I- -M4. THE MICHIGAN4 DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1956 II 11I.1J 1111 V1. .1\}1'a.l lIt'S I.aJ .< f ." ... .. _ t No [urnpike Authority Asks 5upport of Highway Plans By ROBERT S. BALL, JR. government-40% by the state t Support of a large-scale turn- 90%-10%. ke construction program has This. increase in aid, affectin en asked for by the Michigan only those turnpikes whose con irnpike Authority. struction was completed after De cember 31, 1955, is one of the pro In Its third annual report, the visions of the Fallon Bill, now i TA urgently recommended that Congress. 5 of the 985 miles of the inter- The financing could be applie ate system be improved or re- directly to the construction costs aced within five years. The in- allowing the tolls from the turn rstate system was proposed by pikes to pay for other badly-neede e Federal Government in 1940 highway construction in Michiga connect cities with more than or it could be used to pay off th 0,000 population. bonds which would otherwise b Also recommended were 3,188 needed to finance the projects. les of multi-lane highway with- Suggest Two Projects the next 20 years. There are Two major projects were sug ly 171 miles of super highways gested by the MTA. The Rock. the state .at present. wood-Saginaw Turnpike would ru The plan for construction of the from Rockwood, in Northern Mon 0 miles of turnpikes would call roe County, to Saginaw. The ot' iE r financing by tolls, similar to major project recommended b at of pikes in New York, New MTA was the Detroit-Chicag rsey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, Turnpike, running from the west ther than financing from state Bern end of the Willow Run Ex xes. Tunpressway, paralleling Jackson Te. TMarshall, Battle Creek, Kalama The TAuthority pointed zoo, and Benton Harbor, and con it that overall needs for highway necting with the Indiana express nstruction in the next ten years way. ll require $5,149,000,000. Proposed extensions of the Rock If proposed Federal aid onoaowood-Saginaw turnpike would ru atching basis of 90%-10% plus south to Maumee and the Ohi ate highway tax income is used, Turnpike and north to MackinE e State will still be over a bil- and the Mackinac Bridge. Th n dollars short of meeting its northern section would not be e eds over the next ten years, pected to pay for itself immed. cessitating the "pay-as-you- ately, but could be supported b de" financing. . the Rockwood-Saginaw section. Could Begin Construction MTA planners feel the Mackina If the resolution now before the extension would be justified b; ate Legislature is passed, putting the new bridge across the Strait e question of building the turn- kes up to the voters in Novem- DAILY er, and if the construction is >ted upon favorably, construc- on could begin almost immedi- ely after the fall elections. Board of National Missions of the Wed., March 7: Presbyterian Church, New York, an- San Francisc nounces a Spanish Scholarship for Francisco, Calif women who have "secretarial skills and someability to read and speak Spanish. Instru., Mech., Indiana University, Women's Residence B.S. in Civil. Hall, has Counseling Internships avail- Research Dep able for 1956-57 academic year. craft Corp., Ea I o Naval Shipyard, San ornia-All levels in Elec., and Naval and Marine. artment of United Air- ast Hartford, Conn.-Al Ch. E., Elec., Mech. Must t. to g e- Q- n d s, - d n he be I- k- n a- er by o t- L- is n, a- a- s- k- in do ac its x- U- by ac by ts. American Women Buyers Club, New York, announces a Scholarship Award for a woman graduate student at the NYU School of Retailing. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Atomic Power Div., E. Pittsburgh, Penna., offers outstanding career opportunities to Engineers, Mathematics, and Physics graduates who wish to develop their talents and skills in the unusual prob- lems of atomic power work, and who want the opportunity to work with some of the outstanding people in the atomic power field. . The Civil Aeronautics Administration has need for Airway Operation Special- ists for duty at various communications stations located throughout Alaska. United States Civil Service Commis- sion, announces an opening for a Phar- macy Resident for duty in Veterans Administration Hospitals. Closing date for applications is May 1, 1996. Radcliffe College & Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass., announce their 3rd Annual Summer Institute on His- torical & Archival Management. The Halle Bros. