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February 17, 1955 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-02-17

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"Hello -- Ike?"

Daily Managing Editor
THINGS HAVE reached a sad state when
Michigan State College must point the way
for the University. But such is the case with
the driving situation.
MSC allows everyone to drive and handles
parking and other traffic violations in an adult
manner. Meanwhile the University perfects its
technique of detecting student violators by
checking license numbers taken down by that
ubiquitous officer in the black Ford.
There is a solution to the problem for those
realistic enough to realize that the automo-
bile as well as television is here to stay.
The present restriction on student driven
automobiles should be removed. In its place
the University should require all students bring-
ing cars to campus to register them with the
Office of Student Affairs upon payment of a
two or three dollar fee at the beginning of each
semester. This could be handled as part of the
general registration procedure.
The student would have to sign a statement
indicating that he had adequate liability in-
surance coverage on his automobile and that
the car was in good mechanical order. As a
check on this the University could require a
mechanical check of the automobile at the stu-
dent's expense in questionable cases. The stu-
dent would also have to indicate that he is
able to provide over-night off-the-street park-
ing for his car.
In return the student would be given a regis-
tration sticker which he would be required to
display on his car. Thus the University would
have an exact check on just who has a car on
campus and enforceable standards would be
laid down restricting the number of student-
owned cars brought to Ann Arbor.
The restriction on numbers would come
through a revised set of parking regulations
enforced by a University or city officer paid
from the drivers' registration fee. In the im-
mediate campus area curb parking could be
restricted to 45 minutes or an hour to prevent
students from driving to campus and parking
their cars all day while in classes. To provide
for the student coming from a long distance
who must park on campus, special parking
permits could be issued and a parking lot or
possibly one or more parking structures set
aside to accommodate them. Faculty members
would continue to use existing lots with the
possible addition of other facilities.
The controlling factor under this arrange-
ment would be the restriction on parking. Al-

though there might be an influ
automobiles at first a strict enf
the parking regulations would disc
of those who really don't need a c
Suggestions for changing the
defensible regulation are being ma
step is for the president to sum
mittee of administrators, faculty x
officials and students to attack th
a manner worthy of the Universit
again and the crowds are mi
the doors of Michigan's 40 or mo
timely word to the wide-eyed rus
"Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.'
Life within the portals of the c
or lodge can be great for the ma
accept the restrictions of living
knit group. The present writer c
three years of warm friendships
able experiences which have grey
college life.
Fortunately all men who come t
not of the same stamp and it b
rushee to examine himself well be
step that will demand much ofh
possibly something of his indiv:
everyone is made for fraternity
spite of what you will be hearin
two weeks there are thousands of
nity men who have managed to gr
the University better off for hav
their natural habitat was in the d
ate room.
The fraternity man who benefit
his life as an affiliate is the one u
his own mind thoroughly before a
pledge pin.
dule we note that the Wolver
Minnesota Saturday in a nationa
game at the Field House. One c
marks against these so-called spo
past weeks has been the decided]
manlike conduct ofthe crowdso0
of the floor.
The national pastime of booing
the luckless referee has infected e
posedly more mature college crow
rooters will do well to remember1
nate spectacle Ohio State fans ma
selves at the football game last fa
urge to let go with a boo seems1
Michigan fans can do theirt
great service by their performan
day's game.

x of student
forcement of
ourage many
present in-

Little Plot, Much Scenery
Highlight Cinerama II
At the Music Hall Theater in Detroit, CINERAMA HOLIDAY.
ESSENTIALLY "Cinerama Holiday" like its predecessor "This Is
Cinerama" is a travelogue. The audience is treated to very little
story line but rather to a series of pictorial images that are often quite
lovely, as well as spine tingling.
This is not to say that the producers have foresaken the effects
that "put you into the picture" in favor of a more static portrayal.
Rather they have managed by transporting their wonderous tri-dimen-
sional camera from the Swiss Alps to the Arizona desert, to capture
familiar scenes in a most unfamiliar way.
The action of the story concerns the visit of John and Betty Marsh
of Kansas City to Europe and Fred and Beatrice Toller of Zurich,



