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March 02, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-02

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"And Some Day We May Improve Delivery Service"

en Opinions Are Free,
ruth Will Prevail*

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


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Rubenstein Plays to
CapacityA udience
Last night, Arthur Rubenstein played to a more than capacity
audience which filled even the stage, displaying both his impeccable
technique, personal charm and limited musical range. Rubenstein
belongs to the "flamboyant piano" school, and along with a diabolic
technique, he has a stage magnetism which he uses with calculated
effect. Next to his firm, masculine piano style, one remembers his up-


AY, MARCH 2, 1956



SGC Voices' Unrealistic
In Barring ISA Seat

IF THE VIEWS of two Student Government
Council members can be taken as represen-
tative, the Council is laboring under the de-
lusion that it is truly the "all-campus" organi-
zation it was meant to be. In announcing its
intent to support an International Students'
Association member for an SGC post, ISA
was rebuffed Tuesday by the two Council
Both members were quite free with their
views on why it would be "undesirable" for
ISA to support one of its members. And both
declined to have their names coupled with
their views-a practice becoming more and
more common among SGC members.
Use of anonymity in expression of opinion
is a dangerous practice. It puts the opinion's
object in a disadvantageous position because
the opposition does not know who the opinion
is coming from and whether it is offered in a
sincere manner or merely 'as a means of stif-
ling his own views. And it signifies that the
person whose opinion is presented is not will-
ing to stand back of it, that he uses anony-
mity as an escape -or as a means of insuring
that he will not lose any votes by expressing
his opinion.
As for the basic' question of whether ISA
should be represented on the Council, these
two Council members are not taking as ob-
jective a view- of the present makeup of the
Council as they should. While both anony-
mous members seem to be sincere in their
opinions, they are not realistic in looking at
SGC as the "all-campus" body it is supposed
to be rather than what it actually is.
Theoretically, the heads of the seven major
campus organizations are included in the SGC
setup for the "experience in leadership" which
they are capable of lending. Actually, the
seven ex-officia members have done little more
than represent their particular interest group.
Their main interest is an apparent, if not
obvious, desire to see that nothing is put over
on their own individual organization when they
aren't looking. Rarely do these ex-officio heads
exhibit the "all-campus" attitude for which

they were included in the original Laing pro-
IS THE International Students Association
any different from the Interfraternity Coun-
cil if it desires representation on the Council?
Would it be looking at student government
problems with any less concern for the whole
campus than does IFC? Since ISA was not
able to gain representation through an ex-of-
ficio position, why shouldn't they actively
back a member for candidacy?
To this question, the two anonymous SGC
members reply that a foreign student "might
not have the necessary time to take on the
full-time SGC _ duties." The foreign student
might also be lacking "experience" on campus
problems and campus structure.
Since the foreign student is usually here for
the same amount of time as an American
student, it is illogical to say that he will not
develop the same campus awareness the aver-
age SGC member has before election. In fact,
it might be hoped that the foreign student.
would be capable of developing a better in-
sight of campus problems than that now ex-
hibited by Council members. There is little
difference in amount of time that a foreign
student would be able to devote to Council
work in comparison with an American.
Again, it might not be a bad idea if a for-
eign student were elected who would devote
more time to SGC than the average 4Council
member now does.
IT IS ARGUED anonymously that too many
foreign students are graduates, yet 40 per
cent 'f the University's student population is
enrolled in/graduate divisions. With an organi-
zation representing one in every 15 students at
the University, it seems pnly fair that ISA be
entitled to some representation.
ISA not only has the right to enter a candi-
date in the coming elections, but regardless of
the opinions of some SGC members, its con-
tributions could be very valuable.

