Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY -P-ge S ix THEI Mr TICHN IIfNICAN DILY4 11-1 A Tom Gibson and JoAnne Yates; N A * * Dick Gilca and Mildre Zeder; Don Gilger and Flo Arnold: Bob Gil- (Csariaca fom ace5) low and Nancy Wright; Shcldon Ginns and Carolc Karp: Jin GIIANT L3ABEL AND DOSE- Glanvillc and MVary, Dwycr; Martin .MA1,V HICKS; Norman Galsel Goldman and Coots Glass; R'ich- and Gabcrs on and P og y Zuecci; Stuat NMJitceal Glass man and ionsa dola and Suc Bates, Jane L. Matlin Brue Goldsmi si Thoma, GalfieId and Elis Purdy; and Marlene Anes; Walter Gold- Edean Gallaudet anti Alice Mac- smith and Jackie Pa ith17: Wm-cc i Manaus: James Ganoom and Dora Goodwin and Joannec Bootla: Rich- Edwards; Herbert Gardiner anad ard A. Goodl and Carol Anis Dvor- M acgot Corby; Gordon Garlick in; Bill Grahsam and Beycrly and Soc Rehsochsl; Duncan Gar- Moore; Joel Gottlieb sad Barbara~ rct tanad Connie Searles; Shsirl Lavin' Dave Graf and Mary Kane; Garrisasn and Mary Suec Condon; P'carson Gralszam and Barbar Dick Gault anad Judy Adkins; Vern Kap Jerry- Gray and Mary Gebben and Linda VerPlansk; Sy- Caris; MarNin Green. Jr., and Glo- snis Gebrayre-urllaer analJusanita ris Szweala; Mitchris Gra a araasInsid Grecan; Pasil Geig (r asd Sally Joyce Neumnsnsi Denuais Greense Fcrnisshrg; Lco Gcisler ansd Psat and Shasron Muarphsy; Greg Gre- Smith; Leonsard Gell and Margaret gior and Jenanie Poaaids;:Gsary Wilkinas; Tom George and Nancy Grenhiolnm and ClaaudetteQauintal; Estes; Johan Geralt and Rosalitac David Grey aisd Ann Hammisonad; Sappington; Gcorne Gianakaris Jeff Grossman aind Sola Hsambur- anad Christhae Gianakaris; Gus Gi- ger-; Eon Growv and Anis Neely; anakaria and Jacqueline Bogasais; Peter Guick ad Dorotisy OJolas; John Gibson and Clare Gemricls; IKen Gunniandr ia hnse Tonlin: Monday, February 7, 1955 Extra E.xtra ar being sold by pledges of Sii ma Chi fraternity. P'roceed' from salea of the Ex ra will be ontributed to The.Alarehof Dinrs. Jaaie Marr; Alvin Baggerty ad Betty Ve' s; Phsilip lin and Mary S osn aigist; Bill Hail and Msary Bamiltons; Ronald Hall and Shserry Straub; William Hall and Patt Mcr rI d; James Hadlier and Pat Wlitesidcs; Phail 1.alsey and Caarol Betterly; Lewis Haimbairger sad P1atricia An H-eller; Herbert Miaasond and Janet Dixner; Lawmreccc Brdy sand Nancy Dilts; Johnsan ai and Mickey Weav- er; Jack Harper and Carol Comp; Steve Hlarper and Nancy Colwell; Jaines Harrinsgton and Donna Lra-x rime; Shselby Harriington and Mar- lene Weiss; Larry Harris and Lot- tie Glaiiber; Eugene Hartwig and Lucy Landers; Richard Hartig and Virginia Swtagg,,erty; Richard K. Hartman and Judy Bradley; Andre Hartinett and Gwen Hutten ga ; John Hargis and Sally Brandes; Johsn K. Hathsaway and Debbie Townsend; Ken Hatter and Mar- gie Weyler; Jon Hauch and Cath- ie Ca rrero; Ciarldes Hawver and Marie Greimel; Calvin Haywaod sad Carol Murphy; Emeraon Head aisd Sally Baird; Joisn Heath and Jane Condon; Garnett Hegeman, Jr., ad Joyce Felton; Jimn Heier and Kay Leo; Steve Heilpern and Helen Goldman; Phil Hemn and Marge. Mortensen; Rodger Helm and Sun Monchiser; Algred Bell- man and Kiki Bambikidaa; Mer- wiis W. Heinphill and Claire Liria; William Hendershot and Eleanor Hooper; Bill Herman and Margie Marquette; Richard Herwitt and Karen L. Adams; William H. Hes- (Contisnied an Page 7 ORCHIESTRA LEADER SUREOUNDED) BY HUNGEY AUTOGRAPH BUNTERS Probably wondered what the Student Co-ops are all about ... As Mchaganalhee re threw enss'sabae women's, sdac marries) capes' cooprtis othicha bos abotastwo bassdrd studsas. f r aeafe atsil ashow teaCo-paswok. 