COMMENDABLE IFC PROJECT See Page 4 i[17, . r Latest Deadline in the State ~Iait33 t 40 THUNDERSHOWERS VOL. LXV, No. 165 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1955 %SIX PAGES government Calls Talks On Vaccine Top Officials Confer Today on Situation WASHINGTON (A') - The gov- ernment has called for a full dress conference of the nation's polio fighters here today Surgeon Gen. Leonard Scheele announced last night. He did not disclose the purpose of the meeting, but developments over the last few days indicate that things are building up to a major decision on the Salk polio vacineprogram, including per- haps new safety standards. Scheele said the Vaccine Com- mittee of the National Founda- tion for Infantile Paralysis, offi- cers of the American Medical Assn., and representatives of the Assn. of State and Territorial Health Officers have been invited to attend the conference. Experts Meet They will meet with government scientists and experts from the six drug companies licensed to make the vaccine, who are already 'r= here. h At the same time, government handling of the Salk vaccine came under fire from two directions. Democrats called it "40 days of utter confusion," while Basil 'Connor, head of the polio foun- dation, charged it had become mixed up in politics. The government's scientific ad- isers met behind closed doors at the National Institutes of Health here yesterday to thrash out tech- nical problems involved in testing the Salk vaccine for safety before additional supplies are released for the school immunization program. To Recommend Dr. William Sebrell Jr., director of the institutes and chairman of the meeting, said they would prob- ably wait until after today's meet- ing to report their recommenda- tions to Scheele. Scheele's announcement on to- day's meeting did not give the names of the AMA representatives and health officers invited. But it listed these members of the Foun- dation's Vaccine Committee: Dr. Thomas M. Rivers, chair- man, Rockefeller, Institute for Medical Research; Dr. Thomas P. Murdock, American Medical Assn.; Dr. David E. Price, Public Health Service; Dr. Ernest L. Stebbins, John Hopkins University; Dr. Norman H. Topping, University of Pennsylvania; Dr. Thomas B. Tur- ner, Johns Hopkins University; and Dr. Richard Shope, Rockefel- ler Institute for Medical Research. Decisions Soon Scheele has promised to make known his decisions on the pro- gram "as soon as possible." A halt in the vaccination program was recommended 15 days ago after some children came down with polio following their inocu- lations. The Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee met Monday another aspect of the antipolio program-control of the vaccine's distribution after fresh supplies have been tested and approved for use. There was a two-hour dis- cussion behind closed doors. Conservation Law Signed By President WASHINGTON (P) -- President Dwight D. Eisenhower put his sig- nature yesterday to a bill repeal- ng a 1954 provision of the Agri- culture Adjustment Act denying Agriculture Conservation p a y - ments to farmers failing to com- ply with acreage allotments on all basic price-supported crops. Enacted last year to obtain greater compliance with acreage adjustment programs, the ACP el- igibilty provision was regarded by te . agriculture department as more likely to discourage soil con- servation practices on family-type farms, which are exempt from quota controlsi Prior to 1954, the ACP eligibility section of the law applied only to cotton, although it was seldom used because marketing quotas as well as acreage controls prevented overplanting. The last Congress expanded the eligibility principle to apply to all basic commodities - corn, wheat, Fraternities Sign FBA Contracts; Expect More Within Next Few Days IF NECESSARY: GM Workers A prove Strike for Annual Wage! DETROIT (R)-General Motors workers throughout the country have voted overwhelmingly to strike, if necessary, to gain a guar- anteed annual wage,'the CIO United Auto Workers (UAW) Union announced last night. John W. Livingston, UAW Vice-President and director of the union's GM department, said 103 of 107 General Motors locals have voted. 