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raised profile with its halo of white
hair, and the graceful flip of his
wrist as he takes a bow.
The program which may seem
varied but sounded monochromati-
cally uniform consisted of a Bach-
Busoni "Chaconne"; Beethoven's
Sonata Op. 31, No. 3; three short
Brahms pieces; a Sonata by Stra-
vinsky based on Pctroushka and
three Chopin numbers.
* * *
The Bach-Busoni was all Ruben-
stein. The "Chaconne" from the
Second Partita for the unaccom-
panied violin was transmuted into
a warming-up piece in a Lisztian
hot house by a musically German-
ized Italian; and the result is a
decibellic jungle of pedal tones.
Someone in the process obliterated
not only the transparent structure
of Bach, but the tension that re-
sults when a single violin attempts
a set of variation on a chaconne
The fast movements of the
Beethoven sonata were successful
in their chiselled clarity of themes
and rigorous handling of rhythms,
but his same lapidarian, hard tones
killed the slow movements. The
notes were there, but Beethoven
was not.
The Stravinsky sonata was an
exercise in orchestral mimicry.
And in this game, Rubenstein
showed that at least in volume, he
can match an orchestra. All the
charm that lies in the orchestra-
tion, however, which is no small
part of the virtue of Petrouchka
was lost; and Rubenstein could
not or chose not to imitate the
pianissimo strings. If this is a
sonata, it is highly episodic like
its original. Rubenstein bobbing
up and down to hit the hard notes
made this a fantastic visual tour
de force.
The most effective (and some-
times truly eloquent) piano-play-
ing came in the Brahms and Cho-
pin pieces. Here Rubenstein show-
ed that his self conscious and
analytic style is admirably suited
to these dramatic, virtuosistic
pieces, full of sentiment. He can
make the musical texture sharp
and clear, etch out the melodic line.
and make it sing. The Chopin
"Polonaise in A flat Major" was
given a thunderous and rolling
performance; and the audience,
loving every bit of it, responded
with a roaring ovation.
--A. Tsugawa

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Kappa Delta Alumnae Scholarship
Award of $150 will be made payable at
the time of Registration for the 1956-57
academic year. Given to any sophomore
or junior woman who is a regularly en-
rolled student at the University of
Michigan, on the basis of scholarship,
activity record, and need. Apply at the
Office of the Dean of women, where
applications must be filed by noon, Sat.,
March 17, 1956.
Blue Cross Rate Increase. Effective
March 1, 1956, Michigan Hospital Service
will increase its rates for the hospital
care portion of the Blue Gross-Blue
Shield program. The new rate increases
are .33 a month for a single person
and $1.14 a month for two persons and
family coverage.



Supyerior Oil's Taxes

GRid of Surpluses

SECRETARY BENSON'S statisticians have
made a calculation that but for the accum-
ulated "farm surpluses"-now reported to be
worth nearly eight billion dollars-farm prices
might be 10 per cent higher and the income
of farmers some 20 per cent higher. As these
surpluses cannot be sold here at Home without
wrecking the market, the temptation to get
rid of them abroad is naturally very strong.
Sen. Bridges has let it be known that the
Senate Republican Policy Committee is dis-
turbed, over reports of "resistance" by the
State Department and the Defense Depart-
ment. The Policy Committee is also agreed
that the Administration should be "pushed
pressured and encouraged" to step up sur-
plus disposal.
The trouble with this idea is that so many
of the allied and-friendly countries abroad
also have surpluses which they need to dis-
pose of. Our efforts to get rid of parts of our
surpluses at cut-rate prices, easy terms and as
out-right gifts are being denounced, accurately
enough, as dumping.
Thus New Zealand has protested that "dairy
products are now being dumped at prices well
below those ruling in world markets." Mr.
C. D. Howe, the Trade Minister of Canada, a
country also bedeviled as we are by a wheat
surplus, has complained that "markets gen-
erally are disorganized by U.S. surplus dis-
posal measures." Thailand and Burma, them-
e selves recipients of certain of our surpluses,
are protesting that we are dumping rice, which
interferes unfairly with their rice export trade.
Uruguay has made a protest against our agree-
ment tb supply Brazil with wheat and other
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ..................................City Editor
Murry Frymer. ....... ...... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag .. ................. Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ..................... Feature Editor
Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ............................Associate Editor
Phil Douglis ......... ...*..............Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ............... Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................ Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthaler ..............., ... Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds ........... Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel .................. Chief Photographer
Business Sta -f

