Skating Club Gains Popular Acclaim
Figure skating was promoted on
a large scale in Ann Arbor in 1939,
when a group of local residents and
University people felt the need of
a figure-skating club to encourage
this sport in the community.
The club has now grown to a
membership of approximately 350,
with a waiting list of 300. Because
of limited use of University facili-
ties, prospective members have had
to wait three years before joining
the club, and the son of one of
the members was placed on the
waiting list before he was born!
After overcoming restrictions in
facilities, however, all that is need-
ed to join the club is a legitimate
interest in figure skating and pos-
session of a pair of figure skates.
Four Groups
The club is organized on the ba-
sis of four groups: Junior Divi-
sion, in which small children up to
the age of 10 or 12 participate; In-
termediate Division, with members
from 12 to 18; Senior Division,
with members above age 18; and
Non-Group Division for skaters
who do not wish or need group in-
Instruction is given by two pro-
fessionals, Mary Frances Freschke,
and Nancy Mineard. Both Miss
Greschke and Miss Mineard are
holders of the United States Figure
Skating Association Gold Figure
Medal and Silver Dance Medal.
Skating within the divisions is
organized with three basic activi-
ties. These are "Patch," or com-
pulsory figures which must be
practiced before the skater moves
on to "dance," which is dancing
on ice with a partner to music and
to prescribed choreography, and]
'free-skating," which is interpre-
tive dancing to music.
The Ann Arbor Club is a mem-
ber of the United States Figure
Skating Association which has
groups In cities throughout the
country. Through this organiza-
tion, skaters work up to the Inter-
national Olympic Gamnes. In addi-
tion, members of figure skating
clubs are welcome guests of the
club of any other city.
The Ann Arbor Figure Skating
Club's activities consist of pre-
senting programs at ice shows in
'U' Booklet
Lists Types
Of Bequests
"Education Shall Forever Be En-
These words identify a colorful
brochure of the University Devel-
opment Council, soon to be dis-
tributed in law offices of alumni
throughout the country, sketching
channels University graduates
may use for their contributions to
the campus.
Except for paper costs, the book-j
let was financed entirely by con-
tributions of alumni.
"Although the University is
truly a state-supported institu-
tion," the booklet states, "more
than half of its physical plant and
equipment has been obtained from
sources other than State appro-
Perfect Combination
International Comedienne
Plans Local Performances
Anna Russell, noted interna-
tional comedienne, will bring her
one woman khow to Ann Arbor
for two different performances
March 4 in Hill Auditorium.
Sponsored '.y the Michigan
Singers, Miss Russell will return
to Ann Arbor after performing
here last summer.
Her vocal repertoire combines
all forms of music, from German
leider to Gilbert and Sullivan. She
has recorded three long-playing
records, covering most of her rep-
First Album
The first album discusses the
various types of French, English
and German songs. In describing
the unusual categories in each
field, Miss Russell sings an appro-
priate aria, such as "Schlumph."
Before she sings "Schlumph"
she explains that "it is good to;
-Daily-John Hirtzel
towns around Ann Arbor, and pre-
senting their own ice carnival at
the end of the skating season.
This year's carnival, scheduled
for March 12 and 13 has already
been cast, and will consist of four
parts: Cosmic Collision, Cactus
Canyon, Carribean Cruise, and
Continental Carnival. Choreogra-
phy for each of the divisions is
doife by separate people, each of
whom will ultimately become pro-
fessional figure skaters.
Any member of the club may
participate in the carnival, and the
music, costuming, dancing, and
abilities are greatly varied in order
to present as "professional-look-
ing" a show as possible to the
public. "
The officers of the club are Uo-
levi Lahti, president; Mrs. Jay
Bolt, vice-president; Mrs. R. M.
Bailey, secretary, and Mrs. Earl
Watson, treasurer. In addition to
these heads, .he club is run by q6
Board of Directors who meet twice
a week to schedule ice time, and to
handle various problems which
Budapest String Quartet Plans
Three Day Concert Schedule
The brochure further terms the surprise your audience wit a very
University "in operation-as near- loud bellow, for a good tone with
ly as possible a perfect combina- a Wagnerian orchestra is abso-
tion of a state and privately sup- lutely lost. It is good to have a
ported institution." buzz-saw voice with a good cut-
William J. Connolly, assistant to ting edge."
the Development Council director, The second album is devoted to
remarked that the Council is in an analysis of Wagner's "Ring of
general quite satisfied with legisla- the Nebelungen," a Gilbert and
tive appropriations. Sullivan Operetta and a ladies'
Five means of providing for Uni- club president.
versity growth are suggested in the An example from her analysis
booklet: gifts by will; from income of Wagner's "Ring" shows some-
or capital; by insurance; by living thing of her plan of attack. "The
trusts or, by testamentary trusts. scene opens in the river Rhine.
