WAtV. OPPM E MICMGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY a * ay+ fl' -'WT E MC IA AL ID A iFRTT F.U'fF.Q THE FIRST 60 D YS OF coU STUDE T GO ER E T CIL 61 -Daily-Sam Ching JOHN AND EDA McGIFFERT ... "foreign policy, Eskimos, jazz" MeGifferts Lead Varied Lives as Free-Lancers' 8 By LINDA. SIMON Behind State Street, just through the Nichols Arcade, a small tele- vision studio stares passively at passers-by. For the past three months events have been taking place in this building which may be written in- to the history of educational tele- vision. Although progress in the field of educational TV is old news to the white office at 310 Maynard St., the staff is now excited about a new foreign policy series, produced by John McGiffert. Writer-Producer "I'm a writer-producer in TV," he said. "My coming to Ann Arbor was something of an experiment. I wanted to see if someone from commercial TV could work har- moniously with people in educa- tional TV." - The Educational Television and Radio Center in Ann Arbor com- missioned the University Television Studio to do a series of thirteen programs dealing with American foreign policy. McGiffert came here from New York to work with the production crew. - He explains that the series deals with some of the crucial areas in the world today, with particular emphasis upon neutral countries of the Middle East and Asia, and United States allies in Western Europe.. Maps and Pictures The staff at the television office has tried to make the series inter- esting visually, Film clips have been inserted into the programs during discussions to emphasize important points, and backgrounds have been varied by the use of spe- cial maps and pictures. An English teacher at a boys' boarding school for ten years .prev- ious to his television work, Mc- Giffert traces his TV career back to 1950. "I just got tired of teaching, and quit," he said calmly. "I had done some acting and directing in sum- mer theaters, and I guess that's where my interest in television be- gan." Interested in several fields of writing, McGiffert specializes in humorous verse and prose. "I Mar- ried a Vegetarian" and "Who's Who in Whistling," both appearing in recent issues of "Coronet," are among his published pieces. He has also written for the "New Yorker" and "The Saturday Evening Post." Free- ,ancer -Speaking of himself as a "free- lancer," McGiffert says, "I'm in- terested in any subject-foreign policy, habits of Eskimos, history of Jazz . . . I've also written some songs, but nobody's ever heard of them." McGiffert claims that his only "hobby" is his wife Eda. Mrs. Mc- Giffert is a professional dancer "with a Spanish flair" who loves being married to a writer. Under her own name Eda Lioy, she has danced on numerous TV shows, When asked for a comment on Ann Arbor, the McGifferts said, "It's full of wonderful people." ISLATER'S I POWER AND CONTROL OF S. .C. As the elected student govern- ment of the University of Michi- gan, the functions of the Student Government Council are many and varied. SGC has. the power to recognize any new campus organization, to withdraw recognition from estab- lished campus organizations, or to reactivate groups that have left the campus and wish to return. SGC must grant or deny approv- al for any student sponsored activ- ity. The Council also has the re- sponsibility of making rules gov- erning the eligibility of students participating in extra-curricular activities, aside from intercolle- giate athletics, according to the grade standards. It is also the task of SGC to.coordinate and delegate student activities to be carried on by the various recognized campus groups, to originate student proj- ects, and to voice the campus opin- ion. These powers were granted to SGC by the Regents last Decem- ber. SGC is free to work out its own operating policies, and how well these functions will be carried out depends upon the cooperation of the student body. The students must not forget that SGC is repre- senting them. Campus Affairs Committee The Campus Affairs Committee was organized on March 23, 1955, by motion of the Student Govern- ment Council. The committee, un- der the chairmanship of Joel Tauber, has as its general obliga- tion, the initiation of projects, and the service of more immediate needs of the student body. Gener- ally speaking, it will cover prob- lems which are not under the jur- isdiction of either the Public Re- lations Committee, or the Human and International Welfare Com- mittee. It is going to be a campus watchdog, continually keeping an eye open for possible ways to im- prove student life on campus. Some of the projects which the committee is contemplating for the future are: pre -registration, something which has long been discussed, and the formation of a Department of Religion for L.S. and A. Pep Rallies, faculty evalu- ation. and the structure of the ad- ministrative wing also fall under the jurisdiction of this commit- tee. Plans are in progress for an activities booklet, a lecture com- mittee, and the expansion of the athletic departments. The Campus Affairs Committee will run the Student Book Exchange, and the Bucket Drive. I $$$$$$ PAY Student Government Council Members PubiC Relations and Elections Committee - To facilitate its working, the Public Relations and Elections Committee is divided into three subcommittees. The first of these is Public Relations, itself. This sec- tion will attempt to keep the cam- pus informed as to what is going on in the SGC, to orient new stu- dents to student government at the University, and to solicit stu- dent opinion when the need arises. The second section is Publicity. This committee will set . up a speakers bureau to inform the campus on specific subjects, collect ideas in their field from other schools in the Big Ten. At the present time they have begun com- position of a booklet describing SGC, and plans are in progress for a scrapbook to preserve the events in the history of SGC. The third section is Elections; it