farm products, contending that they compete
unfairly with Uruguay's trade with Brazil.
NO WONDER the State Department is not
finding it easy to dispose of the surpluses
in a hurry. The department is, in fact, in a
jam. It is under pressure from Congress to
dump the surpluses and under attack abroad
from the countries which suffer from the dump-
It is almost certainly an error to think that
our farm troubles can be solved, or even ap-
preciable alleviated, by the efforts to get rid
of the surpluses abroad. In 1955 we made
strenuous efforts under a number of different
acts. The Administration got rid of something
over two billion dollars' worth of surplus com-
modities, of which a little over one billion was
disposed of abroad. But the surpluses accu-
mulated at home are bigger than they ever
The basic fact of the matter is that only 10
per cent of our total agricultural production
is exported, and though the world market is
important for certain crops, the problem can-
not be solved by pushing it off on to the world
markets. It is not possible to dispose of the
surpluses quickly even by a combination of
such devices as giving them away, selling them
for curriencies we do not need, or bartering
them for foreign commodities that we would
buy anyway.
FOR US TO PUSH very hard along these
lines, essentially that of dumping, would
almost certainly do us more harm abroad than
it does us good here at home. For we must
not lose sight of a cardinal element of they
new Soviet campaign in Asia and in Africa.
This is the willingness of the Soviet govern-
ment to be paid, or at least to appear to be
paid, for its industrial goods by accepting pay-
ment in cotton from Egypt, rice from Burma,
jute from Pakistan, accepting in other words
the surpluses of the under-developed countries.
We shall not do well in this contest with the
Soviet government if the Soviet accepts com-
modities which are in surplus while we dump
those same commodities.
All this is not to say that some part, some
comparatively small part of our surpluses, can-
not be disposed of abroad through commercial
channels. Appreciable amounts can still be
gotten rid of abroad through programs de-
signed to help remedy undernourishment and
raise economic productivity, provided these
programs are wisely conceived and administer-

THE MORE you look into the
Superior Oil Company and the
Keck family which tried to give
that $2,500 to Senator Case, the
more amazing the picture becomes.
Senate investigators have just
discovered that Superior Oil Com-
pany not only paid zero income
taxes in 1953 and 1954, but actu-
ally made money in the form of
tax credits under the special tax
laws written for the benefit of the
oil industry.
This may explain why Superior's
free-spending President, Bill Keck,
was able to throw political con-
tributions around.
sS "
ALL OTHER corporations have
been paying 52 per cent of their
net income as taxes since 1952. Yet
the rich oil companies have been
paying next to nothing because of
depletion allowances and other tax
Keck's company earned $10,260,-
388 net incom*in 1954. But be-
lieve it or not, after all the tax
deductions were added, the gov-'
ernment ended up owing the com-
pany $100,000 in tax credits. The
company's tax returns for 1953
were even more incredible. Its net
income before taxes was $12,500,-
382. The net income after taxes
was $13,000,382-or $500,000 more
than the original income. Again,
the government paid off this half-
million in the form of tax credits.
In other words, oil companies
are the only corporations that can
end a year with a huge income and
collect taxes from the government
instead of the other way around,,
* S s
WHAT THE oil-gas companies
have been getting out of the Ike
Administration continues to un-
fold with exciting drama. I owe
an apology for underestimating
this generosity in the past.
On Jan. 11, 1956, I revealed for
the first time how "Generous
Doug" McKay had bowed to Maj.
Gen. Frank Schwengel, President
of Seagram's Whiskey, and granted
drilling rights in the Lacassine
Waterfowl Refuge of Louisiana to
Seagram's Frankfort Oil Company.
I also reported that, prior to

