PAGE FOUR TIRE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY Y 22, 1955 PAGE FOUR TIlE MICIIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. MAY 22. 1955 .ne rs T. p Wear i r wrvv _. 1 :; " - :. Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.'* ANN ARBOR, MIcH. - Phone NO 2-3241 Conclusion LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: JOEL BERGER EDITOR'S NOTE: Four Rewarding Years; Promise For the Future By GENE HARTWG Daily Managing Editor AMONG other things it has become tradi- tional, and I suppose properly so, for the retiring managing editor at this time of year to record his impressions of the University term drawing to a close. A GENUINE FEATHER in the University's cap this year was final announcement of the Salk polio vaccine success. For twenty-four brief hours the attention of the world was fo- cused on Ann Arbor as the Uiversity of Pitts- burgh scientist and his Michigan colleague, Dr. Thomas Francis, released news of an almost dertain preventative for the dread poliomyeli- tis. This was the highpoint of a year that began with very ominous clouds hovering over the academic community. Regrettably the Univer- sity's role in the vaccine success will be quickly forgotten by a public which is used to taking such things for granted. The late summer dis- missals cases, however, have left a scar on the academic community that may take many years to disappear. Few people will contest that the three prin- ciples in the dismissals cases were given every opportunity for a fair hearing within the Uni- versity. And many will say that in the final analysis the right decision was reached. The real scar is internal rather than the mere sur- face wound to its public relations the Univers- ity sustained in being forced to dismiss two of its own family for alleged subversive activity. The prestige and morale of a very proud faculty suffered severe hurt from the admin- istration's disregard for its considered opinion in the Nickerson case. This disregard relegated faculty opinion to a poor second place in a matter which directly involved and concerned the faculty. It served notice once more that ad- ministration is not really a part of the faculty but a distinct and separate entity which must base its actions primarily on expediency and the demands of the times rather than on a re- gard for the integrity of the academic com- munity as a whole. This is not to accuse the administration or the Regents of a lack of in- tegrity in the handling of the whole matter, but rather of a failure to recognize the dominant role the faculty has a right and a responsibili- ty to exercise in judging the actions of one of its own body. In its failure to recognize this fact, the administration established a precedent and took a step in the direction of regarding the faculty as mere employees and not as a body of scholars. IT IS WELL to make a distinction here. A university is properly made up of its faculty and its student body. Administration is the necessary product of the growth and complex- ity of the institution. For convenience, admin- istration must attend to the day to day mat- ters of running the university and be in a po- sition to formalize and execute policies that will maintain the quality and further the progress of the institution. In this scheme of things the faculty, in our case the Faculty Senate, should be the chief agency for determining basic poli- cy, the standards and rules of the institution and for regulating the professional competency of its members. This being done the function of the administration is to execute and effect necessary measures to carry out this policy. Logically, in this community of scholars, the voice of the students also should carry some considerable weight with the administration on matters affecting them. Such is the traditional view of a university. In this light the administration's action to dismiss Nickeison over the objections of the faculty reveals a basic difference in phliosophy. The administration is departming from the older tradition by regarding the university structure as a hierarchy. The faculty and stu- dent body are subordinate components parts, with the administration and Regents having ultiniate responsibility for determining policy that is in "the best interests of the university." Unfortunately "the best interests of the Uni- versity" have too often been defined in terms ofwhat is best for the University's public re- lations program. The logical outcome of such a philosophy is the relegation of the faculty to the level of employees and the student body to the simple position of "hearers of the word." There are many, this writer among them, who would contest the wisdom of such a phi- losophy. It may provide an effective answer to demands for mass education, but it is a per- version of the concept of a university as a community of scholars seeking