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February 15, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-15

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STUDENTS' $5,000
See Page 4

Yl r e

Latest Deadline in the State



t)AT T VT) 1T. DA


VUL. LXY, No. 89I
Witness Says
Ruether Cas4
Scared Reds
Calls Civil Right
y,Gr oup Red Fron
3 Communists expected to be que
tioned about the shooting of Wa
ter Reuther in 1948 and mov
their membership records, a goN
ernment witness said yesterday.
, Bereneice Baldwin, o n e t i m
Communist for the Federal Bu
reau of Investiga:ion, testified
a Subversive Activities Contri
Board hearing on a Justice De
partment charge that the Civ
Rights Congress is a Communi
Reuther, president of the CI
United Auto Workers, was felled b'
a shotgun blast in the kitchen c
his home. The crime never wa
solved. Reuther recovered and no'
heads the entire CIO as well a
I the UAW.
Worked in Office
Mrs. Baldwin said she wa
working at the time in the Michi
gan Party office, then in the Law
t yers Building in Detroit. She sai4
Helen Allison Winter, wife of Ca]
Winter, then head of the Michiga:
Communist Party, was in charge c
the office.
Mrs. Winter ordered the record
taken to the Civil Rights Congres
office, across Cadillac Square I
the Reid Building, explaining, Mn
Baldwin said, that "the Commu.
nist Party Offices probably woul'
be interrogated" about the Reu
ther shooting.
Winter and his wife later wen
to prison beause of charges aris
ing from their Communist affilia
tions. Winter was :one of 11 tol
Reds convicted in New York o
conspiring to overthrow th'e gov
ernment by force. Mrs. Winter wa
convicted in Detroit of a similar
Civil Rights
Mrs. Baldwin's testimony was tc
the effect that the Civil Right
Congress in : tichigan was run by
the Communist Party.
Urging support of a Civil Right
Congress meeting at the Detroi
Ma'sic Hall in April, 1949, Nat
Ganley, another of the Smith Act
Defendants, was quoted by Mrs.
Baldwin as describing the Con-
grezs as "an instrument of the
Communist Party."
Mrs. Baldwin said her job at
the meeting was to record the
names of everyone who went into
the meeting "to keep enemies (of
the Communist Party) out."
She named one "enemy" who
was ejected from the. meeting as
e Arthur Fox, a "Trotskyite." Among
those present she maiu were Patrick
Walsh and Stanley Novak, then
1 Michigan State Senators; Detroit
Attorneys Ernest Goodman, Har-
ry Anbender and Maurice Sugar;
Colman Young, then Executive
Secretary of the Progressive Party
in Michigan, and the Reverend
Charles Hill of Detroit.
Fund Debate
Closed to Daily
Student Legislature's cabinet de-
bated yesterday disposition of its
treasury reported to amount to ap-
proximitely $5000.

The discussion, taking place at
SL's weekly open cabinet meeting,
was closed to a Daily reporter.
SL President Ned Simon, '55,
asked the reporter to keep the
discussion of finances off-the-rec-
ord so the reporter left the meet-
Early last month SL Treasurer
Bill Adams, '57, said the Legisla-
ture had nearly $5,000 in its gen-
eral treasury not including $2,500
in the Cinema Guild (Develop-
ment) Fund.
At an open cabinet meeting held
at that time there .vs some oppo-
sition to passing the treasury to
Student Government Council.
Other possibilities included a
,f scholarship fund, improvements in
the SL Bnok Exchange, money to
help start a -ew student book
store, and extension in member-
ship of National Student Associa-
Formal motions for disposition
of the mor y will be made either
at the regular SL meeting tomor-
row or at the meeting next week.



ANN RBO, MCH a. TUESD " v AY.FERARYv 15. 1955l. Lt


Security Council Suspends


Cease- Fire








C age rs




Solution Left
70 To Power

-Daily-Fred Day
Imed NewsContent
" '

Win Puts Quintet'
SInTie for Fourth
Last Minute Field Goal by Kramer
Provides Winning Score in Thriller

10-i Vote Downs
Russian Proposal
Sharply rebuffed by Red China
and Russia, the United Nations
Security, Council yesterday sus-
penned indefinitely its public ef-
forts to achieve a cease-fire fri
the Formosa Strait.
It left the next move to secret
diplomatic maneuvers here and
in the capitals of the major pow-