Greetings Overlooked as Out
For Originality, Lifemanshif

de. The next WASHINGTON-It was exactly
mon a com- twenty years ago that the
members, city, high-powered public relations firm
ne problem in of Carl Byoir was hired by the big
. p e chain stores to try to offset the
'yn quietdetermination of a young
Congressman from Texarkana,
n full swing Tex., to pass legislation to protect
lling through independent retailers.
re houses. A The young Congressman was
hee might be Wright Patman, and the legisla-
tion he passed, despite the care-
hapter house fully organized opposition, was the
a willingo Patman-Robinson act. Sen. Joe
in a closely Robinson of Arkansas, the other
in atcosly t author of that act, is dead now,
an testify to but Wright Patman, a little older,
and memor- though just as determined, is get-
atly enriched ting ready to launch another bat-
tle against monopoly.
to college are The House of Representatives is
behooves the cutting down on its probes this
fore taking a year, but one probe which Speaker
his time and Sam Rayburn is determined should
iduality. Not go through is an investigation of
the current wave of mergers and
life, and in discrimination against small busi-
tg these next ness. Congressman Patman will
f non-frater- head that committee.
raduate from SENATE LAGS
ving realized ORIGINALLY it was expected
orm or priv-V that the Senate would stage
the big monopoly probe. Now it
s most from doesn't look that way.
who searched Senator Langer, the North Da-
ccepting the kota Republican who staged the
sensational Dixon-Yates probe
with no money, has been shunted
ketball sche- aside by his own fellow Republi-
cans. The Democrats were willing
ines take on tohappoint Langer as Chairman of
ally televised the new monopoly committee, but
of the black fellow-Republican Wiley of Wis-
rts events in consin stepped in to block him.
lly unsports- Wiley has more seniority than
n both sides Langer, and Wiley insisted that he
come first on the monopoly com-
and hissing mittee.
:ven the sup- That left Senator Kefauver,
d. Wolverine Democrat, as the next man in line
the unfortu- to handle the monopoly investi-
gation, and jealous fellow Demo-
ade of them- crats are wary about letting the
all when the long, lean Tennesseean get into
too great to the limelight with another probe.
They remember the headlines he
University a got when he investigated crime.
ce at Satur- So, though they were willing to
let Langer, a Republican, head the
monopoly committee, they were
- - --- - not willing to give the job to Ke-
Instead, hard-working, over-
worked Senator Kilgore of West
Virginia will probe monopoly.
e t But while the Senators have
been sparring for the position,
Congressman Patman has already
1started getting up investigative
brighten our "THEY SAY we are entering a
condition of new period of business expan-
ie Diag. sion," says Patman, "but what we
are not told is that small business
our comrades is not sharing as it should in that
orite color?", expansion. Instead, giant corpor-
pause to an- ations are becoming more profit-
able, while the smaller corpora-
tions are becoming less profitable,
orning-Pah- drying up, and selling out.
eeting be ig- "We cannot expect anything but
student com- eventual ruin to free enterprise if
tation might all business becomes a privileged
thought and monopoly and opportunity for in-
dependent business disappears. It
is the duty of Congress to help all
, murmuring business, large and small.
Didn't you "We are not out to destroy big
hing rapidly business," says Patman, "but we
to muse all must not let it destroy our way of
er his eyes-- life either."
ig them bet- Among other things, Patman
plans a searching inquiry into the
declare, from role that lobbying and large-scale
Ln from any advertising play in fostering mon-
,, fropoly.
About $7,000,000,000 a year is
ne Howard spent o advertising in this coun-
try, mostly by big business," the
Texan estimates. "This is almost
equal to the cost of all the civilian
functions of the government. Stag-
gering sums are also spent for lob-
bying, here in Washington and at
the grass-roots level, to protect the
selfish interests of monopolies. My
he character committee is not against adver-