has recently begun a study of election procedure, with .hopes of improving all campus elections. They will train their personnel to run the elections, assuming gen- eral responsibility for them. As a conclusion of this semes- ter's work, the committee is pre- senting this report to you, the stu- dent body. May 27, 1955 To: The Students As the semester closes, the Stu- dent Government Council takes pride in presenting today's report to the campus. The optimism that has characterized, the SGC plan since its inception has not dimin- ished. One reason for this is the agreement on the fundamental principles underlying Michigan's new student government. First, we believerthat the goal of SGC should be the promotion and preservation of the customs, tra- ditions, and educational standards of the University of Michigan. The only sound basis for student gov- ernment is that by representing student opinion, it can serve to promote and help formulate Uni- versity policy, in an academic community composed of students, faculty, administration, and civic interests. Secondly, our principle of op- eration is to cooperate not com- pete, with constituted authority. We believe that by working with the University and not apart from it, we can serve in achieving those goals most beneficial to Michigan. Looking to the future, three im- portant areas concern the Council. Action on two of these has already been initiated. First is a study of the present driving regulations, and second a similar study of the University h o u s i n g situation. These are being undertaken by joint committees representing stu- dent, faculty, administration and civic elements. Thirdly, we believe that the general area of student conduct requires a critical re-ex- amination of University regula- tions and the means for their en- forcement. On behalf of the Council, I wish to thank all those members of the University community who have HANK BERLINER, President of SGC, represents the SGC on the SGC Board of Review and the Union Board of Directors. DONNA NETZER, Vice President of SGC, is responsible for the workings of the committees and is also Chairman of the Inter- viewing and Nominating Committee. R. T. GOOD is the SGC Treasurer and Chairman of the SGC Fi- nance Committee. JOEL TAUBER is Chairman of the Campus aAffairs Committee and also a member of the Interviewing and Nominating Com- mittee. BOB LEACOCK, Chairman of Human and International Welfare Committee, is one of the three American members of the Mich- igan International Student Association. BILL ADAMS, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, is a member of the Cinema Guild Board and the Finance Com-. mittee. JANET NEARY is a member of the Human and International Wel- fare and the Interviewing and Nominating Committees, the Cinema Guild Board, and is Chairman of the Constitutions Committee. TOM SAWYER is a member of the Interviewing and Nominating and the Public Relations Committees. ED VELDEN, a member of the Campus Affairs Committee, repre- sents the SWC on the University sub-committee on Housing, BILL DIAMOND, a member of the Campus Affairs and Finance Committees, represents the SGC on the Committee to study Driving Regulations.- TOM CLEVELAND is a member of the Public Relations and Con- stitutions Committees. The following ex-officio members act as representatives of their organizations on the SGC: TODD LIEF, President of the Union. HAZEL FRANK, President of the League (missing) BOB WEINBAUM, President of the I.F.C., is a member of the In- terviewing and Nominating Committee. DEBBIE TOWNSEND, President of Panhel. TOM BLEHA, President of I.H.C. JEANETTE GRIMM, President of Assembly DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor of the Daily. MRS. RUTH CALLAHAN, Administrative Secretary. Human and' International Relations Committee Accomplishments of .S.G.C. 1* (Compiled from the minutes of the first ten meetings of the SGC) March 18, 1955: The first meeting of the SGC was held in the Michigan Union. Four standing committees, the Committee on Student Affairs, The University Housing Committee, Constitu- tions Committee, and the Cal- endaring Committee, were creat- ed. A motion was passed granting Eskasia, local sorority, status as the Alpha Mu Chapter of Sig- ma Kappa sorority. The campus chapter of the national sorority has been inactive for many years. * * * March 23, 1955: The Cinema Guild Board submitted a proposal Recommending that the Cine- ma Guild function be responsible to the SGC with the chairman .nd treasurer being selected by the. SGC from the campus at large. The proposal was accept- ed by the SGC. March 25, 1955: October 29 was established as the date for the Homecoming Dance. It was also decided that the SGC have con- trol of dispersal of profits from the Homecoming Dance and that the SGC delegate sponsor- ship of the dance to a recog- nized campus organization which will submit a petition for such sponsorship, before April 18, the final choice being made by the SGC. Tentative approval was grant- ed to calendar an Olympic Dance, planned for October 8, 1955, to be co-sponsored by the Michigan Union and Sigma Al- pha Mu, profits to go toward payment of expenses of U.S. ath- letes competing in the 1956 Olympics. The SGC elected to endorse the Books for Asia Drive and to establish an administrative committee to initiate arrange- ments for the drive. The first draft of Bylaws for April 13, 1955: The SGC Executive Committee this day was empow- ered to take action when the en- tire council could not meet. April 15, 1955: Vice-President Lew- is talked to the council and stat- ed that the Regents will soon consider the assessments of the 25c fee which is to provide funds for next year. The following committee heads were appointed: Public Relations and Elections, Bill Adams Human and International Wel- fare, Bob Leacock Finance, Dick Good Campus Affairs, Joel Tauber Administrative Wing, S a n d y Hoffman Interviewing and Nominating, Donna Ngtzer April 20, 1955: Quonset Hut A was chosen astemporary headquar- ters of the SOC. It was moved and seconded that the SGC affiliate with the National Student's Association Carried. for the following year. Motion Carried. The SGC submitted a propos- al to the Vice-President of the Student Affairs of the Univers- ity to appoint a committee to study the present student driv- ing regulation for the purpose of recommending modifications of the regulation that would bring it more in line with present stu- dent desires. The SOC suggest- ed that the committee take par- ticular note of the following points: 1. Student driving regulations " and how -they are working at comparable institutions. 