(Jalled tor b
"Give me a fully, fearlessly and
fairly written newspaper, and I'll
take my chan es with circulation
and advertising," Mark Ethridge
said yesterday in his lecture, "The
Press and Your Rights."
Speaking in Rackham Amphi-
theatre under the auspices of the
journalism department, the Louis-
ville Courier-Journal's editor and
publisher commented on the eco-
nomic picture of American news-
Rising Costs
"Costs are rising and revenues
are not keeping up," he declared,
"and we do not have an expanding
Ethridge ascribed part of the ris-
ing costs to lack of research on
better printing methods.
"Newspapers are a generation
behind in research." he said, "in
fact, there has been no major im-
provement in newspaper printing
in the last 50 years."
According to Ethridge, the other
side of the problem, lack of ade-
quate income, is due to competing
media,, especially television.
He said that television is going
the way of radio-towards more

The man who writes the scripts certainly picked out a beautiful
y ! one to present before 4,000 roaring fans at Yost Field House last
Ron Kramer gave an excellent performance in the leading role.
entertainment--but has not yet The sophomore sensation flipped in an underhand lay-up shot with
found its place. only two seconds remaining to play to give the Michigan cagers
Cut News Content a crucial 72-70 win over a fighting Northwestern five.
Ethridge explained that publish- The burly Kramer carried the team on his powerful shoulders
ers are doing little to help them- throughout the entire, exciting contest. The East Detroit resident tied
selves. "Some are leaving classified - Michigan's individual scoring roe-
advertisements out of the early ed- ord for the second time in three
itions to save on newsprint," he days as -he swished 28 points
said, "and others have cut out on N ationalthrough the nets. He was the cen-
news content, doing exactly the ter cog in the Maize and Blue's of-
wrong thing." 12un jfense and a tower of strength un-
The growth of newspaper mon- der the backboards.
opolies is another result of higher The last five minutes of the
costs and reduced finances. He By The Associated Press thrilling tilt had the small crowd
crntinued that some monopoly pa- WASHINGTON-American Fed- continually roaring ... and stand-
pers are among the best in the eration of Labor officials are con- ing. A basket by Kramer had giv-
country, and the monopoly trend sidering recommending that Con- en the Maize and Blue a 67-62
will go oi. gress require full periodic disclos- margin with 5:25remaining. But
The answer lies, Ethridge be- ure of the financial operations of at this point the Wildcats began
lieves, in better, not shorter news- union welfare funds, to claw.
papers. He said that those that will This and a number of other pro- A full-court press was instituted
live must have less cheapness and posals for safeguarding the bil- and this completely flustered
tawdiness, more sober and inde- lion-dollar trust funds are being Michigan. Freddie Duhart stole the
pendent discussions, less blatant sent out to all the AFL's 110 un- ball and went in all alone to score.
partisanship, more reporting in ions for consideration and com- Then came four straight points by
depth, and more graphic aids to ment, but AFL chiefs apparently the star forward, Frank Ehmann,
the reader. anaM +to adorhv~1- tI',n,., ther.,,+ ,



Three in GOP
State Contest
Michigan Republicans are pre-
sented wihh a choi'e of three pos-
sible gubernatorial candidates 18
months before the State primary.
In a resolution passed unani-
mously by both houses of the
GOP-controlled - State Legislature
last week Mayor Alfred E. Cobo of
Detroit was lauded for his politi-
,mal record and from Washington,
Republican Congressmen Gerald
R. Ford of Grand Rapids and Al-
vin M. Bentley of Owosso have
indicated their willingnesF to run
for the post.
Interpreted as a ba for Cobo to
give up his nonpartisanship and
rebuild the State GOP, the joint
resolution indicates the lawmak-
ers' interest in Cobo as a new-
face candidate for the 1956 elec-
Cobo Hasn't Accepted
The 61-year-old mayor hasn't
said yes or no to this bid, but his
achievements in Detroit have ex-
panded his State-wide influence.
A member of the Clay Commit-
tee, Cobo's suggestions for pledg-
ing current rev'nue to secure the
expense necessary to modernize
the national and state highway
systems may become part of the
Federal pattern. President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's reported confi-
dence in him is also in his favor.
Ford and Bentley are both men
who have successful careers in
Congress. Each ran ahead of Ei-
senhower in 1952 and each got
more than 60 per cent backing in
Agree On Rules
Both have agreed not to run
against the other nor will they
.run in a split field. Furthermore,
they reportedly have definite ideas
for 'bettering state campaigning
which the GOP must accept.
Enteing Congress in 1948, Ford
has served on the House Appro-

Journalism Schools
According to Ethridge, journal-
ism schools can help to alleviate
poor newspaper -riting. "The time
has come for our journalism
schools to become professional in
the fullest sense," he said. "They
must put the emphasis upon mak-
ing the man intellectually," he
The speaker described 'his per-
fect journalism curriculum' as be-
ing "heavy in English composition
and literature, foreign languages,
political science, economics, psy-
chology, and sociology."
Speaking of the University's
journalism department, Ethridge
said it is at the very top.
Mimes 7Tap
In the morning, in the night,
Sons of Thespis show their might,1
With chimes of Mimes,
They came a tapping,
Broke down the doors
With noisy rapping.
In their quest for tragedy and
Selected those who showed their
Enacted a drama in two parts
In honor of the actor's art.
The play it cast,
The curtain falls,
The cosen few have heard their
Mimes have spoken!

