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May 26, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-26

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(I4r ~fiiligjnN 41a1143
Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Tories Out To Break
Traiton-AdSol oI

"I'm Beginning To Think That's A Great Idea"



BRITAIN votes today, and both prophets and
pollsters agree Sir Anthony Eden's Conser-
vatives will break an ancient tradition. No
living Briton can remember an election when
the party in power increased its Parliamentary
Estimates of the new Conservative majority
(now a mere 19 out of 630 seats) range from
40 to 112. Their new popular lead is calculated
at three and a half per cent.
But prophets and pollsters have been wrong
before, and the badly-divided Laborites find
themselves incongruously betting on tradition.
N AN unusually dull campaign, some re-
strained sparks have flown. Mock ration
cards issued by the Tories to remind voters of
Socialist austerity are described as "rather
mean" by Laborite Attlee.
Conservative Eden calls opposition posters
"utterly monstrous" when they depict the vot-
ers' choice as being welfare and "H-warfare."
Americans, who may have felt a little ashamed
at what we call "election issues," may enjoy
the mild consolation of knowing mudslinging is
not a uniquely American custom.
Laborite Aneurin Bevan, was deflated some-
what when America agreed to Big Four talk,
The suggestion now is that the timing of our
action was not entirely governed by the exi-
gencies of the Cold War but was influenced by
the strength it would lend to the Conserva-
tives position, perhaps with some\ justice.
SURELY America and Britain will not hold
hands .more tightly if the latter is ruled by
Labor. Recent visits of party leaders to Com-
munist countries indicate, if not an open friend-
liness, at least a desire to improve Anglo-Rus-
sian relations at the expense of United States

friendship. Attlee's open and bitter hostility to-
wards Chiang Kai-shek, at a time when we are
threatening to use armed force to support the
Formosan government, could cause a serious
split among the Western powers.
PRIME MINISTER Eden has been describing
himself (for campaign purposes) as the
man who has "talked across the table with
the Russians for many years, probably more
than any other man living." Be this as it may,
he would surely be an asset to the Western
side as it attempts to bargain with the Rus-
sians later this year. During the negotiations
on the Western European Union, Eden skill-
fully reconciled divergent points of view and
assuaged resentment over the defeat' of EDC.
Labor has much at stake on the outcome of
the election. Its ranks have been badly divided
by Bevan and his followers, who broke with the
Labor Party position on key votes. Bevan came
within a hair's breadth of losing his members
ship in the party, a heavy punishment under
the British system.
W'ERE LABOR to organize the government,
Bevan's votes would be essential on every
important issue before the House of Commons.
It is doubtful that, he would be willing to risk
Laborite control by voting against his fellow
Socialists, if only because it would inevitably
mean his political neck.
i Labor continues as the opposition party,
the Bevanite split may well grow, despite elec-
tiontime fellowship among leaders of both
wings of the party.
If the prophets and pollsters are to be trusted,
Attlee had better resign himself to several
more trying years as Leader of a Loyal, but
divided, Opposition.
--Pete Eckstein


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Ike Says He Won't Run Again o