o explain, in tising, but we think the American
e has begun people are entitled to know to
er's duty de- what extent advertising and lob-
bying contribute to the growth of
e tore across IF YOU want to live to be 100,
re-and-dam- take a tip from the oldest mem-
ber of the Senate, Theodore Fran-
cis Green of Rhode, Island. He
many plaud- doesn't brag about it, but if you
he did as di- pin him down, he'll give you his
a well-known own formula for keeping young.
rather than It is: moderate exercise, no
taining a de- smoking, one drink before dinner,
none after dinner, and plenty of
Yet this pro- work. Also he keeps his weight
p and Heusel down.
paces well. "I don't diet particularly unless
I've gained a pound or two," says
early all the Green, "then I'm careful to take
iandsome set it off. I've kept my weight at 137
1 furnishings for the last thirty years. Once in
a while I get up to 140, but that's
the limit. I never go above."
nd laughs, a The Senator walks to work every
thwhile. (For morning-a two-and-a-half-mile
play still has trip from the University Club to
rmer.) the Capitol. It takes him 45 min-

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Wrong Text .. .
To the Editor:
I SHOULD like to join your edi-
torial writer, Louise Tyor, in
deploring the action of the Mi-
ami hotel keeper who expelled the
Negroes from a Lincoln Day din-
ner in his dining room. This clum-
sy bit of evil doing, a contraven-
tion of all the principles with
which Abraham Lincoln is asso-
ciated in our minds, rightfully de-
serves the condemnati4n of all
As a Southerner, however, I am
distressed to find Miami used as
the text for a sermon on the South.
Miami is not part of the South;
it is a suburb of New York City.
Much fuzzy editorializing might
be avoided by keeping this in
mind. I should hardly wish to
maintain that the South itself is
above reproach, but does it seem
unfair to ask that the South not
be pilloried for ugly incidents
which take place in such remote
corners of the earth as Chicago
or Los Angeles or Miami?
-C. F. Brown
Jet Trailer . .
To the Editor:
ONE OF the local theaters re-
cently ran a short ,trailer on
Air Force flying training which
concluded on the theme of per-
sonal security in flying jet air-
This was greeted by the. colle-
giate audience with certain audible
signs of disbelief. I think it might

therefore be appropriate to men-
tion some facts bearing on the
For the first nine months of
1954 (latest available figures) the
Air Force suffered one fatal ac-
cident for each 10,000 hours flown
in jet fighters in training and op-
erations world-wide. This would
be one fatal accident for approxi-
mately each 5,000,000 miles flown.
I believe this would show some
rather tangible "security" if com-
pared, say, with the normal haz-
ards of drivinghan automobile.
Realize, too, that this flying was
done under all possible conditions
in all parts of the world. Pilots and
mechanics were confronted with
brittle sub-zero conditions at such
arctic bases as Thule and Fair-
banks; they battle oppressive heat
in Saudi Arabia, Philippines and
North Africa; and they were on a
virtual war alert in Hokkaido,
West Germany, Korea, and Oki-
nawa, not to mention along our
own northern frontier right here
in Michigan.
Some accidents are an unfortu-
nate parallel to the Air Force res-
ponsibility to be on constant alert,
to the need to be ready to fly in
any weather, anytime and any-
place in the world. No one re-
grets accidents more than those of
us in the Air Force. But it's a
small price to pay for nationalsur-
vival in a hostile world. While jet
flying is definitely not a job for
the timid, it is, in my estimaton,
ridiculous to overestimate the dan-
gers involved.
-William H. Parkhill
Colonel, USAF
Professor of Air Science


PRESENTING a brief vignette of campus life.
Scene: practically anyplace. Time: probably
morning. Dramatis personae: anybody-unfor-
tunately, we're all guilty.
Enter two students, rushing in opposite di-
rections. Noticing each other, they pause, and
the dialogue begins:
Student S: "Hi-how're ya?"
Student Q: (Obviously overwhelmed with his
friend's solicitous concern.) "Gee, thanks for
asking! I'm fine!. How are you?"
Student S: "That's great! I'm fine too"
(Walks away.)
Student Q: (Shouting at other, as he has
nearly passed from hearing range.) "Good!"
(Failure to express gladness that the state of
a fellow student's health is normal enough to
merit a "fine" would be a blasphemy of blas-
It's not, of course, that our conversations
have become stereotyped or hypocritical -
certainly each of us is acutely concerned with
every other. But possibly we might hit upon

other salutations, to color and 1
the exact physical and spiritual
encounters in corridors and on th
WE MIGHT, for instance, hail c
with a "Hi! What's your favi
leaving quickly before they may1
Nor may the approach of "G'm
levi borders the Caspian Sea!" gr
.nored in any anthology of inter-s
ments: confusing as such a salu
be, it would offer food for intent
broadened horizons.
Or we might try another angle
with great concern, "Hi, there!
get any sleep last night?" Marc
away, we could leave the other
day on the state of the bags und
kicking himself for not concealin
At least he wouldn't have to c
sheer force of habit rather tha
truthful basis, that he was "fine.


