Phys. Ed.
Fri., March 9:
Montclair, N. J.-Teacher needs: Ele-
mentary: School Librarains; Reading
Consultant; Junior High Ind. Arts;
English/S. S.; Junior or Senior High
Science; Consultants in Health/P E,
Music and Art.
Park Forest, Illinois (Rich Township
Schools)-Teacher needs: High School
English; English/S S; World Studies;
Physical Science; Biology; Algebra;
Math.; Art; Typing and Gen. Business.
For additional information and ap-
pointments 3528 Administration Bldg.,
NO 3-1511,' Ext. 489.
The following schools have listed
vacancies for September, 1956. They
will not send representatives to the