Specific provisions and directions In it! And swimming around are
are given for each method. the Rhine Maidens. A sort of
In line with - a Development aqheuatic Andrews Sisters."
Council philosophy maintaining She then proceeds to go through
that it's the number of people, not the "Ring," explaining the vani-
the amounts they give, that are os actors and singers and ici-
most important in University de- dents, concluding with "aftersit-
velopment, the brochure emphasiz- ting through this whole operation
es "small gifts are as thoroughly for 20 hours, you're back where
appreciated as large ones. you started from!"
Gifts, Bequests Club President
"Gifts and bequests can be The ladies club president tries
made in many ways-books, stocks, to announce the guest artist but is
real estate, trusts and collections taken by a hay fever spell and is
as well as money." forced to bow off the platform with
As examples, the booklet cites "for gooness sake, clap!"
the contributions of J. Rose Colby, Miss Russell's third album goes
'86, who set aside a library memo- deeper into the French, English,
rial in his will, and of such large Germany and Spanish singing.
import as that given by William At present, Miss Russell is study-
W. Cook, whose chief addition ing Goethe's anc Gounod's versions
was the Law Quadrangle. of "Faust," with the idea of pos-
Contributors to the University sibly putting either or both into
may specify any use for their fi- her repertoire. "When you put
nancial help, or may donate mon- Goethe's words to Gounod's music,
ey to be used at the discretion of it's absolutely ridiculous," Miss
the Board of Regents. Russell said.
School of Music's Prof. Titus
Requests Piano 'Guinea Pigs'
"People are always asking me
why I am so comical about mu-
sic," Miss Russell said. "I feel that
there is a funny side to music and
people could see it if they weren't
so impressed by music and looked
into it more fully."
Orchestral Dates
During the 1955-56 season, Miss
Russell will do special orchestral
dates with composer - conductor
David Rose and this fall will have
her latest long-playing record re-
Tickets are now on sale for Miss
Russell's March 4 performances.
Tickets for both shows at 7 p.m.
and 9 p.m. are priced at $1 for the
main floor and first balcony and
$.50 for second balcony.
They are on sale from members
of the Michigan Singers and be-
ginning Monday at the Admini-
stration Building.
(Continued from Page 4)
7:00 a.m. Yoke Fellowship in prayer
Arts Chorale provides an opportunity
for students to gather one night a week
to sing good music under the direction
of Prof. Maynard Klein. The organiza-
tion meets in Auditorium D, Angell Hall
Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Westminster Student Fellowship Ice
Skating Party and Taffy-Pull. Fri., Feb.
18. Meet at the Student-Center of the
Presbyterian Church at :30 p.m. to go
to the Coliseum as a group. Bring your
ID. Return to the church at 10:30 p.m.
for a taffy-pull.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Coffee C1jtch at 4:00 p.m., Fri.,
Feb. 18, at Canterbury House, adjourn-
ing at 5:00 p.m. to attend the Lane Hall
International Coffee Hour, Canterbury
Campus Series: Dr. Harvey Spencer,
Psychiatrist, University Health Service,
will discuss "The Interpretation of Psy-
chology," 7:30 p.m. Fri., Feb. 18, at
Canterbury House.
Economics Club-Fri., Feb. 18, at 8:00
p.m. Rackhamr Amphitheater, Mr. Judd
Polk, Council on Foreign Relations, will
Sigma Rho Tau
To Sponsor Talk
Prof. H. AR. Ohlgren, of the En-
gineering Research Institute, will
speak on "The Portrayal of Nu-
clear Energy Fields" at a Sigma
Phi Tau meeting at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
Ohlgren's speech will feature the
problems associated with the pro-
duction of power from nuclear re-
actors and the economic evalua-
tion of industrial processes in de-
speak on, "Problems of the Present
Sterling System." All staff members and
graduate students in Economics and
Business Administration are especial-
ly urged to attend. (Mr. Polk will speak
on the night originally assigned to
Prof. S. Chesterfield Oppenheim of the
Law School. we hope to hav- Prof. Op-
penheim speak before the Economics
Club at a later date.)
Hillel: Fri. evening services-7:15 p.m.
Conducted by Sigma Alpha Mu Frater-
The International Tea will be spon-
sored by Inter-Guild in the Lane Hdll
Library from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Fri., Feb. 18.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
8:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 18, Guild party in
Pilgrim Hall of the Congregational
Church (State and william Streets).
Coming Events
Westminster Student Fellowship sup-
per, Sun., Feb. 20, 5:30 p.m., at the Stu-
dent Center of the Presbyterian Church.