Switzerland to the United States.
Since the production professes
little plot it compensates by throw-
ing a wealth of beauty on the
huge screen. The travels of these
four people during two and one-
half hours of screen time are so
varied that one leaves the the-
ater remembering only a small
amount of the projected idagery.
THROUGH SUCH devices as
strapping the camera onto
the front of a bobsled at St. Moritz
and placing it in the nose of a jet
landing on a carrier, the producers
have achieved effects that would
be impossible with the ordinary
Many people complained after
viewing the first Cinerama pro-
duction that it was just this vast-
ness of scope that would prevent
the medium from effectively pre-
senting dramatic works.
Yet, though the story in this
film is slim, the excitement of the
travellers seems to convey itself
even across the big screen. The
awe of the Americans as they visit

the Arc de Triomphe and hear a
French family's story of the men
they have lost during the war is
beautifully done.
The audience quickly senses the
bewilderment of the Swiss couple
as they view "The Jolly Bunch and
Social Club," strutting as they re-
turn from a funeral in New Or-
The floor show at the Lido in
Paris is made more realistic by
having the audience surrounding
the bistros floor instead of mere-
ly looking into it.
Above all, it is the very size of
the screen itself that makes the
action believable. Until this film
we have had to be content with
one dimensional views of the world.
In "Cinerama Holiday" we are
in a Parisian taxi viewing Paris
as realistically as any visiting fire-
man. We are at the "Top Of The
Mark" seeing San Francisco Bay
as it should be seen. When the
image is on the screen, we too are
in the picture.
--Michael Braun



i i i i


LIVELY production of "The Moon Is Blue"

A LIVELY production of "The MVoon Is Blue"
by the Ann Arbor Civic Theater is now on
view at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Though a successful movie version of the
F. Hugh Herbert comedy was made, last night's
players showed that there are still lots of
laughs in the play.
The story of the outspoken young lady who
catches her man is not unusual. But, as it is
generally known, the play's merits are in the
dialogue. Heroine Patty O'Neill manages to
proclaim her virtue and her knowledge though
not in a bawdy way.
IN HER Civil Theater debut, Carolee Dickie
as Patty is as full of vitality as the role de-
mands. While somewhat heavy in her stage
movements, her facial expressions lend a great
deal to the charm that is inherent in the
James Briley as the young man whom Patty
catches atop the Empire State Building under.
plays to the uninhibited Patty competently.
Most effective is Joel Rowley as the suave,
middle-aged -roue who completes the triangle.

And he showed he really knew t
he was portraying when trying t
his own debauched way, 'that h
training his daughter as a fathe
In his brief appearance as Patt
B. Crandell got many laughs as h
the stage as indignant as the "fi
nation" Irish cop should be.
DIRECTOR Ted Heusel deservesz
its for the very creditable job1
rector. Any play that is not onlya
play, but one that relies on lines
plot or theme, has difficulty in att
gree of freshness or originality. Y
duction is kept going at a fast clir
has put the actors through theirI
The living-room scene where n
action takes place was a very h
with the modern furniture and
tastefully chosen.
For an evening of enjoyment a
visit to "The Moon Is Blue" is wor
even if you saw the movie, the p
lots of lines that weren't in the for

it Architecture Aud..a.
Jannings and Marlene Diet-
THE strange irony which sur-
rounds The Blue Angel is that
the film was conceived to give
much-needed rejuvenation to the
career of silent-screen actor Emil
,Jannings. Jannings had retired
from the Hollywood cinema with
the arrival of talkies; critics and
fans eagerly awaited the release
of his first sound effort, The Blue
Angel, a German film directed by
Josef von Sternberg, then one of
the most famous film directors.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigar under the
authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers ............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart....... Associate Editor
Dave Livingston ..........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ... Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
.Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Wonen's Editor
John Hirtzei.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak. ....Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise.....Advertising Manager
Mary lean Monkoski Finance Manager
lelehont NO 2;-24-1
mA mh."

