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May 27, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-27

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-Daily-Chuick Kelsey

DEAD DAY SCENE ON CAMPUS-"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace...

See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State







U.S., Reds Agree
On Summit Talks
Two Nations Make Formal Pledge
On Big Four Top Level Meetings
.WASHINGTON (P)-The United States officially welcomed
Russia's agreement to a top-level Big Four meeting yesterday
and pledged to work f or "peace, freedom and justice."
MOSCOW (P-The Soviet Union agreed formally yesterday
to a top-level meeting of the Big Four, but it said the United States'
attitude toward the summit meeting threatens to worsen rather,
than improve international re-
e e lations.
- Notes handed the Western am-
bassadors-with special sections
! }7ronn"nri nrli' F T~rf' irt s~d








Union Workers Reject
Ford Stock Sale Offer
DETROIT (A)-The Ford Motor Co. yesterday offered its 140,000
union employes an opportunity to buy company stock controlled by
the Ford family for half a century.
But the CIO United Auto Workers, demanding a guaranteed
annual wage, promptly rejected the offer.
The union called the Ford counterproposal "unfair, unjust and
unacceptable" and said it fails to provide workers protection against
the insecurity of unemployment. A

Actions Told
Joint Judiciar y Council yester-
day issued a report on discipli-
nary actions taken in cases in-
volving 15 students.
Cases heard concerned viola-
tions of drinking laws, driving reg-
ulations and student conduct.
Action taken by Joint Judic was
upheld by the Sub-committee on
Discipline in all instances.
Heaviest fines were levied for
violations of the University's re-
stricted parking area regulations.
One student, involved in a driv-
ing violation for the fifth time,
received a $45 penalty and was
severely warned that his Univer-
sity standing would be "imperiled"
in event of further miscondudt.
Another student was fined $65,
with a suspension of $40, in con-
nection with the issuance of 13
Last Issue
With today's issue The Daily
will cease publication until June
21 when the Summer Daily will,
publish five times per week.
parking tickets against him, eight
of them by city police.
Three violators of University
driving rules were fined, one for
$25 with $10 suspended, the other
two for $20.
Cases involved dIriving with no
permits and social use of permit.
Two cases were second violations.
A $30 fine was issued to a stu-
dent accused of giving a false
name to police and failure to ap-
pear in court. No court action
was taken.
Five students were fined for
violation .of state laws and city
ordinances relating to the pur-
chase, sale and use of intoxicants.
Strongest action taken in this
category was a $30 fine, with $15
suspended in view of a court fine
and costs of $31.85 and an over-
night jail sentence.
For transportation of intoxi-
cants in a vehicle, his third viola-
tion, another student was penal-
ized $30 following $19.30 in court
costs.n e was also placed on pro-
bationfor ne acdc vjp -

directed only to Britain an
France-indicated the U.S.S.R.
would object violently to any at-
tempt to discuss the status of the
Communist countries in Eastern
Suggest Vienna
Moscow suggested Vienna as the
most convenient place, with the
time to be negotiated by the four
powers. French Foreign Minister
Antoine Pinay has mentioned
July 18-21. The Western powers
take the stand that Vienna is un-
satisfactory so long as occupation
troops remain in Austria, and
want the meeting held in Switzer-
land or Sweden.,
The Soviet note apparently en-
visioned a conference of Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, Pre-
mier Nikolai Bulganin and the
British and French premiers on
broad generalities. It said the
meeting should aim at "the less-
ening of international tension and
the strengthening of confidence
among nations."
Desire to Pressure
But, the Russians added, de-
clarations by United States offi-
cials reflect "a desire to exert
inadmissible pressure on the con-
ference" and to discredit the idea
of a conference in advaice. The
note asserted:'
"The said officials went so far
as to mention the necessity of in-
terference in the internal affairs
of other states, making attacks
on the People's Democracies East
European Communist states which
are defending the freedom of their
"Increase Tension"
"It is quite clear that such at-
tempts at interference, which are
incompatible with the United Na-
tions charter, should be rejected
as exposing the aggressive plans of
certain circles aiming at the fur-
ther intensification of the arms
race and increasing international
In his May 18 television report
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles said the conference might
set up some new processes toward
a solution of problems such as
reunification of Germany, limita-
tion ofharmaments, atomic weap-
ons, "the problem of the satellite
countries, the problem created by
the international c o m m u n is m
~which is such a pest all around:t


