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May 26, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-26

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t t




SGC Discusses
Recommends Revision of Present
Athletic Department Distribution
Student Government Council last night unanimously recommend-
ed that students be admitted to next fall's first football game without
regular tickets.
Bill Adams, '57 made the motion following a proposed plan out-
lined by Don Wier, ticket manager that tickets for the season be
distributed during registration week.
The first game is during this week and regular distribution meth-

ods cannot be followed.
After having identification
Small Scale,
Plan Merger
Days of complete large hou
domination in fraternity IntrE
mural sports competition may 1
ended next year.
A movement inspired by I-
Director Earl Riskey is underw
to group the 12 smallest frate
nities into a separate league for
least "some of the sports."
Small fraternities would decii
their own champions and chan
pionships and participation poin
would be awarded accordingly.
Although only in the discussic
stage so far, Interfraternity Cour
cil President Bob Weinbaum, '5
said yesterday the proposal wou
be brought before fraternity pre
dents at their meeting at Zuck(
Lake before school starts ne
Greek 'Little League'
If fraternity presidents approi
the idea, "little league" compet
tion could start next year.
Riskey approached IFC wit
the plan three weeks ago bi
nothing definite was accomplis]
ed this spring.
Four athletic chairmen cor
tacted from the smaller hous(
were receptive to splitting up ti
present 42-team league into tv
groups, he said.
Three-Sport Trial
Riskey, who has promoted tY
plan for several years, sugges
splitting the league for tout
football, basketball and softba
during the first year to see ho'
it works out.
"After that, decisions can 1
made on the other sports," r
Under the present prograx
none of the University's small
fraternities have won the I-M Al
Sports trophy. Very few of ti
houses have even copped sing
sports awards.
None of the smaller houses a:
among the top 10 teams in th
year's I-M ratings.
11 Fraternities Included
Houses that might be includei
Weinbaum said yesterday, a:
Acacia, Delta Chi, Delta Sigmr
Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Kapp
Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa, PI
Kappa Tau, Sigma Phi, Tau Kay
pa Epsilon, Trigon and Zeta Ps
Weinbaum suggested }shitfin
fraternities with 35 members c
less into the new group.
At present these houses a:
competing with houses havir
more than 90 members.
Triangles Go
Before Judic
Triangles Engineering Honorar
went b e f o r e Joint Judiciar
Council yesterday for behavior i
its recent tapping.
The amount of the fine has nc
yet been finally decided by ti
University Committee on Disc
pline. Rumors are that it will ex
ceed $100. One member of th
group said th& fine "will really pi
us in a hole."
Four Triangles initiates wer
picked up by Ann Arbor police ti
morning of May ,6 after the foi

had been tapped. Charles Chopj
57E, was arrested for "malicioL
destruction of property" and late
fined $10 plus court costs in Mu
nicipal Court.

cards punched, Weir's plan calls for
students to obtain their tickets at
Yost Field House. Seats would be
staggered so persons registering
Friday would have the opportunity
of obtaining as good seats as a
person registering earlier in the
Requests No Blocks
The plan says students can sit
in blocks but the department re-
quests that large groups of stu-
dents do not request such arrange-
se Council members reacted im-
a- mediately to this plan. Bill Adams,
be '57 pointed out that congestion at
the field house would be more

robbery attempt cost a would-
be bandit 25 cents yesterday.
Mary Cole, a 47-year-old
waitress, said she was alone in
a cafe when a young man en-
tered and asked her to change
a, quarter.
He handed her the money. As
she turned to the cash register,
he mumbled, "This is a hold-
Mrs. Cole screamed for the
manager, W. L. Hall, who was
sleeping in a back room.
Thegman fled, knife in hand,
leaving his quarter behind.
World News
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Playing one com-
pany against the other, the CIO
United Auto Workers bargained
with General Motors yesterday,
then looked hopefully to the Ford
Motor Company to meet its Guar-
anteed Annual Wage demand.
Ford's contract talks with the
Union were in recess yesterday, re-
portedly to give negotiators time
to prepare a major "package of-
fer" to be presented at today's
* * * .
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower passed up
four-star Adm. Robert B. Carney
yesterday for reappointment to the
high command of the Navy.
He picked instead Rear Adm.
Arleigh A. "31 Knot" Burke, ele-
vating him from far down in the
available list of flagofficers.
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - Un-
der a heavy security guard, secet
preparations proceeded yesterday
for the unprecedented visit of top
Soviet leaders to the capital of the
one-time Communist heretic.
Soviet Communist party boss
Nikita S. Khrushchev, Premier Ni-
kolai A. Bulganin and Vice-Pre-
mier A. I. Mikoyan were expected
with the rest of the Soviet delega-
tion by today.
* * . *
WASHINGTON - R e a c t i n g
swiftly to the burial of one postal
pay raise mneasure, a Senate com-
mittee yesterday approved anoth-
er which members predicted would
be acceptable to President Eisen-
Naval ROTC
Holds Review
Navy ROTC yesterday held an
Honor Review, its last big event of
the year.
The Midshipmen held their pro-
gram at 3:30 at Ferry Field despite
a severe threat of rain.
Captain Charles A. Bond, USN,
Professor of Naval Science, pre-
sented the final NROTC awards
of the year. Bond said the awards
in all cases represent military
achievement, scholastic attain-
ment and character.
Awards were presented to the
following Midshipmen:
William Henry Barnard, '55E,
Alan Edwin Price, '55, Robert
Kenneth Dombrowski, '55, Edward
Cowan Brown, '56E, Robert Eu-
gene Fritts, '56, Wayne Thomas
Cook, '55BAd., and David William
Zerbel, '55E.