Today Jannings is almost un-
known; but one of the featured
players who worked with him in
The Blue Angel, and who almost
went unnoticed initially, has be-
come a legend: Marlene Dietrich,
the eternally desirable and beau-
tiful woman. Perhaps more than
anything else, The Blue Angel has
supplied the source and material,
for that legend.
It is a story of a professor (Jan-
nings) who falls in love with a
cafe singer, Lola Lola (Miss Diet-
rich). The professor gives up his
work to follow Lola and is even-
tually dragged down to a point
of complete personal degradation,
and finally insanity.
JANNINGS' performance now
seems a little overdone, often
because his broad acting technique
is no longer popular; the opening
schoolroom sequences are some-
times unintentionally funny, al-
though they help delineate the
non-humorous, stern nature of the
professor; and the sound, consid-
ered sensational in 1930, is at best
audible. But the film still has great
power in that' it is a personal
tragedy presented in personal
terms. The dark, thirtist photog-
raphy helps establish the tragic
overtones and gives the right mood
to Miss Dietrich's cafe numbers,
done on a smoke-filled little stage
with cheap scenery and a chorus
of beer-guzzling females.
Ultimately, however, the major
attraction which The Blue Angel
holds is Dietrich: to watch her
walk with a sureness and confi-
dence which no other actress has
ever quite matched; to watch her
sit astride a chair, throw her
hands on her hips, and throatily
murmur, "Falling in Love Again.'"
Dietrich's screen personality was
deliheratlv coneived hv her a..

(Continued from Page 2)
other representative for Personnel &
Industrial Relations.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528 Ad. Bldg.
Radio Station WKZO, Kalamazoo,
Mich.-Sports reporter to canvass Kala-
mazoo for sports information, and re-
port on TV shows.
Michigan Civil Service Commission-
announces examinations for Corrections
Department Trainees (age 21-40), Li-.
quor Enforcement Trainee (age 23-35),
& Property Appraiser Trainee (not over
45). Must graduate by June, 1955. Ap-
plicttions must be received by March 9.
Evans International, Inc., Acton, Mass.
--Young man with general sales experi-
ence to represent this Importing Com-
pany in southern Michigan.
Mead Sales Company, Dayton, Ohio-
young men for Sales Training Program;
company is the S$ples Organization for
all of the white paper manufactured
by The Mead Corporation.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528
Admin. Bldg.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Thurs., Feb. 17, at 3:30 ;:.m. in Room
3011 Angell Hall. Miss Irene Hess will
complete the discussion of Chapter V
and Mr. Howard Reinhardt will begin
Chapter 7 in Cochran's "Sampling
Seminar in Applied Mathematics-A
series of talks will be given this seme-
ter as a background for the Symposium
in Electromagnetic Wave Theory which
is sponsored by the International Scien-
tific Radio Union, to be held here June
20-25. Topics included in the symposi-
um: wave guides, boundary value prob-
lems of diffraction and scattering, an-
tenna theory, forward and multiple
scattering. First speaker, Thurs., Feb.
17, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 247 West Engi-
neering. Prof. H. William Welch on
"Some Physical Problems Involving
Electromagnetic Theory.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet Thurs., Feb. 17, in
Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30
p.m. C. H. Coombs and R. C. Kao will
speak on "Non-Metric Factor Analysis."
Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs.,
Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemis-
try. Julian Lakritz will speak on "Some
Aspects of Nitramine Chemistry."
Seminar in Analytical - Inorganic -
Physical Chemistry. Thurs., Feb. 17, 7:30
p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Prof.
Philip J. Elving will speak on "Meas-
urenent of Reaction Rates Using Mega-
cycle Frequency Oscillators."
Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test Sat., Feb. 19 are requested to re-
port to Room 100, Hutchins Hll at
8:45 j.m.
Aeronautical Engineering Colloquium
-Fri., Feb. 18, 4:00 p.m., in Room 1504
East Engineering Bldg. Eugene Turner
will discuss "The Theory of Luminous
Shock Wave." Feb. 25, Mr. Turner will
give a second colloquium on "The
Experimental Results Obtained on the
Luminous Shock Wave."
Biological Chemistry Seminar. "Some
Metaloflavoprotein Enzymes, under the
direction of Dr. C. R. Noll, Jr.; Room
319 West Medical Building, Sat., Feb.
19, 10:00 a.m.
Fri., Feb. 18 is the last day for stu-
dents in the College of Architecture
and Design to add courses to their elec-
Logic seminar will meet Fri., Feb.
18 at 4:00 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall. Dr.
Buchi will continue to discuss "Defina-
bility in Formal Systems."
The Extension Services announces
that there are still openings in the fol-
loinm iclae to ha hal'rid.ral-, n.a