Bug Eater
"You've heard of butterflies
in the stomachy" William Lee
Todd asked proudly at the
South Quad dinner table last
night; "Well I've got grass-
Todd explains he discovered
the Japanese delicacies in a
local market. "They had fried
cactus worms too, but they're
squishy. Grasshoppers are
Todd has enthusiasm for the
bugs but qualifies it: "They're
not as good as fresh salted
grasshoppers, of course."
Samplers were even more re-
strained. "Trouble is," one ob-
served, "they break up inside
your mouth and all you taste is
the wings."
Quad dieticians s il e n t ly
watched all, carefully taking



House Seats Won
Result Seen as Vote of Confidence
On Eve of Four-Power Conference

"Time of the Cuckoo"

'Two Dramas
To Conclude
Play Season
"Biography" and "The Time of
the Cuckoo" will be the concluding
productions of this ,year's Drama
Season at the Lydia Mendelssohn'
Faye Emerson will star in "Bio-
graphy" Monday through Friday.
Valerie Bettis and Lydia St. Clair
will star in "The Time of the Cu-
ckoo," June 6-11.
A Behrman Comedy
"Biography" is a romantic com-
edy Vy S. N. Behrman. It tells the
story of a successful, but infamous
artist who decides to publish her
Featured roles will be depicted
by Larry Gates, Jamie Smith. Olga
Fabian, Charles Cooper, Judith
Hunter and Charles Andre. Gates
was in the original New York cast
of "The Teahouse of the August
Moon," playing the role of the psy-
chiatrist. Smith has the title in
this week's play "The Rainmaker."
Serving as director is Luther
Kennet and settings are by Robert
Mellencamp. .
Laurents Drama
"The Time of the Cuckoo" refers
to the habits of that strange bird
who has unusual migratory traits,
arriving in Italy only once a year.
The story of the Arthur Laurents
play deals with an American school
teacher, a tourist in Italy.
The comedy-drama was a hit on
t the New York stage during the
1952-53 season. Recreating her

Ford also offered a ;number of
other benefits, all tied to union
acceptance of another five-year
Said the union:
"It is a phony plan which by the
Ford Motor Co.'s own admission
is a resurrection of an inadequate
and antiquated plan which Gener-
al Motors had in effect in 1939 and
had to scrap' because it was un-
workable and impracticable."
The union's rejection came only
two hours after Ford placed the
counterproposal on the contract
bargaining table. The UAW's bit-
ter response marked the first pub-
lic dispute since the auto indus-
try's significant labor negotiations
began last month.
John S. Bugas, Ford vice presi-
dent, called the offer "undoubtedly
as challenging and comprehensive
a single package offer as any ever
made in our industry." The "pack-
age" included a number of other
benefits, and was conditional on
union acceptance of a five-year

Oera OKs
'Film Flam' }
A script titled "Film Flam," writ-
ten by Bill Russell and Russ
Brown, '56, was approved by the
Union Board yesterday for the 1955j

Union opera. a ... I
The Board also decided that,
hairy legs should replace the shav-!
en limbs of the opera "lovelies" ornTad 0e
for the first time since 1940, Wayne
Theissen, Union opera chairman *
announced. 1 1t L i lw
Thiessen said the decision was
made because of complaints con-K
cerning the "almost beautiful" ap- tha an si) acros
pearance of past opera casts. 1that lased and swirled across fiv
In aditon, ome wil beomestates have killed at least 103 per-
In addition, women will become sons in two days and last night
for the first time a vital part of the vagrant twisters still were
the opera by contributing their'p1iedvrthtwidesti
talents as song and script writersp-M
to music chairman Frank Knox. In addition to the dead, more

{{{ C

Netmen Trail by Three
Points in Big Ten Finals
Special to The Daily
EVANSTON. Ill.-Michigan's chances -to win the Big Ten Tennis
Tournament appear good after yesterday's rain-shortened opening
round here.