2. The parking problem in the campus area. 3. The Student Legislature brief submitted to the Regents two years ago. The sponsorship of the Home- coming Dance was awarded to the Union and League for the coming year. vide permenant offices for such student organizations as the Union, League, and IFC. In ad- dition other office space will be available for smaller campus groups. * * * May 4, 1955: The SGC elected to write a letter to the State De- partment requesting that the eleven Soviet student editors be allowed to enter the United States. The basis for this recom- mendation being that "The SGC believes that any barriers to per- sonal contact on an internation- al level are detrimental to an understanding among nations and that the Departments of State and Justice should elimi- nate such barriers whenever they can." May 11, 1955: The Activities Cal- endar for 1955-56 was accepted as presented by Miss Yates, in- cluding the assignment of six One o'clock closing hour nights for dances. Miss Diana Hewitt joined the council to report on the activi- ties of the Anti-Discrimination Board. The board, established to work actively for the removal of discrimination in the serving and "hiring of students in the Ann Arbor business community. Miss Hewitt requested an ap- propriation of $25 which may be used to finance test cases when actual purchases of merchan- dise must be made to verify a reported discriminatory action. May 12, 1955: Hank Berliner, SGC president, began making week- ly reports to the campus over radio station WHRV. One of the most important func- tions of the Human and Interna- tional Relations Committee is to work closely with the Internation- al Student Association in coordi- nating an improved foreign stu- dent program. This will include acquainting foreign students with university, life, helping them to find housing, guidance in regis- tion program, and a questionnaire to discover their interests in American students, and student activities at the university. In working with the new Uni- versity Housing Committee, the anti - discrimination board, and numerous Ann Arbor women's groups the committee hopes to improve upon the present discrim- ination, and poor housing facili- ties for foreign students. A travel service program will be set up for students interested in attending foreign universities. This will include the academic offerings of foreign universities and a list of the foreign univer- sity scholarships available to uni- versity students. The present Free University of Berlin program will be expanded to include a girl and a professor as well as a male student. Next fall the South and East Quad- rangles are housing a German stu- dent, and the. IFC is expected to house him in the spring. The work of this committee will be vital in the promotion of bet- ter relation and understanding be- tween American and foreign stu- dents at the university. People who are interested in this field are in- vited to participate on the Hu- man and International Relations Committee starting early next fall. v THE FUTURE OF S.G.C. At the GOLDEN APPLES it's R G A S B 0 R In the future S.G.C. will handle current problems of students' questions. The three most impor- tant areas.in which S.G.C. will op- erate are: housing, driving regula- tions, and student conduct. At present there are two committees in S.G.C. which are evaluating these problems; one is the Housing Study Committee and the other is the Driving Regulations Study Committee. The Housing Study Committee will review housing reg- ulations, and will work with esti- mates of future enrollment to for- mulate methods of lessening the housing shortage. The Driving Regulations S t u d y Committee, composed of townspeople, faculty, administration, and students, will consider all viewpoints concerning driving at the University. Before the spring semester is completed, S.G.C. hopes to set up a commit- tee to consider student conduct. Principally, this committee will de- fine conduct unbecoming to a stu- dent. The object of S.G.C.'s con- cern here, is to develop an organi- zation for the investigation of student conduct and morals. S.G.C. proposes to develop a more complete form of integra- tion with the International Cen- the duties of through a process of reorganiza- tion of the various committees. This will be prefaced by an in- vestigation of the time involved in work on these committees. At present S.G.C. is operating on' a trial program for a two-year pe- riod, so it will set up no constitu- tion, but will continue to operate on a procedural program. { Another project is to investigate possible coordination of the activi- ties of various student clubs with the campus. This would provide these organizations, such as the Sailing Club and the Chess Club, Continued operation of the Cin- ema Guild and the Student Book Exchange are definite plans for next fall, along with the distri- bution of football tickets. As a trial organization, S.G.C. has made a good start and has great potential for a long and ac- tive existence. The groundwork has been well-laid, and, with full support from the student body, the Student Government Council will satisfy the very real needs of serving the students and express- ing their opinions in the years to come. these students 1 with the recognition they deserve. "REPP" says- FOR ALL I I r.,, - f