1111 OWNS AND RUNS 'i lU CO-OP'S? 'WE iDO. Co-epa asreownedIby he Iler-Cooperative Cuncil 11<.1, a rrporatonse st ap aod rtanentrety by the sad ts o live or e a alahe lass. a oh memaer, new rold hs oneasvot, adshrs eqaslly is in lleises;:wlat toet oach tossIoprn, sow musch to wrt, 1W110MAV JOIN THE CO-OP'S?. IXI 180). As 11 artswIraagresatIspprtcipte in runing the c-op Iemeratically is elcomae. Memiers areacceputedasna frtsr ore fir s eraed baiswthouttracal, aeial reigius or political dicrimistin, The re is no ldgecoa iitiatin period. VIIAr ARE 'THE LIVING AND EATIING' ARRANGEI.IENTIS? As aroomer, yea ase proiedd itts a isedciasetsparedesk, cisir, salveIssoge pare a. well a hscal spaI.0cc and eating prpivilege. A. a baarir, yea get twenty meal a weik plannsedl andr preporsd by yeUandyor ellew co-oprs: "Gasting", asrtaditioal betwees-me-talssacing,iaoe ator mast chri sed privilegea, Everyone aa ree acesa at at timea t milk, bread, buatter and jam, fres ri, cereal and letovers.tgas and aome other irma are charged at coal, Any memler may invie gaass. Tere are adequatc eanryy tciltis,.C-o-nty open doring vacatienpp.iodsi.ansi ina ths eassre. IOW IVUlCHtDOES IT COST? Each hoare sesa ita own budsrge, Aeroe costatarrlie pst acmester Iac bas: ppsea. per weeka ppro. per emeIs' For room asd bard $13.00, $208 For board only $ 8.25 $130 hie ass'sbers pay a $20 adepoistess sisy join; iisa retusnsedt miersthy Iease. Tsere ore no otserdasofana sy kind, 11110DOESTilE WO'RK~? IWEDO. Alt the cooking, dishwahng, mantenooe and manageament is clne by ts' mebe; earls choosing the job he or she eds beatft ed tor, Any member nm or old, cn be elected aticr! president, hose manage, tood prchasrbokkepr .- It tabs sfram tour to five hors a wek pr mmber ao rn a co-op. The sxassaork time is decided by vote at the house, There re no maids, janiors, reiden adisors aoa, tse paid emapoees, 11O11 ABOUT THIE UfIGHT'ER SIDE OF LIFlE? Co-ops arent merely an mnexpnsive ay to lie. The men's mamen'' sad copes hoases have together a good namber at organized social events. Gr members, coming tram all kids ot backgraunds and ram all ver the world by working together get to team each other really mell. As a resl, c-ops enjoy a characteristic tolerat and intormal atmosphere. Na pressre is put on anyone to cosorm to a norm ot dress, hbis os pasrticatiors in aeial activiies. 'WHiEREI (AN VOUAI'PiLV FOR CO-OP' MEMBiESIP? The I ner-Cooperatiae Counctil-1017dOaklnd-Phone: NO -6872 Banley Gurwin and Merle Mayer- stein; Paul Guy and Patricia Lid- g ard, Dan W. Babel and Carolyn Maebler; Jaaincs Back and Gail Go- terioan; George Baddad anad Nan- cy Crinzi. Keinneth Baler and Er- lene Otto; Rodney Bagenbuch and BOOKS Medical, Dental, Public Health Nursing -- Supplies OVWERBECK BOO6KSTO"'RE' 1216 South University Iierfed 1em-m'akegyr 3cezdzil color &ia'zz&/ New argusa.H4 Nw35mm earners ha. fastest ian. of any American eamera in its price ciass-f:3.5 Cintar lens; sihutter speeds up to 1/200seacond; Color matie settings; dauble exposure preventer; plug- In dlash gun. vaitnera $32.50 case $3.66 flash $3.80 argus 300 WATT projector Has exclusive Argus rotary elide carrier; wide. angle, four-inch f.3.5 lens for a big picture; se- cial blower and beat-absorbing lens keeps slides cool; Stager-tip elevating device centers pictures.. Only $48.50 ecompl~t* with carryng cae Purchase Camera Shoup 1116 South University PURCHASE FROM "PURCHASE'