Page Ten THE MICHIGAN D A ILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 Sunday, February .26; 1956 THE MICHIGAN DA IL Y P:-.....g...e-- ten.:.....::-..... --...--. .T:-:.H:.....E ..... .. -.- -.- . : - IC.GA.D A L Y ..d . .b --y 26.-95 Sunday, February 26; 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I. "EL TORERO" America s The Matador of Bravery and Daring is a Spanish National Hero Tsel City AROIND TA " The us By SHIRLEY KLEIN THE young prince charming, tall, slender and handsome, walked quietly into Madrid's Palace Ho- tel. Immediately the lobby began to buzz; old men with diamond stick pins, young students and working men, American tourists flocked to his side. In Spain such popular- ity can mean one of several things, a famous football player, a writ- er or painter perhaps, or a bull- fighter. Julio Aparicio, Spain's foremost matador, had just finished an af- ternoon at the bull-ring, a bene- fit performance for the poor at Christmas time. One of the year's big social as well as "athletic" events, even Generalissimo Fran- cisco Franco and his wife were there. According to custom, many lovely "senoritas" adorned their heads with the traditioiAl lacy "mantilla." Tickets sold at prem- ium prices. And now, the young prince had used his sword well, and his faith- ful subjects had come to pay hom- age. So self-assured and brave at the points of a bull's horns, the nervous young man eagerly slipped upstairs torelax and change from his "traje de luces," a tightfitting "suit of lights" worn during the "corrida," often valued at hund- reds of dollars, into his street clothes. Later he explained, "I always dress here instead of at my home because I don't want to worry my mother." This way no "good- byes" are said, and the youthful torero feels this relieves some of the pressure upon his parents. "Mother wants me to retire soon," he said. Mrs. Aparicio, like concerned mothers the world over, would prefer any other career for her son to bullfighting " NOW 24, Julio began "toreando" at the tender age of ten. Prac- ticing on country farms rather than attending the formal "Es- cuela Taurina," or Bullfighting School, in Madrid, he has always been strongly attracted to this dangerous career. The likeable matador comes by his talent naturally. 'Papa' was a "banderillero," one who places the wooden sticks ending in a har- poon shaped steel point in the bull's withers, until he was badly gored and had to retire. Shirley Klein, '56 spent last year In Madrid studying and meeting people ike Julio Ap- ariclo, to whom she was intro- duced by a bullfighting "aff- condo," devote of the sport. SAE- $289 ON TRIP TO EUROPE You can save up to $289 on your trip to Europe . .. if you hurry! See England, France, Italy, up to 16 other countries. Travel with oth- er U.S. college students. Only small deposit needed up to April 15. Travel now while you still can. Ap- ply today for information on AYA's low-cost group trips. Hurry, only limited space still available. Write today for FREE folder and information on AYA's summer travel bargains: 3- to 9-week trips $295-$1 045 Space Limited! Write Today! See your Local Agent or Write: AMERICAN YOUTH ABROAD 317-C 14th Ave. S.E. Minneapolis 14, Minn. BLUSHING furiously and tearing up little bits of paper the whole time, the serene, composed killer of bulls, whose parents used to run a beauty shop, revealed him- self as a reticent young man. Asked how many ears, tails, and hoofs he had cut (these are award- ed the matador in acGordance with the excellence of his performance). he modestly answered, "I've nev- er counted them." We know, however, that in his first fight in Madrid, before he had even taken the "alternativa" to become a full fledged matador, he cut an ear, and within that week he had cut two from another animal. As to his favorite pass with the cape or the muleta, he explained, "As long as I fight well, the pass doesn't matter." , During the winter, when the bullfighting season is at -a stand- still except for the annual char- ity "corrida," Julio says, '.I rest, I sleep, I eat." But he also keeps on shape by doing gymnastics and "toreando" with calves on the f arms. Lucrative monetarily are his fights in Lima, Bogota, and other cities in South America, during Spain's cold weather. "I earn more money there," he comment- ed. In 1951-and 1953 he stopped in New York City and called it "muy bonita." Born when his mother was six- teen, Julio has one younger sister. As for marriage, Spain's most pop- ular matador claims that he "will wait." "I am not going to marry >until I retire," he smiled. And how long will he continue his ca- reer . . . "Well, that depends on desires and luck." "Perhaps I'd like to raise brave bulls after that." By TAMMY MORRISON AMERICA SEEMS to have more than its share of tinsel cities, cities built on the shadowy half- world of entertainment