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May 22, 1955 - Image 19

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-22

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Page Thirteen

Snday, May 22, 1955


Sunday.May 22.1955 TE.M.CHIAN DAIY Page.hirtee

-Illustration by Carol DeBolt

RUFFLED OR SHEATH SLIM, swimsuit fashions will rook as
pretty on sand as in surf this summer. Fabrics vary from crisp
cottons to smooth lastex and clingy wools, all with a spirit
of shape which refuses to be dampened, even by frequent
ANYTHING GOES IN COLOR. New dye processes color suits
flashing oranges and pale pastels, shades which cannot be
daunted by Old Man Sun and his conspiring partners, salt
water and chlorine.
PICTURED HERE are members of the class of '55 voted "most
likely to succeed." Under the umbrella is the dandy suit, tucked
and edged in lace, and as feminine as light cologne. Pockets
(make believe), a belt and cuffed shortbottoms provide extra
detailing and insure fit.
FRILLS AND MORE FRILLS Herald the return of the two piece
bathing suit. A can-can bottom circled with layers of ruffles
is matched by the top with a similar slant on life. The print
is bright Scotch plaid.
FOR COVERUP on too breezy beaches, it's the Italian-look
overshirt. Big stand away collars and loose comfort make these
jackets perfect companions for swimsuits, and shorts too.
BARING ONE SHOULDER, the figure-hugging maillot combines
simplicity with a dash of spice. A blend of wool and nylon, it
sheds water almost as soon as its owner's feet touch dry sand.
CHECKERED COTTON GATHERED at the waist by a con-
trasting sash include most of the vital statistics of the "romper,"
which dubs as easily for a play suit.
-Arline Lewis

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