Gable Back
As He-Man
As Ever
back to the 1930's for inspira-
tion with a gangster-type story of
adventure and romance in Hong-
Kong. It also brings Clark Gable
back to the screen after one of
his periodic absences and allows
him to perform the viril-he-man
role he has been repeating since
his screen debut.
Taken from Ernest K. Gann's
novel, "Soldier of Fortune" em-
ploys the same multi-character
effect used in a previous Gann ef-
fort, "The High and the Mighty."
The film's advertisements tell the
story rather well, elaborating up-
on its major characters, which in-
1. Hank Lee (Gable), "Yank-n-
exile, gun-runner, hi-jacker of all
2. Jane Hoyt (Susan Hayward),
"woman in trouble-deep fn the
troubled Orient!"
3. Merryweather (Michael Ren-
nie), "English 'cop' . . . taken for
a ride on the South China Seas!"
4. Louis Hoyt (Gene Barry),
"Newspaperman, adventurer . .
and missing husband!"
5. Madame Dupree (Anna Sten,
musical comedy star of the '30's
in a screen comeback), "the Vod-
ka-happy 'Russky' who danced for
her supper!"
others just as colorful, are actu-
ally engaged in removing Jane's
husband, Louis, from Red China
so that Hank can marry Jane
without experiencing guilt feel-
ings. Louis has gone into the main-
land to take photographs of every-
day life there.
The players perform with the
blandness of old-time musical-co-
miedy actors; and, as can be ex-
pected, the results are so stereo-
typed and overly melodramatic,
that not even the most mild kind
of interest can be aroused from
the audience. I
-Ernest Theodossin
'Steps' Good
Spya Chase
an exciting spy chase in "The
39 ~Steps."'
A m sterious woman is murder-
ed in Robert Donat's London
apartment. To clear himself of
the crime, he must discover the
reason for her murder and catch
the criminals.
As Hannay, he follows the dy-
ing woman's directions to Scot-
land, managing to keep ahead of
the police and the murderers
through escapes made even more
miraculous by Hitchcock's camera.
Hannay soon realizes the murder-
ers are spies attempting to get
secret plans from the country.
More and more police and spies
join the chase until he reveals the
spy leader in the London Palla-
* * *
THE FILM is suspenseful and
humorous; Hannay's being hand-
cuffed t o Madelaine Carroll
through about half the film al-
lows much opportunity for esca-
pades behind waterfalls and in

His ingenuity in escaping from
innumerable enemies is taxed but
never strained. Climbing from
trains, marching in church par-
ades, and making political speech-
es merely sharpen his wit and ap-
Hannya's meeting with the mys-
terious woman at the outset of the
film has been sliced and needs ex-
From that point, the film is
straightforward, clear, and good

On Peacetime Morale

'17E LOWER HOUSE of Congress has just
done its bit in dealing with the military
bills to give the tough-minded and cynical
reason to say we told you so: let peace begin
to dawn however faintly on the far horizon,
and before you can turn around the politicians
who are worrying about the election will begin
to demobilize and to disarm.
The President had proposed to Congress that
the standing forces be cut back somewhat and
that this reduction should be compensated by
an improved Reserve.
The President's program rested on the fact
that with an ocean to cross for a war in Eur-
ope or in Asia, the standing forces at home
can, as he put it, be "tailored." For the rate
at which troops can be moved from continental
United States across an ocean cannot be fast.
There is necessarily time to mobilize a Re.
serve if it is already trained. The reduction of
the standing forces can be justified, therefore,
only if it is backed by a trained Reserve. "If
we do not maintain an active virile, live ready
Reserve," asked chairman Vinson, "then we
shall have to keep a larger standing force?"
To this Secretary Stevens replied, "That is
definitely my view."
IN THE FACE of this the House has now
voted to reduce the standing forces. Then
it has voted to lay aside the Reserve program.
On both issues the majority of the Represen-
tatives took the cheap and easy side, they
wanted to have their cake and eat it too. They
did this, it is only fair to say, with the White
House and the Pentagon providing listless lead-
The Representatives did not mean, if any-
one had asked them about it, to start demobiliz-
ing and disarming before there has even been
agreement on the place where we are to talk
with the Russians. They were not thinking of
the Russians at all. They were thinking of the
constituencies. But the cynics are entitled to
say that the House would not have taken the
The Daily Staff
Editoial Sff
Eugene Hartwig...... ........ ... Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers............... ..............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff.. ........................Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs................. . Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .. . .....................Associate Editor
an Swinehart ......... .. , .... Associate Editor
Dave Livin gston. ................. ..Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.................Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimnovitz................ ...... Women's Editor
Janet Smith ..............Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel... . .......... . ......... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak... , ...... ........... . .... Business Manager
Phil Brunskill ............Associate Business Manager

