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May 22, 1955 - Image 22

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-22

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Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, May 22, 1955
SlostDetermined to get out of the ward life is not enough. It is mere- "What matters is that one be for
wife-mother - family - community ly the outside." a short time inwardly attentive."*
rut she appeared to be in, Mrs. The small moon shell is like we The double-sunrise shell is two
"Gift from the Sea" Lindbergh took a vacation alone are, Mrs. Lindbergh v-rites. "I feel perfect shells, hinged at one point.
-to think, to recapture some of we are all islands-in a common This pure, beautiful relationship
By ANNE MORROW LIND- the peace of former years. sea. We are all, in the last analy- reminds Mrs. Lindbergh of first
BERGH; 128 pages Pantheon. And after some days on the sis, alone." In spite of this, we love, or friendliness. But different
beach, with only the sand, water, gregarious humans always seek than the shell, the first love be-
" IFT FROM THE SEA" is a shells and breezes for company, company and conversation: "We comes encumbered in the demands
beautifully written work. Sim- Mrs. Lindbergh gains her gift seem so frightened today of being of everyday living. The shell "has
ply and directly author Anne Mor- from the sea. alon that we never let it happen." the etern validity of all beautiful
ow Lndbrghgivs th rederherand fleeting things." It is the being
cow Lindbergh gives the reader her ."n oehrocainlyta
thoughts during and after a few ARRANGING her thoughts un- EXACTY what is woman's role a e together occasionally that
weeks of vacation on a South Sea der the chapter headings of in today's society, wonders Mrs nearby.
island, sea shells, she shows a steady Lindbergh. Woman is asked to
Mrs. Lindbergh lives in a New growth of understanding of some give, but often her gifts are invisi- M RS. LINDBERGH ends her
York suburb, raising a family of ' nble. How can the eventual void be book as she speaks of discard-
five children and living in a world of life's meaning. filled? "Solitude, says the moon
"of ever-widening circles of con- The unassuming, spiralled beau- shell." Since it is the spirit of mn ma of the shells she picked
tact and communication." As many ty of the channelled whelk stands woman that is going dry, not the up. keeping only the most beauti-
women often feel, she decided her juxtaposed to the demanding in- mechanics that are wanting, it is ful and impressive, being more so
life was becoming too narrow, all tricacies of everyday city exist- only through solitude that the in their oneness.
perspective of living becoming ence. But "simplification of out- woman can find herself again. --Harry Strauss
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