vendors and seekers. All of them have an individual glitter-Hollywood has its cellu- loid colony; New York has Broad- way and television; Las Vegas has the eternal click-click of the rou- lette wheel: But the strangest one of all clings to the tip of Florida, land of the Spanish explorers. It is built on the solidest foundation there is: dollars and sense. . Miami is unlike any other part of Florida, indeed, unlike any other part of the United States. Florida as a whole clings some- what to its Spanish heritage, but Miami is a highly urbanized ne- gation of the leisurely Hispanic tradition - commercial, blatant and to a great extent heartless. It makes no bones about being a Tourist Citybout to clip the fun- seeker with the skill of an experi- enced streetwalker. Y ET THERE MUST BE some- thing more to this glittering city because~ of the n'ature of the people who visit it. To be sure, there are the' usual platinum hair- ed, carefully coiffed and groomed women spawned by resort areas hanging on the arms of balding, well-heeled men long past their prime. Said men's wives are probably sunning themselves by the side of a blue pool, accepting the atten- tions of bronzed young gods that double as life-guards and worry- ing about the extra folds of skin that have begunto show on their necks, Surprisingly enough, Miami is a family resort, too. Particularly in the summer, when prices are al- most reasonable, do young gouples with three or four children frolic on the white sands and elderly couples relax by the side of the pool, enjoying a well-deserved sec- ond honeymoon. THE TRAVELER approaching the city from the northwest, after driving through miles of beautiful lake country teeming with orange groves and more miles of the mysterious Everglades, will be surprised to find himself sud- denly in the middle of a metro- polis that would be hard to dis- tinguish from the industrial parts of Chicago or Detroit. However, the most fantastic ap- proach to the city is Collins Aven- ue. U.S. 101 runs along the east coast, becoming Collins when it hits Miami Beach. Traffic moves at a crawl on Collins in the eve- ning, because everybody, even the most jaded world-traveller, is gaping in undisguised disbelief. Collins Avenue is, in the most conservative terms, a garish, roe- coco potpourri of Times Square, The Arabian Nights, the Fourth See PLEASURE, Page 8 +w 'rfww wssw r 0 u Farru * Many interesting cities Bali, Darjeeling, Kashm 3 DEPARTURE DATES IN 1c FEBRUARY, JUNE AND OCT EXPERTLY CONDUCTED detai BOERSMA TRAVEL SE 12-14 Nickels Arcade1 NO JULIO APARICIO at left triumphantly holds up two ears cut from the bull, after he has performed a particularly good "corrida." At right is "shown a young newcomer, Carlos Gomez. The picture shows the elaborately embroidered cape and official costume of the matador. Like -any other tempermental young artist, Julio has his good and bad days. In 1952 he had four or five of the closest shaves of his career, two of which took place on the isle of Mallorca and another in Mexico. The off-day or mistake in bullfighting, how- ever, is harder to remedy than a composer's or sculptor's, for ex- ample. Sometimes there is no remedy . . But "now after so much time1 I don't really worry," he com- mented seriously, "I worry per-; haps, but it is not fear." There] is a chapel in every "Plaza de Toros," and, Julio confided, "I al-I ways enter to ask the blessing of God." Asked if he was superstitious, the dark, lithe torero replied, "Regular." Other noted matadors such as "El Gallo" are known to have refused to fight if they spotted an ill omen enroute to the Plaza. Flu mencan Dance In America By RENE GNAM "FA too dance is like a augtfuaffectionate woman that one not only loves but is both dedicated and devoted to." This is the opinion of Carlos Cortes, second only to Jose Greco in the field of Spanish dancing in America. "Flamenco dance," says Cortes, "is a dance of the Spanish gyp- sies. The spirit of the dance is hard to boil down in a few words." Among the Spanish gypsies, it is not a novelty to be a dancer or singer. "Dance and music are thought to be a cultural tradition of these gypsies," many of whom spend a major portion of their lives dancing. Of those who make dancing and singing their occupation, ". .. a single gypsy family may compose an' entire Spanish Flamenco dance company. In this 'case, some dance, some sing, and some play the guitar for accompaniment. "Until the last 15 years," Cortes points out, "the Spanish, gypsies cornered the Flamenco market. They wouldn't teach the dance to~ anyone but a Spanish gypsy." ITS INTEIIPIETOlI: CARLOS CORTEZ CORTES, who has studied, taught and performed Flamenco dance from Ann Arbor to Hollywood, lists the Spanish gypsies as hav- ing two styles of dancing: "One is 9; stilted, reserved form that is used in public." The other style occurs when the gypsy