w foge Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 Sunday, February 26, 1956 ... .!r . 1 T r-.- .. - r NEW YORK You Stand in Times Square And Wait for the World To Go By Daily-John Hirtzel NEW YORK: more of everything .1 By LOUISE TYOR Daily Associate. Editor 0 THE VISITOR, the three{ words New York City connote rushing crowds of people, blind- ing, flashing lights, taxi-cabs driven at break-neck speed and unintelligible accents. He has come to New York mainly for entertainment and shopping, and with the precon- ceived notion that the city is a rude and impersonal colossus. When he leaves it, he does so with the socially-accepted comment that New York is "a wonderful place to visit, but I'd hate to live there." He has seen the neon signs, the museums, Fifth Avenue by day, Broadway at night. He has en- joyed the crowds - which were more a part ,of his pre-New York conception of New York than an actuality - but he will tell the folks back home that they were dreadful. He has hurried from theater to theater in order- to "take in" as many shows as possible and has stood in front of the New York Times Building waiting for the world to go by. And thus he has seen New York. He hasn't thought about why he liked it, but he did, and there is something. about the city which will draw him back again. PERHAPS the reason behind her appeal is that New York is America's common deniominator. New Yorker Louise, .mayor write about her city with more respect than the rhetropolis is generally treated to. The ar- ticle shows the life behind the "rude and impersonal colossus." She has the historical atmos- phere of Boston, but with a de- cided difference, for atmosphere is only a part of New York's charm, but almost all of Bostdn's. She takes the metropolitan aura of San Francisco and makes it cosmopolitan. She has the sweep of .Los Angeles without it's sprawl- ing unevenness. She has the big city flavor of Chicago, but on a grand, and far-reaching scale. She is a bit of the best, and the worst, of every city, combined with a unique personality of her own which makes her distinctive in herself. AND while the outsider senses the paradox of individuality and universality, only the New Yorker can fully appreciate it. For the New Yorker, as part of the city, sees all aspects of it-- there is so much more to it than lower Fifth Avenue and Broadway that the sight-seer never has a chance to appreciate. NEW YORK itself is composed NEW of five boroughs-Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond. Each has a govern- mental set-up of its own, butto- gether they make up New York SCity. This fact may come as a shock to tourists who think of New York as Manhattan only. ' Manhattan's 22 square miles looks westward to the Hudson Riv- er, over the Palisades and into New Jersey; eastward over Brooklyn and Queens to Long Island and then the ocean; southward into the bay; and northward over The Bronx and Westchester County up state. But it also looks down upon See COMMON, Page 5 By DAVID KESSEL ONE cold winter day, for reas- ons which will be made clear, a small group of reckless wander- ers, of which I was the unwilling leader,, decided to travel to Labra- dor, from Boston. Labrador is a rather large pen- insula of land in the northeast sec- tion of this continent, divided be- tween Quebec and Newfoundland; a mountainous region containing rivers, Indians, Eskimos, and birds Roads and railways are not eas- ily found; transportation is there- fore a problem undertaken only by the bold and adventurous. But it must be admitted that none of these considerations moved us to explore Labrador. At the time, January 1950, New England was immersed- in a severe cold wave. Temperatures of five be low zero were not uncommon. Bos tonians grumbled audibly along the waterfront and in the shop about this somewhat unfortunat climate. WE were all young and impetu ous, and' it seemed that we could combine a natural desir for exploration with -an irrationa desire to seek out a really cold region so that we could subse David Kessel spent four pleasant undergraduate years in the-Boston area at the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, during which period the above incident may very well have happened. lay. quently ignore the relatively mildI _Boston winter. The possibility of sailing up the Atlantic coast to Labrador was discounted when'it was discoveredr that most Newfoundland rivers were frozen solid. Automobile transportation wast . the obvious second choice. This was planned carefully with ade- quate provisions made for the seas- onably low temperatures likely to be encountered. WE