*I * * -
WASHINGTON (A')--Democrat-
ic leaders announced yesterday
they have decided provisionally
to open their national convention
in Chicago July 23 next year, but
Republicans are still debating a
time and place for their session.
* * *
DALLAS, Tex. (P)-- Sen. Wil-
liam E. Jenner (R-Ind.) in a
speech here yesterday charged
that a secret group operates in
the highest echelons of govern-
ment and has made the United
States appear "futile and ineffec-
tual" in foreign affairs.
ate Internal, Security subcommit-
tee postponed yesterday for a sec-
ond time its question of Harvey
Matusow, self-described liar and
FT. BRAGG, N.C. - Conflict-
ing testimony from psychiatrists
concerning M. Sgt. William H. Ol-
son was heard yesterday as the
general court-martial of the 20-
year- Army veteran charged with1
collaborating with the enemy
while a prisoner of war in Korea
opened here.-
The trial recessed without a rul-
ing on a defense contention that
Olson, 40, is not capable of co-
operating in his own defense.
Olson was a' POW in Korea forz
23 months.

and .Northwestern led 68-67 with
2:41 left.
'M' Recovers
Michigan came right back and
tallied. Don Eaddy tossed in a
one-hand push shot from 25 feet
out, and Jorgenson made one from
the free throw line.
With 1:15 left, Glen Lose scored,
knotting the score once again, this
time at 70 apiece. Michigan took
the ball and quickly crossed the'
center stripe. Jerry Stern drove to
the left corner and tried a one-
hand push shot that failed.
See LATE, Page 6

-Daily-John Hirtzel
CLOSE SHAVE - Ron Kramer drops in the winning basket for
Michigan with four seconds to go as Wildcat Glen hose and team-
mate look on helplessly.
U.S. Role in Quemoy
Subject of Speculation
By The Associated Press
SpeculaLion on Formosa rose yesterday over whether the United
States would help defend Matsu and Quemoy after President Chiang
Kai-shek declared the islands never would be abandoned.
The mighty Seventh Fleet, which covered the peaceful withdraw-
al from the Tachen Islands north of Formosa, was returning to patrol
stations around Formosa and to other Far East bases.
Vice Admiral Alfred Pride, Seventh Fleet commander, left aboard
the heavy cruiser Helena for a secret destination, but he has said his
warships would be ready to undertake any mission assigned them.
Peiping Boast
There was no confirmation here of Peiping radio's boast the Com-
munists Sunday "liberated" the Tachens, 200 miles north of Formosa.
It was considered likely the "liberation" consisted of a small land-
Cing party from nearby Red islets.

The Council refused 10-1 to
consider now as an urgent matter
a Moscow plan to end the hostil-
ities by condemning alleged Unit-
ed States aggression against Chi-
na and ordering withdrawal of
American forces from Formosa.
"The Cause of Peace"
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., said the
Council has not concluded its
consideration of a proposal by Sir
Leslie Knox, New Zealand, for a
cease-fire' in the troubled area,
"Indeed," Lodge said in a state-
ment, "it has hardly begun to do
so. In these circumstances, we
would have done the Council and
the cause of peace an injustice if
we were to allow discussion of the
Soviet item to becloud the issues
of the urgent matter at hand,"
The Council formally invited
Red China on Jan. 31 to send a
representative here for the dis-
cussion of the New Zealand pro-
posal. Peiping- quickly turned this
down with a blunt demand for the
Council to discuss the Soviet item
first and oust Nationalist China
in favor of a Communist Chinese
Sir Pierson. Dixon, Britain,
whose government has taken the
lead in consultations with Mos-
cow for some arrangement to stop
the fighting, said that the Red
Chinese rejection was not helpful.
He suggested, the Council adjourn
while governments study the sit-
uation and consult.
Adjourns Without Vote
The.Council did after a three-
hour session and without a vote.
The delegates left it up to the
Council president, Victor Bela-
unde, Peru, to call a meeting when-
ever developments warrant.
In London, Foreign Secretary
Anthony Eden said in the. House
of Commons that Britain and
Russia are still engaged in diplo-
matic exchanges looking toward
an easing of the crisis. He said any
conference would have to include
Chinese Nationalists and Chinese