Cost: 50c. We will leave at 6:45 to go to
the Episcopal Church to p~rticipate in
the World Student Day of Prayer pro-
Brotherhood Dinners sponsored by
S.R.A. Dr. Samuel Gandy of West Vir-
ginia State College speaking: "Only the
Brave Are Brothers," 6:00 p.m., Tues.,
Feb. 22, Lane Hall. Open to students,
faculty and staff. Reservations by Fri.
noon. For information or reservation
call NO 3-1511, Ext. 2851.
S.R.A. Saturday Lunch-"Desegrega-
tion in Schools North and South." -
Marjorie Frogel and Theodore Beals will
discuss findings of the National Youth
Legislative Conference held in Washing-
ton, D.C. by the NAACP. 12:15m. Lane
Hall. Reservations requested by Fri.
p.m. Call 31511, Ext. 2851.
Ukranian Students Club. Meeting will
be held Fri., Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Men's Union, Room 3G. Members and
guests are cordially invited.
0- Mno
"." I
The Budapest String Quartet
will be featured in the 15th an-
nual Chamber Music Festival.
Sponsored by the University Mu-
sical Society, the three day festi-
val begins at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Rackham Auditorium. On the
first program are the "Quartet in
G, Op. 77, No. 1," by Haydn, the
"String Quartet, No. 1" by Lees
and the "Quartet in A minor, Op.
29" my Schubert.
In the second concert at 8:30
p.m. Saturday the "Quartet in D,
Army Offers
'U Students
Jobs Abroad
Teaching jobs abroad are avail-
able for qualified university stu-
According to the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, positions with the
Army's Overseas Schools are open
both in 'Europe and the Far East.
Established by the Department of
the 'Army, these schools were set
up for the children of American
personnel stationed abroad.
Qualifications as a teacher in-
clude: at least two years recent
experience in public schools; Unit-
ed States citizenship and a bache-
lor's degree. The employe who re-
mains overseas to teach the fol-
lowing school year may take ad-
vantage -f the summer recess to
attend a forefgn university or to
Interviews for prospective teach-
ers will be conducted by represen-
tatives of the schools in Germany
and Japan from Feb. 22 to 26. All
interested students who have the
necessary qualifications are re-
quested to contact the Bureau of
K 499" by Mozart, the "Quartet
No. 2" by William Denny and the
"Quartet in E minor, Op. 59, No.
2" by Beethoven will be played.
At the final concert at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, Prof. Robert Courte, vio-
list with the Stanley Quartet, will
play the "Quintet in C major Op.
29" by Beethoven and the "Quin-
tet in G major, Op. 111" by
Brahms with the Budapest Quar-
tet. Also on Sunday's program is
the "String Quartet No. V' by Bar-
Members of the Budapest String
Quartet are Josef Roisman, first
violinist, Boris Kroyt, violist and
Mischa Schneider, cellist. Because
of illness Jac Gorodetzky, second
violinist will 'e unable to play and
Alexander Schneider will take his
Group Plans
Culture Study
Rediscovering the truths on
which western culture is founded1
will be the aim of a non-denomi-
national campus group being or-
ganized under the leadership of
Prof. E. Wendell Hewson of the
department of civil engineering.
Studies of this type were devel-
oped by H. B. Sharman in the pe-
riod following World War I.
Groups were organized at colleges
and universities in the United
States, Canada, 'England and
The basic teachings of Jesus
are also studied intensively at a
summer session of the group held
in Camp Minnesing in the Cana-
dian Algonquin Park under Shar-
man's direction.
The University organization will
meet once a week at Lane Hall.
Students are invited to attend.
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The School of Music is looking
for guinea pigs,
"So many people apply for pi-
ano lessons," Prof. Helen Titus of
the music school said, "and we
have neither the facilities nor the
personnel to handle them."
"We are faced with asking for
guinea pigs, rather a limited num-
ber of students, for the practice
teachers to work with. At present,
our piano department can take
only music school students or de-
grec candidates.
"The reason for this project will
be to find students who have had
piano training so that they can
help our practice teachers gain ex-
perience sin teaching private stu-
There is no credit for the course
and no fee. It will be a course in
"Materials and Techniques." "We
will instruct people in how to con-
tinue practicing in a fairly intel-
ligent way," Prof. Titus said.
"We will talk about how to
study and present music to stu-
dents and how to develop tech-
niques at the keyboard."
113 S. Main St.
The course is an opportunity for
a semester's lessons, to begin in the
next two or thre weeks, and will
continue next semester.
This laboratory class would meet
once a week, at 3 p.m. Friday. Any-
one interested should contact Prof.
Titus, in person, in Rm. 219 of the
music school.
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