Still Clouds


o(M iSSWe
Parke, Davis Lab Elec toii


Be g1n

Opposes Rules
cloud of uncertainty settled over
the antipolio campaign Tuesday
as at least one big maker of Salk
vaccine balked at new production
rules laid down by the govern-
Homer C. Fritsch, executive
vice-president of Parke, Davis &
Co., Detroit, told reporters the re-
vised standards for manufacture
and testing of the vaccine were
not acceptable to him "as pres-
ently written," and that he be-
lieved the five other licensed man-
ufacturers felt the same way.
"That is why the meeting is
breaking up for Wednesday,"
Fritsch said.
Meet to Form Standards
The U.S. Public Health Service
had called the manufacturers' rep-
resentatives together to lay the
new standards before them as a
first step toward resumption of
the antipolio campaign on a na-
tional scale.
Without disclosing details of the
new standards, a government an-
nouncement said tey would be
"required" of all manufacturers
whose product was to be cleared
for the inoculation program.
Fritsch reported, however, they
had been presented to the manu-
facturers as "tentative." He said
there would be a further discus-
sion of the question with Public
Health authorities today.
No Insistence on Changes
Asked about the tentative quali-
ty of the standards, a Public
Health Service press officer com-
mented that "the degree to which
they can be put into practice is
not at the point of our saying
'Here are certain changes on
which we insist-do it or don't
do it.'"
The government also announced
yesterday it had set up a watch-
dog committee of scientists to re-
view production methods in all li-
censed pharmaceutical houses and
examine government testing pro-
Public Health Service said the
committee will "recommend ac-
tion on all lots of vaccine already
produced but not yet released and
all lots of the vaccine which will
be produced in the future."
Rumor in Cutter Case
As the watchdog group was be-
ing organized, Rep. Arthur G.
Klein (D-N.Y.), a member of the
House Commerce Committee, de-
manded an investigation of a ru-
mor that "a very prominent poli-
tician" in California had brought
pressure on Secretary of Welfare
Oveta Culp Hobby to license Cut-
ter Laboratories of Berkeley,
Calif., as a vaccine-maker."
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-)
on, whose name was mentioned in
the rumor, denied he had any
contact with Mrs. hobby's de-
partment or any vaccine maker in
connection with the Salk prepa-
In addition to developer of the
vaccine Dr. Jonas Salk of the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh, the Uni-
versity's Dr. Thomas Francis Jr.
and five other medical experts
were named to the watchdog com-

National State Highway Bills Passed




.. . honored by SGC
than ticket distributors could han-
dle. Many students would wait un-
til the end of the week to get
their tickets, wanting to sit with
their friends.
Deborah Townsend, '56 said that
the field house was quite a dis-
tance from campus and those reg-
istering on Saturday would have
little time to get their tickets in
time for the game.
Added Reasons
Dick Good, '56A said that with
this method of distribution stu-
dents would not be able to sit with
their friends as has been a com-
mon practice in the past.
Discussion of this type ended in
the motion by Adams that the
Council recommend to the athletic
department that some method of
alleviating these conditions be
Robert Knutson, '56, presented
the Fraternity's Buyer's Associa-
tion constitution to the council
for approval. Janet Neary, '58, of
SOC's constitution's committee,
moved that the group be recogniz-
ed by the, council pending approv-
al of the constitution in the fall.
She stated several changes that
her committee deemed necessary
before the constItution could be
accepted by SGC.
Changes Will Be Made
Knutson said that such changes
as the committee found mandatory
would be made.
Appointments to the Anti-Dis-
crimination Board were approved
by the Council. Bob Kohler, Mike
Walls, and Richard Eisenstein, '56,.
received appointments
Recognition was given to Mainm
Van Antwerp, '55L, for his plan
which was used by the Laing Com-
mittee as a basis for the present
student government plan at the
Van Antwerp's' Plan
Van Antwerp's plan is essential-
ly the same plan that was decided
on by the committee for SGC's
organization. Hank Berliner, '56,
SGC president, presented Van An-
twerp with a small gavel inscribed
with the letters "SGC" for his in-
terest and work in student govern-
Michigras dates were calendared
for April 20-21 for 1956 with one
o'clock closing hours for the wom-
en's houses.
Berliner read a progress report
from Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis which out-
lined Mns o~ f the Universityus-,'.