to search out the truth and enlarge the scope of human under- standing. The new philosophy is a denial of academic freedom in its very fundamental sense. The sad part of all of this is the role the faculty has played in its own demise. They have sat back complacently, said little at their Sen- ate meetings and allowed the administration to assume the tntal hurden for vnnninz the affairs couraging delays in Regents' approval of the new Student Government Council, the campus got around to one of the liveliest elections in recent years at the final Student Legislature balloting in December. As was expected the student body overwhelm- ingly voted for SGC and, following Regents' ap- proval in December, the campus settled down for the coming election to the new group in March. Meanwhile campus attention was mo- mentarily diverted by the unfortunate efforts of the moribund Legislature to dispose of its remaining finances. Once eected, Student Government Council set about with dispatch to formalize its organ- ization and structure and begin to tackle some of the problems confronting the student body. MOST SIGNIFICANT of its early actions was to request the vice-president for student affairs to name a committee to study the stu- dent driving regulations. This committee when it is finally constituted has a mandate from SGC to come up with concrete suggestions for modifying the irksome ban on automobiles. Creation of this study group is particularly encouraging because it represents a new ap- proach to handling major problems in the student area. Instead of an entirely student group coming up with a proposal which could be conveniently ignored by the administration and Regents, the driving committee will in- clude representatives not only from the stu- dent body, but also from the faculty, admin- istration and city-all groups most vitally con- cerned with the problem. By agreeing to establish the study group the administration has at long last officially admit- ted that the present driving regulations consti- tute a real problem area. They will be hard put to find reasons for not considering the suggestions of a group in which are represent- ed members of the administration itself. Since there is also an eight-week time limit on the committee, the campus can expect to see some action one way or another on this issue next year. Student Government Council will be derelict in its responsibility to the cam-. pus if it fails to press to a successful conclu- sion the findings and proposals of the driving committee when they are finally arrived at next fall. Regarding the ban itself, enough has already been said about the unfairness of its opera- tion, particularly this last year. Suffice it to say that scientific methods of detecting stu- dent auto license numbers are not the way to build a loyal student body that will observe the saner regulations or provide the admini- stration with necessary support in another name-change issue. The record of Student Government Council to date has been encouraging, but should it fail in the future to seize the. .initiative in tackling campus-wide issues and student problems, the chief reason for its existence will have vanished, Regulation of student ac- tivities is only one aspect of SGC's functions; to be worthy of the name of student government it must vigorously represent student sentiment and formalize it into a plan of action. I WOULD BE remiss if I failed to acknowledge the many people who have contributed to making the past year personally rewarding. My thanks and best wishes go to the members of my senior staff: Dorothy 'Myers, ebullient and tireless first woman city editor; Jon Sobe- loff, our droll editorial director; Becky Con- rad, who pioneered with the magazine section; Pat Roelofs, fighting liberal of the staff; and Nan Swinehart, whose patient eforts with the training program insured our perpetuation for at least several years to come. A word of tribute to Roz Schlimovitz and her women's staff for keeping campus society life on its traditionally high plane, and to Dave Liv- ingston and his sports crew for keeping break- fast tables all over campus informed about the goings on at Ferry Field. Best luck to the shrewdest business manager I have known, Lois Pollak; to shop superin- tendent Ken Chatters and his staff for a su- perb job on the production end; to Prof. John Reed and the Board in Control for their loyal support during what could have been a trying year; and to the hundreds who make up the publications staff for their sacrifices and con- tributions to a good year for the paper. None of us can forget the understanding counsel of Dean Rea, the delightful thorough- ness and person of Mrs. Callahan, new SGC scribe; the wonderful metaphors of Dean Ba- con; and the close companionship of this year's "student leaders" Tom Leopold, Stan Levy, John Baity, Tawfiq Khoury, Lucy Landers