easy line with no serious objections from the
executive if Washington, which was anxious
about war in February, had not become un-
anxious in May.
No wonder that in high quarters throughout
the Western coalition there is a deep concern
as to whether the military and political system,
put together with such trouble, may begin to
melt with the first rays of the sun.
The system depends upon the continuing pop-
ular support of such unpopular things as con-
scription, high taxes, the presence of foreign
troops ,and obedience to foreign commanders.
These unpopular things have been supported
by democratic legislatures because there was a
powerful Red Army in the heart of Europe con-
trolled by an aggressive, unfriendly, and in-"
scrutable government in Moscow.
The system was put together because of tho
tension created from Moscow. Now Moscow
and the great powers say that they wish to
relax the tension. If the morale of the democ-
racies is to be maintained, they will need to
pass through the equivalent of a decompression
chamber. Otherwise, like the House of Repre-
sentatives, they will develop a case of the bends.
DO NOT believe that morale can now be
maintained by trying to make the demo-
cratic peoples believe that nothing has changed,
that they ought to be just as frightened as they
were before Stalin died.
A propaganda to keep the democracies scared
would play right into the hands of the Krem-
lin, would give it the material it needs to claim
that we do not want peace and that we are
warmongers. The contest, we must not allow
ourselves to forget, is for the support of the
masses of the people who are mortally afraid
of atomic war-who have themselves no atomic
weapons, who have no defense against atomic
weapons. There are only two atomic powers
in the world, and the mass of opinion will
move against that atomic power which seems
the more warlike.
O[NE OF THE facts of life in democratic
societies is that public opinion tends to
become extreme and absolute about war and
peace: to oscillate between appeasement and
unconditional surrender. The consequences in
this century have been tragic.
For absolute opinions are a fatal obstacle to
successful negotiations. Foreign policy is caught
between disarmament which gives in easily and
a call for total victory which costs too much
and is-as we have learned in the two wars--
politically worthless.
What then ought to be the leading idea which
the responsible leaders could give to the public
opinion of the democracies? For the purposes
of the coming negotiations there will be a poor
public morale if the people are in a state of
mind to accept and indeed to demand agree-
ments at any price: or if they are unwilling,

T HE PRESIDENT recently held
another of his famous stage
dinners for which the guest list
is no longer available, but at which
he made his views clearer than
ever that he did not intend to run
for a second term.
Those who attended the dinner
came away convinced he meant
what he said.
"I've had it," was what one din-
ner guest quoted him as saying.
* * * ,
HE WENT ON to say that no
political party should be depen-
dent on one man. He explained
that he had never had a vacation
in his entire life and was tired.
The only let-up he ever had from
the stress and strain of military
duties was when he was President
of Columbia University, and that,
he said, was no vacation.
The President also complained
about his bursitis, said it was the
result of tension and nerves. So

he felt he deserved a chance to go
up to his Gettysburg farm and re-
The dinner meeting lasted from
about 7:30 to 11:45 with a lot of
politics discussed. But the politics
that directly affected the Presi-
dent seemed quite definite.
* * *
"Cain Mutiny" occurs today when
ex-Sen. Harry Cain, the Republi-
can whom Eisenhower appointed
to the Subversives Control Board,
testified against Eisenhower's own
loyalty and security risk program.
When Cain was in the Senate
from Washington state, he was an
ardent advocate of higher rents,
less public housing, defended Joe
McCarthy's war record and favor-
ed the Taft-Hartley Act.
But now that he's on the Sub-
versive Control Board Cain tells
friends he's had more time to
think. The trouble with Senators,
he says, is that they're always run-
ning errands for constituents or

worrying about getting re-elected.
So today, Cain has become the
mostardent Republican enemy of
witch-hunting in the Capital.
Today he will testify before Sen.
Olin Johnson of South Carolina
who's probing security risks. Cain
plans to point out, as he did ear-
lier this week, that the Attorney
General's list of subversives is out-
moded and misleading, with only
30 organizations out of 275 ac-
tually Communist.
He also plans to point out that
the United States is a long way'
from being in danger of Commun-
ism from within.
THE NAVY'S Inspector General
has now moved in at Cheatham
Annex, near Newport News, Va.,
where I reported top Navy brass
were using naval civilians to dig
oysters for their benefit at the
taxpayers' expense. The Inspector
General has seized the guest regis-
ter at the Officers' Club showing
the visiting VIP's and their wives.
(Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate)