By The Associated Press 1
In Washington yesterday, the
Senate passed the Democratic bill
calling for a five-year, $18,000,-
000,000 highway bnilding program
after decisively rejecting Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's 10-
year road plan.
At the same time in Lansing, a
$35,000,000-a-year highway im-
provement program passed the
Hohse by a 60-46 vote and was
sent to Gov. G. Mennen Williams,
who is expected to sign it.
Passage of the national bill was
on a voice vote.
House To Get Bill
The measure now goes to the,
House where the Administration
has higher hopes of winning ap-
proval of its plan, which proposes
a controversial bond issue to help
finance construction.
The Senate refused to accept the
President's proposal by a 60-31
vote during the long day of debate
which preceded final passage of
the bill sponsored by Sen. Albert
Gore (D-Tenn.).
It also beat back 50-39 a move
on which Republicans had pinned
most of their hopes-an effort to
shelvetheGore bill by sending it
back to the Public Works Coin-
mittee while the House works on
the legislation.
Dems Vote Against
Not a single Democrat went
along with the motion to' recom-
mit. Voting against it were 46
Democrats and 4 Republicans.
Here are the essentials of the
Gore program:
The plan is to spend about $18,-
000,000,000 of federal-state money
in the next five years on interstate,
primary, secondary and urban
highways. The federal govern-
ment will put up more than two-
thirds of the cash. An increase in
the two - cents-a - gallon federal

gasoline tax, to three cents, is ex-
pected to be asked later.
Gas Tax Increase{
The Michigan bill calls for a
one-and-a-half-cent per gallon
gasoline tax increase, effective this
fall. Three-quarters of the money.
would go to the state for con-
struction of arterial highway sys-
tems; the rest would be given to
cities and counties.
A coalition of House "Young
Turks" and Democrats pushed the
bill through after knocking down
a series of crippling amendments.
All the proposed amendments
were defeated by fairly safe mar-
gins so that the bill will reach
the Governor in exactly the same-
form as it passed the Senate.
Besides the gas tax increase, the
bill calls for a 10 per cent hike in
truck license fees.

Under the plan, 40 per cent of
the state's share of the additional
money would be used on highways
through or around cities.
'Gov. Williams hailed passage of
the bill as "the start of a modern
highway program."
"At last it appears that the peo-
ple are going to get some four
lane divided highways that go
from one place to another for their
tax money," he Laid.
"The legislators of both parties
who supported the bill are to be
congratulated for statesmanlike
conduct. Nobody likes to see taxes
raised, but the tax increase embod-
ied in this bill was inevitable un-
der the present circumstances. It
was a case of accept the tax in-
creases or having no road pro-
gram," Williams said.

Betting Odds
And Weather
Favor Eden
Derby Race Tops
Voting Interest
LONDON (P-The British elec-
tion campaign ended last night on
the same quiet note that prevailed
Hardly an angry word was spo-
ken in the three weeks of cam-
The weather - man forecast
mainly cloudy weather over most
of Britain for today's voting. A fine
day means a big turnout of voters,
and that traditionally favors the
Labor party.
All betting odds and polls fa-
vored the Conservatives led by
Prime Minister Anthony Eden.
Some astute observers, however,
foresaw a close result. A few saw
a winning chance for Clement At.
tlee's socialistic Laborites.
Warns Against Nationalization
Eden, 57, diplomat who took over
the Conservative leadership from
Sir Winston Churchill two months
ago, wound up a nation-wide elec-
tion tour by declaring a Laborite
win would bring "more and more
Attlee, 72, mild-mannered ex-
major who bossed the 1945-51 La-
bor administration, spent his final
campaign day door-knocking in
the east London district that sends
him to Parliament.
Horse Race Interest
London newspapers and indeed
most of the nation seemed less
concerned with the voting than
with a horse race-the Epsom Der.
by. The race was the main story
of all three London evening papers.
The apparent disinterest reflects
above all the fact that most Brit
ish electors are firmly committed
tV a party and seldom change their
Parties Woo Independents
The main business of each party
machine has been to woo the float-
ing voter-the middle-of-the-road
man not yet committed-and to
make sure its regular supporters
get to the polls.
If the Conservatives win, Eden
will stay on as prime minister.
If the Laborites win, Attlee
would take the premiership.
Election Facts
Here are some facts and figures
on the election:
To be elected-630 members of
the House of Commons. The party'
winning the most districts organ-
izes the governmen. Each dstrct
votes only on its two to four candi-
Candidates - 624 Conservatives
and members of allied parties, 620
Laborites and allies, 110 Liberals,
38 Independents and small party
members, 17 Communists.
Who can vote-34,852,471 Brit-
ons over 21.
Main contenders-the Conserva-
tives.who have been in power since
1951; the Laborites who ruled
from 1945 to 1951.
Term of office-normally fve
years, but the party in power can
call an election earlier. The Con
servatives, with mbre than a year
to go in their term, called today's
election in an effort to increase
their 17-seat majority in Parlia-