and Hazel Frank. My best regards to Vice-President Lewis for a successful beginning to a difficult job: to Uni- versity Relations Director Brandon for his help and support; to President Hatcher for his in- creasing understanding of student problems, and to the Board of Regents for their approval of the badly needed activities center. FORESEN P)EMMRP FMR . TH#E S AL OF AeC. Ode to Edifice .. . To the Editor: VIEWS on the Physical Campus, My classes grow better each spring And the joys of my classrooms I frantically sing While persuading myself that I love to share My econ notes with the spider up there Who crawls through my books and spins webs in my hair. I am treated to heat from the pipes holding steam, Or a steady drip-drip on my left shoulder seam As I sit, taking econ notes, ream upon ream, While I follow the lecture, and try not to dream. While at French I sit reading literature rare And, emerging, view bats all es- caped from their lair Busy filling themselves with Ro- mance Building air. Quelle domage! Quelle belle smelle! Quelle construction divine! Ah, the glories of Michigan real- 1y are mine ... If I studied old buildings, this all would be fine! I'm here for my studies, and should not complain If the taxpayers don't want to build these again. But my feet feel the creaks, and my ears hear the snorts Of the boards in the stairs that are all out of sorts. I fear, in the future, to every- one's ire, There may be some meaning in, "Hey, where's the fire?" And when smoke has all cleared, and the bidding is made For the parts that are left; and insurance is paid-- Then I'll laugh with survivors whose sitting is done In halls eighty years old, un- touched by the sun. -Martin Buchman, '57 Intellectual Snobbery. To the Editor: MR. WIEGAND'S REVIEW of "Gentlemen, the Queens" was one of the greatest pieces of blase intellectual snobbery that this writer has recently encountered. It seems to be the customary policy of Daily reviewers to pan virtually all the great artists that appear on this campus. As evidenced by the many letters of protest that have been printed in the past, this habit has proved distasteful t4 many students. The review of Miss Hayes' play reached a new low. To this read- er it seems presumptious enough that students set themselves up as critics of the arts. This seems com- parable to a beginning physics student's attempting to evaluate Einstein's theory of relativity. The least that student reviewers can be expected to do is to be intellec- tually honest in their appraisals. Nowhere in the review of the Dra- ma Season production is there an evaluation of Miss Hayes' great talent. The chief criticism of the pro- duction seems to be that a "show- case" of the versatility of the star is offered rather than a single dramatic production. This certain- ly is one of the production's chief assets, for the playgoer is allowed to see the many facets of Miss Hayes' brilliant career during the course of a single evening. Seeing the contrast between the actress' interpretation of Lady MacBeth and Queen Victoria ,was neither dull nor uninteresting but a rare theatrical experience. It is hoped that unfair reviews such as this do not discourage talented artists from appearing on this campus in the future. -Angello Hampares, '55L 4 -_ I t . F wl.Ott Ri 'wos o _ ' ' .: .. _: ,........:"mil I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Ike Pressured To Run Again By DREW PEARSON THE PRESSURE on Eisenhower to run again has become so in- tense that close White House ad- visers are throwing up to him'the example of George Humphrey and Charles E. Wilson in surrendering "millions" to serve their country. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Defense have even tactfully reminded the Pres- ident of their own sacrifices for their country and suggested that he too should sacrifice for a sec- ond term. They made this sugges- tion even though Humphrey dodged Senatorial questions about selling his stock, and though Wil- son has been wanting to return to private life, THERE'S NOT complete agree- ment among Republicans about Eisenhower's future, however, and that was the backstage reason for the speech of Sen-Margaret Chase Smith of Maine. When she stated that there was real doubt Ike might run again, she knew that he was being pressured and felt his personal wishes to pick another Republican candidate should be respected. Her speech, however, only serv- ed to intensify the top-level GOP drive to make Ike run. Republi- can National Chairman Hall real- izes that the Republicans would have little chance of winning in 1956 without Ike and is determin- ed not to take no for an answer. Rear Adm. H. G. Rickover, chief brain behind the development of the atomic submarine Nautilus, told the House Merchant Marine Committee recently that it might take 10 years or more before atom- ic power was "economically" feas- ible