(Continued from Page 2)
keeping,tbusiness law and business
Klamath Falls, Oregon - Teacher
Needs: Early and Later Elementary;
Commercial (typing, bookkeeping, bus-
iness law, consumer economics-these
fields to be divided between two in-
structors); Dean of Girls and counsel-
ing; Girls Physical Education (general
physical education, health and swip-
Lakeview, Oregon (School District No.
7)-Teacher Needs: H. S. commercial
(all subjects; H. S. & Upper Grade
Girls' Physical Education; 7-8 Grade
Science with coaching (man); 1st
Medford, Oregon (School District No.
49)-Teacher Needs: Commercial (HS..).
Seaside, Oregon (School Dist. No. 100)
-Teacher Needs: First Grade; Combi-
nation 6 & 7-Boys' Physical Edua~oh
and Coaching; English; English-Com
mercial; Commercial.
PeEll, Washington-(Distrct No. 301,
Lewis County)-Teacher Needs: Eg-
lish-Spanish (H. S.) Woman,
Yakima, Washington-Teacher Needs:
Speech Therapist; School Psychologist;
Teacher, Hard of Hearing & Deaf,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin-Teacher Needs:
Fifth; Sixth; Seventh; Eighth; Physical
Education (Woman).
Racine, Wisconsin-Teacher Needs:
Speech Therapy; Consultant in Lang-
uage Arts; Special Education; Test
Specialist; Early and Later Elementary;
H. S. Social Studies-Basketball Coach
ing (man); Commercial (typewriting,
shorthand, bookkeeping, and the usual
courses in the commercial department);
Homemaking; Jr. High Core; Mathe-
matics; Librarian.
Sheboygan, Wisconsin--Teacher Needs:
Language Arts (English); Latin; Ger-
man;uEarly and Later Elementary; Phy-
sically Handicapped; Industrial Arts-
Printing; Home Economics; Assistant
Recreational Director; Curriculum Co-
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.
V.A. Hospital, Dearborn, Mich.-ree-
reation leader in the Special Services
Div., GS-5. Applicants must have coin-
pleted four years of work at college
level, including or supplemented by at
least 24 semester hours in Phys. Ed.,
Theater or Dramatic Arts, speech and
Drama, Music, or related recreationa
Continental Securities Co., Grand
Rapids, Mich., has an opening for two
youngmen having majored in either
econ. or bus, ad. ,
Solvay Process Div., Allied Chem. &
Dye Corp., Detroit, Mich., is interested
in men who have completed their mil-
tary service, and have a degree in
Chem, or Chem. E. for positions in the
Sales Dept.
American Rock Wool Corp., Wabash,
Ind~ has vacancies for people in the
Technical Service and Engineering De-
partments. Need graduates with de-
grees in Mech. and Chem. E.
YWCA, Pontiac, Mich., has a va'.
ancy for a Teenage Program Director,
requires a BA.
Civil Service, San Diego County, Calif.,
offers employment as Engineer , re-
quires major in C.E. and two years of
experience in engineering work.
An Ann Arbor firm is looking for a
young man for Sales and Training in
U.S. Patent Office, needs men to
examine patent applications. Requires
a degree in any field of Engrg., Chem.,
Physics, or any major which Included
40 combined semester hours in Engrg.,
Chem., & Physics or 26 combined hours
in Chem. and Physics,
For further inormation contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin,
Bldg., ext. 371.
Thurs., May 26-'
Broyhill Furniture Factories, Lenlor
North Carolina-men for Sales Train.
ing in Chicago. Work throughout U.S.
Tues., May 31-
Stuart Co., Pasadena, Calf.-men for
positions as Pharmaceutical Sales. In
terview will be in Detroit.
For furtherinformation contact the
Bureau of Appointments 3528 Admin.
Bdg., Ext. 371.