Turnpike Plan Protested
By Mchigan Residents


Engineering and financial prob-
lems aren't the only barriers
would-be turnpike builders run
The people whose homes and
towns lie in the path of proposed
super highways sometimes offer
more resistance to construction of
turnpikes than do huge building
Such is the snag the Michigan
Turnpike Authority ran into last
week, when Bloomfield township
residents (near Detroit) protested
the proposed site of part of the

ssists Houses erVes ampus

Michigan turnpike. The turnpike
would require destruction or mov-
ing of several $20,000 to $40,000
modern homes there.
In addition to the fear that ex-
pensive homes and property would
be cut inwo to clear the path for
the four-lane road, Bloomfield res-
idents have explained they don't
want a toll road to create a "Chi-
nese Wall" that would permanent-
ly separate one side of the road
from the other.
Bonding Costs
Bloomfield residents have added
the charge that "money hungry"
bond holders are pushing the turn-
pike project. Specifically, bond
costs exceed actual building costs
for the highway because, finan-
ceers explain, a high rate of inter-
est must be paid even before tolls
start coming in at turnpike gates.
Turnpike authorities in Ann Ar-
bor, state MTA headquarters, are
hoping to be able to let contracts
for construction of the 115-mile
stretch of the "North-South"
Turnpike, (from Rockwood, neara
the Ohio border, to Bridgeport,a
near Saginaw) by summer. ,
Landowners' protests may be
squelched to meet that date, if I
incidents fromt other states mayi
be any indication. In Illinois, In-
diana, and Ohio, turnpike authori-
ties have always been able to ob-
tain the land desired for building
turnpikes, sometimes th- o u g h

The Tachens were scorched before
they were abandoned and nothing
of value was left.
There were more reports of
Communist boat concentrations
near the Matus, off the coast 100
miles northwest of Formosa, but
there was no indication of any in-
tent to invade. Such concenti&-
tions are usual.
Chiang Predicts
Chiang predicted at a rare news
conference, however, that occupa-
tion of the Tachens would make
the Reds "more adventurous." His
interpreter said Chiang meant the
Communists woul' try to attack
Chiang in answer to a question
declared: "As a matter of fact,
whether Kinmen, Quemoy and
Matsu, when they are attacked,
will be jointly defended by, the
United States and our government
or not is actually very clear to us,
also to the Communists; and it is
also very clearly said in Eisenhow-
er's statement.'
Red China Accusations
Dispatches from Tokyo told of
violent attacks by Red China's
leaders, Mao Tze Tung and Chou
En-lai, against "imperialists."
Chou, the Red Chipese Premier,
accused the United States of "pre-
paring an atomic war" against the
Communist world and predicted
defeat if "United States aggressive
circles attack."
Mao, ruler of Red China, de-
clared 'that "should the imperial-
ists start a war," the Communist
world "will certainly wipe them'out
clean from the surface of the
11A Me 1ivtor

SGC Elective
Posts Doubled'
Student Government Council pe-
titions in circulation doubled elec-
tive SGC positions for the first
time yesterday as five students
picked up petitions from 1020 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
Thomas Sawyer, '58, Robert Ba-
con, '55E, Tony Trittipo, '58, Bob
Spath, '56BAd, and Bill Brumm,
'56, took out petitions yesterday
bringing the total to 23. There are
11 elective SGC posts.
With the addition of Trittipo,
nine present Student Legislature
members are planning to run for
the new student government, to
be elected 'at the all-campus elec-
'tions March 15 and 16.
Deadline Monday'
Petitions for SGC and the other
positions to be contested must be
returned with appropriate num-
ber of signatures to 1020 Admin-
istration Bldg. by Monday.
Elections chairman, Ruth Ross-
ner, '55, suggested last week peti-
tions should be picked up for cir-
culation at least by Friday.
Mike Rotunno, '57, who played
end for Michigan's football team
last fn all bcme the first cndi..

J -_______ _ _ _

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the first~
in a series of interpretive articles
dealing with the services, history and
future of the Inter-House Council.)
"As I conceive it, the Inter-
House Council has two functions-
to serve individual houses and to
serve the campus."
IHC President Stan Levy, '55,
describes the organization he
heads, placing service to the house
as uppermost in its functions.
"Assist Houses"
"We assist houses in their de-1

Pointing to what the group has
done to help individual houses, he
said the IHC house service com-
mittee has helped several houses
to rewrite their constitutions this,
Another current project of the
IHC is setting up a central blue-
print for house scholarships, Levy
explained. Houses will be advised
how to go about raising funds and
administering them in the form
of scholarships.
In the future probably the big-
gest problem will be the financial
one of contacting alumni from the

telling them how to get things
done in the easiest and best ways.
Duplicating machines are also
available for house officers in the
IHC offices located in the Union.
The IHC will run off circulars at
cost for units under their juris-
Presidents Informed
On the campus service level,
Levy said his group keeps quad-
rangle residents informed on
what's happening on campus
'through the IHC's campus affairs
As nresident of HC Trev

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