Page Six
Sunday, Moy 22. 1955
Three major reasons for ti
suggested in a report by theJ
of the Michigan Youth Commis;
World tensions, uncertaintie
Rise in Delinquency years since 1941, the committ
great mobility of population.1
older sisters and even grandpar
A National Pattern the smooth running of the fa
--- _ A great majority continued to
WHY HAS THERE been an in- after the war.
crease in delinquency? sd large allowances. "All of these forces have ha
There is no simple answer to the l. our children. Today's increase
question. The causes of delinquen- After the war many family in- point in 1948 parallels the rap
cy are complex, involving our comes were suddenly reduced. Ac- "Secondly," the r on
whole cultural pattern. Any pro- customed to large anowanc hab- "eody," the report ec
gram to combat delinquency will its, many children began to steal have more young people gettin
not he simple or quick what they had been previously more young people to get in t
able to buy, he explained. that by 1960 there will be 45 pe
Many people who have spent 17 age bracket than there was in
uen time working with delihe increase is PROF. WILLIAM MORSE of the "Thirdly, During World ce
partially due to a change in values School of Education and Direc- staff our schools, recreation ce
in our society. tor of the University Fresh Air services were drained off, many
"Early in the history of our Camp, also felt that materialism were understaffed and physics
country, Patrick Henry said 'Give was having a definite effect on caught up."
me liberty or Give me death.' To- children today. "'To have' is im-
day the kids just say 'Give me,' " portant to them," Prof. Morse said. product of permissive upbringing."
commented Judge Jay H. Payne of "Patterns of integration in our Discussing the relatively recent
the Probate Court in Ann Arbor. culture have also changed," he swing towards 'progressive' han-
"This is a direct influence of our continued. "Our society has passed dling of children by their parents,
materialistic life," Judge Payne from a unitary family setting to a he observed "no child is comfort-
continued. It is illustrated by the shared one, shared with the church able in a completely permissive at-
national delinquency p a t t e r n and school and other groups." mosphere without controls.
among boys today, he noted, which The tremendous advances in "It is a frightening thing to
falls into the property class of communication have had a nega- live in a world without controls,'
crime, such as stealing cars, lar- tive impact on children, Prof. Rosema emphasized.
ceny, breaking and entering and Morse pointed out. Easier access to The point that children want
possession of stolen property. media, such as the newspapers, and need a certain amount of dis-
The increase in property crimes has made growing up more diffi- cipline was emphasized in a re-
was explained in a similar way by cult. cent survey of 500 children be-
Sgt. George Simmons of the Ann tween the ages of 6 to 14. One of
Arbor Youth Bureau, Police De- ROBERT ROSEMA, superintend- the three major complaints that
partment. During World War II, ent of the Michigan Children's these children made concerning
Simmons pointed out, both parents Institute, pointed out that "many' the behaviour of their parents was
often worked. Because they made of the delinquent kids today are a I that they didn't administer enough
he increase in delinquency were
Juvenile Delinquency Committee
s and instabilities have filled the
ee pointed out. There has been
During World War II, mothers,
ents, who contribute so much to
mily and home, went to work.
be employed outside the home
ad a telling effect on the lives of
in delinquency since the low
A increase between 1941-1946.t'
tinued, "we have had and will
g into trouble because there are
rouble. Nationally it is estimated
rcent more children in the 10 to
Tar II the personnel needed to
enters, courts and child welfare
to better paying jobs. Facilities
ally inadequate. We have never
takei 'All
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discipline or that they were too
easy or inconsistent. UNEMPLOYMENT-The lack of
jobs for youth today poses an4
DO MOST delinquent children important problem. When they
come from broken homes? reach sixteen, many children
Contrary to common belief, they leave school and find it diffi-
do not. Over 60 percent of the de- cult to obtain work. Remaining
linquent children referred to the idle, they often get into trouble,
juvenile courts in Michigan came
from homes where the parents Parent Education
were married and living together.
In Washtenaw county the situ
tion was the same. Judge PayneB scP e e to
pointed out that 66:5 percent of
127 official cases his court handled For Delinquency
during 1954 were from apparently
happy homes. (Centsned eronPage 5) _
Judge Payne analyzed these
homes and broke them down into in delinquent acts alone and is
four categories: responsible for the more sensa-
1. Homes where the parents tional delinquencies such as com-
were bad citizens (and were not pulsive firesetting, sex offenses and
above stealing or receiving stolen crimes of great violence.
goods from their child). "Basic prevention of the devel-
2. Homes where the parents opment of neurotic children
practiced the philosophy of 'don't should stress parent education,"
do as we do but do as we tell Beck said. "Remedial prevention
you to do.' and treatment should utilize our
3. Homes where the parents established casework s er v i c e s
were too busy to give their children which are geared to meet the needs
affection and companionship. of this kind of child and his par-
4. Homes where the parents ents. Generally institutional care
were overindulgent. will not benefit the neurotic de-C
At a recent PTA meeting on ju- linquent," Beck said.
venile delinquency in Ann Arbor
Mrs. Franklin Forsythe elaborat- COVER PICTURES
ed on the responsibilities of par- Top left-Sgt. George Sim-
ents toward their children. mons of the Ann Arbor Police
"We teach our children by ex- Department's Youth Bureau,
ample," she pointei out. "One of which is the first local official
the biggest failures in setting ex- agency that the delinquent
amples for our children is when child encounters. Photograph
we condone little wrongs and set by John Hirtzel.
examples for basic dishonesty. Center left-Juvenile Court
For how can we expect our Judge Jay H. Payne, counsels
children to judge between what is with the child to determine the
big and little," Mrs. Forsythe best type of treatment. Photo-
asked. She mentioned such exam- graph by Dick Gaskill.
ples as cheating on income tax re- Bottom left-A psychiatrist
turns and breaking speeding laws. in the Children's Service of the
"They seem little to us," she Neuropsychiatric Institute is
said, "but are they?" shown diagnosing the delin-
"We are living at too fast a quent child. Photograph by Dick
pace today," commented a psy- Gaskill.
chiatrist at University Hospital. Bottom center-The slum en-
"We seem to be all involved in vironment-often a factor in
the struggle for survival with no causing delinquency. Photo-
time to laugh. Because of this the graph by John Hirtzel.
kids of today feel lost."
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