People who are registered with the
Bureau as of this year and are receiv-
ing degrees in June are requested to
inform us as to whether:
1. they have a Job.
2. they will be in Ann Arbor this
3, their address will be changed from
their school year address. Those who
do not advise us otherwise, we will as-
sume have returned to their home ad..
dresses, and we will address any future
correspondence to their homes.
Academic Notices
Undergraduate concentrates in An-
thropology: the department is explor-
ing the possibility of instituting an
undergraduate Honors Program. All in-
terested students are urged to attend
a brief meeting In 1402 Mason Hall,
4:00 p.m. Thurs., May 26.
Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs.,
EMay 26 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemn-
istry. Husni R. Alul will speak oil
"Chemistry of Propionolactone."
English Journal Club will meet Thurs,
May 26, at 8:00 p.m., in. the East Con-
Terence Room of the Rackham Build.
ing. All graduate students in English
urged to attend. Open discussion of
the Journal Club's program forthe





Train Still Stops A fter 25 Years

(EDITOR'S NOTE: New City Editor
Jim Dygert is a member of the local
Evans Scholarsrhouse. He was presi-
dent of the group last semester.)
T HEY STOOD waiting anxious-
ly for the train at the station
in Golf, Illinois last Friday.
Finally someone shouted, "Here
it comes." But something was
wrong. The train didn't stop.
And the train had always stop-
ped. That's how Golf got its name.
Members of nearby Glenview
Country Club, riding out from Chi-
cago on the Milwaukee Railroad at
the turn of the century, always
hollered, "Golf," when they want-
ed off at Glenview.
Nothing wos more natural than
that a railroad station be built
there and called "Golf." Next came
a cluster of homes around it, and
finally the Village of Golf.
* * *
BUT THIS TIME the train went
right by. Five Evans Scholars were
waiting with golf bags, portray-
ing caddies who waited for the
golfers to get off the train yearsj
ago. Photographers and,'newsmen
stood by alert.
Then the train did pull to a halt,
a few hundred yards down the
tracks. The crowd exhaled ap-
proval as it began to back up, and
stopped at the station.
Flash bulbs popped as'the men
responsible for the nation-wide
success of the Evans Scholarship
program stepped off the train.
One of them was asked to stop
and pose for several shots. He was
'Chick' Evans, who began the scho-
larship idea more than 30 years

hoping to expand it. In 1930, the
Association sent the first two Ev-
ans Scholars to Northwestern Uni-
versity. As the program grew, it
set up the Evans Scholars Founda-
tion to operate the plan.
' Today, the Evans Scholars
Foundation sends 204 ex-caddies
to 27 American colleges and uni-
versities, four of which, including
the University, have organized
chapters of Evans Scholars. West-
ern Golf embraces affiliated golf
groups throughout the country
who carry o nthe caddie scholar-
ship program jointly with the par-
ent organization.
The Evans Scholars Foundation
is the largest scholarship program
financed by individual donations
in the country. Funds are obtain-
ed mainly from $5 contributions
of individual members of golf
clubs that belong to the Western
Golf Association.
CLUBS THAT participate in thes
program may nominate caddies
for the scholarship. To be eligible,
the caddie must have been a cad-
die for at least two years, be in
the top quarter of his high school
graduating class, and be unable
to attend college without aid.
A boy who grows up walking
the links for spending money or
savings now finds it possible to at-
tend college. The Evans Scholars
Foundation has provided the
means, and now it has added an
That's why the train had to stop
at Golf. Those who had built the
program from its beginning and
had accelerated it within the last
five years were getting off the
train for the dedication of the new

of President Dwight D.
* * *


DEDICATION OF the building
marked the 25th anniversary of
the Evans Scholars program,
which in the last few years has
developed to the point where it is
destined to have a great influence
on education in this country.
By showing what can be done
for young people qualified forcol-
lege work but financially unable
to undertake it, Western Golf has
provided an inspiration for other
attempts to accomplish the same.
It was truly a memorable event
in education at Golf, Illinois, last


--Culver Eisenbeis

~ ((~t



Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., May 26, at 4:00 p.m. In
Room 247 West Engineering. Dr. R. K.
Ritt, Dept. of Math, and E. R. I., will
speak on "Truncation of Series in Elec-
tromagnetic Theory."
Doctoral Examination for David
Henry Kornhauser, Georgraphy; thesis:
"The Influence of Geography and Re-
lated Factors on the Rise of Japanese
Cities," Thurs., May 26, 210 Angel Hail,
at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, R. B. Hall.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminary on the

t, ..


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