126,559 to 8,955 in favor of a walkout should new contract talks fail.' The vote c rried by the necessary twothirds majority not only as a whole but in each local, Liv- " --Daily-John Hirtzel STUDENT CENTER-The new $40,000 Lutheran Student Center at Hill and Forest was dedicated over the weekend. Two dedication services were held, both of which were attended by a capacity crowd. The Rev. Paul C. Empie, executive director of the National Lutheran Student Council, delivered the sermons at the service. University President Harlan H. Hatcher also spoke at the dedication. Funds for construption of the new center were provided by the Council. British Voters To Choose.Between Eden, Attlee (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series explaining aspects of Thursdays election in Great Britain. Today's article will describe the per- sonalities involved in the campaignl) By MICHAEL BRAUN Great Britain, where parliamen- tary democracy was born, will go to the polls Thursday for the fourth time since the war. From Glasgow to Cardiff the electorate will decide whether An- thony Eden's fledgeling govern- ment will get a popular mandate. He could have waited sixteen months to call the election; when the mandate given his predeces- sor, Sir Winston Churchill, ex- pires. Instgad he chose to be Prime Minister on his own right-or not at all. This decisiveness is typical of Eden. He has always been a man of high principles with the deter- mination to stand by them. In 1938, Eden felt that Prime Supreme Court Annuls Left-Wing Convictions, WASHINGTON ()-The Supreme Court yesterday threw out contempt-of-Congress convictions of three men who refused to ale- swer questions put to them by congressional Red-hunters. Chief Justice Earl Warren, who spoke for the majority in all three cases, said governmental bodies "must be most scrupulous" in protecting the rights of a witness under the Fifth Amendment's guar- antee against compulsory self-incrimination. Chief Justice Warren also said that congressional committees, in laying the foundation for a contempt prosecution, must make it clear Minister N e v ill e Chamberlain's conciliatory polices were a detre- ment not only to England but to the whole free world, and resigned his job in protest. When Churchill became Prime Minister he appointed Eden Do- Minions' Secretary and subse- quently Foreign Secretary. He was also given the post of Leader of the House of Commons. After the end of the war in Eu- rope an election was held resulting in a stunning defeat for the Con- servatives. . Conservatives Return In 1951 the Conservatives were returned to power and Eden was once more named Foreign Secre- tary. He served in that post until when he became Prime Minister. As of last week the British peo- ple seemed to like Anthony Eden. All polls indicate victory for the Tories. The polls do not phase ClementI Attlee. The former Prime Minister and leader of the Labor Party was vigorously campaigning also. If Eden can be referred to as "slightly bubbling champagne" At- tlee can best be described as a "comfortable cup of cambric tea." 'No Labor-Split' Attlee, however, has his troubles. He spends most of his time telling the electorate that the Labor Party isn't split. Another candidate in the cam-! paign, Sir Winston Churchill, is' staying off television and pretty much sticking to his own district. Thus the election is a matter of opposites. Do the British want the conservatives, aristocratic scions of England's best families, who have run the country for the last 3 years? Or do they want the Labor- ites, "offsprings of the coalpits, workshops and the London School of Economics?" Thursday the British people will exercise their franchise and decide. ingston said. The 103 locals represent 99 per cent of the 325,000 GM workers covered by the current five year contract which expires June 7. Livingston said 41.2 per cent of the eligible voters in the' 103 lo- cals cast ballots. A strike vote of Ford workers is expected to show approval by a similar margin but Union spokesmen 'said it is not complete and no figures are avail- able. Walter P. Reuther, president of both the CIO and the UAW, sat in on Ford sessions yesterday morn- ing and GM conferences in the afternoon. A news blackout covered both sets of talks, however, and Reuth- er and GM negotiators remained mum about the progress of the year-around pay proposal. CourtDenies O0ne-Man' Jury Appeal WASHINGTON (A) - The Su- preme Court yesterday declined to hear a new appeal which ques- tioned constitutionality of Michi- gans' one man grand jury law. The appeal was filed by Henry R. Pickett, Richard L. Kirby and Har- old Wirsing, who were convicted by a jury on charges of conspiracy to violate the Michigan gambling law. They were tried before Judge Herman J. Dehnke in Genesee County Circuit Court after Judge Karl K. Leibrand, sitting as a one- man grand jury, issued a warrant for the arrest of the three. . Pickett and Wirsing were sen- tenced to one to five years and fined $2,500 each. Kirby was sen- tenced to four years' probation, to include 30 days in the county jail, $1,000 fine and $3,000 costs. Their appeal said the one-man grand jury law "creates a system very heavily laden with pressure on witnesses; and very dangerous to the liberties of the people and the fair administration of justice." The law provides that Michigan judges may conduct one-man in- vestigations of crime with power to issue warrants for the arrest of accused