ment and gain a new five-year
Issues - on the home front,
mainly prosperity and the high
cost of living. In international af-
fairs, Britain's position in an H-
bomb civilization.
Circus To Offer
Exam Diversion
If by June 2, students have seen
all movies in town, and have been
to the Blue Book Ball and are still
looking for diversion from study
for final exams, the circus is com-
ing to town.
King Brothei's and Cole Broth-
ers Combined Circus will put on

Commercial Airlines
To Stay at Willow Run

Commercial airline operations
will remain at Willow Run, Detroit
city. officials were informed at a
meeting Tuesday.
Following a private meeting of
the airline companies, the deci-
sion was announced at a session
sponsored by the City of Detroit'
Robert J. Wilson, Capital Air-
lines vice-president and member
of the board of directors of Air-
lines National Terminal Service
Company which operates Willow
Run, was spokesman for the air-
Time Difference Not Sufficient
In regard to the decision, Wil-
son said, "After considered judg-


South Quad To House B

erlin Exchange Student
South Quad will house the exchange student from the Free Uni-
versity of Berlin next semester.
In a drawing yesterday, presidents of South, East and West
Quadrangles decided the housing arrangements for the student, Wer-
ner Koenig.
All three quads have given $125 scholarships for Koenig's room
and board for the semester.ยข
Under the sponsorship of Student Government Council, the ex-
change program with the Free University of Berlin is carried -on
each year with one student coming to the University and one student
sent to Germany. This year, David Learned, '58Med., was selected.
Interested in Student Government
Koenig, a graduate student in political science, is especially in-
terested in the student government at the University according to
Paul Vitz, '57, chairman of the committeee in charge of the exchange.
Vitz also added that it is hoped Koenig will be housed in a
fraternity during the second semester so that he can get a look at
different types of housing.
Koenig will get his share of University life as plans are being
made for him to attend concerts, lectures, SGC meetings and parti-
cipate in other activities on the campus.
Financial backing for the program comes from a fund obtained

ment, the airlines have decided
that the difference in time and
mileage (between Wayne Major
and Willow Run) is not sufficient
to justify the expenditure of mon-
ey necessary to accomplish the
. Both DPW Commissioner Glenn
C. Richards and Detroit's Mayor
Albert E. Cobo discussed the mile=-
age difference, criticizing the "dis-
advantageous" Willow Run.
Richards Suggests Meeting
Richards suggested that both
the airlines and Detroit authorities
meet together to plan a possible
move to Wayne Major; however,
Wilson declined the proposal.
Wilson, a former Grand Rapids
lawyer and graduate of the Ui-
versity law school, pointed out that
from $20,000,000 to $30,000,100
would .be necessary to adapt the
Wayne airport for commercial use.
Such expense, he said, would not
justify the possible benefits that
the airlines might receive.
Instead, consideration has been
given to the ztudy of the proposed
construction of a new airport
northeast of Detroit.
Charges 'Barnlike' Terminal
Following Commissioner Rich-
ards's charges against the "barn-
like Willow Run Terminal," Wilson
pointed out that a survey listing
the cost of proposed improvements
for Willow Run should be com-
pleted early next month.
Estimates to improve present
facilities range between $300,000
and $500,000.
Although airline officials have
definitely maintained that the air-
airlines will remain at Willow
Run, Leroy C. Smith, county high-
way engineer, commented that
they will move eventually.
However, some feel that Wayne1
Major will be used for military

'*~~ +_____________________

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