_Sunday, May 22, 1955
Page Three
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From Belmont to Santa Anita
Horse Racing: The spectacle of racing is often
called the lifeblood of the sport:
Colo Glorthe roar of the crowd at such
Co r G otracks as Santa Anita, Hialeah,
"Sport of K inlgsBelmont, Arlington, Pimlico, Ja-
macia, and Saratoga; the blare
By PHIL DOUGLIS of the trumpet at Narragansett,
On the turf, as under the turf, Washington Park, Bowie and
all men are equal. Harve de Grace.
When the clarion call of the Racing is the thunder of hoof-
bugle sounds "boots and saddles," - beats at Keeneland, Gulfstream
and when the clang of the starting and Tropical. It is the click of the
bell sends 12 or 14 sleek thorough- m ~ turnstiles at Hollywood, Del Mar
breds roaring out of the gate, every and Bay Meadows-and of course
spectator is suddenly reduced to tethe clink of Mint Julep at Church-
one and the same-a racing fan. ill Downs.
Racing has in it the elements of In addition to the thousands of
suspense, entertainment and en- ~ ordinary claiming and stakes races
joyment. It is color and tradition, ~run every year, there are the big
and can be a business or a racket. ones-the glory and the tradition
Preakness This Saturday that symbolizes horse racing.
This Saturday will once again Headed by the "Triple Crown'
see all of this pinpointed in ap- ,of the Kentucky Derby, the Preak-
proximately two minutes of ac- ness, and the Belmont, there are
ion as the 65th Preakness is run such gems as the Santa Anita
at Pimlico's historic track. But Handicap, the Stars and Stripes,
we're getting ahead of the story. the American Derby, and many
The actual popularization of others.
horseback riding came about 600 MONTPELIER'S SARATOGA, second in last week's Jersey Stakes by a neck, blazes through a Swaps Out of Preakness
A.D., when Mohammed put his workout in preparation for Saturday's $100,000 Preakness Next Saturday, the top three-
disciples on steeds and sent them
out o gin onvrts.Butit as-year-olds in the land will parade
out to gain converts. But it was- ing than a histoy, records, or Man o' War lost only one race sault, Citation, and most recently, to the post at Pimlico for the
n't until 1174 that the first public dates. in his 21 starts-and that one to Native Dancer. second gem in racing's triple
race course was established at Racing will be remembered in ho t n d "U There are always more where crown-the Preakness. Swaps will
Smithfield, near London, terms of Matt Winn, founder of these came from. Down in the not be there, for he's back in Cal-
However, it was all racing for the Kentucky Derby-the most set." Exterminator raced 100 times bluegrass of Kentucky, potential ifornia to fatten up on the rich
glory until in 1512 a fair at Ches- famous race of them all. and won 50 of them, was second champions are being foaled, stakes races on the coast. But
ter, thE iner of a race-and the oIt will be remembered in terms 17 times, and third on 17 other oc- Someday the names of Swaps, there will be tradition and excite-
totrdsysnemwfasacendherwy.of its greatest competitors-Man casions winner of this month's Kentucky ment with Nashua and Summer
reward system was underway.o ' War and Exterminator-gener- There were other great horses Derby, or Nashua, the erstwhile Tan, the co-Derby favorites, prob-
ping the thef was ns ally conceeded to be the best of -Whirlaway, Count Fleet, Equi- favorite, may join those above, in ably heading to the post as fav-
royaltyping tookrupits Kibanner, andglish the American horses. poise, Gallant Fox, Seabiscuit, As- the bluebook of racing greats. orites once again.
under Queen Anne and others, the Next Saturday will mark the
breeding of thoroughbreds became 65th running of this historic race.
a business. Racing was here to The best jockeys in the land, Ed-
staydie Arcaro, Willie Shoemaker, and
American Racing Born many others will make their bid to
In 1668 at Hempsted, Long Is- negotiate the mile and 3-16th
land, American Horse Racing was stretch faster than anyone else.
born, with Virginia blazing the way r...,In early June, the racing spot-
in the sport from there on into the light will turn to Belmont Park
18th century. New York, where once again the
But there is much more to rac- three year olds will duel for fame
and fortune for the third prize in
the trio,
M! e FWho will it be? Nashua-Sum-
M ixed Fare mer Tan-or an outsider like
t tdSwaps was in the Derby ,Hkone
'Athscan really tell for sure. It's this
telement of surprise that really
keeps racing alive. o one knows
Drama and Dance Set for sure who is going to win until
Ford Otas rl Festival the horses flash under the wire
s " ,-and even then not always.
Drama and the dance will be Th, a' raing for You-from Al-
also ofjfered o Zvasntbaceagan.~
mixed as a Stravinsky work isper esab .to i eis anaybofclfeatonotEs-
formed as part of the Stratfoid '. a oyed from Palm t Pine, to many
Shakespearean Festival. NANCES LAD, the pride of HA Dabson breezes over Pimlico track in Preakess workout. mere diversion. But it earns its
The now annual Festival willit-TeSotfKng"
take placein Stratford, Ontario
from June 27 to August 27. ..rhant o.. , ... _, . ,.".. ..
During the two-month peiod
two plays by the Bard will be per-
formed as well as the old Greek
classic, "Oedipus ex," which was
also offered last year.v
Shakespeare Productions
The Shakespeare plays are "Jul,
ins Caesar" and "The Merchant of
Venice" Shylock, in the latter
play, willre e done by Frederickr-
Talk, a leading ator of the Eng-F gu e M a e
lish stage. Tyrone Gthrie is di- 7
rectng the dramas.
In the other part pf the Festival Princess Dress
Igor Stravinsky's "A Soldier
Tale" (Le Histoire du Soldat) will
be presented. Though the music for
this modern work is often per-e
formed, it is seldom given in full
production. Justn McCarty figures on making you a fashion
Toronto Ballerina
Lillian Jarvis, Toronto ballerina princess with the most beautiful cut pique dress
will play the dancer in the work
Miss Jarvy s dane m rh of rk.n enimaginable . . . high busted, fitted through
Miss Jarvis is a member of Cana- -
da's National Ballet Company, and the midriff, flared skirt ... 1955 look
has been with the group since its
formation in 1951. ..y ,
The Soldier of the title will be A look . - .call it what you will, it's the
played by Douglas Rain. Narrating lovely look.., in bite.., sizes 11 to 14.
the tale will be Franchot Tone and
French mime Marcel Marceau will
portray the Devil.
Douglas Campbell, who starred 17.95
In last year's plays, is staging the
drama. Violinist Alexander Schnei-
der will be featured with the or-
chestra, conducted by Paul Scher- -x 7J-.'A
Four-Week Program
"A Soldier's Tale" will be per-
formed four tiTes during the mu-
sic season, July19 to August11
The four-week music program
also featuring the Hart House Or- MAIN AT LIBERTY ANN ARBOR
chestra with Boyd Neel conduct-
ihes rawthBy.HeOnly the finest quality at prices that are fair.
Other guest artists include Elis-
abeth Schwarzkopf, Isaac Stern,
Lois Marshall, Glenn Gould and
Alexander Schneider. tt-t RV V4 4 :' :: ..