this, McKay had placed a stop or-
der against oil permits in game
preserves. This was wrong. And
I apologize for underestimating
McKay's generosity.
For, during the fall of 1953,
"Generous Doug" issued 53 oil
and gas leases 'to the Shell Oil
Company in the Railroad Valley
Game Management area of Neva-
' HUNDREDS OF small wildcatters
abandoned their applications dur-
ing McKay's alleged "stop order."
They took McKay at his word,
thought no leases were processed
while that order was on the books
from Aug. 31, 1953, to Dec. 2, 1955.
However, a potent company, Shell
Oil, got closer to McKay than the
others and secured 53 leases.
This was developed during testi-
mony before the House Marine and
Fisheries Committee.
"After all, he (McKay) had is-
sued the stop order, and he had
the right to change the stop or-
der if he wanted to," testified Don-
ald J. Chaney, Interior Depart-

ment lawyer for Fish and Wild-
"Did he give any notice of lift-
ing the stop order?" asked Chair-
man Herbert Bonner of North Ca-
"No, not that I know of," re-
plied Chaney, "no'public notice."
"So that other people who want-
ed to get this property could come
in and make the same claim?"
"NOT THAT I know of," Cha-
ney admitted.
Next day Rep. Henry S. Reuss
(D,, Wis.) pointed out that during
McKay's so-called "stop order." a
total of 60 oil and gas leases had
been issued. By contrast, only 16
leases had previously been issued
during the entire 55-year history
of wildlife refuges.
"It is well said," declared Reuss,
referring to the stop order, "that
what the Secretary hath given,
the Secretary can take away.
"And what the Secretary was
doing when he granted these
leases was just pro tanto amend-
ing the stop order.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


To The Editor

What's the Criteria?.. .
To the Editor:
FR A long time I have been
aware of an educational pro-
paganda campaign launched under
the "flag waving" heading of "bet-
ter schools build a better Amer-
ica." Only I am beginning to
question what- that term "better
schools" means. Does it mean a
beautiful school building or a good
job of teaching? In my estima-
tion the former has been greatly
exaggerated, almost as if to in-
sinuate' that a good school build-
ing automatically means that jun-
ior will get a good educational
Another line of propaganda
associated with education is that


by Dick Bibler

of the "poor, starving, underpaid,"
teacher. Is it that all teachers are
underpaid, or that the good ones
are underpaid? Some people think
that labor unions' wage demands
are high, but even they haven't
had the nerve to ask for twelve
months pay for nine months work.
Linked with this, I wonder why
the educators haven't pushed the
idea of a twelve month school year.
I believe a full school year would
both increase the use of present
facilities and enable teachers to be
* paid for a full years work. How-
ever, there seems to be an awkward
silence from educator's concerning
this latter subject. Why?
-John E. Buckmaster, 57 Bus Ad.
Cheer Opponent Too...
To the Editor:
SATURDAY at Columbus, a cap-
acity crowd at the Ohio Nata-
torium applauded the Michigan
swimming team when it entered
the swimming area, and did the
same for its own Ohio team. Each
participant was applauded after
he completed his swimming, even
when he was outdistanced by more
than a length of the pool or when
he finished up to 30 seconds be-
hind the winner. In short, recog-
nition was given to EVERY swim-
mer, regardless of team or plac-
ing. Also ,every diver was cheered
after each dive, even when , the
announced score was poor.
I wonder if anyone in Ann Ar-
bor can remember when the Mi-
chigan student body gave another