set out first for the city of1 Quebec, in the province of- Quebec. This is the most north-1 ern point at which the St. Law- d rence river is conveniently crossed. The 350 mile journey from Bos- d ton was made in some 12 hours on d wretched roads. Portland, Maine, _ the half-way point, was completely - snowed in. Waterville, Maine, had g disappeared under massive snow s drifts. e Canadian officials greeted us warmly, but when informed of our ultimate goal, suppressed shudders and gasps only with difficulty. ,e After a quick check on road e conditions, we pushed along, fol- .l lowing Route 15 to Baie St. Paul, d Tadoussac, Seven Islands, and - Newfoundland.. It must be admitted that, by the time we reached Seven Islands, a small village in Quebec com- posed mostly of ice and snow, the idea of reaching the Newfound- land border began to appeal to my companions with somewhat less intensity than before. The se- vere cold together with the high prices of food and gasoline began to discourage these unfortunates. BUT I urged' them on; the thought of reaching Labrador, 2500 miles from the Arctic circle, with its frozen plains and moun- tains, hardy Eskimos and frigid women, huge birds and primitive roads had become an obsession. The frozen Romaines river was crossed two days out of Quebec. Here, we lost our automobile and some of our supplies when a por- tion of the ice gave way. For- tunately, a kindly Indian gas sta- tion owner rented us his jeep with 4-wheel drive and we continued, The prevailing temperatures be- gan to drop the next day. At one time our mercury thermometer read off-scale, below -30*. Nevertheless, we drove up the frozen Romaine River and, at nightfall, reached the Newfound- land border. At the sight of the glorious frozen wastes, we decided to push on: at least to the Hamil- ton river. A T this time, I secretly planned to convince the others that we must continue to the northern tip of Labrador, thence over the frozen Hudson Straits by dogsled; and then a dash across Baffin Is- land to the North Magnetic Pole on Prince 6f Wales Island. After that-perhaps a 2000 mile plunge to the Pole itself. However cooler heads prevailed; and after a low that night of -40*, we regretfully turned toward home. Difficulty of finding lodgings and A different slant on how to travel food, together with the proble of maintaining adequate lubrica tion of the jeep engine decided ti issue. After only a five mile penetra tion of Newfoundland, we returne to Boston via Quebec and Por land, Maine. OUR friends there thawed us 1 their warm fires and listene to endless descriptions of cold an snow and ice and sleet. And u were spared their uninteresting a 0 t fheabi f61 H (Univers 47 V' DEL ' VWONDER -4 k SOROR BOERSMA-TRAVE 12-14 Nickels. Arcade I' Going South? Take this COLLEGE WEEK in BERMUDA March 31-April 8 8 DAYS of leisure among students from all eastern colleges $28400 *Roundtrip tourist class by air from Detroit to Bermuda, tax included 0 Accommodations 3 to 4 to a room with bath at the world famous Princess Hotel. " Three of the finest meals daily 0 A big welcome party s Tea every day as guest of the management 0 A special dinner to which a guest ,may be invited f A delightful cruise on a private launch around the islands of Bermuda . A leisurely luncheon beside the salt water pool on one day without service charge * The service of a competent social director to assist in planning Bermuda sports * The privilege of inviting a guest for Sunday night movies without charge Box lunch substituted for luncheon any day without service :harge * Transfer from Bermuda airport to hotel and return BOOK NOW! TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Nickels Arccde NOrmandy 3-8597 Car e --Er ee SU N-BACK COTTON by Saba of California Big blobs of color on a white background give this sun-back halter dress that cool, sunshiny look. In two lovely combinations ... brown, orange and yellow or delicate shadings of blue; sizes 7 to 15. 17.95 Lead the in Marilyn's fashion-wise travel co LASTING NEATNESS and freshness ... re ... shape retention . . . easy care are t want . . . may we suggest several item pensible for your vacationing. -WASH N' WEAR SHIRTS by Lady Man or sleeveless in 65% dacron 35% cottor -WASH N' WEAR Bermuda shorts an dacron 25% cotton cord fabric or 50% in a poplin weave. $5.95 to $12.95. -ONE-PIECE KNITS in blends of cottor $10.95 to $22.95. -and many other items you'll find ju The PIA RI LYN ,g-stC5. .Li.rty.Michigan.Theatre A* J FOR TOWN & COLLEGE 302 South State Street r ._ X.. r r y T ,r- .. . y, ..pt, ii. r-.... y_ K... -' A. , ,, A., .. I- . )w - *.irb