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, has openings for Men or Women in the Retailing field. United States Civil Service, Detroit, Mich., has openings for Contract Spe- cialists for duty at the Detroit Ordnance District and elsewhere in Mich. United Airlines, Willow Run, has openings for Men for Passenger Agents at Willow Run. New York State Civil Service, announ- ces Examinations for Engineers, Radio- Physicists, Social Workers, Librarians, Statisticians, Artists, Radio Communi- cations Clerks, Purchase and Law Clerks. Closing date for applications March 30. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: levels in Aero.,C be, U.S. citizen. National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., Fremont, Ohio. All degree levels in Ch.E., Elec., Ind., Stru., Mat., Math., Mech., Eng. Mech., Nuclear, Physics, and Science. B.S. and M.S. in Civil. Must be U.S. citizen. Sperry Gyroscope, Div. of Sperry Rand Corp., Great Neck, Long Island, N. Y. All degree levels in .AerQ., Elec., Stru., Mat., Math., Mech., Eng. Mech., Met. Physics, Science. Must be a U.S. citizen. City of Detroit, Civil Service Commis- sion, Detroit, Mich. B.S. and M.S. in Civil, Elec., Ind., and Mech. B.S. in Ch.E., Mat., Math., Physics, Eng. Mech., and Science. M.S. in Constr., Municipal, and Sanitary. General Telephone Company of Miehi- gan, Muskegon, Michigan. All degree levels in Civil, Elec., Ind., Mech., Eng. Mech. Combustion Engineering Inc., Detroit, Mich. B.S. in Mech. principally. Open- ings are also available for B.S., M.S., and PhD in: Met.; Structures (Aero and AppI. Mech.); Eng. Physics; and Ch.E. American Can Company, Barrington, Illinois. All degree levels in Ch.E., Civil, Elec., Ind., Instru., Mat., Math., Mech., Eng. Mech., Met., Nuclear, Physics, Sani- tary and Science. Detroit Edison, Detroit, Mich. All de- gree levels in Ch.E., Civil, Elec., Math., Mech., Met., Nuclear, and Physics. Proctor & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio- B.S. and M.S. in Ch.E., Mech., Ind., Civil Elec., Eng. Mech., Math or Physics. Also BS. and MS. in Chem. Offers made despite military status. Able to discuss opportunities with the national of the Phlippines, venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, Canada, England, France, and Belgium. Students interested in Overseas oppor- tunities should sign up to talk to Mr. Fay or Mr. Noyes. I' 'I i1. nulemmmmI mk o(Detroit EioCo. 0- r1 o1Si E According to the MTA, the con- ruction could be finished in ap- oximately 30 months.dn - Proposed federal bills to increase I to state construction of turn- kes have been a source of en-t uragement to turnpike planners.A ie aid iS expected to be boostedA DM the previous 60% by the etitions Availables or Scholarships Students interested in an op- rtunity to attend the Free Uni- rsity of Berlin next year may ke out petitions starting today. One student from the University selected'annually to participate the exchange program which so makis it possible for a Ger- an student to attend classes at e University each year. Petitions are available at the udent Government Council of- :es in Quonset Hut A. Petition- g closes March 17. . B ULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Union, Room 3G. Call the Bureau of Appointments for appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 2614. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: The Graham Association & Training School for Nurses, Canton, Ill., is look- ing. for a Nursing Instructor who has a BA or BS in addition to RN, For the Sharpest GREETING CARDS In Town Buy PANDA at FOLLETT'S State St. at North University ELECTRICAL POWER CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Research and Development Plant and System Design Equipment Engineering Planning for Growth Purchasing sales Electrical - Mechanical .1 7q 3 " -I [ it I Reserve Your Appointment Time at Placement Office to See Our Representative WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 4 DON'T FORGET TO TAKE 1' _) $ 50o I I (check or cash) TO CLASS WITH YOU! Buy the 1956 MICHIIIANENSIAN ALLTHE PI EASURE COMES THRU... 4' QAL FILTER at the 1 " / wee DIAG ENGINE ARCH UNION FILTER TIP JARL1YJON i rdI CI~GARS??E5 ::v fi . : 9-12 AM.1-3 P.M. Or The Student Publications Building 4 Here you have the best in filtered smoking -Filter Tip Tareyton, the filter cigarette that smokes milder, smokes smoother, draws easier... the '.4 only one that gives you Activated Charcoal filtration. I I