persons. The Supreme Court took no ac- tion today on a second appeal in- volving the same question. The court presumably will act on this appeal later this term. Yugoslavia Reaffirms Sovereignty WASHINGTON (R)--Yugoslavia has pledged it will stick to its "firm independence" despite Mar- shal Tito's decision to meet with Russia's top leaders. The State Department reported the pledge only a few minutes aft- er Secretary of State John Foster Dulles met with Yugoslav's ambas- sador yesterday. Backing up the State Depart- ment's announcement, Yugoslav Ambassador ,Leo Mates told re- porters: "There will be no changes in our foreign policy as a result of the visit to Belgrade." . Tito's Yugoslavia, while a Com- munist nation, has been at odds with Moscow since 1948. Mates said the Yugoslav govern- ment has given its assurances "by diplomatic contact" in Belgrade with the American ambassador. He declined to elaborate but said it is "very decidedly" Yugoslavia's poli- cy to "stick to its independent pol- icy of recent years." Both the State Department's and Mates' comments appeared to be designed to ease concern in the West over the scheduled visit later this month to Belgrade of Soviet Premier Bulganin and Com- munist Party chief Nikita Krush- chev. Thieves Strike Three Houses Over Weekend A total of $226 was stolen Sun- day morning in a wave of frater- nity robberies. Hardest hit was Sigma Alpha Epsilon, whose members lost $92, taken from wallets and dresser drawers. Zeta Beta Tau reported to po-1 lice that $74 was stolen from the' rooms of eleven members while they slept in the dormitory. Four billfolds containing a total of $92 were taken from the Lamb- da Chi Alpha house Sunday morn- ing. Members told police that they saw a middle-aged, heavy set man in a brown suit wandering around the house later in the morning. Note Plans To Undercut Organization Wholesalers Try To Beat Prices By LEE MARKS After two futile years of dis- couragement and failure, 'cooper- ative buying has finally come into its ownrat the University. IFraternity Buying Association has now signed 28 fraternities, ac- cording to Mike Barber, '57, pur- chasing agent and chairman of the purchasing committee. More are expected to sign in the next few days, bringing the total to more than 30. Sabotage Attempts Attempts to sabotage the coop- erative buying plan, still in its in- fancy, have been' reported by sev- eral fraternities. In one instance, Barber said, one wholesaler offered to un- dersell FBA by 25 cents a case. Barber pointed out FBA accepts bids before assigning contracts and any wholesaler with a legitimate offer stands to gain more by work- ing through FBA than by attempt- ing to undersell it. Lowest Possible Price "FBA has to give the lowest possible honest price. We can't cut our prices temporarily, as some wholesalers may do," Barber com- mented. Attempts to undercut FBA may possibly be made through frater- nity cooks, Barber said. In many cases cooks are friendly with the buyers they deal with and may be offered cutbacks to sell outside of FBA. "Stewards will have to take an active interest in buying to pre- vent such attempts," the FBA pur- chasing agent declared. Minimum 10 Per Cent Already saving fraternities a minimum 10 per cent, it is con- ceivable FBA will save as much as 25 per cent in the near future. Present capital for the young organization is $2,250 with another $2,205 due before Dec. 1. First or- 'der to be placed for the first month of next year will exceed $10,000, Barber said. SBarber drew a comparison be- tween FBA's initial progress and that of Penn State and Ohio State. Orders for the first year at OSU were $1200. "Of course it was 22 years ago, during the depression," Barber noted. Less Than Michigan Both Penn State and Ohio State started off with 15 members. To- day, after four years' growth, Penn State still has only 22 participants, less than Michigan will start with. Although originally conceived by the IFC, FBA expects to cut all bonds with the parent organiza- tion "as soon as possible," Barber said. "From its inception FBA was planned as an independent unit. It will be recognized as a new stu- dent organization by Student Government Council and will be incorporated under the state laws of Michigan as a non-profit cor- poration," Barber said. Handles Canned Products FBA now handles all canned products and items such as paper products.As soonas'possible, the organization hopes to expand to See COOPERATIVE, Page 6 Chlorine Leak Causes Scare' In Montague, MONTAGUE, Mich. (R.) - Fire scare evacuation of this lake Mich- igan community was averted yes- terday after workmen throttled a chlorine gas leak at the 15-mil- lion dollar Hooker Electro Chemi- cal plant here. Billowing clouds of the, deadly Senate Group OK's Bricker A mendment WASHINGTON VP) -- A Senate