"THREE STRIPES in the Sun"
has a quiet charm that makes
it very palatable entertainment.
Simply done and warmly acted, it
recounts. the true story of Sgt.
Hugh O'Reilly of the 27th Regi-
ment who founded an orphanage
in Japan for Japanese war waifs.
There is a love story involved in
the real story and a brotherhood
message. When we first see the
sergeant he is a World War II
alumnus ensconsed in the Occupa-
tion forces in Japan and very bit-
ter about it. O'Reilly dislikes the
Japanese because they were his
past enemies and he cannot ap-
prove of the sudden friendship andr
fraternization between the East
and the West. Then he meets
Yuko, a beautiful and intelligent
interpeter, andthe ultimate result
is love and understanding.
* * *
The film recounts the trials and
tribulations of that love and does
it nicely. Although there is a
message involved, it is not violent-
ly forced down the audience's col-
lective throat, as is so often the
case in films of this type. By stat-
ing it in simple and natural terms,
the film makes it all the more ef-
fective and acceptable.
That people of different cul-
tures and backgrounds can live to-
gether in harmony and coopera-
tion is the thesis advanced. When
the film is over, the impression left
is one of nice people working out
a problem that can be solved only
through such nice people. Is this
misleading? Let us hope not.
Certainly the film seems honest
and believable. And the story is
Aldo Ray, who reminds me
somehow of every gym instructor
I've ever known, brings sincerity

Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting of
Feb. 29.
Minutes of meeting of Feb. W.
Recognition of Student Council, Col.
lege of Pharmacy.
Homecoming Dance, Oct. 27, to be
sponsored by Union, League.
Philosophy statement relating to
Homecoming Dance-"The Council be-
lieves it desirable to let sponsorship of
the Homecoming Dance rest with the
League and the Union on a semi-per-
manent basis. The Council retains
ultimate responsibility for the proper
execution of the dance and may revieW
sponsorship arrangements at any time."
Distribution of Homecoming profits,
1955 dance: $1000 to Student Activities
Scholarship Fund; $36010 Student Book
Exchange deficit; Remainder of profits-
to student Government Council Emer-
gency Aid Fund, the regulations govern-
ing this fund to be recommended by
the Coordinating and Counseling Com-
Establishment of a committee to study
Religious Emphasis Week..
Retain one o'clock clsing hour night
for May 26, no al-campus events to be
authorized for this night.
Israeli-American Student Club, con-
stitution and request for recognition.
Amendment to constitution of Student
Activities Scholarship Board, Article VII
(c) by addition of "in good standing
with the University."
Letter to the Student Government
of the University of Alabama commend-
ing the Student Government of the
University of Alabama for its unanimous
condemnation of mob violence, and en-
couraging the Student Government of
the University of Alabama to work to-
ward integration both on the campos
and in the larger civic community.
March 17, Inter House Council Dance,
9-1 a~m., League 22. 23, 24 Junior Girls' -
Play "Rising High" Lydia Mendelssohn.
March 9, Inter Arts Union, Pete Seeger
concert, change of date.
Motion to request Vice-President for
Student Affairs to appoint a committee
to study and make recommendations
concerning the Student Counseling
Program. (Unanimous.)
Establishment of three member com-
mittee to study and make recommenda-
tionn on past, present, and future elec-
Student Recital, 8:30 p.m., Sun.,
March 4, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, by Jane
Stoltz, violinist, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree. A pupil of Gilbert Ross,
Miss Stoltz will play compositions by
Brahms, Bach, and Hindemith. Open to
the public.
Academic Notices
Make-up Examinations in History -
Sat., March 3, 9:00-12:00 a.m., 447 Mason
Hall. See your instructor for permission
and then sign list in History Office.
M.A. Language Examination in History
Fri., March 2, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 1408 Mason
Hall. Sign list in History Office. Dic-
tionaries may be used.
Psychology Colloquium. Dr. John Lacey
of the Fels Institute will discuss "Cor-
tical Challenge and Autonomic Re-
sponse." Fri., March 2, 4:15 p.m., Aud.
B, Angell Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., March
2, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. William
LilIer will speak on "A Direct Recording
Photoelectric Spectrophotometer."
Placemrent Notices
There will be a meeting of the Sum-
mer Placement Service in Room 3G,
Michigan Union, Thurs., March 8, from
1 to 4:45 p.m. Anyone interested in
summer employment is welcome. Jobs
range from all types of Business to
Camps and Resorts.
Sat., March 3:
Mr Leonard Baruch, Camp Petosega,
Petoskey, Mich., will interview for





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