danc- ers ". . . let themselves go"--this only when they perform with their own people. Plymouth, Mich., born Cortes knows what he is talking about. In dancing shoes even before high school, he is now considered one of the foremost Spanish dancers. It was only three years ago that Cortes took up dancing in earn- est, and it was only after encour- agement from Ruth St. Denis that he began studying Flamencan dance, now his specialty. IN ORDER to test his ability as a dancer, Cortes, who never took a dancing lesson in his life, sought Miss Denis, ethnic dance specialist who is credited with hav- ing created modern ballet. Miss Denis informed Cortes that he not only had excellent ability as a dancer, but that he was also a note dancer. A note dancer is a person who is capable of dancing not only with the rhythm, but on the notes as well-considered a near im- possibility. Most dancers dance only with the rhythm, ignoring the notes. She told Cortes that there was only one other note dancer in his- tory. Further research proves that dancer to be Vaslav Nijinsky, pop- ularly considered the greatest dancer of all time. With Ruth St. Denis' encourag- ing evaluation of his capabilities, Cortes decided to abandon Haitian dance and concentrate on Flam- enco, a dance form which he had admired early in life. CORTES, a ls a self-taught choreographer, next sought Julia Stewart, a Santa Monican, authority on Spanish dance di- rection and choreography. Miss Stewart told him he was one of the most natural dancers she had ever seen. His choreo- graphy, she said, was capable and spontaneous with provocative var- iations. She -suggested that Cortes visit Eduardo Cansino, a Holly- wood dance specialist, for an ev- aluation. After Cortes had danced for Cansino, the latter's first state- ment was, "Young man, I have nothing to teach you." Now in Ann Arbor, Cortes is planning a future South American dance tour with a company of his ow-n. A GUEST instructor of Flamenco during the University's 1955 summer session, he also danced for La Sociedad Hispanica, a Uni- versity Spanish club. Last sum- mer he performed at an Interna- tional Center Tea, and did a guest appearance on WUOM-TV. Cortes has been invited to do an- other WUOM-TV program, sched- ulgd for March or April. This show will combine the Flamenco with Spanish symphonic music, a type dancing seldom done in Spain-never in America. Cortes has completed his own choreography for the program. One of Cortes' sidelines is sculp- turing. While a radioman in the Army Air. Corps, Cpl. Cortes picked up oil painting. In 1947, he be- came interested in sculpturing and hasn't done much painting since. preferring to concentrate on sculp- tured portraits and figurines. Sculpturing, however, is merely an avocation. Flamenco, to Cor- tes, is life itself. Rome (Continued from Page 6) viewer and worshipper suffer alike, but the Roman reply is generally that "They were created for the church and there they belong." S T. PETER'S is the largest church in the world. It houses some of the greatest work of the Bernini genius. Here is some of his most powerful sculpture, finest portraiture, and greatest expres- sion of the Baroque conception of death. In the work on St. Peter's, Bern- mi emerged as a versatile genius, applying his talent to many fields here adding architectural accom- plishments to his fame. THE SIZE of St. Peter's is nearly incomprehensible. Upon enter- ing it, man is lost in a structure of highly colored marble, nearly 400 feet high in the dome. Bernini's Baldacchino, an altar- like structure is at the far end from the entrance, and perfectly integrated into the whole of the church, though it itself is 100 feet high, Outside, Bernini's genius again becomes apparent. Even in hand- ling an approach, a piazza for the entrance of the huge church, his talent doesn't falter. BERNINI IS A continuation of the huge scale which makes Rome famous. As the ancient city was monumental, likewise Bern- in's feats were so. He captures the spirit of his age and superim- poses it on the city of many ages. Without Bernini's work Rome might suffer a break in the con- tinuity of time which stamps it eternal. He is today considered by many the link betweenpast and present. - - Now is the time to choose your ~~~e~ c14 T ROP ICA L WORST ED SUITS HAND-TAILORED in soft, pliant natural Lines with our own custom features - lapped seams, generous hook vent, hgh gorge and wide button spacing - in fne al wool wors- teds and dacron blends .* . . . . $65.00 SIZES: REGULARt - LONG - ExTRA LONG BRITISH IMPOR TS TAILORS CLOTHIERs FURNISH 19 SOUTH UNIVERSITY . . . ANN ARBOR RUSSIA, NORTHERN CAPITALS AND WESTERN EUROPE Featuring 18-day cruise on the M/S Meteor Leave August 8 - Arrive September 10 . UTRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 1313 s.Unmivriy No 2-5587 ~may. . .:. / ...I...: : ~ . n, - -, ~A