for merchant ships. Rickover, a plain-talking man, said that atomic ships would have a great deal more horsepower than the 6,000-H.P. merchant vessels now in use. He added that the Atomic Energy Commission was "more far-sighted" than the Navy in planning for the use of nuclear power for merchant vessels. * * * IT'S STILL in the blueprint stage, but the State Department is working on an international pro- posal to try to get big cities ex- empted from bombing raids in case of atomic war. If approved, the proposal prob- ably would take the form of a declaration that the United States won't use atomic-hydrogen weap- ons against large cities unless the enemy hits first. This would still, leave us free to use tactical A- bombs, or even H-bombs, against military targets only. Such a declaration might have the practical effect of outlawing nuclear city-busters, much as poi- son gas was outlawed during World War II. Yet it wouldn't take away America's atomic advantage, since nuclear weapons could still be used to destroy military targets. The declaration would also give the United States the initiative in the world peace offensive. * * * DURING behind-the-scenes de- bates, the Air Force has vigorously opposed any limitation on its right to bomb Soviet targets in case of war. The air generals warn that big industrial centers would be important military targets and we cannot afford to wait until Russia hits ours first. The State Department, however, feels that Russia would leave our big cities along for fear of retalia- tion. By declaring we won't bomb big cities, the State Department points out, we could also classify tactical A-bombs as "conventional weap- ons." This would free us to use them in a small war, say, with China, without precipitating all- out atomic war. DISGRUNTLED farmers, plagued by drought, tight credit, high costs and dropping prices, complain that many Eisenhower policies have gone against them because they aren't represented on the policy - making committees which Ike appoints to fix farm pol- icies. For example, the Hoover task force has recommended virtually stripping the government of its power to lend money to farmers. It has also recommended increas- ing farm interest rates. (Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i ll " A I I Il (Continued from Page 2) East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, G. S. Young. Recommendations for Department Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative June graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of, Edu- cation for departmental honors (or high honors in the College of L.S.&A.) should recommend such students in a letter delivered to the Registrar's Of- fice, Room 1513 Administration Build- ing, by 12:00 m, Mon., June 6, 1955. Attention June Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, and School .of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in Jajne. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to al- low your instructor to report the make- up grade not later than 12:00 in., Mon., June 6, 1955. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Engineering Seniors and Graduate Students. Free Subscription Order Cards for "Industrial Science and Engineer- ing" magazine are available in the En- gineering Placement Office, Room 347 West Engineering. These should be ob- tained and mailed immediately by in terested seniors and graduate student in order to receive the Oct. issue. Room Assignments for Final Exami- nations, English 1 and 2, Thurs., June 2, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. English II Allison, 1025 AH; Austin, 215 Econ.; Bedard, 1429 MH; Cannon, 2413 MH; Clugston, 1025 AH; Cobb, 1025 AH; Cooper, 207 Econ.; Cox, 1025 AH; Dakin, 109 Tap; 'Dickey, 1433 MH; Downer, 2407,MH; Elevitch, 103 Tap; Engel, E., 443 MH; Engel, R., 1025 AH; English, 231 AH; Glenn, 1408 MH; Gohn, 2082 NS; Grace, 2408 MH; Green, M., 2439 MH; Greene, J., 2429 MH; Guth, 2029 AH; He1m, 2412 MH, Hendricks, 103 Econ.; Hoffman, 2 Econ.; Hooks, 1007 AR; Hughes, 13 Tap; Huntley, 231 AR; Hynes, 231 AH; Jackson, 2435 M; Keith, 407 MH; Kingston, 439 MR; Lev- in, G., 2215 AH ; Levin, M., 3 Tap; Lid, 229 AR; Limpus, 429 MH; Mad- HOW TO WIN READERS: Scandal' Tricks Proving Profitable den, 2219 AH; Manierre, Aud O AH; Mason, 3010 AH; Miller, Aud C AH; Muehl, Aud C AH; Orlin, 2443 MH; Parsons, 203 Econ., Porter, 110 Tap; Rockas, 2440 MH; Rus. 101 E on; Rus- sell, A. 2231 AR; Russell, L., 3209 AUf; Schmerl, 2037 AH; Schwab, 102 Eon; Shupe, 451 Ma; Spilka, 101 Econ; Stonk, 231 AH; Stroud, 33 AH; Strempek, 3231 AH; Thackrey, 411 MH; Van Benschoten, 435 MH; Vande Kieft, 417 MU; Wall, 1020 AH; Wasserman, 5 Econ.; Welmer, D.; 2203 AH; Weimer, J., 1025 AU; Wells, C., 231 AH; Wiegand, 2016 AH; Wykes, 2014 AH; Yosha, 3017 AH; Zale, 1018 AR. English I Baumgartner, 35 AH; Bernard, 202 Econ.; Field, 25 AH; Greenbaum, 35 All; Haugh, 35 AH; Kinney, 3023 All; Super, 25 AH wells, A., 25 AH. Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., May 24, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H. Prof. G. Piranian will speak on "A Simple Class of Bounded Functions." Tea and coffee at 3:45 in 3212 A.H. Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues., May 24 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 2308 Chem. istry. Dr. Donid A. Glaser will speat on "Bubble Chamber Method in Nw clear iResearcbh." Concerts Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries, performed by a string orchestra under the direction of Gilbert Ross, 8:30 p.m. Mon., May 23, in Auditorium A. Angell Hall. Compositions' by Purcell, Vivaldi, Sammartini, Manfredini, and Mozart open to public without charge. Events Today Bible Seminars sponsored by the Westminster Student Fellowship, Sun., May 22, 9:15 and 10:45 a.m., Room 217, Presbyterian Student Center. EpiscopaluStudent Foundation. Can- terbury Rouse breakfasts following both the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun., May 22. Last lecture in the "Faith of the Church" series, 4:30 p.m., Sun., Mac 22, at Canterbury Rouse. Canterbury Supper, 6:00 p.m., Sun., May 22, at Can- terbury House, followed by informal talks and questioning of nominees for Canterbury offices. Evensong, 8:00 p.m.,.' Sun., May 22, followed by coffee hour at Canterbury House. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sun,, May 27, 7:30 p.m., "Slide Night" Open House at the Guild Rouse. Bring your favorite sidee (20 per person) to show. Uaitarian Student Group. Sun., May 22, 6:00 p.m. Wiener Roast at t3e Is- land. Meet at Lane Hal at 5:45 p.m. if you need a ride. Westminster Student Fellowship will honor members leaving school this June with a picnic, Sun., May 22. Wear cas- ual clothes, bring bathing suit, meet at the Presbyterian Student Center at 3:45 p.m. to go in a group to Kensington Park., Ifunable to lease at this time, call the Student Center and other ar- rangements wlii be made. No guild meeting; program at the picnic site. Coming Events 'Undergraduate Math Club will meet Mon. May 23, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 3-A of the Union. Election of officers, so- lutions presented to outstanding prob- lems. Lane Hall Folk Dancers will meet Mon.. May 23. 7:30-10:00 p.m. in the rec- 1 By ERNEST THEODOSSIN A NEW TYPE of reading mater- ial, the miniature scandal ma- gazine, has achieved national po- pularity. "Was Jean Harlow a Gang- Moll?" screams the cover of one of these editions. The magazine provides startling facts. First, one of Miss Harlow's close friends said her best performances were in gangster pictures. Second, criminals attended her funeral. Third, a gangster recently left flowers at her grave. From such evidence, the maga- zine concludes that no one will ever know whether Jean Harlow was a gang-moll. * * * ANOTHER MAGAZINE presents an article entitled, "I Killed Ber- ia!" by Col. Arshy Konspratorov. The same issue finds Lilly Chris- tine, noted burlesque queen, com- menting on why "I Like Sexy Men." "I like a healthy man, with a strong body well developed from exercise and a high protein diet," Miss Christine explains. "He uses plenty of water inside and out- has that scrubbed, well-groomed look and carries a deft aroma of a bracing shave lotion." Still another publicatioi explores mountain-climbing? (b) cave-ex- ploring? (c) bird-watching?" If you, like Jackie, select cave-explor- ing, you may have that "winning personality." * * * THROUGHOUT ALL of these issues, certain types of journalis- tic tricks are employed. These may be divided into four categories. 1. Stories and pictures contribu- ted by publicity-seeking show peo- ple. 2. Fantastic and preposterous ex- poses which are so exaggerated they cannot be checked. 3. Comments by noted celebrities taken out of context. 4. Stories which offer no new in- formation but whose headlines suggest startling revelations. The magazines often become ex- ceedingly ridiculous when they at- tempt to find trends in famous events or well known theatrical performances. One magazine claims that the film, "Gone With the Wind," was "jinxed." The film is 16 years old and many of the older performers and technicians are dead. Also, many of its young players, as is very common, never achieved pro- minent status in the entertain- ment industry. But the reason giv- en for this is the so-called "jinx," * *. * induced to support such absurd publications and possibly so naive as to believe the preposterous and illogical thinking presented. The publishers of these works are undoubtedly not very concern- ed with what they print so long as they make money. That they are able to make money is a highly lamentable situation. LITTLE MAN 4ONCAMPUS- 4 by Dick Bibler _______________.Lr Oh~TMOUTSa TH 1IS WEEKw'rl t i us Jill 4