Registration for these classes may be
made in Room 4501 of the Administra-
tion Building on State Street during
University office hours, or in Room 164
of the School of Business Administra-
tion on Monroe Street, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
this evening.
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in June, 1955,
must file a diploma application with
the Recorder of the Graduate School by
Fri., Feb. 25. A student will not be rec-
ommended for a degree unless he has
filed formal application in the office of
the Graduate School.
Doctoral Candidates who expect to re-
ceive degrees in June, 1955, must have
three bound copies of their disserta-
tions in the office of the Graduate
School by Fri., April 29. The report of
the doctoral committee n the final
oral examination must be filed with the
Recorder of the Graduate School to-
gether with two copies of the thesis,
which isready in all respects for pub-
cation, not later than Mon., May 23.
Actuarial Seminar will meet Thurs,
Feb. 17, at 4:00 pm.in 3212 A.H. Prof.
Nesbitt will continue the discussion of
"Interpulation in Terms of Operators."
The Budapest String Quartet-Josef
Roismann and Alexander Schneider, vi-
olins; Boris Kroyt, viola ,and Mischa
Schneider, cello;- will perform in the
three concerts of the 15th Annual
Chamber Music Festival Fri. and Sat.
nights, and Sun. afternoon, Feb. 18, 19,
20. At the Sun. afternoon concert the
group will be assisted by Robert Courte,
violist in two quintets.
The programs to be heard are as fol-
Fri., Feb. 18, 8:30 p.m.-Haydn Quar-
tet in G, No. 1; Lees Quartet No. 1; and
the Schubert in A minor, Op. 29.
Sat., Feb. 19, 8:30 p.m.-Mozart Quar-
tet in D, K. 499; William Denny's Quar-
tet No. 2; and the Quartet in B minor,
No. 2 by Beethoven.
Sun., Feb. 20, 2:30 p.m.-Beethoven
Quintet in C major; Bartok Quartet No.
1; and the Brahms Quintet in G major,
Op. 111.
Tickets are on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Tower; and will also be on sale an
hour before each concert in the lobby
of the Rackham Building.
Exhibitions, Museum of Art, Alumni
Memorial Hall:
Fantastic Landscape, Michigan Wa-
ter Color Society, Mexican Arts and
Crafts, through March 6.
Hours: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. weekdays,
2:00-5:00 p.m. Sundays. The public is
Events Today
Social Seminar Thurs., Feb. 17, at
7:45 p.m. in the Assembly Hall, Rack-
ham Building. William W. Parsons,
President of the American Society for
Public Administration, will speak on,
"Departmental Management in a Large
Federal Agency." Refreshments,
The Congregational - Disciples Guild:
7:00 a.m., Thurs., Feb. 17. Breakfast
meditation group meeting in Guild
House chapel, 438 Maynard Street. Sign
up for the cost breakfast by Wed. aft-
ernoon at Guild House.
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire-
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., Feb.
17, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Building.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
Thurs., Feb. 17, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
La P'tite Causette meets Thurs., Feb.
17, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union
Cafeteria. ici on peut parler francais;
venez tout le monde.
Mid-Wek .Vespers .sponsored by the
Westminster Student Fellowship at the
Stient Clhanel of the Prhvterian





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