Judiciary subcommittee yesterday. approved by a 3-2 vote Sen. John Bricker's proposed constitutional amendment designed to limit the government's treaty-making pow- er. Supporting the Ohio Republi- can's controversial measure, which the Senate refused to adopt after bitter debate early last year, were Sen. Price Daniel (D-Tex.), Sen. William Langer (R-N.D.) and Sen. Everret Dirksen (R-Ill.). Subcommittee Chairman Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) and Sen. Thomas Hennings (D-Mo.) voted against the proposed amend- ment, which now goes before the full Judiciary Committee headed by Sen. Harley Kilgore (D-W.Va.). ,to a witness that he is in danger of prosecution for refusing to an- swer questions. No Clear-Cut Choice In none of the three cases, Chief Justice Warren said, did the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee confront the witness with a clear-cut choice between answer ing a question and risking prose- cution. These following convictions were reversed and sent back to U.S. District Court here with instruc- tions to enter judgments of ac- quittal. Julius Emspak, secretary-treas- urer of the United Electrical Work- ers Unign, which was expelled from the CIO several years ago on' the ground it was Communist- dominated. Union Investigation Emspak's conviction grew out of his appearance before the House committee during a 1949 investiga- tion of Red infiltration of labor unions. Thomas Quinn, a field organizer for the same union, who also was called as a witness during the same investigation. Industrial Unrest" Stirs Britain's Election Picture LONDON (P)-An atmosphere of industrial unrest pulled Britain's election campaign out of the doldrums yesterday and injected a new factor in Thursday's voting for a new 630-member House of Com- mons. Behind closed doors, both Conservative and Labor headquarters planned last minute campaign moves. Laborites, sensing they were running behind, searched fever- ishly for a new issue. It appears likely Britain's 35 million voters will go to the polls * with five major ports paralyzed i* * Iby a jurisdictional dispute of dock Cri of na1L cups To Increase Here A 25 cent across-the-board in- crease in the price of all haircuts was voted unanimously at a recent meeting of the Ann Arbor Barbers Association. A defeinte shortage of barbers and the need to attract more to Ann Arbor was the cause of the increase, according to E. M. Flow- ers, secretary-general of the As- sociation. 'UNOFFICIAL PRESIDENT': workers and with the still graver threat of a nationwide rail strike due to begin almost before all the ballots are counted. But presumably the disputes could strengthen the cause of Prime Minister Anthony Eden's Conservatives. Uncommitted mid- dle class voters -- the people who swing the balance in any British election - might be frightened away from Labor candidates. "Policy of Grab" Leftwing Laborite Aneurin Bev- an contended in recent speeches the Conservative government has encouraged "a policy of grab by big business" and this philosophy has worked its way into the ranks of the workers. The Labor moder- ates have taken up Bevan's theme. Lord Beaverbrook's Evening Standard gave the Conservative answer in an editorial that said: "This is a dangerous line for the Socialists to adopt. On the one hand they condemn the strikes as damaging to the nation's econo- my, while on the other they justi- fy them as the inevitable result of Tory policy. And they hint that these disputes would never take place if the Socialists were in power..,. Unusually mild-mannered Clem- McCarthy Raps Ike's RWASHINGTON (P-sen Joseph Eisenhowers in a transcribed radio ideni R. M arh (RWs)silatinterview. IBig night he regards Milton Eisenhow- itriw i er, the President's brother, as "the Among other things, the Sena- pease unofficial President of the United tor said he could not support Pres- plied States." ident Eisenhower for reelection in "Y Describing Milton Eisenhower, 1956 "unless the President does going whoDispresient io Eensylv a something about the prisoner of thing who is president of Pennsylvania wrstain""W State University, as "more than war situation."abou an influence on the President," However, he said that if Demo- talk Sen. McCarthy said: crat Adlai Stevenson were the only 4" "He is one of the most left wing- other candidate "I would have to, abou ers you can find in the Republi- I suppose, votfoEisenhower as Czec .,,.,« ,, -. . . thelesl.r ofetwo evils."Ce Br other t Eisenhower's presence at a Four meeting an "act of ap- ement," Sen. McCarthy re- 1: es, because you see, we are g there .. . not to ask for any- g. Te are going there not to talk t what we can get but to about what we will give away. )n the agenda there is nothing t freeing or neutralizing of ,hoslovakia 'or Hungary or Po- U ':iL'~:ii : s ?,:i::'i:?i