than 700 were injured and millions
of dollars worth of property was
The focal point of the far-flung
storm was this little town of 500,
devastated by the fury of an early-
morning funnel that killed 62 per-
sons, many of whom were sleep-
ing when the tornado struck with-
out warning. More than 200 others
were injured and taken to hospi-
tals and relief centers.
Eighty miles south of here a

LONDON (I1)-Prime Minister Anthony Eden and the Conserva-
tive party scored a smashing victory in yesterday's election.
They won a new five-year term with an indicated House of Com-
mons majority of 50 or more seats, against the scant 17-seat margin
they had in the last Parliament.
Morgan Phillips, secretary of the opposition Labor party, con-
ceded the party's defeat at 3:15 this morning.
The voters dealt a severe blow to Clement Attlee's Labor forces,
who won the popular vote in the 1951 election but lost out in the
tabulation of House of Commons "
seats. This time the Conservatives
ran ahead in popular vote, as well.
Vote of Confidence
The result is a vote of confi-
dence for Eden on the eve of four-
power talks, where he will repre-
sent Britain.
The electors plumped for free jj
enterprise Conservatism and re-
jected the Labor party call for
another whirl at state socialism.
When counting stopped for the Office of Student Affairs yes-
night the Conservatives had scor- terday reminded students of the
ed a net gain of 10 House of Com- University apartment living reg-
mons seats, with good prospects Karl.
of winding up with an over-all Karl D. Streiff, assistant to the
majority of perhaps 59 to 60. Con- Des o M ny thating
servative officials confidentlyI rules prohibit any unmarried male
spoke of a 70 seat majority y student from living in an apart-
The election was faor 630 seats ment without permission of the
the lHouse of Commons. Office. Registration of apartment
in the HuefCmmn. residence must be made with
Returns from 353 districts gave Streiff.
the Conservatives and allied par-Seidh g
ties 174 seats, the Laborites 177 He said that the ruling is en-
ante 74eashL2.forced through the cooperation of
and the Liberals 2. landlords who have been advised
Conservatives Hope to ascertain that the student ap-
The Conservatives had victory plicant has obtained University
in sight because most districts approval.
Which will report later today are Streiff emphasized that this reg-
strongholds of that party, and be- ulation does not apply to those
cause of the trend in popular vot- living in units such at. rooming
ing. houses, not classified by his office
Returns from 350 districts gave as apartments.
this popular vote: Explaining the purpose of the
Conservatives, 7,444,472 -- 49.68 rule, he said, "Because of the
per cent. short supply of housing in Ann Ar-
Labor, 7,159,855-47.78 per cent. bor, we like to see that married
Liberals, 283,736-1.89 per cent. students have first chance at
Others, 97,183-.65 per cent. apartments.
Not since 1865 has a British "Unless such things as financial
government in power "gone to the difficulties are involved, our office
country" and come back with a is also more prone to approve
bigger parliamentary majority apartment #quarters for graduate
than it had before the election. and professional students than un-
All 17 Communist candidates dergraduates."
were badly beaten. So were two Streiff urged all those contem-
score Liberals. plating apartment rentals, or
Sir Winston Churchill was eas- those already contracted for them,
ily reelected in his own district. to come to his office, 1020 Admin-
istration Bldg., for consideration or
Foreign Aid Plait registration.
P c..,hV i. QA.hI3 £Q A Q 1X Y c]]ia~

The Wolverines placed five of their six singles entrants into the tornado demolished a 36-square-
semi-finals which will be played this afternoon. The finals will be block residential and factory area
staged tomorrow. in Blackwell, Okla., killing 18 per-
Sophomore Barry MacKay paced the way for his teammates with sons and injuring more than 500.
a brilliant victory over Indiana's.
John Hironimus, 6-3, 6-2. Hironi-
mus had extended the lanky netter
to three long sets onlylast weekend<
in a dual meet at Bloomington.
MacKay Faces Kuhn
Today MacKay faces last year's
champion, Al Kuhn of Northwest-
ern, in the featured semi-final.#
Kuhn trimmed Chuck Karabell of.
Purdue, 6-2, 7-5, yesterday.
Team scores, somewhat confus-
ing because of the rain which pre-
vented some of the scheduled dou-A"




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